《Love For A Prime: Supergirl x male reader》Saving The World


Ever since your debut as Phoenix Prime, you've been working closely with Kara and the DEO to fight the Fallen, Non and his allies. You met Maxwell Lord who was very interested about your power and he knew a thing or 2 about the power of the primes. He told you about the star saber's real power is that it can be used to empower your armour which can match the Fallen's power and Non's combined, also you found out that Hank is a alien named J'onn J'onnz and with that, Lucy Lane became the new director for the DEO since the government couldn't trust Hank for it. You did have your date with Kara and it was quite romantic, but the only thing was that you both haven't kissed yet. It was now the day Non and the Fallen reveal they're plan. The Fallen wants to claim Earth's sun while Non wants to destroy the Earth. Kara and J'onn went to go to Fort Rozz while you go to where the Fallen is. Before you went, Kara wanted to talk to you.

Kara: hey Y/N wait up!

You: yeah?

Kara: before you go. I want to say something.

You: Kara we need to...

She connects her lips to yours, kissing you.

Kara: for good luck.

You smiled. You all stepped outside and this was when you took the words Maxwell Lord mentioned about the swords true power.

You: ok, here it goes.

Your artifact transforms into the armour and then the sword does something Kara and the others are shocked about. Your armour transformed into some sort of flight battle mode.

You: Let's roll.

Your new armour turned into some jetpack as you flew up into the air to reach the Fallen's location who was at the star harvester outside the city. Kara and J'onn flew to Fort Rozz to fight Non and his allies.

once you got to the Fallen's destination, you flew straight into him. You cocked back your arm cannon and fired at the star harvester, destroying it completely as you and the Fallen tumbled down the hill.

The Fallen: die like the Primes.


You fired at him and uppercutted him.

You: they were your brothers you betrayed.

You both struggled and you flew through a wall with the Fallen on top of you attempting to stab you with his staff.

Soundtrack: I rise you fall plays.

You spun Round activating your sword from your wrist and fired a gun at him as you slashed his face. He hit you in the back destroying one of your jet boosters as you grabbed his staff spun him round then impaling him.

You: you picked the wrong planet! Now give me your face.

He murmured something then you kicked him in the back then you ripped out his dark heart.

You: I rise, you fall.

Btw the soundtrack still plays the now.

As J'onn is giving out a speech about the DEO we get told that Y/N's signal is back on radar. I fly outside to see him walking over the mountain shedding the armour that is damaged.


His armour turns back into the artifact and I fly over to him.

Kara: you did it.

You: we saved the world.

I giggle and as the sun was setting, we kissed on the hill and we smiled.

Kara: let's go back.

You: yeah let's go.

I carry him back to the DEO as everyone there clapped for Y/N as they did to me. Lucy came up and gave Y/N a hug as he shaked J'onn's hand. Alex smiled and hugged Y/N and General Lane approached and thanked Y/N

You: call me, Phoenix Prime sir.

He acknowledged Y/N's words and shaked hands.

Kara: so. You wanna come to mines tonight to celebrate for our victory?

You: sure.

I smile and kiss him on the cheek.

I told Kara I would be a bit late because I'm just grabbing something quickly. What I was grabbing is something very special. Alex told me that Kara was a cat lover so I decided to buy a cat I've been seeing time to time at a care home. I entered through the door and the cat I've been seeing called Jasper the black cat came up to me instantly and rubbed his head against my leg.


You: hi buddy remember me?

Jasper: Meow *purr*.

He purred right away and the owner came on through.

Owner: your here to pick him up right?

You: yeah it's for someone I know.

The owner said his goodbye's to Jasper as I stroke the cats head and say goodbye to the owner and enter my car.

You: right now Kara's.

I drive off with the cat and Jasper is playing with the string I have him to distract him while I drive. I give Alex a call to tell her the surprise I got Kara. Apparently they were toasting without me but I didn't care. After 7 minutes of driving I finally arrive to Kara's apartment door holding the 2 year old cat and knock on the door. My long time buddy James answers and keeps his mouth shut about the cat as I enter through quietly. Kara was distracted the now and I hold the cat like a baby. Everyone was quiet and Kara got confused as they looked towards me.

Kara: why has everyone went... *gasp*

She turned round to face me as I held Jasper and walked towards Kara who was shocked with excitement.

Jasper: Meow.

Kara: is... That for me?

You: yep. His name is Jasper.

Kara then held Jasper who was now Purring and blinking at Kara.

Kara: awww. He's blinking and purring.

Alex: he looks just like Streaky.

You: Streaky?

Kara: me and Alex had a cat back when we were kids. Oh and I forgot, our mother Eliza is here as well.

I turn round and notice Eliza.

Eliza: you must be the Prime Kara has been gushing about.

Kara starts to blush.

You: indeed I am Eliza. Good to meet you.

You and Eliza hug.

Kara: oh, he wants down.

Kara puts down Jasper who starts rubbing his head at Kara's legs.

Kara: aww *giggle*.

Winn approaches.

Winn: so Y/N, you are a Prime?

You: yes.

Winn: cool. And the fact you bought Kara a cat. I think you 2 are going to be inseparable. Kara kept talking about you when you weren't here.

You: really??

I turn to notice Kara who blushes hard and her cheeks turn red as she rubs her left arm smiling.

You: so let's toast yeah?

Just to let you all know that Mon-El doesn't exist in this story unfortunately. It's a male reader story and I don't like having love triangles when it comes between Karamel. Anyway back to the story.

when everyone left my apartment it was just me, Y/N and Jasper the cat. Y/N helped me clean the place up as he was playing with the cat. Jasper was so cute and adorable, probably the best thing someone has ever gotten me. I don't know why Y/N got me a cat but this made me want to ask him a question that will change our lives forever.

Music: One Call Away plays for the romantic ending:

Kara: hey Y/N.

You: yeah?

Kara: um, *I play with my hair* I have something to say.

You: you do?

I walk closer to Y/N and put my hand on his chest.

Kara: I... Want you in bed with me tonight.

He looked surprised.

You: r really?

Kara: yeah.

We both glare at each other and then kiss fighting for tongue dominance all the way to the bed as I start to undress him showing his body as he undressed me showing my suit, oh yeah I had my suit on...

Kara: oh I forgot, hold on.

I use my super speed and change into a vest and shorts since it was just me and Y/N so...

You: wow your gorgeous.

I giggle and blush and then drag him on the bed as I tickled him.

You: s stop *laugh* you *laugh*

I stop tickling him and kiss him on the cheek.

Jasper: Meow.

I hear Jasper jump into the bed with us and and sits at the end blinking at us.

Kara: he's adorable. I love him.

You: and I love you both.

I smile at Y/N and we both cuddled in bed.

Kara: goodnight hero.

You: goodnight gorgeous.

Jasper: Meow.

You and Kara: goodnight Fur ball. Oh *giggle*...

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