《Winter Wonderland》The Usurper from the wilds: part 15
"This is quite an interesting claim, right little Beastie?~" Lilia asked, turning his head towards Y/n with a hand on his hip.
"Indeed. How naive~" Y/n chuckled, smirking at Leona.
"They seemed right on time to me," Sebek said, crossing his arms, having a grin on his face as well.
"Indeed. It's thanks to them that not a single one of Diasomnia House's players got hurt." Silver added.
Ruggie flinched in surprise, ears pinning down. "What? How?! I saw you get swallowed up by the stampede!" he spoke in disbelief.
"Fufufu, about that..." Y/n started off. "So it turns out those were actually duplicates of me, made with my signature Split Card spell, with a little help with Y/n's illusion magic to make it more real" Cater continued, smiling mischievously.
"What?" Leona asked in frustration.
"I must admit, I really dig those Diasomnia House outfits. They're so extra! I'll DM you some of my selfies later" Cater chuckled.
Lila perked an eyebrow, grinning at Cater. "Is that right? If I knew you were such a fan, I'd have gladly loaned you mine." Lila smiled.
"Such a sweetheart!" Cater laughed. "Unlike Y/n who has a small body, I think yours would be a little small for me" Cater smirked, causing Y/n to let out a playful scoff.
"Yuuna might be able to fit perfectly to be honest" Y/n commented.
"Oh?" Lila turned to Yuuna, giving her a wink, making the girl blush from the sudden attention.
"Enough. Can we get to the point?" Leona demanded, giving the group a harsh stare.
"Y/n told us everything. So we had him put on that little charade for us" Lilia said.
"So, then....Malleus?" Ruggie stuttered.
"Oh, he's in top-top shape, of course!" Sebek said in his usual loud voice. "He's been helping Camelius in clearing up the chaos, using his magic to guide all the people safely back to the coliseum. You can thank them later"
"H-how could this happen?!" Ruggie asked in protest.
Leona was silent for a bit, a shadow looming over his eyes. "...tch. Whatever. I don't even care anymore" Leona sighed tiredly.
"what?" Ruggie looked at Leona with a shocked look in his eyes.
"I'm done. It's over" Leona repeated.
"Boss, what are you saying?!" Ruggie asked in disbelief. Y/n new this would happen from her memories, but seeing Leona just give up like that is...hard to say.
"Are you even payin' attention?" Leona glared at Ruggie. "If Malleus is able to take the field then we got no chance of winning. There's no point even trying. I'm out"
"Y-you can't just...!" Ruggie couldn't believe what his Housewarden, whom he looked up to, was saying. "Malleus might still be in the game, but we took it all the other dorms' best players, right?" he tried to reason with him. "But without you on the field, I don't even know if we'd have a shot at the top three! You're just going to abandon our dreams?" Ruggie asked.
"For all the talk about 'the world watching,' this still just schoolkids plain' a game." Leona sighed in anger. "All you wide-eye tenderfoots talkin' about your dreams...pfft. The whole thing amused me, so I threw you a bone. That's all this was." Leona bitterly smiled.
"What do you mean? What happened to working together to 'turn the world upside down'?" Ruggie asked, having a betrayed looked on his face.
"Are you seriously still goin' on about that?" Leona huffed, placing a hand on his head, chuckling a bit. "All right, fine. You wanna hear the truth? You're a hyena who grew up in a dump, and I'm a secondborn prince who won't ever be king. And there is NO turning that around!" Leona growled.
"What?" Ruggie started gritting his teeth, shutting his eyes tightly. "You gotta be kidding me! What is this? You can't just quit after we've come this far!" Ruggie shouted. Yuuna frowned sadly. "This has to be some nightmare...or a sick joke. Right, Y/n?" she asked.
Y/n had a disappointed look on her face. "I'm afraid it isn't...Yuuna"
"You can't do this to us, Boss!" a Savanaclaw student shouts.
