《Danvers Secret Sister》Ch 28
In the morning
Jordan wakes up but Natasha isn't anywhere in the room
Jordan gets up and heads downstairs
Jordan: hey Wanda, do you know where nat is?
Wanda: i'm not sure, i havnt seen carol as well
Carol and natasha walk up from the lab
Wanda: hey where were you two?
Carol: we have a mission right now. We have to go sorry
Nat: we promise we will be back in a couple of hours
Jordan: be safe you two
Nat: we will
Natasha and carol leave
Wanda: want to go somewhere today. We are both free all-day
Jordan: I'm down. What should we do?
Wanda: what about the aquarium
Jordan: sure I haven't been to one since I was little
Wanda: we can leave at 10 how does that sound
Jordan looks up at the clock the time was 8:30
Jordan: sounds good
A couple hours later
Wanda: I'll drive
Jordan: you sure
Wanda: yes I'm sure
Jordan: okay then
They get into the car
Wanda: so how does it feel... now being mrs romanoff
Jordan: that will take time to get use to. Its the 4th time I had to change my last name
Wanda: really
Jordan: Yeah. First danvers then Vers then back to Danvers then Romanoff
Wanda: wow
Jordan: yup
They continue to talk while they drive to the aquarium
They are walking around and stop to look at the turtles
Wanda: what's on your mind?
Jordan: what oh nothing
Wanda: fine I'll find out myself
Jordan: wanda no
They both laugh
Jordan: just memories are coming back
Wanda: like?
Jordan: When I was little after my mom died my dad wasn't the nicest person. When I was little my father became abusive toward me... Whenever carol could she would take me out to get away from him and one of the places was the aquarium. My father barley let me and carol go places on our own but when we did he was always watching and listening to us
Wanda: what happened to your dad? You said when you were little, Fury and Commander Hill took care of you
Jordan: when i was 6 about 20 agents busted through the door at our house and arrested my dad. He was doing some iillegal work. Im not sure what but he was wanted by shield. I remember the day perfectly... i was in my room in the corner he was hitting me. He heard the door bell ring so he went to go check what was going on... about halfway to the door the door was broken down and all the agents rushed in. there was a lot of yelling involved. I remember i was sitting in the corner crying with cuts all over me. An agent went into the room and found me. They took me to shield headquarters...
Flash back sequence
Agent: Sir, we found Joe Danvers
Fury: good. did you put him in the isolation box?
Agent: yes we did but sir we found something when searching the horse
Maria: what did you find?
Another agents walks in carrying young Jordan
Maria: a child?? How why
Fury: she was in the house?
Agent: yes. We found her in a room crying and bleeding from wounds
Fury: put her on the couch and leave
The agent does so and the two agents leave
Fury: hey little one.... Don't be scared I won't hurt you
Fury reaches his hand out
Jordan was hesitant at first but put her hand on his
Fury: what's your name?
Jordan: j-Jordan
Fury: what a cute name for a cutie like you
Maria: was this his child or someone else
Fury: agent hill I want you to intergoagate danvers and find out any information on her
Maria: right away
She walks out
Fury gets up and grabs something from his desk and gives it to jordan
Fury: here have this candy
Jordan takes it and eats it
Fury:( we need to figure out what she was doing at his house)
Fury: jordan sweetie. where is your mom?
Jordan: mommy- mommy died when i was little
Fury: I'm sorry for asking. it will be okay
About an hour later maria returns
Maria: i have information on the kid
Fury: what did you find out?
Maria: her name is Jordan she is his biological kid. She's 6 years old
Fury: did he give her all the cuts and bruises?
Maria: yes he did. He would beat her when he was angry or drank to much
Fury: poor kid
Maria: i will contact child services
Fury: not yet
Maria: alright then
Fury: message Coulson and have him come up here
Maria: right away sir
Maria walks out
A few moments later Coulson walks in
Coulson: you wanted me
Fury: i need you to run some errands for me
Coulson: what?
