《Atama ✓ tk》十三


short but important chappie !

"Father, where is Jungkook?"

The older man turned to his son, feeling like he was reliving a memory.

"He wasn't feel too well so he's staying home for today", he explained to his son who was staring out of the window with a pout on his lips.

"Do you know what he has?", Taehyung asked, rubbing his foot on the carpeted floor.

His father shook his head, "His mother didn't tell me the details".

Taehyung found it suspicious that Jungkook himself hadn't called, but rather his mother. Something must be very wrong.

He sighed and trudged out of the room, trying to enjoy the day on himself, rather than with the gardener by his side.

Jungkook didn't come back the following day, neither did he the day after. At last on Friday he was back and Taehyung had never been so happy to see a person. Once he spotted the gardener placing down his bicycle against the fence, the young boy sprinted down the stairs and into strong familiar arms. Even though Jungkook was back and he looked healthy, Taehyung still felt as if something was incredible off.

"Is everything okay?", he asked the gardener who merely nodded.

"I'm fine Taehyungie", he smiled shortly and ruffled the boy's hair.

The whole day Taehyung felt as if the other was distant, as if he was physically there, but mentally drifting somewhere else. He didn't want to force Jungkook to tell him what was on his mind so he just coped it with, trying to cheer the other up.

It wasn't until the end of the day that Jungkook finally broke. It really startled the younger since he had never seen his older friend cry, but he immediately engulfed the taller in a hug, placing him down to sit on his bed.


"Kookie?", Taehyung pouted, "What's wrong?"

They had been reading Disney stories together and everything had been fine until they reached the last part. Snow white got poisoned by the apple she had eaten and had fallen in a deep slumber that looked as if she was dead. This seemed to trigger something inside of Jungkook that finally made him lose control over his emotions.

He didn't get an actual reply out of the older but that was okay. Taehyung was grateful Jungkook felt at least comfortable enough with him to let out his feelings & tears.

"It'll be alright", Taehyung cooed, patting the other's back, "Everything will be alright Kookie".

The older fell asleep from crying too much and Taehyung didn't have the will power to send him home. That's why, only ten minutes later, he was tucking in Jungkook and flicking off the lights before walking outside.

Something was wrong with his Kookie. And he wanted to do everything to make it back right.

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