《Georgie Snow ( Archie Andrews )》Part 14


The next week Georgie was back at school with her friends, over the weekend Fred's yard was attacked and damaged and Moose was beaten up pretty bad. Naturally Archie was furious so Georgie has given him space and hasn't spoken to him all weekend.

As Georgie walked into the school she noticed everyone looking at her sympathetically and she hated it. She hated pity and she felt like she did when she came back after everyone heard about her mum.

Georgie rushed to the girls changing room where she slumped against the lockers and started to cry. She wasn't broken far from it but why does she feel like it. All these thoughts going round I'm her head sent her over the edge, her breathing became heavy and she started to feel like she couldn't breath. Luckily at that minute Ronnie walked in with some other cheerleaders

"Georgie! Georgie what's wrong?"

"G-get A-A-Archie!" Georgie managed to breath out

"Shit he's playing football! Shit!" Ronnie looked into Georgies eyes and began to run out to the football field

"ARCHIE! ARCHIE!" She screamed

"Miss Lodge you can't be here!" Coach warmed her. Archie heard her and came running to Ronnie

"It's Georgie I think she's having a panic attack she can't breath" Archie's eyes begin to show panic as they both run towards the girls locker room.

Archie slides in front of Georgie and he sits in front of her. She's still finding it hard to breath.

"Shit shit Georgie ok! Shit you haven't had one of these in years! Ok look at me look me in the eyes ok! Breath"

Georgie looked into Archie's eyes and began to breath slower. She gripped his hands once her breathing was back to normal she threw her arms around him and pulled him close.


"It's ok baby I'm here you're ok no one is going to hurt you! I promise" Archie soothed her by rubbing her back.

The next day at school everyone stands watching something on their phones.

"What the hell is everyone looking at?" Veronica asks

"Hey Tom let me see?" Georgie asks as Tom walks over and passes his phone over.

Georgie and Veronica couldn't believe what they were seeing a video of men wearing red ski masks and Archie stood at the front with nothing covering his face.

"You think you can mess with our families! We are the red circle! We will find you we will hunt you and we will end you!" Archie steps closer to the camera

"Oh my god!" Ronnie covers her mouth

"I'm gonna Kill him"

The final bell rings and Georgie rushed up to Archie truck to see him standing there with the guys from school from his video. She walks up to him and slaps him across the face.

"How could you do this!" Tears stream down Georgies face as she walks off to her car.

She speeds off Home and she can see Archie's truck following her. She slams the door as Archie gets out of his truck.


She whips around to face Archie "NO! How could you do this! You showed your face! They know who you are? So what you guys are like a gang now? Geez Archie!"

"Look I'm doing this for YOU for US don't you understand that?"

"No archie no I don't I understand that you want to get yourself killed! Shit Archie!"

"This guy tried to KILL YOU Georgie! He killed Our baby!"

"Don't you dare do that!" Georgie spat

"I'm sorry! Me and these guys we are prepared to do this! For you for everyone in Riverdale he can't scare us!"


"I can't do this right now! I don't know who you are! My Archie wouldn't do this!"

"I would do anything to protect you! If this is what it takes to do that than I will!"

"What if something happens to you! How could I live!" Tears steam down Georgies face.

"I need to be alone. I'm sorry Archie!" Georgie turns to walk into her house when everyone turns up

"Georgie you ok?" Betty ask

"No not really" the girls walk over to her and walk inside with her.

"Dude what have you done!" Jug asked Archie

"I will end this! And she will realise I did this for her!" Archie got in his car and drove off

"Oh Archie I hope you know what you're doing!" Jug shuck his head.

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