《Always There || Greta Van Fleet》Chapter 16: The Worst Thing


I pulled into Jaime's driveway, quickly going around to her side of the car before she opened it herself. I wanted to be there for her in any way that I could, no matter how small the gesture.

"I got it." I said, flashing her a smile. She smirked up at me, her cheeks burning red.


I lead us across the lawn, subtly reaching over for her hand, wondering if this was something we just did now. I really hoped it was. The more comfortable we got with holding hands could lead to.. something more, right? She reached over, gently brushing her hand against mine, peeking up at me. But she never took it.

"No?" I asked, smiling back down at her. The last thing I wanted to do was push her. I wanted this to happen.. naturally. Because she wanted to. But of course the one time I was brave enough to make the move..

"Josh, w-what are we-"

"There you are!" I heard. My stomach dropped as I turned towards the back gate to see Jake already with a drink in his hand. I could see Cait hanging back, giving us a shy wave.

"We thought you were gonna bail on us!" He yelled. I shook my head, rolling my eyes.

"I can see he's already started without us." I whispered into Jaime's ear. She nodded, smirking back up at me.

"Come on! There's plenty!"

We followed Jake through the back gate where I could see the yard filled with the entire neighborhood. I couldn't remember the last time we had everyone together like this. It was nice, and I'm glad Jaime was able to be here to experience it too. She typically stayed in her house with her mom considering she wasn't able to come out. I couldn't say I blamed her.

"You're right on time, we haven't even started the games yet." Jake said cheerfully, bringing us over to the beer pong table. "Jaime, what are you having?"

I shot him a look, feeling my face getting hot. He knew that I'd want to be the one to take care of her. I could never understand why he was always so.. friendly with her despite knowing how I felt. I knew they were friends, but.. he had a girlfriend. And he knew how hard I was trying to get my own.

"Um.." She said, reluctantly looking through the many bottles that filled the drink table. Jaime was never really one for liquor or beer, always telling me how much she preferred the warmth of a glass of red wine. Over the years I also noticed how much easier it was for us to be together when we drank. All of the nerves melted away and I knew if I wanted anything to happen tonight, I was going to have to drink. A lot.

She then looked up at me as I reached over for two glasses.

"I got her, don't worry. We'll meet you over there." I said, motioning Jake back to where the rest of the guys and their girlfriends were sitting. I wanted as much alone time with Jaime as possible tonight, and he was making this more difficult than it needed to be. He hesitated for a moment, keeping his eyes on her before finally bringing Cait back to the table.

"You prefer red, right?" I asked, pouring it into her glass. I knew she did.

"Mhm.." She said, smirking up at me. I felt my heart beating faster as her eyes met mine, having to look away before I started smiling like an idiot. I handed her her glass and began leading us back over.


"If we don't go over there he's just gonna come back." I laughed.

I pulled out Jaime's chair for her, sitting down close as Cait perked up, turning towards her.

"So, how long have you two been together?" She asked, now clinging onto Jake's arm. I saw his face drop, knowing how much he hated this kind of PDA. I never really understood them together, but him and I never really talked about Cait.

I began to wonder if there was anything to talk about.

"O-oh, um.. n-no, we uh.. we're not together." Jaime said softly. I avoided her eyes as I felt a pang of disappointment in my chest. How badly I wished to be one of those couples who didn't even have an answer to that question because so many years had gone by that we had just lost count. In a way, I felt like Jaime and I had been together forever.

I couldn't speak for her, but my heart had never belonged to anyone else, and I was pretty sure that it never would.

I shot Jake a look, practically begging him to change the subject.

"Jaime lives next door." He said, turning to her with a smile. "We've basically known her our whole lives."

"Oh.." Cait muttered. "Sorry, I just.. the way you guys were last night and-"

"Yeah, they get that a lot." Jake sighed, taking another sip of his drink, looking off at the rest of the party.

What was going on with him today?

"What about you guys?" Jaime asked, forcing a smile, taking a big sip. "We.. really weren't introduced."

"Yeah, this one is horrible with that." She said, playfully shoving Jake, bringing his attention back to the table. He shrugged, giving her an empty smile. "Only a few weeks though."

A few weeks?

I could have sworn it was newer than that.

I wonder if Jake knew that's how long they've been dating.

I could tell he was absolutely hating this.

"So, I heard we were playing games?" I asked, trying to change the subject. Jake instantly perked up, motioning over towards the table on the other side of the yard.

"Tables all set up." He said happily, practically jumping out of his chair, the rest of us now getting up to follow. I subtly reached over for Jaime's hand again, but she playfully smacked it away. I forced a laugh, trying to distract from my now beet red face.

Rejected again.

"Alright, we all know how to play, right?" Jake asked, gathering the pingpong balls from under the table. "What are the teams?"

"We'll go!" Cait said, eagerly wrapping her arm around Jake's again as she flashed him a wide grin. He nodded, his face dropping again.

"Alright.." He said plainly, now turning to Jaime. "You guys wanna play us?" He motioned towards me with a smirk. I peeked down at Jaime who was typically never one for drinking games.

"Fine." She laughed, rolling her eyes.