"You're gonna play, even if we gotta drag you out there kicking and screaming!"
"bah, I'm so sick of this nonsense..." Leona growled, turning towards his residents. "Shut UP, you nobodies!" Leona shouted darkly, his voice mixed with Superbia. She was taunting him even more as the Savanaclaw stadium's air began to dry up, as sang began to fly in the wind.
Leona grabbed Ruggie by the arm, as everyone put their guard up even higher.
"Aaagh..." Ruggie whimpered.
"Gwaaah!" the students yelped in surprise when they saw Leona holding onto the poor hyena. There were some small cracks that began to form on his arm.
"Leona! Stop it!" Y/n shouts.
"R-Ruggie-senpai!" Yuuna shouts in worry. Everyone else was shocked as well.
"What?! My nose is dryin' out...M-my eyes hurt!" Grim whined.
Leona ignored Y/n plea to stop. "Everything the housewarden touched is turning to sand?!" Jack exclaimed.
Leona chuckled bitterly. "That'd be my signature spell. . Ironic, isn't it? Nothin' the savanna hates more than a drought. Yet its prince's magic desiccates everything- reduces it to sand."
Ruggie whimpered in pain, ears pinned down on his head deeply, tail between his legs. "B-boss...It huuurts...!" he cried out.
"Ruggie's arm! The skin is cracking!" Deuce yelled, terrified about such power.
"Your spell can legit dry out a HUMAN BEING?!" Ace asked.
"Leona, I cannot allow this to continue!" Riddle stepped forward, pointing his staff at the lion. ""
Riddle fired his unique magic, but it was immediately repealed.
"Myah?! Riddle's collar bounced right off!" Grim shrieked.
"Maybe you're some kinda prodigy and one of Y/n's soulmates, but don't go thinkin' you're smarter than your elders. I aced my Protective Magic classes in my sleep." Leona said as the shadow of Superbia grew darker
"tch!" Riddle scoffed.
"Hah! How do you like that, Ruggie?" Leona turned towards the pitiful Hyena. "Does it hurt? Is your mouth too dry to keep licking my boots? That was your finest talent, too" he smirked, as Superbia laughed sadistically.
Suddenly, Leona saw another vision, as Ruggie was replaced with another male, who looked like he was being strangled to death, but no other than Leona's past life, Mika. Another fragment of Mika's soul. "Does it hurt? I bet my darling said the same to you when you tried assassinate her! Hahaha, do you know how she feels!"
Leona was back to seeing Ruggie, whimpering in pain. "Ngh...G-gah..."
"If we don't stop him, Ruggie's gonna...!" Jack trailed off.
"Whatever it takes, stop him!" Yuuna shouted summoned golden chains from Micheal.
"This ends right here!" Y/n was about to run to stop Leona, but was stopped when Riddle took a hold of her shoulder. He didn't want her to be in the same situation as Ruggie, especially how Leona could cause greater harm to Y/n.
"If you have that much power, why do this?!" Riddle demanded an answer.
"'why?'" Leona started off. "What do you care, kid? You gonna scold me? Try to talk me down? Don't you get it? Power alone ain't enough to make waves in this world unless you're Y/n! Look at Ruggie here. He's like a muzzled dog. Pathetic, ain't it? Hard not to pity him." Leona scoffed.
The cracks on Ruggie's arm were getting worse. "Urr...ggghh..." he cried. He was having trouble breathing.
"That's enough!" Jack shouts as mana surrounded the wolf. "" Jack began to morph into a large wolf.
"What just-" poor Riddle almost had a heart attack.
Jack howled before looking down at Leona, growling.
"He...transformed?!" questioned Yuuna.
"Whoa, what just- Gah!" Leona yelped as Jack knocked him out as Yuuna carefully used the golden chains to grab Ruggie from a safe distance, away from Leona, having the hyena go in Yuu's arms.
"Now, Riddle! He has his guard down!" Y/n shouts.
