《Danvers Secret Sister》Ch 17
An hour later Jordan is walking around the town. As she is walking around she sees murals of the avengers. She sees all these things with the avengers on them
Jordan: "i-i can't do this anymore"
She walks into a hotel
Jordan: "how much for one night?"
The front desk person: "150"
Jordan pays for a room and walks up to it. She walks into the room and spots a window. She walks over to the window and in the distance, she can see the compound. Jordan shuts the window and lays on the bed
Jordan: "I can't believe I hurt them. Especially nat"
She falls asleep
The next day, the avengers are doing a sweep of the area trying to find Jordan
Tony: "Does anyone have anything on Jordan"
Everyone: "no"
Tony: "Natasha have you tried calling her?"
Nat: "I've called her 65 times and sent over a hundred messages"
Rhodey: "tony where do you think she would have gone?"
Tony: "carol do you know of anywhere?"
Carol: "no I don't"
They continue to search
Jordan walks out of the hotel and walks around and sees tony in his iron man suit about 30 ft away
Jordan in her mind: "sh*t"
She turns around to walk the other way but sam lands in front of her
Sam: "Jordan we need you to come back to the compound"
Jordan: "no I'm not going back. I hurt you all"
Sam: "it's not an option your sister needs you and Natasha needs you"
He grabs Jordan's arm
Jordan: "let go of me sam!"
Sam flies up into the air, holding Jordan with a tight grip
Sam: "I've got Jordan"
Jordan: "SAM LET ME GO!"
He flies back to the compound
Tony: "Jordan you need to stop running out"
Jordan: "I'm sorry Mr stark but you are not my father nor my guardian"
Tony: "You have powers that you do not know how to control and until then you're under my watch"
Jordan: "you can't be serious. I'm 22 an adult I can handle myself"
Tony: "I am and from now on we are tracking everywhere you go"
He places something on her neck
Jordan: "you didn't just use one of my inventions on me"
Tony: "I did and if you try taking it off it will send a notification to everyone. And that one I modified so any of your tricks to work it won't work"
Jordan: "ugh I'm sorry but I need to go to my room"
She walks up to her room and shuts the door she turns around and sees Natasha sitting on her bed
Jordan: "nat what are you doing in here"
Nat: "I missed you, princess. Don't ever do that again"
She stands up and hugs Jordan
Nat: "I was so worried about you and I couldn't sleep"
Jordan: "I'm sorry"
She starts to cry
Jordan: "I'm sorry for everything I've done. I'm sorry about yelling at you and i-"
Nat: "shhh it's okay"
She strokes the back of jordans head
Nat: "I'm here princess. I'm here for you no matter what"
A couple of days later
Jordan: "Mr stark is there anything I can do"
Tony: "what do you mean Jordan?"
Jordan: "I mean for inventions. It is my job after all to create inventions and gadgets for the team to use during missions. I haven't made any in the past month"
Tony: "About that. I've been wanting to talk to you about your job... I am going to let you go"
Jordan: "what why Mr stark"
Tony: "let me finish. I want to let you go for your job in the lab. I want to hire you to be a part of the team instead"
Jordan: "Mr stark is that such a good idea. I'm better with technology, not this hero work"
Tony: "you have great potential Jordan. And it can be put to good use. You are starting to learn how to use your powers after all"
Jordan: "Mr stark"
Tony cuts Jordan off
Tony: "Jordan I want you to think about it. If you don't want to do it, it's fine. If you want to do it that's great"
Tony walks off
Jordan: "oh god"
Jordan walks up to her room
Nat: "hey princess what's wrong"
She kisses Jordan on her cheek
Jordan: "nothing. Mr Stark and I were talking about something"
Nat: "if you say so"
Jordan: "baby. can I ask you a theoretical question"
Nat: "sure..."
