《Fine Apple | ✓》s u r f


❝Advice from the ocean: Be shore of yourself, come out of your shell, take time to coast, avoid pier pressure, sea life's beauty, don't get tied down, make waves!❞ -Unknown


"Hey, Tinkerbell!"

"Hey Aria-slash-Voldemortessa."

"Why do you still call me that? You know my real name."

"It's called a nickname, 'Tessa."


"Man, you are so weird. First you wouldn't tell me your name at all, and now you won't let me call you anything else. Inconsistent much?"

"You have problems."

"What do you mean?"

"That sounds horrible."

"On the contrary, it's extremely calming."

"But 24/7? That's horrible."

"Hmm. I guess I'm guilty of the same thing."

"Finally, some common ground!"


"That sounded so sarcastic."

"What, am I supposed to be celebrating the fact that we both have serious problems? Hallelujah, I have no control over my words!"

"The sarcasm is strong with this one."

"Thanks, I try."

"Do, or do not. There is no try."

"Wait, what?"

"Aria, I am your fruit seller."

"Am I supposed to--"

"HELP ME, ARIA LEEDMAN! You're my only hope!"

"Is this Star Wars or something?"

"Finally! You only took like fifteen references to get it--"

"Hmmm, someone's prone to exaggeration... and sarcasm."

"Probably because I've never seen Star Wars. And you're slow when it comes to talking."

"Thanks, I appreciate the compliment."


i have updated!! (you might have gathered it from this chapter, but i'm star wars trash and couldn't resist inserting a few references courtesy of "tinkerbell's" mouth).

as such, i have a few announcements

🍍 thank you all for 400 followers! i would have announced it on my message board, but last time i did that, i lost a couple followers right after making the announcement ): so i just decided to mention it here instead


🍍 part of the reason i took so long was to update (besides being ridiculously busy) is that i wanted to do some planning work on the plot; since i was reworking a couple things, i made some revisions on the first few chapters, so you might want to go back and read those for some fun new surprises (;

🍍 i am trying to keep up with this story, but i also have a lot of other things to do. i definitely plan to finish this eventually, but i'd ask that you also respect my lack of time and not be too pushy about updates.

🍍 keep supporting this story! you guys are awesome! this is probably some of the most support i've ever received while writing any of my stories, and it seriously means a lot. it also motivates me to keep going!

all clear? awesome!


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