《Hatake Pride》Part XXIX



Over the next two or three days, I had taken a break from school... After all that "excitement", I was gonna need a few days away from any possible fights hanging with Boruto would surely get me into. Father like to tell me breaks were healthy... better a few days off to recuperate than an accidental massacre.

So at the current moment, I was sitting at Thunder burger, reading one of my many books while enjoying a cool drink. Laying around was never my idea of "downtime"... I could never sit still, so I opted for walking around quietly, catching up on reading and school work. Turning the page to my book, and picking up my cup to sip my lemonade, I raised my gaze to the door when Shikadai and Denki walked in. They walked up to the counter and got drinks for themselves before turning and scanning the seats.

"Kashin, hey, mind if we join you?" Shikadai asked, standing at my table.

"Hey guys," I answered before shifting over in my seat.

"Please," I gestured for them to sit, with Denki sitting next to me and Shikadai across from us.

"Why weren't you at school this week Kashin, are you ok?" Denki asked me, pulling out a book of his own to read.

"Yes, I was just~ taking a few days," I replied with a small smile.

"How's your leg?" Shikadai asked, placing his elbow on the table, placing his cheek on his hand, and sipping his drink.

"Better, though it still aches a little," I say looking down at it and softly rubbing my thigh.

"But I should be good to come to school Monday," Finishing as I nid at Shikadai.

"That's a relief," Denki replied as he smiled at me.


"Yeah... by the way, what are you guys doing here without Boruto? Usually, he's the one that always wants to come here." I tilt my head as I ask, looking between Shikadai and Denki with questioning eyes.

"He was gonna come with us, but he's going to his grandpa to see if this eye he has is the Byakugan," Shikadai answered, closing his eyes as he took another sip of his drink.

"The Byakugan? He'd get that from his mother right?"

"Yeah, apparently it can see through things, see chakra veins and stuff, and that's why he thinks it could be the Byakugan, and why he's the only one who can see the ghost," Shikadai explained.

"It'll be amazing if it's actually the Byakugan,"

"HUH!?" Denki, Shikadai, and I all spazzed as Mitsuki suddenly appeared out of nowhere, sitting beside Shikadai.

"Will you quit doing that already!?" Shikadai exclaimed, staring at Mitsuki.

Mitsuki chuckled while the three of us regained ourselves. We spent most of the afternoon there talking with each other. These three guys were actually way more rational and level-headed than I'd thought, I guess hanging with a guy as emotionally driven as Boruto might cast a shadow over your own strengths.


So on Monday, we all returned to school. Shikadai, Mitsuki, and I were sitting/standing waiting at the school entrance for Boruto.

"Hey, guys!" Boruto's voice sounded in the air.

My classmates and I turned to the Academy entrance to watch the young Uzumaki walk towards us, a burger in his hand for what I assume was his breakfast.

"Hey, Boruto,"

"So, what did your grandfather say?" Shikadai asked.

"Nah, turns out my eye's not the Byakugan... If I had awakened it, it would have activated naturally in battle." Boruto explained.


My peers and I shared looks amongst ourselves before looking back at the blonde boy happily chewing on his burger.

"You're not mad?"

"Naaah!" Boruto shook his head.

"I thought you'd be upset you know, because you wanted to make your father eat his words," Shikadai tilted his head as he placed his hand on his hip.

"And aren't you disappointed, that it's not the Byakugan?" Mitsuki asked.

"Not really," Boruto answered again.

"I don't really care if it's the Byakugan or not, I've just gotta prove it's special, ya know!" He added, smiling determinedly.

"To you guys, and my dad," I tilted my head slightly and covered my eye for a second as Boruto spoke.

'If Boruto's eye is special, but I can see the ghost... that must mean there are far bigger things out there he'll need to see than just some measly dark chakra...' I think to myself, removing my hand from my eye.

"Oh?" Shikadai smirked, looking at Boruto.

I turned my head from Mitsuki and the young Nara to our blonde classmate as well, folding my arms and sighing getting a sense of where this was going.

"Well, I guess that'll make all this easier..." Shikadai placed his hand on his hip and raised his eyebrow with what I can only explain as a shit-eating grin.

"So how about we start after class today?" He adds, looking around at the three of us.

Mitsuki smiled his usual smile, closing his eyes while I just shrugged my shoulders, not being able to hold back my 'oh well, what the heck' smile any longer. Boruto turned his body to face us, his own large grin spreading over his face as he clenched his fist in excitement.

"Alright... I'll show you guys," He cheered.

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