《Hatake Pride》Part III



~Thump thump, Thump thump, Thump thump~

It's an annoying feeling, isn't it, the feeling of your racing heart against your chest...

~Thump thump, Thump thump, Thump thump~

That annoying feeling, it has a special name, it's easily caused, and extremely difficult to get over, something everyone is susceptible to... Fear...

~Thump thump, Thump thump, Thump thump~

"Faster! Come on boy! You must attack with the intent to kill!" My mentor tells me as he deflects another one of my attacks.

It's been like this for the last four years of my life. From the day I turned 4 these men have been pushing me in training. Who in their right mind gives a child who is just learning to walk and talk a kunai?

I growl at my mentor, doing a backflip onto one of the equipment tables and grabbing the four shuriken laying there. I held them up in front of my face, splitting them as you do with cards before hurling them at him. He dodged, jumping around, I took this chance to grab a kunai and jump at him. His eyes snapped to me and he pulled out his own kunai, clashing it with mine as he blocked my blows.

"That's it!" He smirked as we battled.

We delt blows back and forth, him deflecting all of mine but managing to get a few hits on me. He had cut my cheek and blood now ran down my face, I jumped back, landing on all fours looking at the ground with my kunai still in my hand before slowly looking up. I brought my free hand up to my face to wipe the blood off my cheek and stared at my mentor. He twirled his kunai in his hand with a smug smirk on his face. I growled, jumping up and slashing at his face. His smirk dropped and he stepped back, trying his hardest to make sure my kunai didn't meet his flesh, his face furrowed in concentration. I then turned my kunai, grabbing it and throwing it at him. He used his own to block the ninja knife before it struck him in the eye, dropping the kunai in his hand from the impact before just staring at me. I jumped again, spinning my legs to try and get a kick at his head but he blocked me again, grabbing my leg and spinning before throwing me into the wall opposite him.


"AHH!" I exclaimed as I hit the solid concrete, shutting my eyes and gritting my teeth, hovering in the crater my body made before I fell to the floor.

"Not bad kid, but don't let your emotions interfere with your actions." My mentor panted, picking up his kunai.

"It clouds judgment... makes you... take... un~," My mentor began to speak again but he stopped when he looked at me.

I was on my hands and knees, my dirty white hair hanging over my face as my body shook and I growled.

"Ummm, someone go get Torune!" I heard my mentor shout.

I felt my body heat up as it shook, feeling my back tingle and my head hurt. I slowly lifted my head, looking up at the man before me with an animal-like expression, growling. I opened my mouth and roared at my mentor, my K9s growing and my voice changing. I then felt my left eye begin to sting and I could suddenly see the room differently. It was all black and white, with the figure of a human where my mentor was stood and yellow glowing lines roaming all through the silhouette. The next thing I felt was a wave of warmth on my back, turning to look at what it could be, I watched a thick wavy mass made of red bubbles form before shining and solidifying, now standing proudly in the form of a sharp tail. Movement then caught my ears and I snapped my head to see my mentor slowly walking toward me. I hissed, arching my back more and growling, making him stop and raise his hands in defense.

"What is it Yamiyo?" My head snapped to the entrance of the training room to see Mr. Torune and his head scientist standing there.


"Ohhhh," He dragged out once he says me.

I turned my body so I could look between the two newcomers and my mentor, making sure neither could get the drop on me.

"Hey," The scientist smiled at me, crouching a little low and extending his hand out to me.

"Easy, easy there," He coaxed at me.

"Anri what are you doing!? Get back here!" Torune tried to pull him back but the scientist just pushed his comrade off.

"I've been waiting for this change for years..." The scientist whispered as he approached me.

"Now we can start testing his true strength, that of a Jinchuriki," The scientist babbled on.

He came closer, and closer, his hand stretched out like he wanted to put it on my nose. I hissed, making him back up quickly before he proceeded to come closer again.

"Anri!" Torune warned.

"Easy," The scientist whispered to me.

A growl bubbled in my chest before rising to my throat and coming out in a harsh roar. I jumped at the scientist and he screamed, falling back before trying to scramble away.


Screams and cries rang through my ears of the ninja I attacked. I clawed and bit at their flesh, their blood staining my clothes and tainting my tastebuds as I ripped into them.

"TELL ME YOU HAVE A WAY TO STOP HIM ANRI!" My mentor yelled as he, Torune, and the scientist ran down the corridor with me in pursuit.

"As a matter of fact," The scientist said before turning down the next corridor.

I hissed and growled, causing my mentor and Torune to look back at me. I jumped against the walls as I ran after the three older men.

"HE'S GAINING ON US!" My mentor exclaimed.

"Down here!" The scientist pulled his comrades down another corridor.

At the end of the corridor was a door with huge latches and locks, the only one in the whole corridor.


"Move!" The scientist opened the door, pushing his comrades out the way as I skidded across the floor.

I slipped on the floor, skiing into the vault-like room before the door was shut and I heard the locks click in place. I quickly jumped up, scratching and clawing at the door as I roared and hissed at the men on the other side.

"This should hold him." The scientist said.

"Should!?" My mentor questioned.

"Will! We'll check on him tomorrow." Torune said before the three walked off, leaving me all alone in the big black room.

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