《His [COMPLETED]》(2) My Knight In Shining Armour.
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The door bell rang at least half an hour after everyone was settled at the dinner table.
I waited for somebody else to go and get the door as I knew it was Kyle and quite frankly, I didn't want him here. It sounded harsh to say, but I just didn't want to see him, not after the way I reacted earlier and even then he was no where near me physically.
What would I do if he was breathing in the same room as me? I didn't want to know.
"Go and get the door, honey." My mother sugar coated her usual anger with sweeter words and nicer nicknames. Who was she trying to fool here? We didn't get along and she obviously had a split personality.
"Why can't-" I was about to protest but my mother butted in, her voice slightly irritated.
"Just go and let Kyle in." I huffed in reply and slowly hauled myself to the door. I took a deep breath before opening the door slightly. I peaked at him.
"Alright?" Kyle smirked, his greeting from earlier making a comeback. It was sickening, I mean, he looked so much hotter when up close. His skin was flawless and his dark hair looked shinier than ever. His leather jacket was still hugged to his skin. His eyes were even more piercing.
"Alright?" I mimicked his greeting with a small smirk of my own. His eyes twinkled under the light, full of amusement and his own curiosity as he took me in. "How was your date?" I asked, pretending to be just curious- I was, however, I wanted to know more.
Was I nosey or was I just really interested in his availability right now?
I guess it didn't hurt to find out whether he was single or not.
"Why? Jealous?" Kyle chuckled at his own words as he grabbed the front door. He pushed it further open gently, pushing me backwards. I watched him warily.
"I've only known you for a good two minutes." I stated back. As soon as Kyle was inside of the hallway, he pushed the front door back against his hinges quietly.
"Two minutes is definitely enough time to start basing judgements." He looked my way.
"Oh, yeah?" I asked, my mind mentally laughing at him. He smiled my way, it was a mix between mischievous and arrogance. I couldn't even deny it, it was effective. Almost addictive.
"I just need a little bit more time and I'll know you more than you know yourself." He stalked closer to my body, coming unbearably close. I looked to him with my head lifted high.
He wasn't going to effect me...he wasn't going to effect me.
"You're too confident for your own good." I replied past the lump in my throat.
"Well, when you're up another girl's house and all you're thinking about is your new next door neighbour, it's hard not to be."
"Get over yourself." I scoffed. A blush threatened to make its way out of my face. I tried to suppress it, for my own good.
Ignoring my comment, Kyle replied, "come on, let's get some food, I'm starving."
"Worked up an appetite did you?" I smirked his way. He didn't smile, not this time. He took my form in, his brow arching curiously.
"Not quite." Was his only reply. Without another word, he made his way in to the living room, leaving me rooted to the spot.
I followed in after him, my legs shaking from the after math of Kyle Knight himself. How was I going to live with him living right next door to me?
"What took you so long?" I heard Kyle's father, Dylan, ask as soon as I walked in to the room.
"Had to take care of a few things." He stated before greeting my family and sitting down in the seat next to mine. I sat beside him, my body already on hyperaware, my hair sticking up on the back of my neck.
Everything was silent for a couple of minutes while my mother dished out the food. I sat there twiddling my thumbs in awkwardness, not knowing what to do or say in their presence.
"So, Kyle, who is this girl your mother told us about?" My father asked. Kyle shrugged without a care. I looked to him.
"Her name's Ciara. We've been dating for a couple of months." Kyle stated. He was so calm and laid back, it was interesting to watch him. However, I was disappointed- childishly- because he was dating somebody else.
It didn't exactly want him dating me, but by is words, you'd think he was single. He was just a flirt, a very big one at that.
"So things are serious then, yes?"
"No." I looked up to Kyle in confusion as soon as he had said the words.
"You don't like her?" I asked out of curiosity. They were together, even though he flirted, why didn't he like the girl he was with?
"Yes, I like her, but for different things." Kyle explained while looking in my direction. My eyes widened in understanding and I quickly adverted my eyes to the table cloth.
That was just typical.
Suddenly, the door bell rang. As far as I knew, we were not expecting anybody else. Out of curiosity I jumped up to answer the door.
As I left, nobody seemed to notice, however, the eyes burning holes into my back was coming from Kyle. He didn't look away as I walked.
As soon as I got to the door and out of the watchful state of Kyle, I opened it.
