《A forbidden love》8


~Matt's POV~

That's it. I've told her now. There's no going back. I feel sick with fear as I await her response.

"You're a what? " She asks confused. At least she hasn't run away screaming yet.

"I knew you wouldn't believe me. I can show you if you want?" I ask, my voice full of worry. I don't want her to be frightened of me.

Warily, she nods her pretty little head. I start to focus my energy into changing. I don't intend on fully changing, just enough to prove it to her. From the look on her face, I can tell my hair is growing longer and turning in to fur, and my ears are becoming more pointed.

"You can stop now, Matt, I believe you." She runs her fingers through her hair. I stop changing and feel my hair return to normal and my ears shrink back.

I can only pray that she accepts me as her mate. I'd never force her to though. If she did reject me, I'd respect her decision as much as it pains me.

"And you say I'm your mate? " She double checks. I nod to agree with her.

"Are you scared of me?" I ask, terrified of her response.

"Of course not. You have protected me from my father and been there for me if I need you. Matt, I know it's been only two days, nearly three, since we met but, I know I'm falling for you." She confesses quietly

"Jess? " I ask, getting up to kneel in front of her. "Will you accept me as your mate?" I ask carefully. If she rejects me, there is no other mate out there for me. She is the only one. My soul mate. It's very rare that a a human is the mate of two werewolves. There are wolves that have gone crazy when their mate has rejected them. Sometimes they end up killing themselves.


She looks up at me slowly. Her soft warm hand goes to the side of my face and I press my head in to it.

"Yes. I accept you. " She accepted me! I grin from ear to ear as I lean up and press my lips to hers gently.

Jess's lips are soft and still at first. Then they start to move against my own passionately. In response, I kiss harder, running my tongue over her bottom lip asking for entrance. At first she denies but gives in eventually. My tongue battles with hers for dominance, it's a battle I win of course.

Soon she pulls away, desperate for air. I place my hand on the side of her face and smile. "Thank you so much for accepting me. "

"How could I not?" She asks. "You're to damn loveable." She grins.

I smile at the fact she called me love-able.

"But, I do have a few questions. " She begins. As she stands up to go to the living room, I follow her. Ready to answer and questions if it means she will not leave me.

I sit on the sofa and she comes and sits in my arms. "Do you just turn into a half wolf thing like you showed me earlier. Or into a full wolf? " She asks without looking at me.

"I only turn into a full wolf. What you saw earlier was me turning into a wolf." I explain as I stroke my thumb over the back of her hand.

"Are you apart of a pack?" She asks "That would be so cool!" she smiles, looking like a little kid.

"Sorry to disappoint you, Princess, but I'm not apart of a pack. There are other werewolves in town though and we're close. I wouldn't say we are pack, however there is a little bit of a hierarchy between us. " An image of me and friends trotting through the woods come to mind.


"What's your place in the hierarchy then?" Jess says to me and I smile.

"Second in command probably." I answer.

My best friend Connor is probably Alpha. My other best friend, Zeke, is probably just below me. We moved to this town because we knew that others werewolves lived here, but we knew that they weren't a pack.

"What happens now you've found me?" She asks and I tighten my arms around her slim frame.

"You won't be able to get rid of me. Literally. If we spend to long away from each other, it can make angry, irritable and sometimes sick. In the future, you may pick up some traits. You'll have a longer lifespan and pick up strength, speed and your senses will heighten. " I miss out that she will only pick these up after mating. She's not ready for that yet.

"So I'm stuck with you then? She asks. Moving so she is straddling me. She places her soft hand on my bare chest and the other on the back of my neck.

"Yes.. " I groan when her soft lips press against my own. Steadying her by taking hold of her hips, I return the kiss passionately.

"Will I ever see you as a wolf? " Jess asks, barley moving her head. I can feel her lips move as she speaks.

"Maybe sometime Jess. " I answer, beginning to kiss her again.

She pulls back. "I have some more questions. Have you ever seen twilight?" She asks.

"Believe it or not, yes, I have actually." I say with a slight chuckle.

"All of them. Ten hours of my life I will never get back."

Jess playfully slaps my shoulder. "Oi!" She laughs. "But, do you turn like Jacob? Or is it like Tyler in The Vampire Diaries? Painful and slow." She says.

"It's more like Jacob. Very quick and on command. No pain at all." She nods at me. "And before you ask, I do not have to turn and the full moon and I am not the size of a horse. Just a regular wolf size."

"Okay then. What supernatural abilities do you have?" She asks.

"We have incredible speed. At our fastest, we are nothing more than a slight blur. Incredible eyesight , oh yeah, and we can hear anything that is within about one hundred metres, and of course, sense of smell. Then we have strength. We're about as strong as Edward." I explain all of our abilities. I include twilight references to help her understand.

I saw the movies some time ago with my friends mate. They were painful.

"And you say I might pick some of these up?" Jess's eyebrows furrow and I lean forward to kiss her forehead.

"Eye sight, hearing and smell and strength in the future some time, Princess."

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