《silent love { Dutch Van Der Linde x Reader } / rdr2》45. silent love



You never thought you would find yourself back up in the Grizzles. Although it was spring, blankets of blinding snow covered the ground. The sound of dripping water could be heard as ice was slowly melting off the trees. It was peaceful. No loud commotions of towns could be heard, as Valentine was the closest town, and that was quite a distance away.

You were sitting out on the front porch of the cabin you shared with Dutch, wrapped in a blanket. This was the spot where you spent most of your time. You listened to Arthurs advice and picked up drawing. Looking at the work he did inspired you. You were still no where close to Arthurs skill level, but you were getting better.

You closed your journal as you heard the sound of a wagon off in the distance. A few weeks ago you were down in Valentine, grabbing some groceries (and getting some peace and quiet from Dutch), you ran into the one and only John Marston. He told you him, Abigail, and Jack had gotten their own place called Beechers Hope. It was first planned that you and Dutch would go down and visit them, but as Dutch has become a homebody, it was decided John and his family would come visit you.

You stand up and smile as you see John, Abigail, and Jack come around the corner.

"Jesus Christ its cold, why would you willingly want to live up here?" John asked, hopping off the wagon.

"Its good to see you too Marston." you laughed. "We can say our hellos once we are inside."

You led the three of them inside, where Dutch was reading next to the fire. "Jack my boy! Wow you've gotten big." Dutch said closing his book and standing up.


You spent the next few minutes saying hello and catching up with each other. John and Dutch started bickering quickly, it felt like no time had passed at all. You spent some time with Jack talking about books. You went to your room and grabbed a few books that you really enjoyed, giving them to him to read. Jack seemed like he had become very reserved since you last saw him, but with you he was very talkative.

After some time, you went into the kitchen with Abigail to start making dinner. You both gossiped about the boys and were reminiscing on the old days. Although you both missed the old days, it seemed like everyone was finally happy.

Abigail had told you John had ran into Mary-Beth, Tilly, and Pearson on what she called his "adventures". She also said that John ran into Uncle, who was now living with them, but didn't want to take the trip up. John had told you before that he had been doing some small jobs with Sadie. He had also said Uncle had picked up word of Charles in Saint Denis, and that they were going to go out and see if they could find him. It was good to hear that they all got out safe aswell.

After dinner, everyone had started saying their goodbyes, as John wanted to get out of the mountains before it got too dark. You told them that next time you were going down to visit them, wether Dutch liked it or not. You and Dutch stood out on the porch as you watch the wagon round he corner and disappear out of sight.

You turn around and face Dutch. You are met with that smile of his that you love so much. You pull him into a tight hug. "Do you have any regrets? About this?" you ask him.


He lets out a chuckle. "I have a lot of regrets y/n. But being here, with you, right now? I have never been happier."

You hugged him tight, the tightest you possibly could. There had been a lot of shit that had led up to this moment, but you don't regret one minute of it. Everything that happened had led you to this exact moment, and you couldn't ask for anything else.

"I love you y/n, and I will never be quiet about it again."

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