《Mr. Brightside | Dream Daddy x Reader》Hugo Vega | My Favorite Work of Art
Published // 092017
Sorry this is so late, I've been really busy these past weeks because of school but I'll get back to my schedule of every 3 days soon.
Thank you all so much for the continued patience and support! I reread everyone's comments to check on missed requests but I was so inspired by all the lovely feedback. It makes me really happy to know you're all enjoying this so far.
(I proofread to edit just once so excuse minor mistakes I missed, ok thanks!!)
Thanks for requesting! If you have a request, comment it below or on the first chapter.
A: I didn't see the fun in them before but now I really wish I appreciated them more. I hope to go to a big museum abroad in the future too.
"Hey dad, look at that."
Hugo felt his son tug on his sleeve, and he turned to where Ernest was pointing. From across the street they were walking through, there was a building. What had caught their eye though was the intricate designs on the walls, which were paintings from different eras. Hugo knew from what era each of them were, but he wondered why Ernest had called his attention to this.
"I think that's one of the museums my friends kept telling me to visit while we're here," Ernest explained as if he read his dad's thoughts.
"Really now?"
"Yeah. It's like an optical illusion and 3D art museum. They allow pets too."
From between the two of them, Duchess barked happily. Hugo wasn't sure about the pets part, but seeing as they had just finished lunch and were just about to head back to the hotel, a museum trip wouldn't be bad (plus, Ernest wasn't always interested in things like this so he better take the chance). The two were currently spending some time together to "work on their family relationship", and they both decided on a trip out-of-town (with the help of the other dads).
They walked across the street and reached the entrance. At the cashier was a man who was drawing on a notebook. He looked around his twenties, and when he saw the two making their way to him he put his notebook and pen away and smiled brightly at him.
"Good afternoon, welcome to the Interart Museum! Would you like to buy tickets?" he greeted. Hugo looked at his name tag and it read "Vinci".
"Yes, we would like to," Hugo said, getting his wallet while checking the prices. From the signs on the booth, most people take two to three hours in the museum. Hugo also looked at the promotional photos of the people making use of the 3D art; it was rather impressive.
"I heard you allow pets. Do you allow pets?" Ernest asked, gesturing to Duchess who sat beside him. Vinci got up from his seat to look over at the dog, and he smiled.
"As long as they don't poop, bother the other visitors, and scratch the walls, then any pet is welcome!" the man said. Duchess barked cheerfully at his demeanor.
"What's her name by the way? I have the same breed at home."
"She's Duchess," Ernest said proudly.
As the tickets were settled, Vinci gave both of them a wristband and a collar for Duchess. All of accessories were black with museum's logo standing out. Waving goodbye at the cashier, they followed the signs into the building. They first walk into a small lounge area where shoes were placed.
"Please leave your shoes here," a lady at the desk called. Hugo and Ernest gave their shoes to her as she placed it in one basket then in a one of the many cubby holes behind her. Ernest then asked why did they have to remove their shoes.
"To avoid possible damage or dirt on the paintings, especially those on the floor, we have the visitors go around the museum in socks."
They nodded in understanding.
"Oh, I think the next group is just about to start. You two better hurry," she said, pointing to a group of people who were being lead by one man in the museum's uniform. The two of them made their way over to the group, which was just a couple in their thirties with a poodle and a family of five.
"Good morning everyone. My name is (Your Name) (Last Name), and I'll be your guide today for the introductions," you greeted.
"Do we have to follow the guide? He's probably gonna be like any boring guy," Ernest mumbled to Hugo. He lightly nudged his son in disapproval. Unbeknownst to them, you heard it.
"I am simply a speaker for the introductions and history of this museum, but after that I'll be around to talk to anyone who want to know more about the paintings," you said, voiced raised as if to prove a point.
Your eyes met with Ernest who huffed away, and you also looked up to see Hugo, who was more or less amused by this. You gave the both of them a warm smile.
Leading the small group into a tunnel, you explained the history and the making of the museum. From the individual painters who worked together to create beautiful pieces of art that lined the walls and floors, you also cracked a few jokes and actually interesting facts that kept all of them listening. Hugo thought that he could take a few notes from you, seeing as how your personality would fit really well as a teacher.
The small tour ends at the end of the tunnel when it opens up to a wider room filled with the first few interactive murals and optical illusions. Ernest pulled his dad to some of the murals to take pictures of himself (probably to send to friends or just to make fun of the art), but Hugo didn't watch where they walked because his attention was on you as you approached fellow worker who was just waiting around.