Fury: see that kid right there
He points to Jordan who is asleep on the couch
Fury: that is the daughter of Joe Danvers
Coulson: you mean the guy they brought in earlier. Joe Danvers, the one who illegally sold government information and illegal weapon blue prints
Fury: yes he is the one. I want you to get these things on this list. It will help her feel a little more comfortable
Coulson: she hadn't had the best life I assume
Fury: an agent found her in a room crying and bleeding
Coulson: I'll get the items right away
An hour later Coulson return with some items such as a stuffed animal a blanket and other items
Fury: thank you Coulson you are dismissed
Maria is sitting next to Jordan
Maria: how long do you think the abuse went on?
Fury: I'm not sure. Could be days months even years
Maria: poor kid. Wait what about her mom?
Fury: dead
Maria: no really
Fury nods his head
Back at the house
Carol arrives home and sees cop cars and SHIELD cars parked outside her house with police tape
Carol: oh no. no no no no
She runs to her house
Carol: what happened this is my house i live here
Officer: nice try, but its an open case. We are not allowed to disclose any information
Carol: you don't understand my little sister. Where is she? Where is she? She was here before I left
An agent walks over to her
Agent: excuse me young lady are you associated with Joe Danvers
Carol: y-yeah he is my dad
Agent: I'm going to need you to come with me
Carol: what no. not until I find my sister
The agent handcuffs carol and push her into the back of a car
Carol: what is going on what the hell!
They drive to the shield headquarters
Agent: in here we will get you in a bit
The agent walks up to fury's office
Agent: excuse me sir
Fury: what is it?
Agent: I was at the scene of Joe Danvers home and someone claimed to be his daughter
Maria and fury look at each other
Maria: there is another one?
Fury: where is she?
Agent: I brought her here. She is in one of the interrogation rooms
Fury: lead the way. Hill you stay here with the girl
Maria: of course
Fury and the agent walk into the interrogation room
Carol: who are you why am I here?
Fury: i need to ask you a couple of question
He turns to the agent
Fury: you may leave
The agent leaves and he turns back to carol
Fury: what is your name?
Carol: I'm not saying anything
Fury: we arent going to hurt you but i need you to answer a few questions. First, what is your name?
Carol is hesitant but says her name
Carol: carol my name is carol
Fury: do you know this man?
He places a photo of her father on the table
Carol: y-yeah that's my father
Fury: where were you when my agents arrested your father?
Carol: working. My father makes me work
Fury: do you have a sibling?
Carol: yes yes I do her name is Jordan
Fury: were you aware that he was abusing her?
Carol: yes I knew. He would abuse both of us
Fury: if you worked, why didn't you tell anyone?
Carol: because my father was always watching and swore if i told someone he would hurt her even more than he does.
Fury: how did he hurt you before?
Carol: many ways. Last night he drank too much and when I got home he was really mad. he threw me to the ground and started kicking me. my arm has been hurting ever since last night. i think he hurt it when I was shielding myself with
Fury: let me see your arm
Carol lifts up her sleeve to reveal her arm covered in bruises
Fury: can i get medical in interrogation room 88 A please
They continue to talk then there is a knock at the door
Doctor: you called sir
Fry: i want you to examine her arm please
The doctor examines carol's arm
Doctor: it seems to be broken. We need to take her to medbay to get a cast on it
Fury: let's go then
They all walk to medical and carol gets her arm casted
Carol: I've answered all your questions. Now answer mine. Is my sister here?
Fury: we have your little sister in my office
Carol: Can I see her please I haven't seen her in days
Fury: why not?
carol: our dad would lock me in my room when I got home. Only once in a while, I would be able to see her. We would talk through the door but even then, our father did not allow it
fury sighs
fury: I'll take you to her
He and carol walk to his office they walk in and carol sees Jordan
Carol: Jordan
She runs over to Jordan and bends down on her knees to hug her
Jordan: care-carol
Carol starts to cry, tears running down her cheeks
Carol: thank god you are alright I was so worried about you
Maria: Is this the other one?
Fury: yes it is
maria: what happened to her arm
Fury: her dad kicked her last night and she was using her arms to shield herself. he broke her arm
Maria: shit
Carol: I promise im never going to leave you again...
Fury: carol
Carol looks over to maria and fury
Fury: where is your mother?
Carol: she passed away when Jordan was little. She was really sick. I'm not sure about anything else
Maria: do you have any other family members?