"Right! Off with your head!" Riddle commanded as an oh-so-familiar collar got locked around Leona's neck. "GAH!" he screamed.
Ruggie began coughing as Yuuna used Micheal to heal him. "Y-your gonna be alright, senpai!" she cried. It was like she felt the pain herself, she couldn't imagine the amount of pain Ruggie must be feeling right now. "Y-yuuna...T-thank you"
Yuuna shook her head. "No need to thank me. I couldn't have done it without Jack's help" she said, wiping away Ruggie's tears he shed from the pain as he glowed a light gold from being healed. Since 'The King's Roar' was a powerful and dangerous spell, it would take Micheal a while to heal Ruggie, but at least Yuuna can use the large cross to soothe the hyena's pain.
"That was beautiful, Riddle! You stopped Leona's magic cold!" Cater praised, kneeling down to Yuuna to make sure Ruggie was doing alright.
Silver turned to Sebek. "Sebek, let's get the wounded somewhere safe"
"Do not presume to order me around, Silver!" Sebek shouts.
Y/n turned to the tall green hair student. "This isn't the time. Just bring the students to safety!" she ordered.
Sebek saluted like a soldier. "Yes, Mistress!" he shouted.
"no...NO! You can't collar a lion!" Leona growled as some blot began to drip down his head, tucking at the collar around his neck. "And Jack! How did you...Transformation potions are forbidden! Where did you get that?" Leona asked, turning his attention to Jack, who was back to normal.
"I didn't use a potion- that's my signature spell. With it, I can transform myself into a wolf." Jack explained.
"Ha! What's that saying?" Leona smirked. "Every dog has his day? Well, I guess you had yours!"
Jack clenched his fist. "Housewarden Leona, I want you to know...I only came to this school because of how much I admired you! What happened to the man you used to be?" Jack asked.
"Shut up...Your dreams got nothin' to do with me!" Leona yelled, the shadow growing larger.
"I understand the irony of me being the one to say it, but it pains me to see you as this" Riddle spoke, lowered his gaze to the ground, and then back up at Leona. "You'd be wise to confine yourself to your room and try to calm down!"
"I agree with that. Go rest, Leona" Y/n ordered, crossing her arms.
"What do you know about how I feel?!" Leona bitterly asked.
Lila frowned, stepping forward. "Would that the lion king of the savanna could witness this absolute farce. No, if you ask me, the collar suits you far better than a crown ever could" the vampire fae smirked.
"...huh?!" Leona and Y/n asked. Everyone turned their attention towards Lilla as he continued. "You may bemoan the fact that you're not higher in line to be king. But with that sensitive ego of yours? That so quickly directs all your petty anger at your retainers...Well, the idea of you ever contending with a REAL king like our Malleus and Y/n- is absolutely laughable" Lila sneered.
"Even if you COULD defeat Malleus, how will you beat the Ice Empress of Permafrost herself? Is that how you choose to conduct yourself? You would never be fit to rule!" Lilla finished.
"L-Lilla!" Yuuna spoke. "Don't you think that was a little harsh?" she asked. Y/n chuckled, "He doesn't deserve any sugarcoating, Yuu-chan. After all, he needs a little slap to his pride" she turned to the shadow, looking up with a smirk. "Don't you think so too, Superbia?" she said.
Superbia let out a growl, before laughing as Leona laughed as well. "Hah...haha. Yeah, you're probably right. No, you're EXACTLY right...! Hahahaha!" Leona then looked at them. "I will never become king...no matter how hard I try!" he growled.
A dark aura surrounded the field. "" Superbia taunted.
"Riddle..." Y/n winced in pain, as the lion's soulmate mark began to sting. This never happened with Riddle. Maybe because the blossom of Pride was involved. Riddle's eyes widen as well. "The magic power within Leona is during...I don't think my collar can hold it!"
