《Danvers Secret Sister》Ch 21
Natasha walks over to Jordan and the man. She right hooks him and he falls to the ground
Nat: don't ever mess with my girlfriend or things will get way worse next time
The man gets up and runs out
Everyone in the bar cheers and claps for Natasha carol and Wanda
Jordan: thank you
Nat: any time princess
Carol: He's lucky wands and I didn't use our powers. Things would have gotten ugly
The four of them laugh
A couple of hours later they return home to the compound
Nat: did you have a good time princess?
Jordan: I did minus the part with that guy. But I had my girlfriend my sister and my best friend defend me. But after and before that I did have a good time. Also, you were very pissed weren't you
Nat: yes I was. He was making my princess uncomfortable
Jordan: aw someone is very overprotective of me
Natasha kisses Jordan
Jordan: can we head to sleep now. I'm really tired
Nat: of course
They change then lay in bed
Jordan lays on Natasha's chest while Natasha runs her fingers through Jordan's hair
Nat: night princess
Jordan: night babe
They fall asleep
The next morning
Natasha is in the kitchen and Jordan walks downstairs
Jordan: morning babe. good morning Wanda
Wanda: good morning Jordan
Nat: good morning princess
She hugs Jordan and kisses her
Carol walks into the kitchen
Carol: good morning everyone
Jordan: morning sis
Wanda: morning bubs
Nat: good morning carol
F.R.I.D.A.Y: ms Romanoff ms maximoff and ms Danvers Mr stark wants you all to go to the conference room immediately.
They all rush to the conference room
Tony: We have a mission. A group of hydra agents has been spotted outside in Lagos. they are trying to get a biological weapon. I need Jordan Natasha Wanda sam and steve there now
Carol: what about the rest of us
Tony: we will be on standby just incase
Nat: everyone suit up and meet in the quinjet
Natasha and Jordan are in the quinjet waiting for everyone else
Nat: you nervous
Jordan: mhm. I haven't been on a mission since before the second time the whole brainwashing thing happened
Nat: you'll be fine I promise. You have all of us nearby
Wanda sam and steve walk-in
Steve: we are all here now let's head out
They fly to Lagos and set up in their positions
Steve: alright what do you see
Wanda: standard beat cops small station quiet street it is a good target
Steve: there's an atm on the south corner which means
Jordan: cameras
Steve: both cross streets are one way
Wanda: so compromised escape routes
Steve: means our guy doesn't care about being seen
A couple of moments later
Wanda: the red one it's cute
Nat: it's also bulletproof which means private security which means more guns which means more headaches for someone probably us
Wanda: You guys know I can move things with my mind right. And so can Jordan
Jordan: don't drag me into the whole telekinesis thing. I still can't control or know how to use my powers
Wanda: sorry
Nat: looking over your shoulder needs to become second nature
Sam: anyone ever tell you're a little paranoid
Nat: not to my face why you heard something
Steve: eyes on targets folks
Jordan: oww
Nat: you okay princess?
Jordan: y-yeah I am
Steve: this is the best lead we've had on rumlow for a while
Sam: he hates us so what's new about that
Steve: Jordan see that garbage truck
Jordan: Yeah. why?
Steve: tag it
Jordan: on it
She taps buttons on her phone and deploys redwing from sam's wings
Sam: that truck is loathed to max weight
Jordan: and the drivers armed
Nat: it's a battering ram
Steve: go now
Wanda: what?
Everyone splits and follows the truck
About 5 minutes later
Steve: I make 7 hostels
Sam: I made 5
Wanda: Jordan
Wanda uses her powers to throw one of the guys up and Jordan uses her powers to throw him against the building
Jordan: four
Sam: Rumors on the third floor
Steve; Wanda just like we practiced
Jordan: what about the gas
Steve: get it out
Jordan: how am I never mind
Jordan: sam deploy something from your suit they are gaining on us
Steve: they have the biological weapon
Nat: I'm on it
Jordan: heading that way as well
Natasha and Jordan start fighting
Jordan: nat
She turns and sees Natasha fighting rumlow
Rumlow I don't work like that no more
He throws her into one of the hummers and activates a grenade
Rumlow: fire in teh hole
She gets out as the grenade explodes
Jordan: NAT!
She runs over to Natasha
Nat: I'm fine I'm fine. we need to get to the others
Sam: I've got four they are splitting up
Nat: we've got the two on the left
Steve: they've ditched their gear
Jordan: Steve what's going on back there
Sam: he doesn't have it. I'm empty
Natasha and Jordan run past civilians chasing after two men
Jordan: that means the two we are following has it
Natasha and Jordan catch up to the two guys they were following
Natasha fights one of them
The other guy points a gun at her put Jordan hits him with a basket and knocks him to the ground
Redwing shoots the guys who had the weapon and Jordan catches it
Nat: payload secure
Jordan: thanks sam
Sam: don't thank me
Jordan: I'm not thanking that
Sam: his name is redwing
Jordan: I know I was literally the one who designed him and named him
Sam: come on
Jordan: Fine, if you answer this. what does red wing stand for?