Carol shakes her head
Carol: our parents didn't have siblings and my grandparents are either dead or don't want anything to do with us
Fury: hill, hallway now
Maria and fury walk to the hallway
Maria: what is it?
Fury: I want you to contact child services
Maria: what, why? If they take them they are going to spilt those two apart and I don't think that is a good idea, especially after all they have been through
Fury: who said anything about taking them
Maria: I'm not following
Fury: those two have been through enough. I don't want them to get separated so I want to take care of them
Maria: are you sure sir?
Fury: it's better than having them getting separated
Maria: I'll go contact child services
Jordan: and that point on they became the two most important people in our lives... without them, I have no idea where i would be right now
Wanda: wow im so sorry for asking
Jordan: no it's fine it was going to come out soon... can we never bring this up again unless Carol or I bring it up
They continue to walk around the aquarium
Jordan: So how are things going with my sister?
Wanda: they are going good.. I am really happy that I can finally spend time with her again after us being dead for 5 years
Jordan: I agree it is nice to spend time with Nat
They continue to talk and three girls walk up to them
Girl 1: hi umm. We are really big fans and we were wondering if we can take a photo with you
Wanda: of course
Jordan: I can take it
She takes the photo and hands the girl back her phone
Girl 2: thank you so much. It's a dream to meet you
Girl 3: Have a nice day
They walk away
Jordan: exactly why i like doing undercover missions or missions that don't catch the public's attention"
They laugh
Jordan: nat texted me
Wanda: what did she say?
Nat: hey princess. Your sister and i got back from the mission. Where are you two?
Jordan: we at the aquarium. We will leave right now
Nat: no don't, we will meet you there and spend time with you two
Jordan: okay see you soon
Nat: see you soon. Love your princess
Jordan: love you too
Jordan: so carol and nat are going to meet us here
Wanda: really?
Jordan: I think they want to walk around for a bit then grab dinner
About a half-hour later Natasha and carol arrive at the aquarium
Carol hugs Wanda from behind
Wanda: hi bubs
Carol: hi love how was your day
Wanda: it was good
Nat: hey princess
They wave at each other because the public does not know that Natasha is married and they want to keep it like that for privacy and for safety.
They walk around for a bit
Nat: do you want to grab dinner before we head home?
Carol: sounds good. What do you two think?
Wanda: I'm up for it
Jordan: so am i
They end up going to a restaurant nearby
Jordan: so how was the mission?
Nat: it was good for the most part. I did get thrown against the wall twice
Carol: yeah that was bad
Wanda: did you get hurt bubs?
Carol: only a couple of scratches. I'm fine
Jordan: is it okay if i go visit mom's grave tomorrow... I haven't been there in a while. Every time I try something always comes out
Carol: I'll come with you I need to visit her as well
Nat: you both never talked about your mom why is that?
Jordan: she died when I was really little
Carol: and for me, our father never let me go see her in the hospital. It was always work, getting home, getting hit... everyday.... Jordan and I were only allowed go out together once every 6 months and when we did he was always watching and listening in on us
Carol and Jordan go quiet for a moment looking at the table
Nat: Hey I'm sorry for asking
she places a hand on Jordan's shoulder
Jordan: it's fine Nat
They have dinner and return to the compound
Jordan is outside watching the stars on the training field
Natasha joins her
Nat: hey princess, what are you thinking about?
Jordan: nothing just looking at the stars. Something that always brought me peace
Natasha sits next to her
Nat: were you two bothered while you were out?
Jordan: a couple of people asked to take photos with Wanda and that's it. It wasn't that bad
Nat: that's good
Jordan: I'm ready to talk about my question
Nat; are you sure?
Jordan: yes, yes I am
Nat: okay princess but take your time okay
Jordan: I will..... Ever since the day we were called to Wakanda I was going to ask you an important question. My question was- my question was if- if we can start a family together
Nat: really?! that way your question? I do want to start a family with you princess
Jordan: really
Nat: of course
She kisses jordan
Jordan: I'm happy you do
Nat: we can look more into it tomorrow. We both have the day off
Jordan: okay baby
Natasha kisses Jordan's hands
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