《Arshi FF Friendship to love》part 8
So khushi arnav and lavanya…leave for shopping..dey enter in a mall..wer lavanya..busy choosing her dresses while arnav tries to select for him..khushi sits lonely n silently…
Seeing khushi sitting lonely..arnav comes towards her..
Arnav-y r u sitting lonely?
Khushi-wt shud I do den?
Arnav- u dn't wana do shopping?,I mean for di's engagement?
Khushi-I hav already dne shopping for d engagement
Arnav-really wen?
Khushi-wel yest. Wit ur mom..she smiles
Arnav-mom n u did shopping already..
Arnav-seriously ur unpredictable..he evn smiles.., n says okay den shud sit lonely..u need to help me out in shopping..
Arnav-y?u dn't wna help me?
Khushi-no I din mean dat
Arnav-den help me out..
Arnav tries few shirts..bt khushi says its nt suitable..soon dey bth find a red colour shirt…n dey bth move to take d shirt..hands come in contact..cool breeze blows…..n rabba ve moment as eyes come in contact..
Soon khushi breaks d eye contact..
Khushi-u shud try dis…m damn sure it wil suit u..
Arnav-if ur damn sure den I shud really try it..
Arnav goes in d changing room ..n after a while he comes out…
Ufff he was looking so dashing….khushi totally got flaunted on his looks..she cn't take her eyes off..from him..she juz stared him
Khushi din responded him
Arnav shaked him..khushi?
Arnav-m asking u frm wen hw m I luking
Soon lavanya comes der..evn she got flaunted over his looks..in red shirt..
Lavanya-wow asr ur luking great in dis shirt..
Arnav-thanx..its her choice…n her choice is always great pointing out khushi
Lavanya boils red in anger..soon she says
Lavanya-no asr its aint looking dat good..u shud try ur fav colour..blue..
Khushi(confused)-blue fav colour? ..bt his fav colour is red…
Lavanya-go n plz change..for me it wil look more awesome on u go n try..
Arnav looked at d red shirt..as he liked d red shirt more…khushi noticed out his gaze..
Lavanya leaves..making faces to khushi..
Khushi den says d sale's man…to pack d red shirt..as she wil purchase it…
Lavanya after doin her shopping calls up a random guy n says him dat work shud be dne today itself I want to close d chapter of krusha mehra today itself..
Random guy-ur work wil b dne..
Soon d shopping is dne..
Arnav sees a bag in khushi's hand..
Arnav-evn u did shopping?
Arnav-wt did u bought?
Khushi-sumthng spcl..i wil say u later on.
Den dey sit in d car..n leave for home..
Arnav drops khushi at her place…n bids her bye..bt khushi forgets her cell in his car
Khushi's place
Khushi opens up d door..soon she sees goons enters her home
Khushi-who d hell r u all?
Goons-u need to leave dis place othawise v wil do anything to u..
Khushi-u better get lost u dn't knw I m karate champion..if u dn't wna ur bones to b broken out u shud leave nw..
Meanwhile arnav reaches..his home..
He drops lavanya to d entrance of d home n says her dat he wil do d parking of d car n come..
Lavanya goes inside..
As arnav was parking his car he sees some one cell,he picks n says dis is krusha's cell ,she forgot ova here..i must give her back..she must b searching for it…he leaves for khushi's home..
Khushi arguing wit d goons to leave from her place bt dey dn't listen her ..i mean while a goon catches her..she hits him so hard..dat blood starts oozing out from his mouth
Khushi-hw dare u evn touch me I warned u dat m karate champion dn't miff wit me…better leave..otha wise it wn't b good for u..
Bt as khushi's manual power is low she cn't handle so many goons..two goons catches her
Khushi-leave me wt d hel u al want..y r u duin dis to me?
Goon-v want u to leave d city at any cost
Khushi-n if I wn't den?
Goon-u wil hav to pay for it..
He tries to hit khushi…bt soon arnav arrive n stops him.by holding his hand.
Goon-hw dare u hold my hand evn?
Arnav-hw u dare u evn try to hit my friend?
Khushi looks at arnav..tears In her eyes…
Arnav-dn't worry nthng wil happen to u..as I wil nt let happen u anything
He starts hitting all d goons…one by one..soon he completes hitting dem all..bt stil a goon is In conscious state so gets up…n cums forward to hit arnav..bt as khushi sees dis.. she cums in middle n she is hitted by d goon..she becomes unconscious..
Arnav as soon as khushi get hitted..n unknown pain aching his heart suddenly emerges…though khushi was been hitted bt..pain seems to b ached by arnav..
Arnav gets up in anger frowling…..
He starts hitting d goon..left n right n says him –hw dare u evn hit her…hw dare u evn touched her u ..KEEPs on hitting til d goons does nt get unconscious…
Khushi in unconscious state-ar….nav..
Arnav listens dis he leaves d goon n cums running towards her…
Arnav-nthng wil happen to u..
He takes her in his arms…n leave for d hospital..
In d hospital khushi is banded…n comes in conscious state
Doctor says nthng to worry as der is a small heal..it wil b recovered soon..n den he leaves..
Arnav cums near khushi-r u alright nw?
Khushi- yes..
Arnav-u saved me from dat goon thanx..
Khushi-no,infact I shud say u thanx as u helped me out in getting rid of dat goons..n fought for me..
Arnav-no bt u saved me..
Khushi-ufffo arnav even u saved me…,okay v decided no thanx n sorries right????
Arnav –yup..fine get ready v r moving to my place
Khushi-my place?,bt I need to go home remember ur di's engagement is der today..i evn need to get ready…
Arnav-yes I know…bt nw u wil nt b goin der as u gna stay wit us..
Khushi-wer?at ur home?
Arnav-yes..as I cannot take any other risk in ur case..first of al in dis big city u live alone n yest wt happened I dn't want it to happen again..
Khushi-bt I cannot..
Arnav-I dn't wana hear if n but's u r cuming wit me n dat's a friends order…
Khushi finally agrees..
Khushi-bt atleast lemme take my stuff from d home..
Arnav-dn't worry abt dat I wil send hp to take ur stuff..
Bt khushi recalls abt d album..abt her's n arnav's college album..
Khushi-na…no..no..i mean..der is sum stuff I need to take it my self..
Arnav-fine..which imp things u wna take..take it okay…
Khushi's place
Arnav is waiting for her..
Khushi bring some imp stuff..wit her..n comes out
Arnav(after looking d stuffs in her hand)-wt's so imp in dis dat u wanted to pick up it by urself?
Khushi-dese things r very spcl to me..ummm like best phase is stored in dis…I cannot loose dem at any cost…
Arnav(smiles)-is dat so imp to you?
Khushi-dese things r evn greater den my life…
Arnav jus smirks…giving a thought of her simplicity…
Arnav-okay fine c'mon lets go nw..
Arnav n khushi reaches home..
Anjali(after seeing khushi n arnav)-chhotey n krushaji were wer u bth?..anjali after seeing bandage of khushi,krushaji wt hapnd to u?
Arnav says d whole story
Anjali-omg!r u alright krushaji?
Khushi-yes m alright..
Lavanya comes in d hall she sees khushi n arnav
Lavanya to arnav- wt is she duin here?
Arnav-from today she gna stay here..
Lavanya-wt???bt y?
Arnav-she stays in delhi alone n she was caught in some goons yest..i want her to safe n dn't wna happen it again so I brought her here..
Lavanya boiling red in anger..n thinks..my dices r played back on me..now I hav to tolerate her even at home GODDD…I need to find out some way to get rid of her……
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