《Georgie Snow ( Archie Andrews )》Part 3


"So this is it, good old Riverdale high, I bet it's not as big as your school back in New York but it's ok!" Betty expressed to the raven haired girls Veronica as they stroll down the corridor.

"It's ok I mean I've always liked the idea of small towns and their quaint little traditions" the New Yorker said with her heels clicking on the floor.

Just then Kevin came over to introduce himself to the new comer.

"So what do you guys do for fun around here?" The raven haired girl asked whilst looking around.

"A strip club called the Ho zone and a tragic gay bar called Innuendo. Friday nights is football night and tailgate in the Mall-mart parking lot. Then Sunday's well thank god for HBO and internet porn!" Kevin states as Betty looks at him unimpressed.

Just as Betty was about to say something the doors flew open and in walked two people that everyone didn't expect to see on the first day at school. All heads turned as the Snow girl walked though the door. Georgies heels clicking on the floor walking hand in hand with her younger sister.

Everyone in the hallway split down the middle to reveal the blonde, the raven New Yorker and Kevin stood there in shock.

Georgie turns to Allison before she runs off to her friends.

"Remember you need anything you come to me ok?"

" Yeah George I get it! Don't worry I will be ok! We both will be" Allison kisses her sister and runs off.

Georgie walks off to the office on her left.

"Who is that hottie?" Veronica stares.

"That my friend is the Georgie Snow! Beauty beyond belief, 4.0 gpa, one of the richest families in the town. Aside from that she has the heart of an angel and would do anything for anyone! You met Cheryl right?" Kevin asked Ronnie as she nodded.


" Well Cheryl looks like a peasant next to Georgie in order of power in this school. She was head of cheerleading and class president. One of our best friends and Archie...oh shit Archie is gonna flip. She left a year ago after her Mum died but I guess they are back. Betty did she tell you she was coming back?" Kevin turned to she blonde who was still in shock.

"I'll be back" Betty runs off to find 2 certain boys that are talking outside in the court.

"Guys guys she's back! She's back!" Betty sobs as the 2 boys sprint to follow her. Archie's heart beating 100mph.

"Well welcome back Georgie it's good to have you two girls back in this school"

"Thank you miss Gerald! It's good to be back!" Georgie beams to the receptionist making her day.

"George....." Georgie heard that familiar voice and a tear spring to her eye. She spun around to see her 2 best friends stood at the door with the love of her life.

"Surprise" Georgie chocked out Betty ran up to get and tackled her with a hug.

"God I missed you so much Georgie" Betty cried.

"I missed you too. What do I not get a hug mr Jughead Jones the third!" Georgie beamed at the boy in the hat as she sees a tear spring to his eye that he quickly wipes away and walks towards her as Betty lets go. Georgie holds her hands out for a hug and he pulls her in tight.

"I missed you so much" Jug whispers so only Georgie can hear.

"I missed you too Jug more than you will ever know!" She whispers back.

They pull away and she turns to the one person that she has been waiting to see for the year she was away. The person she thought about every second of the day. Archie Andrews.


The tears welled up in her eyes again. "Hello Archie!" Georgie smiles nervous what his reaction will be.

Archie can't believe it she's back! she came back to him! He takes a deep breath. He then runs towards her and picks her up. Georgie gasps at the surprise as the tears fall from her eyes.

He puts her down and just looks at her. The beauty he has been longing to see this year. Missing her in his arms most nights.

He slowly puts his lips on hers for a longing deep kiss. She instantly reacts and kisses him back. They pull apart.

"God I missed you so much! Why didn't you tell me you were back I would have met you before school?" Archie desperately tries to get out.

Georgie giggles " I thought I would surprise you all!"

"OMG that was the a better reunion than sex in the city!" Kevin says wiping his eyes catching the attention of the 4 friend.

"Kevin!" Georgie walks over to hug him. " how are you I missed you and your sassiness!" Georgie smiles.

"I'm doing ok. I'm glad your back! Queen Cheryl has been abusing her power!" He rolls his eyes.

"God i missed you all and this place. I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself I'm Georgie Snow and you are?" She turned to the stranger with a bright smile.

"Veronica lodge, I just moved from New York today is my first day!"

"New York wow! I love you outfit is it Valentino?"

"Yeah last season but it's my favourite!"

" oh I don't care about season but it's gorgeous. I have to borrow it some times" Georgie grins causing the ravel haired girl to smile back.

Georgie turns back to her friends

"I've missed you all so much you will never know!" A tear spilled from her eye as Archie came over to get and kissed her forehead before he pulled her onto a hug. She reached her arms out to the other two. As they came in to join the hug.

"Yeah it's good to be back!"

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