《2 Weeks | Shim Jake | Enhypen》21


y/n sat in her room, hunched on the grey couch that was placed right bestie the door in her bedroom. "I don't feel well mum," she pleads trying to skip school.

"I don't pay for your education only for you to skip school and slack off, take your brother as an example, he's a great student and he never skips any of his classes,"

Her mother yelled at her causing her to scoff, "fine but if i end up fainting at school it's all your fault," she replies while getting off the couch and walking towards her bag while stuffing it with things.

She wasn't sick, it was all just a lie. The only reason why she wanted to skip class was because of all the drama she'd have to deal with. Yuna.

She had no idea what exactly she did wrong to make her so mad yesterday and to accuse her of ruining her relationship with Jake, but she knew that Yuna would make life miserable at school.

She had a friend group big enough to help and ruin your reputation. Yes, she was possibly the most popular girl at her school along with Karina and Minju, but words spread fast at school.

Yuna was the nice girl, well that's what people saw. But in reality she was fake, she's what you would call a 'Pick me', clearly anyone could see it but some people just couldn't.

With her 'kindness' and her reputation of being the 'nice girl', she knew exactly what she could do to ruin her reputation and she is not here to face it.

Minju can tell you everything about her, because she's been the one person to experience what Yuna can do. Minju and Yuna used to be friends because of their mum's being friends, but after one small argument, Minju had her reputation ruined for months.


Lies and rumors were being spread around about her, what actually happened turned into something that was 10x worse. One small argument, turned into a story about Minju stealing her boyfriend.

It took a while but eventually everyone found out that, that never happened and Minju's reputation was back to normal.

God knows what will happen to her once she gets back to school. She wasn't ready for it, but she was considered more popular than Yuna which could be one advantage to keep her out of drama.

Y/N rushed downstairs, by then it was already late which meant that the house was now completely empty. Her sister and brother went off to school a whole earlier and her mum and dad was now off to work.

She walked out of the house and felt chills run down her body as the cold wind blew past her face, she looked around and then suddenly remember her conversation from yesterday afternoon.

"Karina?" she looked at him in confusion, "Make Karina jealous?" Sunghoon turned his head away from his phone and looked at her, "I thought you knew?"

"You didn't know? You're so late with the gossip" Jay looked at me with an expression that showed how he tried to hold back his laughter. "You like Karina?" she says with a shocked expression.

"Yeah? how didn't you know? I thought it was quite obvious." he said bluntly, "I've liked her for about 6 months,"

She felt her heart sink to the ground. "Oh wow, How did I not notice?" she chuckles while trying to distract herself with something.

"Why does this hurt me so much?" she thought to herself as she stared down at the books stacked up on each-other, It's not like she had a massive crush on him or anything. It was just a small crush that came through her one day.


But she was so sure that he liked her? I mean, didnt everyone think so? Daniel did? it was so obvious that he did that she started to end up liking him too.

But her nothing beats how much she has always liked Jake, after years and years of crushing on him.

It was second period and she just entered the school building after making sure that she took the long way to her school.

She made her way to the classroom and entered in full confidence. "Ah, Ms. L/N, what a surprise, you actually turned up," the teacher said loudly.

"Yeah, i'm sorry, I missed my bus." she answers in low tone, "Do you have a note from the office?" her teacher asks holding her hand out. She nodded and grabbed it out of her blazer's pocket and passed it to the teacher.

She turned around to face the class and walked over to sit beside Karina who sat by the window. "Y/N, you okay?" she raises her brow at the girl who flopped down beside her.

"Yeah? what makes you think that somethings wrong?" she asked me defensively, "well first you missed about 2 buttons" she points at my shirt, "second your blazer is literally crooked and lastly you came in about 2 hours and 35 minutes late?"

Y/N smiled and looked at her friend, "i'm okay". "You know, you've never told me about who like or anything?" she whispered, "who do you like?"

She hummed, "Well I don't know actually but I guess i've always had the small crush on Sunghoon."


hey guys, hope you enjoyed this episode! Are there any tv shows that any of you guys recommend? i HIGHLY recommend Elite. I cannot explain how good the tv show is. anyways thanks for reading! Love all of you guys sm

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