"Cali, hi." My ex boyfriend, Dustin, was leaning against the door frame in his plain white top and light washed jeans.
"What are you doing here?" I whisper hissed. I wasn't happy Dustin was here, I wanted him gone, I never wanted to see him again.
Dustin and I had been dating for just over a year when he decided to cheat on me behind my back. I didn't think Dustin was capable of anything like that as he was usually quite a quiet and polite boy. I guess you really did have to watch the quiet ones. I trusted him, yet he used that to his advantage and ended up killing our relationship. To this day forward I still hadn't forgiven him.
"I came to say sorry. The guilt is eating me alive and I miss you so much." Dustin stated, the guilt in his eyes evident. I didn't want to keep a grudge, but what he did really hurt me and I wasn't going to give in so easily.
Who would? What he did hurt me beyond words.
"What you did was unforgivable. Just go away." I let out. I didn't want to see him. Of course, I was extremely attracted to him when we were together but now, I had the time to move on and I was happier without him.
However, Dustin stepped forward to sandwich me between the wall and his lean body. He wasn't listening to a word I was saying. Determination was clear in his eyes. What did he want from me?
If he liked me that much, why did he cheat?
"I can't leave again. I miss you, baby." Dustin said in my ear. His breath fanned across my skin, but I recoiled at the touch.
"Why did you cheat on me then? asshole." I bit out.
"It was an accident. I was incredibly drunk and horny that night. You never wanted to do anything with me, you would always make up excuses-"
"Saying I wasn't ready isn't an excuse!" I said in frustration.
"Well, I was ready, babe. You didn't want to satisfy my needs, but this girl did. I was drunk, cut me some slack."
"You were in a relationship, Dustin! A relationship where we were both meant to be loyal and trustworthy to each other. We were together and you completely ruined it. Don't you dare blame this on me, the drink or the other girl, this was all your fault, and right now I don't want to talk to you, or be near you. We are done, Dustin. Done!" I shouted in anger. Suddenly, Dustin crashed his lips to mine.
I groaned in anger and tried to push him away, but he was just too heavy to budge. His rough hands started to make their way across my body and to my breasts. I instantly bit down on Dustin's lip, causing him to groan in pain. But it still didn't stop him, infact, it made him stronger against my fragile body.
I started to shake my head, causing his lips to discard from mine. Dustin's hands were still crawling across my body, getting lower and lower. I pulled my hand back and lunged for his face, but he caught my fist just in time.
"There is no need for that, babe. I'm horny and so are you, I just know it." Dustin whispered huskily before burying his hands into my pants. I screamed suddenly, to try and get somebody's attention through the walls.
"Get off of her. Now." A deep and angry voice came out from behind. Dustin stopped what he was doing and turned around slowly. "I said, get off of her." Kyle continued in an authoritative voice. His voice sent shivers down my spine.
"Who the fuck are you?" Dustin bit out in anger.
"I could ask the same thing." Kyle snapped.
"I'm Cali's boyfriend."
"No you're not. Ex boyfriend, Dustin. Ex." I emphasised. Kyle made his way beside me and wrapped an arm around my body.
I had this urge to slap him and tell him to knock it off, but I knew what he was trying to do. And on the plus side, I was comfortable under his arm. I felt protected and safe.
"I'm her boyfriend." He lied. "Now, go home and take a cold shower." Kyle demanded in a low tone. Kyle wasn't to be messed with, he was inches taller than Dustin, and much more muscular. "I'm going to count to three, Dustin, and if you are not gone, I'm going to break your neck." Kyle continued.
"Get the fuck out of here!" Kyle roared. He was stiff and angry beside me, the tension obvious in his stance. He was pissed off, boy, was he pissed off.
Looking at Kyle, you could see Dustin knew exactly how Kyle felt. If he didn't move, Kyle really was going to break his neck.
With an annoyed huff, he left the house.
I breathed out a sigh of relief.
Kyle turned to me with a look of worry and anger on his face. He took me in, checking my body over with his eyes. When he was satisfied that everything was okay, he sighed.
"Who the fuck is that? Dustin the fucking asshole?" Kyle snapped angrily.
"Yep. Dustin the asshole." I whispered.
"Are you okay?" He asked, his concern evident. It was clear on my face that I was anything but okay.
