《Danvers Secret Sister》Ch 12
A couple of days pass and thor returns from asgard
Thor: "where is jordan, we need to leave"
Wanda: "her and carol are in natasha's room"
thor : "very well"
He walk up to the hallway of bedrooms and knocks on the door
Carol opens the door and lets thor in
Thor: "is lady jordan here? we must leave now"
Jordan: "I'm right here"
Thor: "are you ready?"
Jordan: "yeah... Can carol and Nat come?"
Thor: "i do not see why not"
The four of them walk out into the yard
He lifts mjolnir into the air
Thor: "heimdall open the bifrost"
The bifrost open and Natasha carol Jordan and thor arrive in Asgard
Heimdall: "welcome back thor. Lady sif and Valkyrie are waiting for you and your guests"
Thor: "thank you for informing me"
He turns to Jordan Natasha and carol
Thor: "come along now"
The four of them walk to the entrance of the palace
There they meet two people
Thor: "lady Sif valkyrie these are our guests. This is Carol Natasha and Jordan"
Lady Sif: "it is very nice to meet you all. We look forward to talking with your three in a bit"
Valkyrie: "we can all get a drink later on and get to know one another"
Lady Sif: "come now we must meet queen frigga"
They all walk into the palace
Thor: lady carol lady Natasha lady Jordan. Meet my mother. Frigga
Carol: "it is lovely to meet you queen frigga"
Nat: "thank you for bringing us here so we can get help jordan"
Frigga: "it is no problem. You three are good friends of my son thor"
Valkyrie: "follow me to the area where the elders will help heal you"
They all walk to a room where they meet the elders who are going to help jordan
Lady sif: "are you able to lay here on this table?"
Jordan: "yeah i can i think"
Thor turns to carol and natasha
Thor: "we need to leave this room. There will be very powerful magic throughout this room. It can hurt a mortal like you both mostly natasha though since she does not have powers"
Nat: "okay"
Carol turns to jordan
Carol: "love you sis"
Jordan: "love you too"
Natasha carol and thor walk out of the room
An hour passes
The three of them are waiting in the courtyard. Lady sif and Valkyrie walk up to them
Lady sif: "lady jordan if finished being healed. She wishes to see you all."
Carol: "did it go well?"
Valkyrie: "you just have to come with us to see"
The five of them walk into the palace and
walk into the room where jordan was in
Frigga: "the others are here"
Jordan turns around and sees carol, nat, and thor walk in
Carol runs up to jordan hugs her
And they starts to cry
Carol: "I've missed hugging you so much"
Jordan: "i missed your hugs as well"
Jordan looks at nat
Nat: "you're finally back to normal"
Jordan: "i missed being able to hold your hand"
Thor: "just kiss already"
Lady sif and valkyrie kick thor
Jordan and natasha look at each other and Natasha kisses her
Frigga: "i am glad we were able to help"
Carol: "thank you so much. You don't know how much this means to me and Natasha"
Valkyrie: "now that jordan is back lets have girls day between the 5 of us"
Everyone laughs
They spend the rest of the day in asgard and after a couple of hours They return to the palace. Lady sif shows natasha and jordan their room for the night
Lady sif: "this is your room. I am in the room next door if anything happens. And your sister carol is down the hall"
Natasha: "thank you"
They walk into the room
jordan: "it feels so nice to be able to touch things again"
Nat: "must have felt weird"
jordan: "very odd. I was scared something was going to happen"
Nat: "come here"
She hugs jordan
Nat: "lets go to bed now. Your probably tired from earlier"
Jordan: "yeah i am"
They fall asleep
The following day they all return back to the compound
Tony: "welcome back, jordan how do you feel?"
Jordan: "a lot better than before"
Nat: "im happy i can finally hug you again"
She kisses jordan on the cheek
Thor: "come on kiss. A real kiss"
Natasha kisses jordan
Jordan: "I'm going to go change ill be right back"
Jordan walks out of the room
Carol: "I'm glad that my sister is back to normal. Thank you Thor"
Thor: "i am very glad we were able to help"
A week later
Jordan is in her room
She is writing in a journal but something starts to happen
Jordan: "what the hell"
She dropps her pen and looks at her hand
It is glowing purple
Jordan: "what what is going on?!?"
Jordan screams
Steve wanda nat and carol were in the living room
Natasha and Carol: "jordan?!"
Carol and Natasha run upstairs, Wanda and steve follow
Carol: "jordan whats wrong?"
Jordan: "my my hands are glowing purple i dont know what is going on I-I"
Carol: "calm down"
Steve: "I'm going to get tony"
Jordan: "carol Nat whats going on?"
Carol: "were not sure steve went to get tony"
Jordan: "carol whats wrong with me?"
Carol; "nothings wrong with you"
Wanda: "jordan your eyes are glowing"
Jordan screams in pain
Holding her head
Nat: "what do we do?"
Wanda: "jordan calm down we are right here"
A bright light fills the room
When the light in the room settles jordan is nowhere to be found
Carol: "jordan, jordan where are you?"
Nat: "princess"
Jordan reappears
Carol: "thank goodness you're alright"
Carol hugs Jordan and Jordan starts to cry
Jordan: "whats whats wrong with me"
Nat: "We are here, it's okay. Nothing is wrong with you"
Carol: "shh shh everything will be okay"
Steve and tony rush in
Tony: "what's wrong?"
Wanda: "jordan. She disappeared for a moment and then reappeared. Her eyes were glowing as well"
Tony: "get her to the lab"
Carol Natasha and wanda take jordan to the lab
Tony: "hury place her on the table right here and we will run some test on her"
Carol: "is she going to be okay tony?"