"No. That isn't magic power. That's negative energy, which means..." Lilla started off before Cater panicked. "Everybody, get down!" he shouted.
With that, Riddle used his body to protect Y/n, causing them to fall on the floor with Riddle was still protecting her.
While Ace, Deuce, Jack, and Cater jumped toward Yuuna and Ruggie to protect them. Grim was small enough to dodge without doing anything.
The collar around Leona shattered, debris flying everywhere from the impact. The sky darken, as blot was all around Leona.
"I've been loathed since the day I was born.... I've never had a place, never had a future!" Leona gritted his teeth. "None of my hard work is ever rewarded! How would any of YOU possibly understand? MY disappointment?! MY pain?! AAAH!" Leona screamed as Superbia smirked.
"" Superbia shouts, raising, as she began to morph into a overblot shadow of a lion, similar to scar.
Yuuna covered her ears. "The dripping noise. It's so loud!" she screamed from the pain in her head.
"SUPERBIA!" Y/n shouts, while underneath Riddle, not letting her go.
As Leona gets engulfed in darkness, he begins to see a vision, with Superbia herself in front of him. "I realize that you've always been an outcast" she sang, walking towards the Leona.
"It's not everyone at school who likes to think
To find a lion that's like you
I've had one or maybe two
But the good ones disappear before I blink"
Superbia sang as clones of Y/n and Blanche walked out of the blossom's shadow, chanting.
(Oh, wuh-oh-wuh)
(oh, wuh-oh-wuh)
"Now, I understand you have your reservations"
Superbia and the illusions sang as the blossom morphed to a dark version of Leona, as he looked in shock.
"But if we don't win these games
Well, I think we've made it plain
What will happen if we have the losing scores!"
(oh, wuh-oh-wuh)
(oh, wuh-oh-wuh)
"Unleash the magic
Unleashed the magic
If we lose, then you're to blame"
The clones circled around Leona, singing what would happen if Savanaclaw lost again.
"They all have used it"
Blanche clones sang.
"Maybe abused it."
"So then why can't we do the same?"
The clones turned to Savanaclaw students who followed Leona.
"Call is power, call is magic,
if we lose, it will be tragic
More important is the knowledge we'll have lost"
Superbia taunted Leona, causing him to growl.
"A chance like this won't come again
You'll regret not giving in
Isn't beating Malleus worth the cost?"
(oh, wuh-oh-wuh
oh, wuh-oh-wuh)
"Unleash the magic
Unleash the magic
We're teammates after all
Our only interest in this business
Is seeing Diasomnia House fall"
Savanaclaw sang, floating around Leona with taunting smiles.
"What I'm suggesting is very simple"
Superbia appeared behind Leona, holding onto his shoulders
"And since it's win-win on all scores
We only want to learn about your potential you have stored"
Superbia placed a finger on him, as he seemed that blot kept on pouring into him.
"And as for you and all the others
We only want what we deserve
That our House will cinch the win
And your
Legacy will endure"
Superbia would grin as Savanaclaw student stood in front of Leona who held onto his head, horrible memories began to show of Malleus beating his ass and Camelius' look of disappointment.
"Unleash the magic
Unleashed the magic
If we lose, then it's a crime
But we can win it
If you begin it
It's up to you to not fail this time"
the Savanaclaw sang, moving to the side to see a illusion of Y/n.
"Imagine all you could be by setting it free"
fake Y/n sang.
(Unleashed the magic, free the magic now)
Savanaclaw students repeated.
"Now winning these games depends on you"
(unleashed the magic, free the magic now)
"And what doors might open if you try to use it~"
(Unleashed the magic, free the magic now)
"But seeing a disappointed Malleus is really what I want to see"
a person sang that sounded like Leona a few days ago
"Unleash the magic free the magic...
Unleashed the magic, free the magic...
The Savanaclaw students, Y/n, and Superbia yelled, causing Leona's vision to turn black. It was slow mode.
A rawr echoed through the stadium.
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