"I'm okay." I replied shakily. Kyle's face suddenly changed, it went from worried to blank in a matter of seconds.
"Good." He smiled. "Lets go back in, they'll be wondering where we are."
Before Kyle could move, I grabbed him by the elbow.
"Don't tell them what happened." I demanded and pleaded all at once. He shook his head.
"I won't. My lips are sealed."
With that, Kyle left. I followed after him.
"She saw a spider and I had to kill it." Kyle lied to our parents as soon as they caught sight of us walking back in to the room.
"Is that why she screamed? But Cali isn't scared of-"
"This one was a big one." Kyle cut off my mother to explain. My mother nodded slowly before continuing to eat her food. She wasn't interested at all.
It was funny how nobody had come to see if I was alright, well, Kyle did. But the rest of them must have ignored me, or they just didn't care. Either way I was glad only Kyle came to the rescue, it would have been much more awkward otherwise.
After an awkward dinner, we all made our way to the living room. Everyone sat down to watch an hour of television.
As they were doing this, I made my way to my bedroom, hoping for some peace and quiet.
I couldn't get the images of Dustin out of my mind. Every image disgusted me, making me feel sick to the stomach. He was a sick boy, a sick and twisted boy. I hated him, I despised him. I used to think I loved him, but underneath, all he was was an inconsiderate ass wipe.
The door opened suddenly and Kyle sauntered his way in without a word.
"What are you doing in here?" I asked.
"Why are you sat in the dark?" He asked, completely ignoring my question.
"Don't answer my question with another question." I snapped. "What are you doing here?" I asked again. Kyle shrugged.
"Just wanted to see how you were doing." Kyle explained. I looked down in sadness.
"I'm fine, honestly, I'm ok. I came up here for some peace and quiet, that's all." I said, hoping he would leave, yet he stood there as if he wasn't going to budge at all.
"You're up here and you can't stop replaying what happened." He stated matter of factly.
"That's not true." I stated, even though it was. How could he have known? Was I an open book?
"Don't lie to me." He tensed. "Come down stairs and forget about it," he suggested. I shook my head.
"I'm fine up here, honestly."
"Come on, do it for your Knight in shining armour." Kyle smirked playfully, his mood changing as fast as anything I had seen.
"More like a twat in tin foil." I stated with humour. Kyle gasped. He really was my knight in shining armour, but I wasn't going to admit it.
"What did you say?"
"I said, more like a twat in tin foil." I repeated.
"That really isn't nice. You have a lot to learn about me, Cali." He retaliated. Nonetheless, he smiled broadly. It knocked my for six.
"Well, we don't know each other so we have a lot to learn about each other, now please, go away." I pleaded.
"And here I was thinking you'd invite me into your room with open arms," he shook his head. I scrunched up my nose.
"What did you expect? A slumber party where we do each others hair and makeup?" I scoffed. He smiled again, showing his perfectly white teeth.
"Now, that's an appealing thought." He stated. "Will you be wearing little pyjama shorts?"
"Fuck off, Kyle." I groaned. I'm sure he had sex on the brain.
"Don't tell me." His smile broadened. "You sleep naked?"
"No!" I almost screeched. Definitely not, I was always too cold for that.
"That's a shame." He sighed. The room then fell into silence.
I didn't know what he was doing, his feet planted to the floor while he lodged his hands into his pockets. The silence was a little awkward, but comforting too. He really did effect me, everything about him. I had only known him for two seconds and even now I knew I wouldn't tire looking at him.
"Guess what?" Kyle asked after a few minutes of silence.
"I'm starting school with you next week," Kyle stated. I groaned, I couldn't help it. "Don't groan. It's going to be fun." Kyle winked playfully before turning around and waltzing to the door. "I've got a few fun ideas already."
"Like what?"
"You'll just have to wait and see." He winked playfully. "Come down stairs in ten minutes or I'll be coming to get you."
"You wouldn't." I warned.
"Oh, I would. You've got to come and keep me company." He suggested.
"I'd rather be on my own."
"Would you, though?" He asked. "You'd rather be on your own than with me?"
Kyle looked to me for a second too long.
"You know, Cali." He started. "You're a shit liar."
Now that was something we could agree on.
I'm really sorry for the late update.
Please vote for this chapter! I'll love you forever!
Hope this was okay. Thankyou for reading! X
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