《A Guide To The Egos: Jacksepticeye》Antisepticeye (Part 3)


It isn't likely that the two of you will cross paths unless you personally know Sean McLoughlin, have a connection to the YouTuber, or are standing in the way of letting Anti get to him. While Anti likes to taunt the viewers when he appears in Sean's videos, his ultimate goal is to kill Sean, thus if you aren't useful to him in that regard, he won't waste his time.

However, it isn't impossible.

Now that the egos currently exist outside of Sean's channel and outside of the internet, it's recommended to keep your guard up on the off-chance you'll come across the virus/demon.

If you're ever unfortunate enough to encounter Antisepticeye, you will immediately feel like your life is in danger.

And it is.

Anti is determined to kill Sean and he will do whatever he can to achieve that goal—if you pose a threat to him (threat is a loose term here), he won't be afraid to murder you. As stated earlier in this guide, he can go from serious to insane in mere seconds.

You will encounter Anti when you're alone, and without help. He wants to make sure no one will be able to interfere with his plans and if you have a way to escape or call for help, that'll get in the way. It may also anger him enough to maim or murder you. When you find that he has you cornered, do not run and do not think about screaming for help. Staying put and keeping your mouth shut will buy you a few more seconds.

Now, the specifics of your encounter with Antisepticeye will vary depending on your relationship with Sean McLoughlin.

If you're not a friend of Sean or someone close to him (i.e. a fan), Anti won't see you as useful or an obstacle to take care of, so he will not bother with you. Don't get it twisted—your life is still in danger. Anti has a hair-trigger temper so if you say or do the wrong thing he won't hesitate to [REDACTED].


In this situation, when Anti corners you he'll size you up. Under his intense gaze you're going to feel like you're under a microscope. Do not try to be brave or act tough—Anti will put you to the test.

You don't want him to put you to the test.

Anti will taunt you, and he'll most likely say something about you being pathetic and how you should've known this would happen. He will twitch in unnatural ways and it will unsettle you and he knows it. He'll do it on purpose every once in a while just to freak you out. Anti will also circle around you like he's an animal cornering his prey. Your mind will race and your heart will speed up, and every instinct will tell you to run and to save yourself, yet you'll also be frozen to the spot.

Stay frozen.

Anti, while brandishing a knife in one hand, will stop in front of you and try to get whatever information he can. However, once he realizes that you don't know anything, or anything useful, his mood will turn sour, and he'll make a remark about you being useless.

Then you'll black out, and when you come to you'll be back in your own bed.

You have survived.

The chances of survival will go down, however, if you personally know Sean McLoughlin. You're at risk of Anti tracking you down and possibly possessing you to get to Sean. Another possibility is that he will [REDACTED] if he does not injure or murder you.

If you're close to Sean, Anti will be angrier than he would be if you were a fan or a stranger. He knows you stand in the way of what he really wants: Sean. Because you have more of an incentive to protect him, Anti understands that you won't be so easily manipulated or scared into compliance. It'll be more of a challenge to get to Sean through you.


And Anti despises that.

Anti will find you in your home, or another place where you feel safe. It'll be when you're alone, of course. It's easier to control and intimidate his victims that way. He'll show up when you least expect him, usually when you're vulnerable.

You'll jump when you notice him and he won't hesitate to attack. He knows you're gonna put up a fight no matter what and you aren't going to cooperate with him. (Well why would you? He's insane). It's best for you to be on the defense—if you try to fight back, Anti will go straight to murdering you, or enacting something far worse.

Anti's preferred weapon is a knife, which he'll shove against your neck. At first you'll think he's already started sliding the knife across your skin, but after a second you'll realize it's just how he's holding the blade. Then you'll croak out a question:

"What do you want?"

Anti will chuckle and a twisted smile will form on his face. It will make you wonder how something as innocent as a smile can invoke such terror and disgust. He'll reply in that tone that's laced with insanity and violence:

"I want Sean."

Then he'll go on a tirade about how Sean is his and how people never should've tried to keep him from the YouTuber. If you try to fight during this, Anti won't hesitate to [REDACTED]. Then he'll debate whether it'll be easier to possess you in order to get to Sean or if getting you out of the way would do the job.

It doesn't matter which one he picks: he'll kill you either way. There's nothing you'll be able to do to prevent this.

If you're related to Sean McLoughlin, one of his friends—whether a YouTuber or not—or Gab Smolders, you especially are in danger and need to contact us immediately.

Ethan Nestor (Crankgameplays) and Mark Fischbach (Markiplier) are also in danger—Anti will work with their egos as well to keep Ethan and Mark from protecting/warning Sean.

Anyone that comes into contact with Anti should report it to us once the encounter is over and you feel like you're safe enough that he won't come back for you.

So far there are no recorded non-ego survivors of Antisepticeye.

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