"Don't worry.." I whispered, leaning down, gently caressing her arm. "I'll drink for you if you want." Her smile grew as she looked back up at me.

"Okay." She said softly, taking another big sip while keeping her eyes locked on me.

And then the night flew by, one game turning to two, two turning to three as our cups were emptied quicker than we could fill them. Jaime stood close, her hands always lingering on me in one way or another, all the while trying to keep her balance. Despite not having any of the beer, she practically finished the bottle of wine herself.


I knew we were both feeling it.

I knew the wine had taken over as I finally mustered the courage to reach out for her, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her into a tight hug from behind, carefully leaning my head on her shoulder. She slowly backed up into me, leaning her head against mine, intertwining our fingers before turning around to face me. She stared up at me with bloodshot eyes and a playful grin as her hands slowly glided up my chest, eventually wrapping themselves around my neck. I couldn't take my eyes off of her, having wanted to hold her just like this for as long as I could remember.

To hold her like she was finally mine.

By this point, the rest of the group had branched off with their date, finally leaving me and Jaime alone like I've wanted all night. Every party, her and I were always left to wander away like we didn't know what they were all doing, but how badly I hoped that one day, we could do the same.

And maybe tonight.. would finally be that night.

I felt like all I had to do was have the courage to whisk her away and we could finally just be together, alone long enough for me to just.. tell her. If I could just.. tell her then everything could be so simple.

"Jaime.." I managed, feeling my heart now pounding in my throat. I knew that no amount of alcohol would ever make this conversation any easier. I had played it over and over in my mind over the years, how I would finally just.. tell her, but every time I psyched myself out.

I just had to spit it out, be brave enough just once.

"Yeah?" She whispered, moving her hands up my neck, gently running her fingers through my hair. I bit down on my lip, trying my hardest to contain my smile at even the slightest touch. If only she knew how much power she had over me. Whatever she wanted, all she had to do was ask and I was putty in her hands..

"Jaime, you.. you are.. so beautif-"

"Hey, come on you two." Jake laughed, shaking the table. I jumped, quickly moving away from her, now feeling like I was going to be sick. It had taken me so long just to muster the courage to say that and suddenly I was ripped right out of it. I felt her grab onto my arm for balance, looking over at Jake who was now making his way into the house.

"What?" I snapped. Him of all people knew how important this was to me. He couldn't have just given me this one moment with her? It was almost as if he was preventing us from being alone.

"Come on, you'll get your chance inside." He said, hopping up the steps as Cait lingered behind.

"What does that mean?" Jaime asked, looking back up at me. I shrugged, shaking my head as I grabbed her hand, pulling her in close, wrapping my arm around her. She then leaned her head on my shoulder as I guided us through the yard, helping her into the house. We followed Jake as he lead us through the crowd of people in the kitchen and finally down into our basement.

Jaime and I had always avoided the basement during parties growing up, especially when all of the couples went down there to play their games that always just lead to them making out with each other. I could never understand how they could play those kind of games without anyone's feelings getting hurt. I never wanted to risk having to explain the fact that.. I hadn't even had my fist kiss. And the last thing I wanted was to have it with someone I didn't care about in front of everyone.

Or even worse, have to see Jaime kiss anyone who wasn't me.

As we made our way down the steps, my stomach dropped when I saw the bottle already sitting on the floor. I knew what this meant. The worst of them all. All I wanted to do was pull her back up stairs and just spend the rest of the night alone in my room together, just like old times.

I leaned down close to her, whispering into her ear.

"We don't have to play. It's okay, I know you don't like-"

"It's fine." She said simply, going over and sitting down, watching Jake as he gathered everyone around. I felt my body get hot with jealousy.

Why was she watching him like that?

Was she.. hoping it landed on him?

Out of anyone, that was probably the worst thing that could happen.

I had spent my whole life watching girls act this way towards Jake. He could always have whoever he wanted, and it never really affected me, until it came to Jaime. Deep down I had always wondered if she had feelings for him too.

"Alright, we all know the rules, right?" Jake called out, grabbing the bottle first. Of course he was going first.

"I don't think they do." Sam laughed, motioning towards Jaime and I. "Since when do you guys play?"

"They always play, you're just too wasted to tell." Jake said, smirking over at Jaime. She smiled back, her cheeks burning red. I felt my heart beat faster.

"Alright, alright, for any newbies.. the rules are.. you spin the bottle, and whoever it lands on you can do a quick peck and spin, or take it to the closet to pick the next pairing. I'll spin first."

I then felt Jaime reach over for my hand, intertwining our fingers. Maybe.. this could actually work out for us. What if.. it did land on us? That would save me the awkward confession and then we could finally just.. kiss, and then it would be over with, and I could just tell her everything.

But.. did I really want our first kiss to be in a closet? Jaime and I deserved so much more than that. We deserved fireworks. So after all these years, was I really willing to take whatever I could get.. just so she finally knew?

"I don't care what it takes.." I whispered, leaning in close. "When it's my turn, I'm gonna make sure it lands on you." She then stared up at me wide-eyed, her lips curling into an eager grin. My heart started pounding as she leaned in, as if she was about to just kiss me right then and there when the whole room went quiet.

I then looked over to see Jake staring back at Jaime as the bottle pointed right at her.

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