《BABY. ☆ wednesday addams》three


chapter three:

"your breath alone is giving me AIDS.

crowded as all age groups were combined for a "camp pep assembly," as some of the guidence counselors called it.

baby tried to look around for a certain tall, handsome boy but he was nowhere in sight. the girl sighed in displeasure.

"as all of you may know, we have officially," counselor brady paused for effect, "made it through one week of camp. show me some excitement!" the crowd erupted in cheers, and baby smiled brightly. "in light of this celebration, each age group is assigned to a cabin. there will be games and a bonfire outside. now go have some fun!" baby and alisha squealed as they walked hand in hand to the cabin.

baby still couldn't find wednesday, which made her upset. he gave her tingly feelings, she just wanted to be by him at all times. she knew that she was stupid for feeling such a way, and tried to silence her thoughts.

as the group of about twenty people entered, all the kids went to do their thing. some went to the bonfire, some went to gossip, but baby noticed the group of his kids in a circle crowded around a bottle.

"alisha! come play with us, bring your friend too!" a voice frin the group shouted to the pair. alisha grabbed baby's hand and dragged her into the circle.

"don't worry, this will be fun." alisha assured her. the brunette couldn't help but frown though, she knew the game. and didn't want to kiss anyone here.

"so you know the rules. if you spin, you kiss whomever it lands on. boy or girl." a pretty blonde explained that sat three people to the right from baby. "we don't kiss and tell, so if the chemistry's getting heated," the girl winked and pointed at the bathroom door behind her, "feel welcome." the group smirked and the boys elbowed eachother while looking hungrily at the girls.


baby continued fiddling with her fingers, something didn't feel right. she didn't want to kiss anyone here.

"i'll go first." the blonde announced before landing her hand on the glass bottle, and spinning it clockwise. it kept turning, and turning, and it was getting close to baby.. when it skipped right over her and made it's way to alisha. alisha smiled happy to kiss a beautiful girl, and leaned over to lock lips with her. they traded spit for a few seconds while boys whistled, then parted. someone else went and the game continued, baby was getting quite bored really.

"baby, you should go." alisha announced making all eyes turn to the petite girl. she smiled sheepishly.

"no, really, i shouldn't. i would rather not-" she started but was interrupted by everyone else shushing her and telling her to go. she felt vile rise up her throat at the complete and utter disregardance they had for her, but she ignored it and reached over and spinning the bottle. she hoped it might land on alisha so she could just peck her lips and be done with. that wouldn't count as her first kiss, right?

the bottle landed at none other than the horrendous william. he smirked visibly as her lip trembled. he stood up to meet her halfway as she did the same, slightly shaking.

this was wrong, he isn't-

william started to lean in as baby stood still. she didn't want this to happen. his eyes were clenched shut and his lips puckered. he looked gross, like a frog. his breath smelt horrendous and was a complete turn off for her. she knew it was wrong, so she stopped. she stepped away and he opened his eyes as he realized she wasn't there.

"i can't do this, william, sorry. your breath alone is giving me AIDS." baby left the cabin in search of the boy she actually wanted to kiss.



wednesday addams saw the whole occurence, he knew it was weird, but he stood outside watching her through the window. she completely infatuated him. when he saw william leaned in, he left to his designated spot on the dock, too angry and jealous to watch.

"wednesday?" a soft voice called to him. he smiled gently before erasing any evidence. baby walked slowly to him before sitting next to him, really close to him. he tensed. it was an accident. she didnt mean anything by sitting next to me.

she wanted to touch him, she wanted william off of her, and wednesday on. any trace of the breath-reeker to be replaced by the midnight-creeper.

she grabbed his arm closest to her that was hanging off his knees and pulled it over her as she settled onto his chest. her shaking stopped as soon as she nuzzled closer and smiled. she felt safe. wednesday finally got out of his daze and enveloped her in his arms, too scared that if he let go she would leave him. he smirked as he thought of an idea.

"want some swimming lessons, babe?"

and so, the pair spent the next hour playing in the lake, only where baby could touch of course, before wednesday convinced her to go somewhere with him. she grabbed his arm, and they went through the forest together, hand in hand.


is it weird to be in love with them? like i'm so soft for the both of them.

btw, i think that baby always wanted a protective figure, and wednesday has been that for her. she feels safe with him, but she doesn't completely trust his motives. she's used to men using her, and that has seem natural to her and she doesn't know that it's not healthy to not be shown respect in a relationship. that's kinda why it's slow burn?

hope that clears some things up xx


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