《Sweet tooth (Tobi/Obito x reader)》7. Jackpot!!!!!!


(Y/n) sat on the couch sending glares to Hidan who was trying and failing to flirt with her. "So do you wanna go back to my room and have some fun?", he winked. "No (Y/n) doesn't want to 'have fun' with the pervert", she states. Hidan furrows his eyebrows and glares at her. "Hey I'm not a pervert, b****!", he yells. Suddenly Hidan's head is detached from his shoulders, it is now lying on the floor. "Kakuzu what the hell was that for?!", he yells. Kakuzu grunts and picks (Y/n) up, laying her over his shoulder. "Where are you taking (Y/n)?", she asks. "We are going to go get a bounty". "What's that?". Kakuzu sighs and carries her out of the base. He places her on the ground and lets her walk beside him, he pulls a book from his pocket and hands it to her.

(Y/n) looks down at the book and raises an eyebrow. "What is this book for?". "That is called a bingo book, everyone in their is worth a lot of money, if we find and kill someone we can take their body to the collection office and collect the money that they are worth". (Y/n) flips through the pages and stops at a certain page. "Look I found you", she giggled. Kakuzu gave her a ghost of a smile and ruffled her hair. She gave the book back. "Who are we going to find?". "There is a man in there who is worth a lot of money". He pulls a small piece of material from his pocket and hands it to (Y/n). "Can you track his scent?", he asks. (Y/n) nods and sniffs the material and then the air. She gets down on all four and sniff the ground, like a dog would. Suddenly her ears perked up and she looked back at Kakuzu. "I have the scent". He nods and follows her into the forest.

Ten minutes of walking later they reach a clearing where a camp is set up. Kakuzu and (Y/n) hide in the bushes awaiting the people to show themselves. Kakuzu smirked when he saw two wanted shinobi and almost died when he saw that there were actually seven of them. All of them were listed in the bingo book and they all had quite big prices for their heads. Kakuzu jumped from the bushes and attacked one of the shinobi. A few minutes later he had taken him down and went to go attack the next one but they were no where to be seen. Kakuzu picked up the first shinobi's body and then began searching the campsite. Behind one of the tents sat a pile of dead bodies and (Y/n) sitting on top of that. She jumped off of the six shinobi and smiled sweetly at Kakuzu. "I got bored so I killed them all". He grunted and tried to pick up all seven bodies but he didn't have enough arms. (Y/n) picked up three of them and Kakuzu help the other four.


"So where do we go now?", she asks. "The collection office". It only took them about half an hour to reach it but the weight of the bodies made it seem like forever. "We are here", Kakuzu announces. He walks into the male bathroom and (Y/n) follows him, she then follow him through a hidden door into a very dark room. "Hello Kakuzu and uh... small dog woman", the collector greets. (Y/n) smiled at him showing off her sharp canines. The two Akatsuki dump the bodies in front of the collector and wait for him to find the total that they are owed. "Wow you got seven, impressive", he said. After a few minutes of waiting the collector leaves and comes back with five brief cases full of money. "This is what I owe you", he says. Kakuzu picks up four cases and then stares angrilly at the fifth one. "Do you want me to carry it?", (Y/n) asks. Kakuzu grunts and nods his head.

(Y/n) picks up the brief case and follows Kakuzu in the direction of the base. Just before they were outside the collector ran up to (Y/n) and tapped her on the shoulder. "What's your name?", he asks. "(Y/n)'s name is (Y/n)". "Do you want to go out some time?", he stutters. (Y/n) eyes widen and her cheeks tint pink. "(Y/n) is sorry but she already likes someone". The collector nods and walks away. Kakuzu raised an eyebrow at her while they walked away. "Who do you like?", he asks. (Y/n) blushes and looks down at her feet. "(Y/n) doesn't like anyone". Kakuzu rolls his eyes and playfully nudges (y/n) with his briefcases. "Its Tobi isn't it?". (Y/n) crosses her arms and looks away. Kakuzu quietly chuckles.

The rest of the trip was silent. (Y/n) refused to say anything while Kakuzu teased her every so often. Suddenly (Y/n) stopped walking and sniffed the air, she could smell rusted metal. "What's wrong?", Kakuzu asks. (Y/n) places the case on the ground and then proceeds to sniff around. She stops underneath a tree and starts digging in the dirt. "What are you doing?". No response. He sighs and leans up against a tree, waiting for her to finish.

Ten minutes later, (Y/n) stops digging and pulls a large wooden chest from the ground. She kicks the rusted lock and then opens the chest. Her eyes sparkle at its contents. Kakuzu walks over and drops his jaw at the sight. The chest was full of gold coins and expensive jewellery. "Nice find (Y/n)", he smirks. She closes the chest and tries to pick it up but it was a big heavy to carry for a long distance. Kakuzu dropped his cases of money and picked up the chest then used his stitches to place one brief case on top. "You can carry the others", he instructs. (Y/n) nods and picks up the four cases. They both walk back to the base with their arms full of riches.


Once outside (Y/n) puts her cases down she does the hand signs to get in. The two walk into the base letting the boulder close the base behind them. The other Akatsuki member's eyes widened at the amount of stuff they had brought back. "Holy s*** Kakuzu, how did you get that much?", he asks. Kakuzu sends (Y/n) a small smile which she happily returns. "Come on lets put all of it in my room", Kakuzu says. (Y/n) nods and follows him to his room and then walking in after him. He places the chest on the floor and (Y/n) puts the cases next to it. "Close your eyes", he commands. "Why?". "Just do it", he sighs. (Y/n) does as he asks and closes her eyes. She feels something being put in her hair. She opens her eyes and gawks at the beautiful tiara that Kakuzu had put on her. "Wow its so pretty". "You can keep it". "Thank you", she laughs hugging his arm. He pats her head and then shakes her off. "Ok now go away I need to count all of this money". (Y/n) nods and leaves to go show her friends.

"Tobi, Tobi look what Kakuzu gave (Y/n)", she giggled pointing at the tiara. Tobi giggled and gave her a hug, but secretly he was angry. Why was Kakuzu giving (Y/n) gifts? He was always so greedy and cold hearted, did he like her? Ew he's like 100 or something. (A/n: 91 years old and sexy as hell). Kisame walked into the room and smiled when he saw (Y/n) dancing around Itachi with a tiara on her head. "Look Kisame, Kakuzu gave (Y/n) a pretty crown", she giggled running up to him. It was a bit lopsided from her running around so he straightened it. "Yeah it looks good", he smiles. (Y/n) hugs him and them leaves the room to go show Haru.

"Look Haru, look", she giggles. "Wow that's so cool", he barks. (Y/n) takes it off and puts on her brother's head, unfortunately it was too big so it fell off. "It doesn't fit", he giggles. (Y/n) hugs her brother and then puts the tiara on a shelf next to the book that Itachi had given her. Suddenly Kakuzu walked in. "Can you be my paper weight?", he asks. (Y/n) shrugs. "What do I have to do?". "All you have to do it lay down on some money to stop it from flying everywhere". (Y/n) yawned and closed her eyes. "But (Y/n) wants to go to sleep". Kakuzu grunts and picks up (Y/n) and lays her over his shoulder. He also picks up Haru and places him on his other shoulder. He walks into his room and places (Y/n) on his money covered bed. She lays on top of the money, sleeping soundly. He then takes Haru off of his shoulder and places him on top of his sister. Kakuzu got a blanket and draped it over the sleeping girl. He then walked over to the door and turned off the light leaving only a sleeping (Y/n) on top of a pile of money.

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