《silent love { Dutch Van Der Linde x Reader } / rdr2》10. nothing to crazy



You woke up the next morning full thinking about the past day with Dutch. You didn't understand why he wanted to keep you a secret. You also didn't know if he had said anything to Molly. You felt bad, she loves that man and you screwed her over. You can't even imagine what it would feel like to be cheated on by the man you love, with a woman he hardly knew. But yet again, your judgment was clouded.

You knew a secret relationship would be exciting for a bit, but if true feelings build, you were worried about how they would be handled.

You put your thoughts in the back of your mind so you could get work done around camp. You went to chop some wood for camp. Your concentration was broke when Javier came over and sat by the tree near by.

"How are you feeling?" He asked. He was referring to what happened at the river the day before.

"I'm good. It makes me happy knowing the people who killed my parents are gone, they can't hurt anymore innocent people." You exhaled. "I'm not like them, my parents would be proud of who I became." You sent him a reassuring smile.

He smiled back. "Exactly. You are one of the most caring and beautiful individuals I've ever met."

You looked away and slightly blushed. "Thank you Javier."

Your conversation was cut short by Dutch approaching you.

"Mr. Escuella, could I borrow Miss l/n for a moment?" Dutch asked the man sitting beneath the tree. Javier nodded, shooting you a smile before walking off.

"Can we go for a walk?" Dutch ask. You smile and nodded. Dutch lead you out of camp and down one of the many trails in the surrounding area. Once far enough from camp, Dutch turned around quickly picked you up and spun around. You giggled as he set you down and pulled you into a hug.

"Did we leave camp just for that?" You asked with a chuckle.

"Well I do have a question, I just thought the privacy would be nice." He smirked.

"What's the question?" You asked.

"I'm going into town later with Strauss, we're meeting John and Arthur there, would you like to join? Won't be anything crazy." He asked.


"Yeah I'd love to get out of camp." You said with a smile. "Now if you'll excuse me, i was working." You laughed as you started to turn away.

"Not so fast." Dutch said as he grabbed your arm and turned you to face him. He quickly attached his lips to your. The kiss was full of hunger. He held your face and looked into your eyes with a smirk. "Okay, now your free to go."

You both walked back to camp. When you arrived, you noticed Molly standing and Dutch's tent with a glare in her eye. You turned to face Dutch.

"Did you talk to her yet?" You asked.

"I will." He responded not looking at you.

"Dutch." You said with a hint of anger.

"When the time is right. I promise Darlin." He said before walking off to his tent. You rolled your eyes and went back to you bed to do some laundry. Time passed quickly, and before you knew it Strauss was making his way over to you.

"Miss l/n, Dutch told me you would be joining us. Are you ready to go?" He asked.

"Yep Let's go." You said standing up and straightening out your clothes. You made your way over to your horse and mounted up, Dutch and Strauss doing the same. You rode out of camp and started to head to Valentine. Strauss was chewing Dutch's ear off about some loans he gave out, you didn't understand any of it. You stayed in the back at watched Dutch as he rode. The way he rode with confidence made you blush. His one hand rested on his thigh, his rings glistening in the sunlight. Before you knew it, you arrived at the saloon and hitched your horse. You followed Strauss into the saloon, Dutch following behind you.

"It's not polite to stare Miss l/n" Dutch whispered from behind you. Your face turned bright red at the comment. You didn't turn to look at him, but you knew he had a big smirk plastered across his face.

The three of you sat down at a table and Strauss continued to talk to Dutch about money. You didn't pay attention, you were just glad to be out of camp.


After a while, John and Arthur made their way into the saloon.

"Dutch, Leopold, y/n." Arthur said approaching the table.

"Where have you been?" Dutch asked, obviously annoyed by how long he was stuck listening to Strauss.

"Working. Marstons thing." Arthur responded.

"Good. And?" Dutch asked in response.

"Were just waiting to get some pay on a few sheep." He responded.

"Leopold, my good friend." Dutch started as he turned towards Strauss. "As long as your here, why don't you and John go make sure there's no funny business."

"Of course." Strauss responded standing up. "Gentlemen." John said following him.

"Drink?" Dutch asked Arthur. Arthur sat down, taking the seat Strauss was in.

"Nothing like talking to old Strauss to make you want to blow your own brains out. Miss l/n here just tuned him out and made me deal with it." Dutch said glancing at you. You shrugged your shoulders as Arthur laughed. You continued to talk before hearing a shout from outside. "Van Der Linde! Get out here!"

The three of you put down your drink and look towards the window. Arthur stood up to peek his head out.

"You don't know me, but you keep robbing me." The voice continued. "My name is Leviticus Cornwall. I am not a man to be messed with by the likes of you. Get out here before I have these men killed."

You looked out the window to see Strauss and John being held by two of Cornwalls men.

"What do you think?" Dutch asked Arthur.

Arthur thought for a moment. "You start spinning a yarn, when I think the moments right I'll make the move."

"Why not." Dutch said taking one last swig of alcohol. He looked over to you and thought for a moment. He handed you one of his guns. You left yours at camp since Dutch said this wouldn't get crazy. "Let's see what you can really do." He said before stepping out of the saloon. You looked up at Arthur and he nodded at you, letting you know he had your back.

Cornwall rode away as you, Dutch, and Arthur walked out of the saloon with your hands in the air.

"Please gentlemen, this is a terrible mistake. This is a case of mistaken identity. What is worse, than admonishing a man for the sins of another." Dutch started to say.

Arthur looked down at John, and then to Strauss. He looked over to you. Some how you knew exactly what his plan was. You were going to shoot the man holding Strauss, while he shot the man holding John. Arthur took a breath and then nodded, you both quickly pulling out your guns and shooting. The two men dropped to the floor and bullets began to fly.

You didn't like killing people, but this hadn't been the first time someone has died by your hand. When you live alone and on the run, you run into quite a bunch of bad people.

You all began shooting when suddenly Strauss hit the ground. "Strauss has been hit!" You yelled.

"Put him in the wagon, Arthur, y/n, cover us!" Dutch yelled. John picked up Strauss and put him in the wagon. Him and Dutch pushed it while you and Arthur used it for protection, shooting more people.

You were able to make it down the street and to your horses. Arthur picked up Strauss put him on the back of Johns horse.

Dutch looked at Arthur. "You make sure no one follows us back to camp. We're gonna gather the troops and get them to start packing up."

"Sure. We can't stick around after this." Arthur responded.

"Miss l/n, let's go." Dutch said looking down to you. You mounted up and quickly followed John and him out of Valentine. Once you were clear of the law, you looked over to Dutch.

"I thought you said it wouldn't be anything to crazy." You mocked him.

He looked back at you, and quickly faced forward again. "You should watch that mouth of yours Miss l/n. Now let's get back to camp."

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