《Soulmates Yoongi x Reader》{27 Group projects are the worst


{27 Group projects are the worst

Your POV

''Aaargh,'' You grab your hair in frustration and sigh deeply.

''What's wrong?'' Haneul asked worried-looking up from her computer.

''These people, seriously,'' You turn your laptop towards Haneul, ''This is utterly complete rubbish with so many spelling mistakes a 3-year old could have written it. And whose job is it to make it presentable, yes mine....''

The three of you were working on your projects and assignments in the university library.

''Who wrote this?'' Haneul asked cringing at the words on the screen.

''Some guy from my group project,'' You replied.

''Oh wow, Good luck,'' Haneul said.

''You always have bad luck with group projects,'' Jieuns says butting into the conversation.

''I know,'' You answered irritated, ''Can we switch groups? Your project seems to go well.''

''No way,'' Jieun says, ''I'not trading, besides it can't be that bad, right?''

You turn your computer so she can read the file.

''Oh my...'' Jieun chuckles, ''that is bad, good luck.''

''Thanks,'' You sigh and get up from the table, ''I'm gonna need a very strong coffee to be able to finish this, you guys want anything?''

''No thanks,'' Haneul says.

''A cappuccino please,'' Jieun smiles at you.

''Sure,'' You say, ''I'l be right back.''

You walked to the small cafe in the library and order the coffees while waiting for them you check your phone. You got one new message and smile when you see it was from Yoongi.

Yoongi: Hey, is everything alright? You felt kind of upset.

You: Yeah, I'm fine. It's just that the people in my group projects are idiots who make me do all the work.

You answer his question but don't expect him to reply immediately because he is usually busy working. Sometimes it takes him hours to reply to a message, though he always makes time at least ones a day to talk with you a little. When they call your order you put your phone away and walk back to your table. You give Jieun her coffee and sink back into your chair put on your headphones and start working.


You yawn and look and look at the time, it was almost 7 pm you had already been working for hours but had just managed to get halfway through correcting the file.''

''It's already 7,'' Jieun says looking up from her computer, ''I think I'm going to go, I'm getting really hungry.''

''Yeah, me too,'' Haneul says.

''Hmm, I haven't gotten as far as I wanted to but I could use a break,'' You say.

''Do you guys want to go eat together somewhere?'' Jieun asks.

''Yeah sure,'' You and Haneul reply.

The three of you pack your bags and head out of the library and head to your usual restaurant. Were the three of you talk while eating and drinking beer with soju.

''What are you guys going to do tonight?'' Haneul asked.

''Not much,'' Jieun replied, ''Probably watch some random youtube stuff or something.''

''Working on the assignment I guess,'' You reply though since you left the library your motivation had perished and you were quite sure you would just end up watching your series until you fell asleep.

''What do you guys think about going out tonight?'' Haneul asked.

''Totally!!'' Jieun yells exited ''Alcohol!''

''What about you Y/N?'' Haneul asks, ''Can we convince you to join us?''

''Sure,'' You reply.

''That was easy!'' Jieun says exited.

''Well, I wasn't looking forward to working tonight anyway,'' You explain, ''I could use a break.''

Jieun orders another round of soju for the three of you. After finishing your food the three of you turn to the streets to enjoy the night.

Hours later you and your friends are on your way to your apartment, you had spent hours dancing at some club. You were somewhere between tipsy and drunk and that made you a giggly and even more clumsy than usual. Your friends weren't any better than you were just as giggly and drunk as you. As you were the only with an apartment to yourself the afterparty was of course at your apartment. The three of you stumbled up the stairs laughing and joking. So much, that you weren't paying attention while walking and tripped over your neighbor's doormat and landed face-first on the ground. Your friends burst out laughing, at first you were angry at them for laughing at you because it hurt. You rubbed your elbows and nose which had gotten the worst blow when you realized you weren't hurt you also stared laughing joining Jieun and Haneul.


''Sorry, Yoongi!!'' You said still laughing at your clumsiness.

Your friends helped you up and you hoped you hadn't woken up the neighbors with your uncontrollable laughter. It took you a few tries before you were able to get your keys into your lock and the three of you entered your apartment. You went to the kitchen to get some drinks for you and the girls. On the way to the kitchen, you checked your phone, you hadn't looked at the whole night. Your eyes widened when you saw you had three unread messages from Yoongi.

Yoongi: You're drinking, aren't you? I have dance rehearsal and I think I'm getting drunk too.

Yoongi: Okay, I'm seriously drunk at dance rehearsals now.

Yoongi: The guys are looking weird at me... This isn't professional. Please stop.

You looked at his messages shocked you had no idea that he would be getting drunk too. If he was feeling the same things as you then... You imagined an all giggly and clumsy Yoongi at dance rehearsals and couldn't help but laugh at the thought of it.

''What's so funny Y/N?'' Haneul yells from the living room.

''Did you fall again?'' Jieun adds.

''Guys!!'' You sprint back to the living room.

You held up your phone and show them the messages.

''What should I do!!!???'' You ask frantic, ''I didn't know he would get drunk too, I think he is mad. What should I do???''

''Message him back, tell the truth,'' Haneul suggests.

''okay,'' You start typing a reply after struggling a while to get the message without typo's you sent a message back.

You: I'm so sorry! I didn't know you would get drunk too, don't worry I'm only drinking water from now on.

You reread the message and sighed even your message sounded drunk...You waited for a reply, but he didn't send anything back. Well, you did send the message in the middle of the night he must already be asleep you thought. But secretly, you were afraid he was still mad at you and you had ruined everything by drinking tonight. Soon, after sending the message your friends had fallen asleep, but you couldn't sleep you were still pacing around in the living room. Until finally, your phone vibrated again, it was Yoongi.

Yoongi: Please stop worrying and go to sleep. I'm not mad. I didn't know this could happen either. I will message you again tomorrow when we're rested and not drunk.

You smiled reading the messages, he was not mad!!! Silently you did a happy dance in the living room.


I'm completely winging this. I have no idea if this chapter is any good, do you guys still like where this story is going? If you are wondering why they never noticed before they usually were actually both drinking most of the times XD

Random Character Fact:

Haneul used to do ballet when she was younger but she stopped because of how strict every one was.

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