《Tobi x Reader! (DISCONTINUED)》9


"Where are we going Y/N?" Tobi switches to his Madara voice when you both get outside. "I figured we could do a little shopping!" He smiled and laughed lightly. 'That's my Y/N' he thought.

After a little travelling you finally made it to a store. You were looking for things to decorate your room.

You eventually found a bunch of stuff you liked and bought it. But you secretly bought something for Obito too. It was a bracelet with your name on it. You had also gotten yourself one with his name on it.

The cutest part was, is that when you guys held hands, the bracelets connected together. The reasoning is because of little magnets on the bracelets that would make them connect.

When you left the store you grabbed Obito's hand and said, "Since I feel bad from shopping and you not getting anything, I'm going to treat us to a nice dinner!" "Oooh! Thanks so much Y/N-chan!" (Obito preferred to act as Tobi out in public) You smiled sweetly and dragged him along to a nice restaurant.

Once you two got in you were greeted by a server. "Hello! How many will you be having today?" "Just two" You smile lightly as the server gestures you two follow him and takes you to a nice booth.

"Can I get you two something to drink?" You notice he keeps glancing over at you. You start becoming uncomfortable.

"Yes, I'll have a (insert drink here)." You say.

"Oooh Tobi will have a soda!"

"Coming right up!" He replies and leaves to go get your drinks

"Did you see him looking at you like that?" Obito asks quietly. You sigh lightly and reply "Yes. I'm getting uncomfortable with him." He nods and whispers. "Well we all know what would happen if he even laid a finger on you." You blush and mouth thanks as you notice the waiter standing there with your drinks.


"Here's the (insert drink here) for the pretty lady! And heres the soda for the child." You scowl at the waiter calling Obito a child.

After setting your drinks down the waiter leans against the side of your seat and says, "Hey i'm Akito. And you..?" "Y/N" you scowl at him. "A beautiful name for a beautiful face. How about we go out sometime?"

He reaches to put his hand on your shoulder. Obito throws a kunai straight at him and it lands in his arm.

"Hey what the fuck!? Is that your kid or something?!" "No. Hes my boyfriend." You say sternly. "Tch... why don't you leave him and come stay with me sweetheart?"

You fill with rage as he calls you sweetheart. "DON'T EVER CALL ME THAT AGAIN. I would NEVER go out with a piece of shit like you." "Playing hard to get, I see? Well you're lucky since I have to get back to my job, but don't worry sweetheart. I'll get you to be mine and leave this idiot that you call your boyfriend."

You could tell you were going to have to beat this 'Akito's' ass.

Hey ya'll! I really hate that I had to make the waiter an asshole but you gotta have at least some action in your life. Plus, you also have your adorable boyfriend Obito to help beat his ass! Hope you enjoyed!

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