Jordan: "what would you say or do if I were to join the team"
Nat: "I would be happy"
Jordan: "what happens if I were to ask to be on the team"
Nat: "I wouldn't mind because I could spend more time with you. And it's your decision. I don't want to force you to do something you don't want to do"
Jordan: "thanks"
Nat: "I'm going to take off these bandages now. They are bothering me so much"
She takes off the bandages from her leg
A scar was now formed on the back of Natasha's leg
Jordan: "oh god"
Nat: "Hey, it's okay. It wasn't your fault"
Nat: "besides its mostly healed who cares if there is a scar"
Jordan: "I care since I did that"
Nat: "shh everything is fine. It didn't leave permanent or harmful damage to me so I'm fine. The scar will fade away with time"
Friday: "excuse me, ms Romanoff and ms Danvers. Mr. Rogers and Mr stark is requesting ms Danvers"
Jordan: "where is he?"
Friday: "Mr rogers is in the kitchen"
Jordan: "thank you Friday. I guess I'm going to talk to Steve and Mr stark"
Nat: "hurry back I was comfortable"
Jordan laughs
Jordan: "I will baby"
Natasha is alone in the room
Nat: "did I leave my water in my room"
Natasha looks around the room
Nat: "yup"
She gets up and walks to her room
Nat: "Here it is. Oh and here is Wanda's jacket from last night when we were all hanging out in here. I should give it to her before I forget"
Nat: "hey wanda you left your jacket in my room last ni-"
She stops as she sees carol and Wanda kissing in Wanda's room
Wanda: "I love you so much bubs"
Carol: "I love you too babe"
Nat: "what the hell"
carol and Wanda turn to see Natasha
They grab Natasha and pull her into the room and shut the door behind her
Carol puts her hand over Natasha's mouth
Nat: "you and- and you"
Wanda: "yes, yes but you can't tell anyone, no one knows"
Nat: "how? when?"
Carol: "a couple of months ago"
Carol: "the reason we didn't tell anyone is that we didn't wanna make a big deal out of it"
Wanda: yeah it's not a big deal
Nat: "but it is a big deal... does Jordan know?"
Wanda: "no, no she doesn't"
Carol: "she can't know"
Wanda: "please we know this is big but don't say anything"
Natasha doesn't say anything
Wanda: "please please we just don't wanna deal with telling the team. ok please just promise you won't tell anyone"
Carol: "especially my sister"
Nat: "I promise"
Nat: "I have so many questions"
Wanda: "what do we do?"
Carol: "Natasha, you can't tell my sister about this I don't know how she is going to act"
Natasha is pacing back and forth between two sides of the room
Nat: "how... since when... Why..."
Wanda: "Natasha calm down you're going to bring everyone in the compound up here"
Nat: "you need to tell Jordan"
Carol: "we can't I don't know what she would say i just can't"
Wanda: "I knew we should have been more careful when we were here at the compound"
Nat: "i- I need to go"
She walks out of the room
Carol: "shit we are so screwed we are so screwed"
Downstairs tony steve and Jordan were talking
Nat walks downstairs
Jordan: "hey baby what's wrong?"
Nat: "n-nothing everything is just fine"
Tony: "sure... anyways we were talking and i was telling Jordan that I need one of you to move into the other's bedroom. We are going to have another recruit soon and we need more space"
Natasha responds but doesn't think or pay attention to what Tony was saying
Nat: "c-cool that sounds good. I'm going for a walk"
She walks out of the compound
Jordan: "is it me or is she acting off"
With nat
Nat: "I can't keep this from Jordan but it's not my secret to tell"
Natasha groans
Back in the compound
Carol: "what am I going to do what am I going to do what am I going to do"
Wanda: "hey, hey. everything will be fine"
Carol sits on the bed with her face in her hands
Carol: "Natasha is going to tell jor. What is jor going to say about this?! What if she gets upset or or-"
Wanda sits next to carol on the bed
Wanda: "everything will be okay bubs"
Carol: "no no it isn't I what if jordan doesn't like that we are together or-"
Wanda kisses carol
Wanda: "sorry. I needed to calm you down and i d-"
Carol kisses wanda back
Carol: "I'm sorry I'm just stressed and worried"
Carol digs her face into wanda's neck
Wanda: "don't worry we will talk to jordan about it"
Back with natasha
She returns to the compound
Jordan: "baby where did you go?"
