《Soulmates Yoongi x Reader》{ 16 The restaurant


{16 The restaurant

Your pov

It had been two weeks since the fansign and things have not been easy. Though the nightmares had stopped and you were now able to sleep normally again. You were now connected to Yoongi in a way you had never imagined possible. Yeah, you had heard stories of other people who had soulmate bonded and you had learned about it at school, but experiencing it firsthand was something else. You felt everything he did, his emotions, his frustrations, happiness, sadness, and loneliness, all of it. If he was having a good day everything was fine, his positive emotions would influence you to be happy too. But whenever he had a bad day, you automatically were having a bad day too. On those days everything in you wanted to do was to find him and comfort him it was really difficult to be so far away. You hadn't felt anything like this before, this connection between the two of you it was so intense. Even though you hadn't seen him again the past weeks you had gotten to know him from a distance. it was incredible and made you want to meet him even more, it saddened you that you couldn't. So you drowned his feeling within yourself, trying to live on with your life.

One of the most difficult things for you was that whenever he was awake you couldn't sleep and as it is no secret Yoongi likes to work at night and has to wake up early for his schedules. This meant you usually went to bed around midnight if not later and wake up at 5 or 6 am and then couldn't fall back asleep. And because he usually tries to get a little more sleep by napping between schedules, you had developed a terrible habit of falling asleep at random places. This boy seriously needed to cut down his nap times and go to bed earlier. To cope with Yoongi's weird sleeping habits your caffeine intake had doubled.


This morning was no different you woke up at around 5 am, You wobbled sleep-drunken to the kitchen to make yourself a cup of coffee. Today was Saturday and you hadn't planned much, you thought about going to the library to study, but as the new semester had just begun you hadn't gotten your end semester assignments yet and you didn't feel like just studying out of your books. So, instead, you settled on the couch and caught up with your favorite tv series, but around 10 am you started getting restless. You felt too energetic, well not you, Yoongi must be doing something active. maybe dance practice, or workout, maybe even dance rehearsals for an upcoming concert. You started pacing around the room, restless, you need to do something so you went out the get groceries. After that you still were restless and decided that maybe a short workout at the gym would help so you messaged Haneul if she felt like joining you for a workout, she agreed.

''Hii'' Haneul waves happily at you when you meet up with her in front of the gym.

''Hey,'' You replied happily, ''let's go!''

''You're hyped up today,'' Haneul says, ''How much coffee did you have?''

''euh,'' You thought for a moment, ''Just one.''

''Huh, '' Haneul says and then nudges your shoulder and jokingly adds, ''He must be working out too, then''

''Yeah, maybe,'' You reply blushing a little, ''At least he is doing something active.''

The two of you started working out, you started with just some simple stretches and then ran on the treadmill. After half an hour you started to get tired and changed to work on some muscle exercises.

You must have fallen asleep at some point because you woke up when your hand slipped from under your head and you fell forward hitting your head on the workout machine. You winced and held your forehead in pain, that was going to leave a bruise. Sorry Yoongi, you thought. You knew that now the two of you had bonded he felt your pain. Your friends had tested it the first week after you bonded. During a Vlive Jieun had pinched you hard on your upper arm and the moment she did that. Yoongi reacted on the Vlive wincing and grabbing the same place as Jieun had pinched you. Your friends had gone frantic about it. You felt a little bad for Yoongi, as you were naturally clumsy and hurt yourself at least ones a day in some unfortunate way.


You got up from the machine and looked for Haneul, finding her in the same spot as before, on the treadmill. Haneul was a good runner, seriously she could go for hours on that thing.

''I'm done for today,'' You said yawning.

''Please tell me you didn't fall asleep again,'' Haneul giggled.

''I have no idea what you are talking about,'' You crossed your arms, ''let's go get a coffee.''

''Sure,'' Haneul smoothly jumped off the treadmill.

The two changed and then went over to a coffee shop, where you gulped down two cups of coffee to get rid of the tiredness in your bones while talking about school and other normal stuff and made plans to go out to eat with Jieun and Haneul later that night.

That night you, Jieun and Haneul entered your usual restaurant but were disappointed when you found that there was a private party going on and the restaurant was closed for outsiders for the night.

''So, where do we go now?'' Haneul asks.

Suddenly a restaurant popped into your mind.

''I might know something,'' You said and looked up the name of the restaurant it was quite close, not expensive and the reviews were good. The pictures on google showed a small and cozy restaurant, not really popular but still very good. You must have read the name somewhere while surfing the internet.

''What about this?'' You asked and held out the phone so the girls could see the pictures.

''Sure,'' Haneul says.

''Looks good,'' Jieun says and points along the road, ''lead the way girl!''

You put the address into google maps and start following the phone's directions, but the moment you start getting closer to the restaurant you immediately know that something is off. It starts very faint, but soon turns louder, a second heartbeat, beating along with yours. You shake off the feeling thinking it must be a coincidence, there's no way he is at the restaurant, right? Maybe he's nearby but surely not at the restaurant. You wonder for a moment to go to another restaurant, but you decide against it not wanting to explain it to your friends. Also, there is something in you that wants to see him, that is hoping he is actually at the restaurant.

The closer you get to the restaurant the louder the heartbeat in your chest gets. The moment you step into the restaurant it feels as if it is going to explode out of your chest. You look around the restaurant and sure enough at a table in the far back, two extremely handsome tallboys are eating and one of them is staring straight at you with his mouth hanging open.



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