《silent love { Dutch Van Der Linde x Reader } / rdr2》18. rip van winkle



The face of the Braithwaite woman is still fresh in my mind. It didn't seem to bother anyone like it did me. But Jack is much more important, I just have to forget what I saw, in both her and Dutch.

You close your journal and stand up. You make your way over to the table that Dutch, Hosea, John, and Arthur were sitting at. You stood next to Arthur as he greeted you.

"It's gonna work out John, it's gonna work out, listen to Dutch." Hosea said to John.

"I don't expect you to understand this but I've never been more proud of you than I am right now brother. Your doing the right thing." Dutch said looking at John.

"If I don't get the boy back safe, she'll kill us all." John said, referring to Abigail.

"I know, looking at this logically, that boy is fine. They took him to scare us. Nobody takes a boy to harm him." Dutch explained.

"He's right John." Hosea added.

Dutch turned and looked at you. "What do you think y/n?" He asked. The boys all turned to look at you.

"Jack will be fine. I will make sure he gets back to you safe, no matter what it takes." You said looking at John. He nods.

"Hey Dutch! He have a problem." You hear Lenny yell. You all turn to see a unpleasantly familiar face walking towards you.

"Not a problem, a solution. Good day fine people." Agent Milton says. The gang slowly starts gathering around Milton. Javier came and stood next to you, along with Arthur.

"Mr. Van Der Linde, Mr. Matthews. And who are you?" He asks looking at John.

"Rip Van Winkle." John says standing up.


"Huh.." he continues to look around at the people gathering around him. His eyes land on you and Javier. "Ah Mr. and Mrs. Escuella, I'm go glad you found you way back to your old pal Dutch." You jaw clenches, Javier puts a hand in your shoulder.

"Agent Milton, Pinkerton Detective Agency." He introduces himself.

"And to what do we owe the pleasure agent moron." Dutch says.

"I don't know if your aware, this is a civilized land now. We didn't kill all them savages only to allow the likes of you to act like human dignity and basic decency was outmoded or not yet invented. This thing, it's done." Milton said to Dutch.

"This place, ain't no such thing as civilized. It's man, so in love with greed, he has forgotten himself and found only appetites." Dutch said walking closer to him.

"And as a consequence that let's you take what you please, kill whom you please, and hang the rest of us?" Milton said getting more angry. "Who made you the messiah to these lost souls you led so horribly astray."

"I'm nothing but a seeker Mr. Milton." Dutch said, closing his fist.

"You ain't nothing more than a killer Mr. Van Der Linde." Milton responded. "But I came to make a deal, it's time. You come with me, and I give the rest of ya there days to run off, disappear, and go live like human beings someplace else."

"You came for me? Risked life and limb in this den of lowlifes and murderers, so that they might live and love? Ain't that fine." Dutch responded looking coldly at him.

"I don't want to kill all these fools Dutch, just you." Milton said.

Dutch put his arms up. "In that case it be my honor to join you. Excuse me friends, I have and appointment to keep." He said sarcastically.


Everyone put their hands on their guns. "I think your new friend should leave Dutch." Miss. Grimshaw said.

Milton looked around. "Your making a big mistake, all of you."

"Yeah, dreadful. We have got something, something to live and die for. How awful for us Mr. Milton. Stop following us, we'll be gone soon." Dutch said.

"I'm afraid I cant, and when I return it will be with fifty men, all of you will die." Milton turned to face you. "Maybe you'll get to see your parents sooner than you thought."

You felt yourself fill with rage, and you would have attacked him if it wasn't for Javier grabbing you and moving you away from him.

Milton left out a sick laugh. "Good day everyone, I'll see you soon." He turned to walk out.

"I know a big ol house, hidden in the swamps outside Saint Denis, we can go there." Arthur said to Dutch once Milton was gone.

"You and John ride out and make sure no one else has moved in. Everyone, get packing." Dutch said.

Everyone dispersed and when to collect their belongings. Javier turned to look at you. "Hey. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." You nodded. "Let's get our things together."

You quickly grabbed all of your things and put them in one of the wagons. You slowly made your way over to Dutch, who was finishing putting his things in a different wagon. He turned to look at you. "Don't listen to him."

"He doesn't scare me." You replied.

"Good. So your Mrs. Escuella now too? You sure do have quite a few husbands." He said changing the subjects.

You lightly chuckled. "Yeah, when he came up to us that day at the river, Javier told him we were out on a family trip."

"I don't think Jack quite looks like you two." Dutch responded. You nudged him lightly. "Look y/n, I know we need to talk. When we get to the new camp, we can sit down and talk." He said.

"Okay." You responded. He told everyone it was time to head out, and everyone got to their collective spots. He lead you to the wagon and helped you up. And with that, you were once again on the move.

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