《The Advice Column IV》624


This person does not want to date but their friends want them to.


First of all, I want you to know even if he's your closest friend in the world, you still have the rights to say no or reject them when someone asks if you want to go out with them. You should never feel that you're obligated to like them or date them just because they've been nice to you. So I don't want you to feel scared because you haven't done anything wrong for not wanting to date him. I would say that one of the reasons you might feel scared because you feel alone because even your friends are shipping you with him.

Shipping has always been something that I have watched my friends do to our other friends and I do join them too but if my friends tell us that they feel uncomfortable with the shipping, I would understand and stop doing it. Shipping for me, is more of a joke because at the end of the day, if they don't like each other (or in your case, the feelings are unrequited); who am I to force them to be together just because I think they'll make a cute pair? At the end of the day, it's your choice that is the most important because you know your feelings and yourself best. So what should you do about your friends? You should directly tell them you don't have any interest in dating him, or even anyone at the moment so it would be better if they stop shipping him with you. You should also tell them what them shipping you with him makes you feel because your feelings matter the most here.

You should also properly tell him that you are not interested in being in a relationship at the moment. I know that you feel afraid of his feelings for you because you have only gotten to know him recently but he still did like you and his feelings do matter as he is still a person just like you. You should properly give him a response to his feelings and if you want, you can tell him that you guys can still remain friends but you should make it clear to him that you don't promise him anything like a romantic relationship in the future.


I hope this helps and I wish everything will turn out okay.

Lots of love,

The Advice Column Team

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