Nat: "nowhere princess. I just went for a walk"
Jordan: "Are you okay? You looked worried when you left"
Natasha wraps her arms around jordans waist
Nat: "I'm fine princess"
Jordan: "if you say so"
Nat: "i'll be right back"
Jordan: "okay"
Natasha walks away
Jordan: "she seems off right"
Steve: "definitely"
Tony: "agreed. she usually doesn't act like that"
Jordan: "i'm going to check on her"
She walks after natasha
Jordan: "Baby are you okay? You never act like this. What's up?"
Nat: "Princess, I'm fine. Dont worry about me. I'm going to take a shower"
Natasha walks to her room
Jordan: "o-okay"
She walks back to tony and steve
Tony: "so?"
Jordan: "she said she is fine"
They talk for a bit
Jordan: "mr stark"
Tony: "yes jordan"
Jordan: "i have been thinking and i do want to join the team"
Tony: "really that's fantastic"
Steve: "That's gerat jordan"
He pats Jordan on the back
Tony: "and jordan. You can call me tony"
Jordan: "okay tony... that sounds weird"
They all laugh
An hour later
Jordan and natasha were in natashas room lying on the bed watching a movie
Jordan: "who's room should we stay in?"
Nat: "what do you mean?"
Jordan: "Did you not hear me earlier? Mr Stark I mean tony asked if we can move into one room together"
Nat: "oh right. What room do you want to move in?"
Jordan: "what about this one. You've lived here longer and have more stuff up and decorated. i've only been here a couple of months and my room is kind of plain"
Nat: "im fine with that"
She kisses jordan
Nat: "i'll help you move your stuff tomorrow"
Jordan: "thanks baby"
The following day
Jordan: "hey Bucky"
Bucky: "hey Jordan what's up"
Jordan: "have you seen nat she isn't in our room and shes not picking up her phone"
Bucky: "i'm not sure sorry jordan"
Jordan: "its fine"
She looks all throughout the compound for natasha but cant find her Jordan calls natasha but it goes straight to voicemail
Jordan: "Hey baby... where are you.. I'm really worried, please calm me back. Im worried about you..love you"
Jordan goes back downstairs
Jordan: "steve do you know where nat is i cant find her at all. I looked everywhere in the compound"
Steve: "I think I know where she is. Come on"
Jordan: "okay?"
They walk over to steve's motorcycle that was in the garage
Steve: "here"
He hands her a helmet
They drive up to a place
Jordan: "a dance studio? What are we doing here?"
Steve: "just go in"
Jordan: "okay"
She walks into the dance studio with steve
A person who was the owner walks over
Owner: "i'm sorry we are closed right now we-"
Steve: "it's okay she's with me"
Owner: "oh I'm very sorry captain"
Jordan walks into one of the rooms. She sees natasha dancing ballet. She watches natasha dance for a couple of moments
Jordan: "you look beautiful when you dance baby"
Natasha turns around
Nat: "god you scared me princess"
Nat: "what are you doing here?"
Jordan: "i couldn't find you and i was worried"
Natasha pulls out her phone and scrolls through her phone to see all the missed call and messages jordan sent
Nat: "shit I'm so sorry i didn't tell you I was going somewhere. Sorry about that princess"
She kisses jordan
Nat: "how did you even know i was here?"
