

(Published: 3/23/18)

Nico was sitting across from me on the couch. and for once, he was talking my ear off. I didn't know if any of what he was saying was even true, mainly because almost none of it made much sense, but I sure was having a good time.

Soon, it was time to give Neeks his pain killers, so I got up and made sure to read the instructions before giving him anything. Of course, my dyslexia didn't really help the matter, so it took a little longer than it should have to read through everything and figure out how many tablets to give the son of Hades.

Finally, after much struggle with the childproof cap, I got out two tablets, filled a glass with water, and had Nico swallow both tablets. Again, with much struggle.

"So," I asked, after a few minutes. "You feeling any pain or anything, Neeks?"

Nico shook his head. "Nope. I'm feeling great!" Nico replied goofily.

I could tell that the medicine was starting to make him drowsy again, so I decided to get a blanket from the hall closet for him. "Hey, Neeks," I said as I neared him. "You need anything else?"

Nico shook his head sleepily. "Nope." he replied. I noticed that he spoke slowly, and his eyes were already half-closed. "Percy..." Nico said quietly.

"Yeah?" I asked, leaning forward on the couch to hear him better.

"I have something to tell you."

"What is it, Nico?"

"I like you..."

I laughed. "Is that all? I like you too, man."

Nico shook his head. "No, like, I really like you. I have for a while."

I blinked. "W-what-"

"Hey..." Nico cut me off sleepily. "Don't tell Percy that I like him though."

I shook my head, trying to think of what to say. I mean, this was just the meds talking, right? He didn't even know he was talking to me...

Before I could find the right words, I glanced up to find Nico already fast asleep.

What in Hades....

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