《WHAT IF...? ( Completed)》Part 3



Khushi felt the touch familiar. She tried to take her hand but she couldn't as the hand which is on her hand pressed it. She tried again, this time Arnav tilted his head and smiled at her. Khushi went speechless at his romantic move.


He said raising his eyebrows while going inside, crossing her. Not only Khushi but also Guptas had no idea why Raizadas are there in Gupta house... again. Didn't they tell them, only after Payal's marriage they can think about Khushi's marriage?

"Hey, Kosi... go... prepare tea for them," Buaji said.

Khushi nodded yes and went to the kitchen. She has no idea why Raizadas is here. Though she prepared tea her concentration was only on the elder's talks.

Not to confuse Guptas more, Naniji started.

"We are here to ask your daughter's hand"

Buaji and Garima spared a glance.

"We have already spoken about it," Buaji said.

"We spoke about Arnav and Khushi's marriage but we are here to talk about Payal and Akash's marriage."

"Whaaat?" Buaji and Garima asked unbelievably.

Khushi, who was in the kitchen, closed her mouth from shouting. She removed her palm from her mouth slowly, widening her eyes.

"Akash likes Payal very much. So we are here with the proposal. We want both marriages to happen together." Nani said.

Payal was looking down not knowing how to react to it as she didn't expect it.

"I don't know what to say." Buaji hesitated.

"There is nothing to say Buaji. Send your daughters to our home. We will take care of them" Anjali said smilingly.

"It's all Nandkishor's wish" Buaji looked up.

"Our Damadji is out of town. We will start the preparation after he comes" Naniji said.

Buaji and Garima nodded ok.

Khushi came with the coffee tray. Arnav sat straight to take coffee from the tray. But as didn't expect, Khushi handed over the tray to Payal making Arnav disappointed.


Payal served the tea to all one by one. She extended the tray towards Arnav and he was about to take a cup,

"No Arnavji... that's not for you"

She took the next cup from the tray and extended it towards Arnav. She stopped as everyone is looking at her smilingly. She kept the cup back in the tray and rushed inside. Arnav smirked at her.

"Where is your Damaji at present?" Bauji asked.

"He is in Lucknow," Naniji answered.

"Ohh... does he have relatives in Lucknow?"

"No no... he is a lawyer. He went to deal with a case"

"Ohh...that's fine"

They saw Khushi coming with Shashi, pulling his wheelchair. Khushi introduced everyone to Shashi. Raizadas greeted him one by one. When Anjali's turn came, Shashi's face changed. He remembered who the woman is. He had seen her with Shyam in the temple. He tried to speak, putting in a lot of effort. But people in front of him became horrified, seeing his condition.

Raizadas couldn't understand what he is trying to do whereas Guptas panicked.

Finally, he uttered,


Buaji and Garima thought something in their perception, that he is thinking of Shyam because they thought Shashi wanted Shyam to get married to Khushi.

On the other hand, Raizadas frowned, hearing SHYAM's name.

"Shyam?" Anjali questioned.

Gupta ladies became embarrassed.

"Shashi babuwa wanted Khushi to marry a guy named Shyam. He was here as a paying guest. I think Shashi Babuwa is thinking of him" Buaji said hesitating.

Arnav was annoyed hearing that. Who is Shyam?

"But he was normal when Khushi introduced everyone until he saw Di..." Arnav asked frowning.

Anjali nodded yes.

"I thought he knows my husband whose name is also Shyam"

"What? Your husband's name is also Shyam?" Buaji asked surprisingly And looked at Shashi who nodded yes.

"Ohh do you know my Shyamji?" Anjali asked Shashi.

Shashi nodded yes. She was about to ask him something, Arnav stopped her.


"Di... I don't think he is capable of answering your questions. He is facing tough time Di"

Anjali nodded yes.

"We will ask Jeejaji about it when he returns," Arnav said.

"Yeah, that's a good idea" Anjali agreed.

"Khushi bitiya, let your Babuji rest for a while," Nani said.

Khushi nodded yes and pushed the wheelchair towards his room.

"Madhumathiji, we will let you know the marriage date soon," Naniji said.

Raizadas left GH, taking Gupta's leave. Buaji, Garima, and Payal went to Shashi's room and sat beside him on the bed.

"Amma, you be with Babuji. I will prepare lunch" Khushi came out of the room.

She went speechless as Arnav was standing in the living room.


"I have forgotten my phone"

Khushi looked here and there. She saw it on the tea table.

"It's there" She took a step and bent down to take it.

At the same time, Arnav also extended his hands and he caught hold of Khushi's hand which is holding his phone.

Khushi looked at the phone and then his face. She gulped hard and tried to pull her hand. Arnav gripped her hand smiling at her.



"Leave my hand"


"Just leave"

"Why are you panting hard?"

"No... I'm not." She said looking here and there"

"Look at me, when I'm talking"

"Amma and Buaji...."

"Ok... I'm leaving"

"No... I didn't mean it"

"Then what did you mean?"

"Your phone"

"It's in a safe place," He said looking at her hand.

Khushi pulled her hand from his clutch.

"Who is Shyam?" He asked folding his hands.

Khushi got stuck.

"Oh... he was our paying guest. Babuji wanted him to marry me."


"I denied"

"Where is he?"

"Buaji asked him to leave the house"


"As I said strict NO to marriage, she doesn't want him to stay here"

"When did you say strict NO to marriage?" he asked smirking.

Khushi bowed down.

"I asked you something, Khushi"

He lifted her chin.

"Diwali night"

A cute smirk appeared on Arnav's face.

"So, the kiss made everything upside down it seems?"

Khushi bowed again blushing.

"It's the most powerful kiss I suppose" he smiled.

Pushing him, Khushi rushed inside the kitchen. Arnav left GH all smiling.

Payal came to the kitchen and stood folding her hands.

"Have your Arnavji gone?"

Khushi bit her lips and looked at her.

"What do you think? I don't know about what you guys have done?"

"He came to take his mobile Jeeji"

"Yeah, I saw him intentionally keeping his mobile on the tea table" Payal smiled.

"Is it true?"

Payal nodded yes.

"That's why I took Amma and Buaji to Babuji's room and kept them engaged," she said smilingly.

"Means, you knowingly gave him a chance to talk to me?"

Payal nodded yes.

"What do you think? Does Mamiji say yes to the marriage on her own? It's Arnavji's who made her say YES"

"How do you know that?"

"Akashji told me, today morning. But he didn't say that they are coming today"

Khushi remembered Arnav asking about Payal's proposal.

"Ohh... are you compensating your Jeethji's help?" Khushi teased.

Seeing Payal blushing,

"Jeeji... Wait....what this blush means?"

Payal turned opposite to Khushi smilingly.

"Means, do you love Akashji?"

Payal bit her lip.

"Hey, Devi Maiya..." She hugged Payal happily.

"Do you remember Khushi, we wanted to marry brothers?"

"Haan Jeeji... I'm so happy we will be together forever"

"We have to thank Arnavji for that"

Khushi nodded yes staying in the hug.

To be continued...

As Arnav expected, Khushi was damn happy about Payal and Akash's marriage. She and her sister are going to be together forever. It's because of Arnavji. Khushi knew how haughty Manorama is. If she is ready to accept Payal as her daughter-in-law, it's because of Arnav. It seems LARD GOVERNOR is not as bad as she thought. She remembered what she said about Arnav once.

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