《WHAT IF...? ( Completed)》Part10


Part 10

"Leave the room before I hit you by my slipper" Khushi exclaimed.

"Hit me Khushiji... I will happily get the slipper shot from you. I agree I hide the truth but I have a reason for it."

He tried to manipulate Khushi.

"Shut up... Just shut up, I said. Be it whatever... I don't give a damn to it. Anjaliji is your wife... you are a married man... that's what matters."

"And we are not ready to believe your dramas anymore," Payal said.

"Listen to me Payalji... Mami will never agree to this marriage if she gets to know the truth. She will think Khushiji ruined Anjali's life"

"We are ready to break the marriages... we will say the truth to everyone no matter what" Payal yelled.

Shyam was horrified. He thought he could manipulate them easily but he didn't expect their outburst.

Shyam tried to stop Khushi and Payal from going out. But they were not ready to stop. They came out and got rooted, seeing Anjali standing with tears. Her tear was the evidence that she heard everything.

Shyam also got rooted who followed Khushi and Payal.

"Rani Sahiba..."

He got close to Anjali and tried to touch her hand. Anjali took a step back and warned.

"Stay away... don't you dare touch me"

"Rani Sahiba, please listen to me. Khushiji had mistaken me..."

"Enough... enough is enough. You can't cheat on me anymore"

"Cheat....? Do I cheat you Rani Sahiba? Don't you know how deep my love is?"

"Just stop your drama. I had heard everything."

"But not in fullest... Please don't trust these girls. I already told you what they will do. They are not trustworthy. They could do anything to trap our men. They are jealous of you Rani Sahiba. That's why they are trying to separate us. So, they will rule RM in the future... "


Khushi and Payal got thunderstruck seeing his acting. How could a man change his colour in a few minutes? Even Chameleon would not win Shyam in the game of changing colour.

"He is lying. Don't trust his words Anjaliji..." Khushi said panicking.

Anjali showed her palm and stopped Khushi. Khushi and Payal got fed up.

"Get out" Anjali shouted.

Khushi looked at Payal and they started walking bowing down whereas Shyam smirked. Anjali clutched Khushi's hand. Khushi looked at her bewildered.

"I said get out," Anjali said looking at Shyam.

"Rani Sahiba, why are you clutching her hand? She can go only if you leave her hand" Shyam said.

"I want you to leave RM"

"Whaaaat! Me?"

"If you don't leave, you will get slipper shot from me that Khushi hesitated to give you"

"Don't you believe me, Rani Sahiba?"

"Nooooooo... I won't... it's enough... I have already trusted you and got to know you are unworthy of it. Now, you just get out"

Shyam took a step to reach Anjali, before he did that, Arnav's strong arm pushed him.

"Sale Sahib...."

"Khushi's father confirmed what you did"

Arnav said gritting his teeth.

"Khushi's father? How could he say anything, being a paralytic attacked?"

"That's why you used his disability in your favour?"

"You have mistaken me"

"We also knew who you are." NK and Akash came forward. Anjali looked at them.

"We saw him talking with Khushi's Buaji when you believed that he is in Lucknow," NK said.

"Yes, Di... He fought with Buaji for not giving Khushiji's hand for himself" Akash told bowing down.

"We are the one who called you and sowed the suspicion seed in your mind," NK said.

"Because he is not worthy of your LOVE, Di" Akash wept.


Arnav came to Anjali.

"Di, I know you are hurt. But I have no choice... you have to know the truth Di" Arnav said clutching her hands.

"What's all this Chotte? Why me? What's my mistake? I love him truly Chotte..."

"But he is not Di...you thought, he also has the same feelings for you like you have for him. But no..."

"Rani Sahiba... listen to me once ... they are plotting against me"

"Get out" Arnav shouted.

"I won't go without Rani Sahiba"

Shyam pulled Anjali from Arnav's clutch. The next second, a strong slap fell on Shyam's face.

"Why....? Why does she come with you?" Arnav yelled.

"You just stay out of it Arnav. Let Rani Sahiba decide"

"She won't talk to you" Arnav shouted.

Anjali came forward.

"What do you want me to say?"

"Rani Sahiba, give me one chance to explain"

"I don't want to listen to you anymore...I have heard enough already when you pleaded to Khushiji. Feel happy for her not hitting you by her slipper"

Arnav clutched his collar and dragged him towards the exit. He threw him out of the RM wrathfully. Anjali sat on the couch crying. Khushi and Payal stood there couldn't understand what to do.

Arnav and Akash sat beside Anjali and consoled her.

"Di, please... you are our strength. Please don't cry." Akash pleaded.

"Let her cry Akash," Arnav said sternly.

Anjali stopped crying and looked at Arnav.

"But this must be the last day of your cry... you should not cry afterwards, Di... you should never... Cry as much as you want. But once if you wiped your tears... don't you dare cry again. Today, you are crying for yourself, so I'm allowing you to cry, if you cry later, it won't be for you but for the man who is not worthy of your tears. So finish crying here itself Di"

He spread his hands and Anjali hugged him bursting out on his shoulder. Arnav hugged her tightly, giving her strength. But he couldn't hold his tears, seeing his Di hurt.

In that, no one noticed that Khushi and Payal left RM silently not wanting to embarrass them.

To be continued...

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