Jordan: "steve brought me. You look so beautiful when you dance"
Nat: "It was the only thing I enjoyed while I was in the red room. It was the only good thing that came out of it. When I get stressed I come here and dance. It helps so much"
Jordan: "I wish you told me before. I loved watching you for those couple of minutes"
Nat: "i will tell you next time i come. I promise princess"
She kisses jordan
Nat: "let me change and we can go back home"
Jordan: "okay baby"
A couple days later
Steve and jordan were training around 8:30 while natasha was last minute errands
Steve: "nice block"
Jordan: "thanks. Learned from the best girlfriend"
They continue to fight. Jordan pins steve on the floor
Jordan: "come on stop going easy on me cap"
She helps him up
Steve: "okay i will then"
Jordan just stands there non responsive
Steve: "jordan? Jordan. Jordan are you listening to me?"
Jordan: "huh. What happened?"
Steve: "are you okay you zoned out right now"
Jordan: "yeah im f-"
Jordan starts to scream
She falls onto her hands and knees
Steve: "jordan, jordan what's wrong?"
Jordan: "there there is something shocking me i i"
The shock gets higher and higher
Steve: "I'm calling an ambulance because Bruce isn't here"
Jordan ends up passing out before the ambulance arrives. On the way to the hospital he calls natasha
Steve: "nat where are you?"
Nat: "I'm running some last minute errands. Why?"
Steve: "I'm in an ambulance right now with jordan"
Nat: "what happened to her?"
Steve: "i dont know we were training and then she started screaming in pain. She passed out and we are on our way to a hospital"
Nat: "where, what hospital?"
Steve:" it's ( certain hospital)"
Nat: "I'll get there as quickly as i can"
Natasha arrives at the hospital
Jordan was in surgery
Nat: "what happened?"
Steve: "i don't know one moment we were training then another she was screaming in pain. Saying something was shocking her"
They watch as they are performing surgery on jordan
Nat: "have they found out whats causing it?"
Carol: "they found a chip implanted on teh back of her neck. They think that is what causing it"
Nat: "hydra?"
Carol: "probably"
Steve: "they said that the chip was producing high voltage frequencies into her body. That's why she passed out"
They continue to watch. All of a sudden the monitor started beeping
Nat: "no no"
Nat: "no princess don't do this to me"
Carol starts to cry
Nat: "come on princess. Please. Please"
Jordan's heart starts beating again
Nat: "thank god"
A couple hours later. Natasha is in the recovery room with Jordan. She is holding jordan's hand. Jordan is still unconscious. The sleep has they gave her was strong. Jordan slowly starts to wake up. She opens her eyes and sees Natasha sitting next to her
Jordan: "n-nat?"
Nat: "oh my god princess. Thank god"
Jordan: "what happened?"
Nat: "when you were with hydra the put a chip in you that would eletricute you if you started reagining memories or didnt follow their commands. They set it off. You had surgery right now so it removed"
Jordan: "the last thing i remember was i was with steve. We were training then i fell to the floor. Unbearable pain was shooting throughout my body"
Nat: "everything is better now princess. They removed it so that won't happen again"
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The Fabled Islands
Somewhere out there, in the great expanse of space and time, exist the Fabled Islands. Nobody knows how or why they exist, but only that it is a strange and special place that operates under laws separate from the universe. The Fabled Islands are made up of vast floating continents. They vary in size, with some ranging from the surface area of a small planet, to a star. If you look at them from afar, you would find that they are placed in a line. Each island is separated by a vast amount of space, so there is only one way to travel from one island to the next; a gateway on the edge of the island. Each island is governed by strange rules. The only thing they share in common, is that the rules are governed by the System. The rules change vastly from one island to the next, so you must quickly adapt. Tristan was raised on the first island, Fertility Island, and has finally been allowed to become a Brave; a respected profession throughout the islands. Fertility Island is a peaceful island. There are hardly any monsters, the land is fertile, and the people kind. This is the complete opposite of what Tristan wants. Bring on the monsters! Bring on the magical items! I want adventure, loot, and to put my life on the line! Where are the dungeons, caverns, and mountains to be explored? Where is the mythical equipment to be found? The next island? Then the next island I will go! His adventure begins now.
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