《Sold To The Gangleader》Chapter 2
After detention I was currently walking home.
My family always hated me, I don't know why but they always have. When I failed maths I guess that gave them a reason to finally show their hatred. Pathetic really, but honestly I couldn't care less anymore.
Since I stopped recieving my 'pocket money' eight years ago, I had no choice but to then 'borrow' some off Heidi, in order to buy some basic things like pads, a phone etc. I found the money in literally 2 minutes.
It was in her underwear drawer.
To be honest there was more money than underwear, I don't know how much was in there but it was hell of a lot.
But I know for sure mum and dad wouldn't give her that much. I mean.. they can't even spare me a pound.
But then again they hate me.
Whatever it is, it seems fishy. Maybe she's a drug dealer, maybe not.
I don't even care.
When I see my house come into view I sigh.
It's a two-story white house with a black door.
Walking towards it-I fish out my rusty key (go figure) and unlock the door, entering. I slip my shoes off, and throw my bag on the corridor.
I ascend the stairs, but stop midway. I sniff and furrow my eyebrows.
Is that smoke?
My eyes widen and I quickly dash upstairs and burst through my bedroom door.
My mouth falls open at the sight and I grit my teeth as anger rushes through my veins.
How fucking dare she!
There, Heidi stands with a lighter in her hand.
And you can probably guess what she's doing.
After lighting another one of my shirts on fire and chucking it out of the window she turns around- her lips twitch up into a smirk, and she grabs another one of my favourite hoodies.
I let out a growl before, dashing towards her and grabbing her arm, causing her to drop the lighter.
And that's when both my parents barge inside. My dad coming in first- he has dark brown hair with a few grey strands along with a scruffy beard, his eyes are grey like mine and he's 6'1ft tall. Following after him is my mother who also has dark brown hair and green eyes-like Heidi and she's 5'5ft tall.
"WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?!" My dads voice booms through the room. His eyes flying over to us and then to the firm grip I have on my sister and his oh-so-precious daughter.
As I open my mouth to speak, Heidi shoves me away, causing me to lose my balance and fall onto the floor.
She runs to mom, rubbing her arm and hugs her, sniffling.
"Did you see that mom? dad? Did you see what she was doing to me?" She fake cries. "I was just going to ask her, why she has detention...and..and she started attacking me!" She sobs.
I grit my teeth, and lift myself up, anger flowing through me.
"LIAR!" I yell, and my dad storms towards me, slapping me across my face.
"DON'T EVER SPEAK TO YOUR SISTER THAT WAY! YOU HEAR ME!?" He shouts, grabbing my hair.
I let out a grunt from the force, grasping his hand, trying to pull away, but he tightens his hold, pulling me roughly closer to him.
"Lay a hand on her again. You'll see what happens." He spits, letting go of me.
I let out a fake laugh. "I didn't do shit to her and if you had come earlier you'd know that- she was burning my-" I get cut off when he slaps me again, causing my head to snap to the right.
"Heidi, sweetheart, go to your room, while me and your father sort this out." I hear mum say softly to Heidi.
Heidi nods and walks away, flashing me a quick smirk as she leaves.
I look back towards my father and grit my teeth.
"I don't give a flying fuck what happened before that. The fact is that you hurt and disrespected your sister." He growls at me.
"AND I FUCKING SAID I DIDN'T DO SHIT TO HER!" I burst out angrily.
Then he smirks. He fucking smirks.
"You seem upset." He tilts his head, plastering a fake frown.
I look at him confused, my breathing coming out ragged from all that yelling and I know my face is red.
"Where's your little grandma now, eh?" He mocks, and I feel my heart drop.
My eyes blur with tears and I continue to glare at him, clenching my fists as I feel my face get even more red with anger.
How dare he use her against me.
After a while of silence, and me literally shaking with anger, he starts to laugh, harshly.
"Pathetic." He then spits, before walking out the room.
Mum then walks Infront of me, a wide smirk on her face.
"We did her a favour, sweetheart. She was a widow. Alone. Had nothing to offer this world..we put her out of-"
"BE QUIET!" I scream, tears spilling down. "HOW CAN YOU DO THAT TO HER?!" My voice turns hoarse in mid-sentence.
She takes an intimidating step towards me, letting out a chuckle.
"It was always your fault. You were using her anyway.." she crosses her arms and raises an eyebrow.
My face falls, and I open my mouth to say something but close it.
It was my fault...
More tears begin to spill from my eyes and I let out a small sob.
"Exactly." She chuckles, then makes her way to the door.
"S-She-" I start but mum closes the door before I can finish.
With tears still streaming and my heart burning with pain, I walk towards my wardrobe.