Sam does say anything
Jordan: thought so
Steve: how's everyone doing
Sam: I'm good what about you love birds
Nat: fine. out of breath as well
Nat: just a little shaken about the grenade and it almost killed me
Steve: everyone hurry back to the quinjet
Jordan: what about the weapon?
Steve: we are having it shipped to the sandbox
Back on the quinjet
Jordan: are you okay?
She wipes a cut on nat's face
Nat: yeah I am don't worry about it
Jordan: you scared me when rumlow through you in the hummer and activated a grenade almost killing you
Nat: but I'm fine
She kisses Jordan
Sam: okay we get it lovebirds
Wanda: let them be Sam
Steve: I agree with Wanda
They arrive back at the compound
Carol: love your back
She kisses Wanda
Carol: jor you did well for your first mission in 3 years
Jordan: yeah but this one scared the shit out of me
Nat: well sorry it's not my fault I got thrown into a truck with a grenade
Wanda: both of you calm down we are all back and fine
Sam: hey Jordan
Jordan: yes sam
Sam: can you help me fix redwing. part of his mechanics got messed with when we are on the mission
Jordan: Sure. I'll work on it a little later tonight
Sam: that's fine thanks
Everyone walks into the compound
Nat: I'm going to shower and wash off the cuts I got from today
Jordan: okay I'll be in the lab working
Natasha walks upstairs
Tony: good job with the mission you 5. wait where is Natasha?
Jordan: she went upstairs she'll be down in a bit
Tony: Anyway, as I said, good job. A couple of us have a mission tomorrow so you may not see us
He walks out
Jordan: I'm going to go work in the lab
Carol: need help jor
Jordan: I don't think you would know how to fix this
Everyone laughs
Carol: rude
Jordan walks downstairs and works on redwing for a bit
30 minutes later peter walks down to the lab as well
Peter: hey Jordan
Jordan: hey peter what's up
Peter: we are going to order pizza want some
Jordan; sure. I'm fine with whatever you get
Peter: so bbq chicken
Jordan: yeah I'm fine with that
Peter: you did awesome today
Jordan: it felt good to be back on the field
They continue to talk while Jordan works on redwing
Peter: that's our crazy story about Washington
Jordan: dang that sucks. I -
Jordan: ow
Peter: are you okay?
Jordan: y-yeah I think I got shocked.
Natasha walks down into the lab
Nat: hey princess how is that going?
Jordan: good
Natasha kisses Jordan on the cheek
Nat: what were you two talking about?
Jordan: different things
Peters phone buzzes
Peter: carol said the pizza is here
Nat: sounds great
Jordan: let me just try something before we go up
She presses some buttons on sams control and redwing flies in the air
Jordan; finally I'm done. Now we can go back upstairs to eat
They all go upstairs
All the avengers are eating together in the dining area
Nat: so can we never get sent into anything for a while at least a week
Tony; that's fine
Everyone talks for a bit
Jordan feels a sharp pain run through her body
Jordan: I'll be right back
She gets up and walks to the stairs
Nat: you okay princess
Jordan; yeah I'm fine. I'll be back
She rushes upstairs and into the bathroom in her and Natasha's room
Jordan shuts the door and slides down against the walk
Her knees up against her chest
And her face in her hands
Jordan: ughh
Her eyes start to glow purple
Jordan: my head
She starts to scream
Back with the others
objects to float up in the air
Everyone turns to Wanda
Wanda: don't look at me I'm not doing this
Steve: Then who is?
Wanda: my magic is red, not purple
Natasha and carols eyes widen
Carol and Wanda: JORDAN
They hear Jordan screaming upstairs
Everyone looks at each other
Carol and Natasha run upstairs
Natasha tries to open the door but it is locked
Nat: the door won't budge. It's locked
Carol: move really quick
She blasts the lock with her powers and they rush into the room
Nat: princess open the door
Jordan continues to scream
Nat: Jordan... princess, please
Natasha tries to open the door but it's locked
Nat: princess please. carol and I need to talk
Carol: tony I'm so sorry for what I'm going to do
She blasts the wall and between the bedroom and the bathroom
They run into the bathroom where Jordan is
Many things were floating in the air
Nat: princess look at me
She holds jordans hands
Carol: jor talk to us
Jordan looks up at them
Her eyes glowing purple
Carol: this hasn't happened since the last time she used her powers which was 3 years ago
Nat: what do we do?
Carol: I have no idea have any ideas
Nat: hold her hands and try to calm her down
Carol: okay
Carol does that
Natasha kisses Jordan
nat: come on princess, please
Carol: think of something that brings you joy
Nat: nothings working
Nat: carol get Wanda
Carol runs downstairs and gets Wanda
Wanda: what do I do?
Carol: I don't know maybe read her mind
Wanda looks through jordans mind and screams in pain
Carol: what's wrong love?
