《2 Weeks | Shim Jake | Enhypen》1


The annoying sound of the alarm that rang each morning woke me up. I grabbed my phone and turned off the loud noise so I could hear the peace of silence.

I stared at the ceiling of my room for a few minutes, another day of school, typical. Wake up at 6:00 every morning and get myself to a building for 7 hours.

I got out from bed and walked over to the bathroom, it was cold outside, rather very cold. The only thing keeping me warm is the blanket in my room.

I grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste and shoved it in my mouth.

I wouldn't say that I hated school? but i did dislike it, the only thing i liked about school was my little friend group.

Jake, Sunghoon, Jay, Minju, Karina and I. i'd say we've roughly been friends since primary school.

Like every love story though, i had one of the biggest crushes on someone in our friend group.

who is he?

Jake, Shim Jake, possibly one of the most popular guys at school, but the thing we loved about Jake was that he never considered himself popular.

Sure, everyone in the friend group knew i like Jake, it was Sunghoon who pointed it out first, he said it was the way I looked at Jake and the way I smiled at everything he did made it obvious.

Whatever, enough with me talking, it's time to get ready for school

I rushed over to the shower and took a nice warm shower.

After taking my quick shower, I grabbed my skirt, white collared t-shirt, tie and blue blazer out from my closet.

I quickly put the uniform on walked downstairs to see my mum, dad, sister and brother sitting on the table.

I quickly gave them a smile and sat in between my sister and brother, my family talked about causal family conversations.


Like i don't know, how's school going for you? What do you wanna be when you grow up? You know stuff like that's

I quickly ate my cereal until I felt my phone vibrate in my blazer's pocket.


i'm leaving now :)

Delivered 2 minutes ago

"im off to school now guys, have a great day everyone" I quickly said grabbing my bag and walking out of the house.

My siblings went to the same schools as us but I walked to school on my own because that would mean I could walk to school with Jake.

I walked down the neighborhood for a while until I heard someone call my name. It was Jake.

I turned my head to his direction and saw him waving at me, A smile grew on my face and waved back.

"you look cheerful today?" Jake suddenly told me and gave me a slight punch, "what? i'm exactly the same as every other day" I chuckled and fell into his deep black eyes.

That was a lie, today i felt happy, happier than usual. I felt like today's going to be a great day, I guess seeing Jake just made my day happier.

Jake and I walked together on the sidewalk standing close to each other so we wouldn't feel the cold weather, as we walked we talked about lots of things until we met up with Sunghoon by his house.

Sunghoon loved to tease me, especially when i was around Jake. He loved make fun of me and tease me for everything.

Sunghoon and I have been really close even before I met jake or anyone in the friend group which just made it natural for him to tease me. We met when we were 5 years old, I was ice skating with my sister and he was there with his mothers


"Jake, y/n looks cold, warm her up be a great boyfriend", I looked over to Sunghoon with wide eyes and then to Jake.

Jake had a slight blush on his face and Sunghoon had a proud smile.

Before I knew it I felt Jake's arms around mine, I felt my face get hot and become a tint of pink.

I should tell you a little about ourselves.

Jake, Jay and Sunghoon were the guys every girl at school wanted to date. they had the visuals and the personality. they had everything that would make a girl fall for them.

For Karina, Minju and I, we were also popular. I guess we also had the visuals and the personality because we got lots of phone numbers stuck onto our lockers,

But..... lots of girls hate and despise us, most girls at our school hates us for being friends with them and Minju might be the most hated one for dating Jay, but they've gotta mind their own business.. right?

After arriving at the school we all parted ways and walked over to the lockers that were scattered around the school.

I opened my locker door which was nicely decorated with photos of the six of us. I grabbed my laptop, english book and pencil case.

I felt a tap on my shoulders making me casually turn back, "hi? can i help you?" i questioned the girl, i didn't know who she was at all.

"can you please give jake my number, you would do that for me right?"

I sigh, i hated the girls who did this, they mainly want to talk to Minju, Karina and I only so they could talk to the other guys.


I was going to continue my sentence when someone cut off my sentence.

"no, he's not accepting numbers" Karina told her and the girl scoffed and walked away.

I smiled at Karina brightly, "thank you, they're annoying"

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