I look inside and see it completely empty. I let out a whimper, before turning around and walking towards my window.
I stick my head out and see all my stuff outside on the yard.
I can't believe Heidi would to do that to me.
I wipe the tears off my cheeks, taking a deep breath.
C'mon Layla. You're stronger than this.
I take a seat on my bed, but then my eyes land on my drawer which is wide open.
I scoot closer and look inside to see it empty. My heart picks up its pace and the tears begin to form again.
My album was in there.
My grandma's coming over today and I'm soo excited that I'm practically jumping up and down my bed, squealing.
I haven't seen her in months!
Suddenly my door slams open and I jump slightly.
Mum comes in, her face contorted with anger. When she sees me she strides towards me .
My eyes widen and I stop jumping and jump off the bed.
"I'm-" I get cut off when she slaps me across my face, leaving a stinging sensation and probably a red cheek.
I touch my cheek, frowning. "That hurt." I pout, tears forming.
She rolls her eyes before looking at my pink dress, and scoffing. "I already told you not to make noises, Heidi's trying to learn her math." She snaps. "And take that dress off, it's your grandma that's coming, not your boyfriend." And with that she storms out.
I sniffle, staring at the shut door, and I wipe the few tears that spilled.
I walk towards my big mirror. It has a big crack going across.
I stare at my reflection, my big grey eyes staring back at me. I look at my long hair which has a big chunk sticking out from the side- from when my sister, Heidi had purposely cut.
I look back at my bright pink dress as my lips begins to tremble.
Do I look that bad?
I take off the dress and put on some khaki coloured jeans along with a black shirt.
I look at my reflection again and then theres a knock on the door.
A wide smile spreads on my lips, and I quickly grab a bobby pin that I stole from Heidi and shove it on the short cut up part of my hair so it doesn't stick out.
Then I go into my drawer and look at my grandma's birthday gift which I wrapped in gold packaging.
I rush down the stairs and open the door, revealing my beautiful grandma, her hair was a mixture of grey and brown, she has green eyes and a few wrinkles on her face. When she sees me a wide smile spreads on her face and she takes me in a big warm hug.
I let out a giggle and after a while we pull away. "You're getting bigger aren't you, sweet?" She beams.
My cheeks bloom with happiness. "Yeah, I turned nine last month!" I tell her excitedly.
"I know." She laughs. "Sorry I couldn't make it for your birthday but I've got you a present right in this bag." She points at her black bag and my smile grows.
"Yayyy!" I squeal, and she laughs. "And I remember! It's your birthday today and I got you something too!!" I squeal again.
"Yayyy!" She squeals and I let out a giggle.
"Come I'll show you!" I say but then we hear someone clear their throat behind us.
Both of us look behind and see my dad with a fake smile plastered on his face.
"How are you Patricia?" He greets.
"I'm good, Gerald." She smiles softly. "And you?"
"All good, all good, why don't you come in?" He asks in a cheery tone.
"Thank you." She then enters, and then dad leads her to the front room, where she's greeted by mum and Heidi.
Mum stands up from the coach and gives grandma a warm embrace, but I don't miss the smirk plastered on her face as she looks at dad, his face mirroring hers.
I frown as I continue watching them.
"My, dear. You're all grown up, I wish your father was here to witness how our daughter is." she says to mum with a sad smile on her face.
My grandpa passed away a few years ago, he had gone missing while he had his daily walk in the morning. He didn't come back. Days later he was declared dead but without any proof, gran was gutted she would cry herself to sleep every night and not leave her house for months.
"Yes. What a pity. Its a shame he died so unexpectedly. Has his body been found yet?" She asks, feigning sadness.
"No it hasn't.." she sniffles a little, but doesn't let her smile falter.
I walk towards grandma and wrap my arms around her, but get pushed aside by Heidi who takes over.
"It's okay grandma. He's in a happy place now." She says soothingly. The corners of her lips twitching.
What's going on?
After ten minutes of sitting on the couch, I walk towards grandma. "Do you want to go to my room?" I smile.
"Give her a break Layla. She just got here." Mum snaps at me and my face sinks.
"I'm s-sorry." I begin to walk away but grandma captures my hands.
"I'd love to come to your room, sweetheart." She smiles.
A smiles spreads across my face and I nod, excitedly.
She stands up and from the corner of my eyes I see both mum and dad giving me a disgusted look.
We both begin to head upstairs and then we enter our room. Grandma sits on my bed.
I jump on the bed next to her, smiling and she smiles back, her eyes showing love and adoration.
"You want to see your gift?" She smile and I nod my head vigorously.
She lets out a laugh, before placing her hand in her bag. She fishes out an album covered in golden fur, with my name sewn in bold in the middle.