Just was Ernest was about to ask his dad to take a picture of him and Duchess, he caught Hugo staring off somewhere. The boy looked over to see that his father's line to sight was at the guide who had subtly called him out. Since the both of them were still walking, Ernest did something more than necessary to catch Hugo's attention.
"Watch out--"
He made the man bump into one of the Egyptian pillars, since the current theme were the early periods of art.
"Wha--why did you lead me straight into a pillar!?" Hugo exclaimed, earning weird looks from other families and some barking from other distressed dogs and animals. He apologized to those who passed by before turning to his son in anger. Ernest casually had his hands behind his head.
"Oh, I don't know," the boy rolled his eyes.
"It just seems you're too busy admiring some other piece of art other than the actual paintings."
Hugo didn't understand for a moment until Ernest groaned and pointed to the direction where he was staring a moment ago. The teacher looked back, and by some random chance your eyes locked with his. You gave your signature smile (well, Hugo wasn't sure if it was your signature since he's only seen it once), and he was entranced for a second before looking away.
"Since when were you so interested in art?" Hugo asked, gesturing to the area they stood in.
"Since when were you so interested in tour guides?" Ernest deadpanned.
Hugo proceeded to shove Ernest towards one of the paintings for a picture.
> > >
The father and son were an hour into the museum when Ernest had found one of his friends going around the place with their family. After some greetings and small talk Ernest and his friend wanted to go around the museum by themselves, with Duchess and his friend's cat. Hugo knew the museum was safe, but he was more scared of the possibility of his son vandalizing the walls.
"Promise me you two won't go around finding anything you can use to draw on the art," Hugo said, crossing his arms.
The two kids nodded, snickered amongst themselves, and skipped away. Hugo caught the quick hands of Ernest's friend taking out something that looked like a marker, and he knew this was a huge mistake.
"I wouldn't worry about them."
Hugo whipped back to see you standing behind him with a smile.
"We have had delinquents in the past. A marker's nothing compared to the time we had a whole gang spraypaint one of our bigger murals," you explained, walking beside him as two of you watched the kids frolic away.
Hugo shakily sighed, "I... I apologize for whatever he and his friend might do to the art here."
You put a hand on his shoulder, "Like I said, as long as they don't go breaking the walls then your fine's gonna be low."
Well, a fine's better than having to talk to the police.
"What's your name? You look like a man who knows his art," you said, examining him.
"Hugo Vega," he answered, and Hugo realized he was smiling. He found it easy to talk to you.
"(Y/N) (L/N), but I'm sure you knew that," you chuckled, lending out a hand for him to shake. He shook it.
"Let's walk and talk. Have you been to the second floor?"
"There's a second floor?"
With another laugh, you motioned for Hugo to follow you. The both of you walked side by side in a relatively slow pace so as to admire the paintings. Hugo listed as you talked a little about each painting and a little more on ones he wanted to stop and take a picture of.
"What do you do for a living?" you asked.
"I'm a teacher at my son's school in Maple Bay," Hugo answered.
"Maple Bay? I've visited the place a few times. It's really nice."
The brunette nodded in agreement.
"Do you happen to be a painter? I feel that vibe around you," Hugo noted, briefly glancing at your hands to see light stains of blue and purple.
"Does the paint give it away?" you said, putting your palm up to show more small splotches of dry paint. It was at that moment Hugo realized that his staring was obvious.
"But yeah, I paint and sculpt. We have painting classes here and I teach people of all ages with the help of my kids."
"Oh, you're a father?"
You nodded, running a hand through your hair, probably as a force of habit. This had come as a bit of a surprise to Hugo since you looked a little younger, but he noticed a few strands of grey hair. He wondered if you were as old as Robert.
"I'm a father of three. My eldest is working abroad, and the other two are here."
"Does your spouse paint too?"
You bit your lip, "I don't know. They're somewhere doing their own thing."
The conversation ended there as it shifted back to the paintings.
As you were walking to the stairs to the second floor, you noticed Hugo had stopped at one of the murals.
"Ah, the Primavera painting by Botticelli," you noted, walking beside him.
"I really like possible ways of incorporating yourself in this," he said.
"The oranges have been places outside of the frame for people to act as if they're picking them, a space with the three Graces have been given to seem as if you can hold them, Venus has her hand out to you, while Flora and Zephyr's chase could either her helped or stopped by the viewer."
You couldn't help but smile, "A good amount of people know the painting, but not a lot can name those besides the goddess."
Hugo hummed, taking out his phone for a picture, "Not a lot appreciate the work these days."
Hearing you sigh, Hugo turned back to see your with a slight frown. He wasn't sure whether or not to ask you what was wrong.
"Anyway," you waved a hand to dismiss the topic. "The stairs are right there, and just before it are the Baroque paintings."