Wanda is breathing heavily
Wanda: I saw what's going through her mind
Nat: what was it?
Wanda: torture. I saw everything they did to her
Carol: jor never told us about anything they did to her back over there. Did she tell you Natasha?
Nat: no. no she didn't
Everything that was floating falls to the ground and Jordan snaps out of the trance
Jordan is crying
Jordan: c-carol...sis... nat... b-baby
Nat: Hey hey hey it's okay its okay
Natasha hugs her
Nat: shh shh shh
Jordan: n-no get away from me
Carol: jor
Jordan: n-no please get away from me
Nat: princess
Jordan: no
Carol: jor listen to m-
Jordan screams and all the glass in the bedroom floor shatters
Wanda Carol and Natasha cover their ears
Jordan looks down at herself then at Jordan carol and nat
Carol: Jordan
Jordan shakes her head
She phases through the door and runs downs stairs
Nat: princess
The three of them run after Jordan
Jordan runs to the room that contains the isolation box
Jordan locks herself in the isolation room
Nat: princess no why did you do that
Jordan: I was going to hurt you i couldn't do that
Wanda: i'll get stark
She runs out to get tony
Carol: open the door
Jordan: no no I can't I don't want to
Nat: princess, please
Jordan: no I don't want to hurt you two
Carol: nat try working n opening it
Nat: cant you blast the door open
Carol: no tony made this impenetrable
Nat: I guess I'll try to open it then
Carol: jor listen to me. Open the door. Please
She starts to cry
Carol: jor, please... Please don't do this to yourself don't do it to me don't do it to nat
Tony and Wanda rush in
Tony: where is the remote for the isolation box?
Nat: I have it right he-what the
Carol looks in the isolation box
Carol: fuck
Tony: what
Carol: come on Jordan your not helping yourself by doing this
Jordan: but I'm keeping everyone else safe
Everyone tried for days to get Jordan out of the isolation box
Tony: I have a plan
Carol: what is it?
Tony: we get all of my suits and rhodey's war machine one. We blast the isolations semi-weak part right here. Then thor uses his hammer and then carol uses her power as well as Wanda
Nat: is this even going to work?
Steve: it's worth a shot
They move forward with their plan and is able to break open the isolation
Natasha runs over to Jordan
Nat: Jordan
She hugs her
Nat: don't you ever do that again, please
Jordan: I'm- I'm sorry
Nat: it's okay princess. It's okay
Tony: let's give them some space
Everyone walks out
Jordan: I'm so sorry
She starts to cry
Nat: shh shh shh shh
She holds Jordan close to her
Nat: come on let's go to our room
They go to their room
Jordan sits on the bed silent
Nat; do you need anything... do you want some food water
Jordan: can i have some water, please
Nat: of course
She walks out of the room
Jordan sits on the bed for a couple of moments
Jordan: why does she love me...
Natasha walks back upstairs with some water and snacks
Jordan: I'm the worst girlfriend ever. nats perfect... but I'm not i hate myself so much
Nat: you're perfect in my eyes
Jordan: you're just saying that
Nat: no I'm not
Natasha sits next to Jordan. She holds jordans hands
Jordan: thanks babe
She kisses Jordan
Nat: come on let's cuddle together together
They cuddle together and end up falling asleep
Carol and Wanda open the door
Carol: I'm glad Natasha was able to calm her down
Wanda: so am i. Let's let them be
Later that day
Carol knocks on the door
Carol: can I come in
Jordan: sure
Carol opens the door and Natasha throws a pillow at her
Carol: hey!
Nat: seriously can people not bother us for 10 MINUTES
Jordan: baby stop.
Nat: sorry...
Jordan: what's wrong sis?
Carol: tony want to talk to you
Jordan: okay I'll be downright now
She walks downstairs
Jordan: Mr stark I mean tony what did you want to talk about
Tony: I want to talk to you about earlier
Jordan: I'm so sorry about that I i
Tony: I understand. Just I want you to continue to train with Wanda for your telekinesis. It is better if you get in under control instead of you being unable to control it
Jordan: I will...
Tony: that's all
Jordaan: can I go back
Tony: yes you can go back with your girlfriend
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Adam is having a terrible time. To start the day off he died in a car accident. And that isn't even the most painful thing that happened to him. That would be merging with a strange crystal. After that he ended up stuck in an endless black void. He does eventually get rescued. But quickly realizes his soul has been put in the body of a fallen noble and his fate is to be little more than a breeding slave for the cultivation clan that purchased him. To top it all off his new body had been bedridden for weeks and he can barely get out of bed. Not everything is terrible though. The crystal he merged with is called a dimensional originator. Using life and death energy he can create miniature universes. Given enough energy and time he could even create an entire universe. For a moment Adam thought things were looking up. Too bad the author finds things going horribly wrong far more entertaining. Warning: If this fiction was a movie I'd rate it as somewhere between PG-13 and R for violence, gore, and nudity.
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