My eyes grow wide, as I take it from her hand. "WOW!" My mouth hangs opens. "It's-it's so pretty! It must've taken ages to make!" My smile widens as I look up at my grandma.
"Not too long, just a few months." She grins. "Your worth all the time there is." She caresses my hair.
"Really?" I grin, and her smile falters slightly.
"Of course."
"Oh." I smile. "I'll show you your gift now." I crawl to the top of my bed and open my drawer, taking out the small package. I then crawl back to her. Placing it in her hand. "Here."
She smiles at me, before opening it, when she sees it she lets out a small gasp, picking out the thin, silver necklace with her initials on.
I stole the money from dad's wallet and asked Donald's mum to buy it for me... I know it sounds bad but I really wanted to get her something...
"Do you like it?" I ask, excitedly.
"I love it sweetheart, thank you!" She wraps her arms around me and I feel warmth spread through me, something I've never felt before.
"Did your parents pay for this?" She then asks with a smile.
Panic floods through me and I stutter "Y-Yes but don't ask th-them."
Her smile drops, and so does mine.
"What's going on, sweetheart?" She asks, concern slowly lacing her words.
"Are your parents not treating you well?" She takes my small hand in her wrinkly ones and I look down, my cheeks turning red.
After a few moments I shake my head. "No.." my voice shakes.
"Come here.." she wraps her arms around me and I let the tears flow down and onto her shirt.
"Mom and dad haven't been treating me well at all...ever since I was 7... everything changed. They hate me, my sister hates me. I don't understand!" I cry out.
Her eyes widen and she rubs my back continuously, until I calm down a little.
"How about you stay with me for a while. Maybe a couple of years and if you like you could even stay permanently" she suggest.
My eyes widen "bu-but what about my best friends?"
The smile still remains on her face as she says. "If you want I could move here, find an apartment near your school" she says.
"Of course. Besides I'm a bit lonely back home anyway, it would be great to spend my time with my favourite granddaughter." she laughs.
"Yay!" I jump onto her, holding her in a tight embrace.
"I love you so much!"
"I love you too." she caresses my hair.
"I can't wait!" I laugh, excitedly. "Mum and dad are gonna be so happy." I giggle.
She lets out a laugh, shaking her head. "I need to have a word with them." She says sternly. "C'mon now poppet." She grabs my hand and we both go downstairs.
We see my parents and sister seated on the table, having dinner.
"Hey sweetie." mother calls out to me, her voice coated in a sickly sweet tone.
"Now Luise.." grandma begins, her voice laced with disappointment.
"So I'm moving in with Grandma!" I blurt out excitedly.
Dad laughs dryly "I don't think so, love."
"Now listen-" grandma starts.
Dad scoffs, cutting her off. "Whatever she told you, Patricia. Its lies, she's got a bad habit of that." He glares at me.
"No, I-"
"She's not leaving here." Mum snaps, glaring at grandma.
Grandma frowns, taking a sip of her juice.
I scowl. "Yes I am, grandma said I can-"
"SHUT UP!" She screams, her face turning red.
"Sweetie, calm down. Let's just have a quiet talk about this.." grandma says, shaking slightly.
"Grandma?" I frown, looking at her, confused.
"I-I'm f-fine sweetie. Don't worry.." she chokes out.
I look towards mum and dad to see a smirk plastered on their faces. When I look at Heidi, I notice her lips twitching.
I bolt up and quickly hold onto grandma. She was pale, giving me a small, weak smile as her eyes fall shut.
"What?" The tears start pouring down and I let out a sob.
"Do something!" I cry louder noticing mum and dad just sitting there smirking.
I let go of grandma gently, and walk over to the phone, but then dad snatches it away just when I grab it.
"What are you doing?" I choke out, and he smirks. He then roughly grabs my arm and starts dragging me to the door.
I cry even harder, staring at grandma who had now fallen on to the floor, her skin deadly pale and her hair covering her face, the tears continue pouring down as my dad leads us out and shuts the door.
Its been hours since I've been locked in my room. Hours since I saw my grandma. Hours of my sobbing and crying. And hours of hearing the commotion going on downstairs.
The sounds of cars pulling in the driveway. Sounds of different voices. Sounds of things being carried and the sounds of cars speeding away. Ten minutes ago my father had come up and slapped me across my face for disrespecting them.
I look at my bed, and see the album my grandma had given me. I walk towards it and another thing meets my eyes.
Its the necklace I got for grandma.
I slowly lift it up, looking at the initials as more tears fall from my face. With shaking hands, I wrap the necklace around my neck.
For the rest of the night I flip through pictures in the album, admiring each one.
Hours of flicking through the album, I finally fall asleep with one thing on my mind.
My grandma's gone...
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