Hugo watched as you think for a moment before turning to him with a faint smile.
"If you can name more than half of the paintings' titles and artists, I'll treat you to some coffee at the small café here."
"... I'll have you know that you're challenging a man of with a consecutive trivia night win streak."
> > >
"I didn't even know some of the trivia you mentioned! I hope you don't mind if use some of it," you said, paying the cashier as Hugo sipped his coffee. You heard him hum, which you took as a "Sure".
"Do you want to sit here for a bit or continue?" you asked.
Hugo thought for a moment. "Let's continue going through the museum."
He watched as you beamed and motioned him to follow you.
The second floor was themed with more original works rather than remakes of historical paintings. Some included a mural that made you look like you were in a bottle floating at sea, another was a rendition of a cat chasing you, and even more of the paintings were creative and extraordinary. Hugo found himself taking way more pictures than he expected to.
While you were talking about the backstory of an underwater-themed mural, Hugo's phone beeped. He excused himself for a moment to check, and it was a message from a group chat of all the cul-de-sac dads.
[kegstandingcahn: Woah dude! Those shots are awesome!]
[impressoexpresso: Just curious but where are you right now? I might've seen that one mural somewhere.]
[victorianbloodmarch: Oh, is that the 3-dimensional art museum in the city south of here?]
[ghostscanfightme: i heard the building's haunted]
Hugo peered up from his phone to see you just looking at the paintings, probably reminiscing past tours based on the smile on your face. The man suddenly asked you if the place was haunted, and with a perplexed look you answered that it wasn't, or if it was you never heard word of it.
[jdslamminger: The tour guide with me says it isn't.]
[constructivecriticism: A tour guide? But don't you already knew everything there is about art? ]
[anchormanagement: Do you have any mor pictures of you interacting with the murals? Try the one behind you (if there is one behind you).]
With a shrug, Hugo exited the app and went to to the camera. He looked over at you to see you zoning out, and the brunette decided not to bother you and your thoughts. Flipping the phone camera, he wanted to take a... selfie? Yeah, selfie. That's what the kids called it. He posed behind one of the murals, which actually worked well since the painting included characters that faced a particular direction.
Just as he had taken picture, he heard a cough. Hugo looked over and saw you looking at him with your arms crossed and with your lips pursed together. There was a little glint in your eyes that gave away your supposedly childish pout.
"You know, I'm supposed to take pictures of the artwork."
Hugo raised a brow.
"You never told me you were the official photographer," he answered
"Well yeah, just letting you know that I should be the ones taking pictures of the beautiful works of art with us."
"... But I was just taking a picture of myself."
You gave him a wink
"I know."
And the realization hit him like the time he bumped into the pillar.
He was the artwork.
You called him a work of art.
Immediately Hugo placed his face into his hands to hide the rising blush. The man could hear your merry laugh which grew louder, and soon he felt hands on his own as they were placed down. Hugo met your eyes and noticed your cheeks were slightly flushed. He found it baffling that someone could be that smooth (not that he couldn't be smooth, but this really flustered him).
Hugo's quietness made panic rise within you, but the teacher was quick to reassure you by intertwining his fingers in yours. He felt you relax at this action.
"Would I be committing a crime to be flirting with a married man?" you asked quietly. Just as you were loosening your grip, Hugo tightened his.
"I'm a single father," he said.
"I think your son's waiting for you at the exit, you shouldn't keep him waiting," you said, moving away but not letting go of his hands.
Hugo was about to let go until you squeezed his hand as if to ask to be held longer. The man smiled to himself, realizing that you were quite the softie. He let you pull him along the long corridors and talk expressively about each and every painting, even if he knew all about those that were referenced from historical art. However, this thought simply passed him as he enjoyed you're purely happy demeanor and the contagious smile on your face.
Your smile.
Your smile was definitely his favorite.
"Geez where have you been?" Ernest yawned, getting up from the lounge chairs once Duchess got off of him to run to Hugo. The man knelt down to pet the dog as Ernest walked out to him, with a slightly grumpier expression than usual (he was probably hungry).
"Wait, don't tell me how your day went," Ernest cut him off while putting a hand up.
"You probably hung out with that guide boy and got his number or whatever."
Ernest was expecting to get some kind of retort or denial like usual, but the silence that lingered longer than it should've confirmed it. The boy looked at his father's coat pocket to see a little piece of paper poking out, and from the corner of his eye he noticed a familiar employee hand a stack of sticky notes and a pen back to another.
The boy in the hoodie couldn't help but sigh at the stupid, sheepish grin his dad was giving to him.
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