Tony: "i dont know we need to run scans on her"
Nat: "princess what happened when that bright light appeared in your room"
Jordan: "i-i ended up downstairs. I dont know how then i ended back upstairs in my room"
Tony: "lay down jordan and stay still"
Jordan lays down
Jordan has a panicked look on her face
Nat: "it's alright princess im right here everything will be okay"
Tony: "running scans now"
Jordan: "how much longer?"
Tony: "and they are done. I'll have friday pull them up right now"
Jordan sits up
Jordan: "what's wrong with me?"
Nat: "nothing is wrong with you"
She kisses jordans forehead
Tony: "here are the scan results. Jordan's blood its mutating by the hour"
Carol: "whatever they did to jordan is causing this"
Tony: "it seems so"
Carol: "what happens when her blood is fully mutated?"
Tony: "i have no clue. We need to keep an eye on your sister until then"
Nat: "everything is okay princess"
She holds jordans hands
All of a sudden Jordan starts to scream
nat: "whats wrong what's happening "
Tony: "i i dont know"
He starts going through scans and tests
A beaker on the table across from jordan shattered
Jordan stop screaming
Breathing heavily and crying
Nat: "what happened are you okay? Jordan look at me"
Jordan: "n-nat"
Nat: "sh sh sh sh. Come here"
She hugged jordan
Carol: "tony we need to find out how to help her...please"
Tony: "i will"
He starts reviewing test and scans he took from jordan
Carol walks over to natasha and jordan
Jordan: "c-carol"
Carol: "hey im right here"
She hugs jordan
Tony: "jordan i want to run more tests. If thats alright"
Jordan nods her head
Tony: "okay then"
He takes more blood samples
Jordan: "o-oww"
Tony runs jordans blood through a special machine
Nat: "what is that machine? What does it do?"
Tony: "this machine was created by a very smart scientist named shuri. She is the sister of king t'challa. This machine should tell us if someone has powers by scanning their blood"
Carol: "you think she has powers?"
Tony: "those people who took her. I think they were going to brain wash her so she could work for them. So they gave her powers so she could any task or mission they had for her"
Nat: "but why?"
Carol: "when i was with them.. or at least yon rogg...They used me for my powers i got from the engine that exploded. They had me use them to gain control and outpower others when we were on missions. They were mostlikly going to do that as well"
The machine starts to make noise
Tony: "here are the results"
Natasha: "read it tony"
Tony: "it looks like so far she has phasing. That explains how when we first got her back no one was able to touch her or she couldn't touch anything"
Carol: "any others?"
Tony: "it looks like shapeshifting aswell"
Jordan: "carol?"
carol: "what's wrong?"
Jordan looks at her arms
Carol: "your-your arm"
Tony: "she also has telekinesis"
Carol: "guys there is purple running through her veins again"
Tony: "that liquid they injected into her body is not only giving her powers but changed her blood causing it to become purple"
Nat: "so is she going to be okay?"
Tony: "i believe that she will be alright"
Jordan: "am i going to be okay"
Tony: "we are not completely sure but we believe so"
Jordan: "mr stark... can i go to my room please"
Tony: "of course but either your sister or girlfriend needs to watch you. We want you to be safe"
Nat: "I'll go with you. Come on"
She picks jordan up
Jordan: "Natasha romanoff put me down!"
Nat: "nope im carrying you"
Carol:" you two are hilarious. Nat tell me if you need anything for you or my sister and i'll get it"
Nat: "okay thanks. Now lets go up stairs"
Natasha carries jordan upstairs to her room. She places jordan on her bed
Jordan: "nat. Baby"
Nat: "what's wrong princess"
Jordan: "can you come here. I don't want to be alone"
Nat: "of course"
She lays down next to jordan
Nat: "everything is going to be okay princess"
She kisses jordan
Nat: "i promise"
They watch a movie together and jordan falls asleep
Natasha gets up out of bed
Nat in her head
Nat: "whats this"
She picks something up from the floor
Nat in her head
Nat: "she looks so cute. Jordan looks really happy as well with her sister fury and maria"
Jordan: "mmm nat..."
Nat turns around
Nat: "did i wake you?"
Jordan: "no..."
She yawns
Nat: "why are you awake then?"
Jordan: "my head... it hurts so much"
Nat: "i'll go get you some medicine"
She walks out
Jordan: "my head"
She closes her eyes
She opens them back up
Jordan: "where is my water?"
She turns to the nightstand and tries to get her glass of water. The glass of water slides off the nightstand and falls to the floor. It breaks as it lands on the floor
Jordan: "are you serious"
She groans
Natasha walks back in
Nat: "here i brought Advil"
Natasha looks at the floor
Jordan: "im sorry i went to reach for the glass of water and it slid off my nightstand
Nat: "hey its okay I'll clean it up"
Natasha starts to clean up the glass
Jordan: "am i bothering you?"
Nat: "what no of course not. You're not bothering me at all"
She kisses jordan cheek and Natasha continues to clean up the glass
Nat: "take the advil it will help with your head"
Jordan: "thanks baby"
Nat: "I'll be right back. I'm going to get you another water and throw away this glass"
Jordan: "thanks baby"
Natasha walks out of the room and to the kitchen to get jordan a bottle of water
Carol: "hey hows she holding up"
Nat: "her powers are showing"
Carol: "how can you tell"
Nat: "she broke this glass. She said she reached out for her glass of water and it slide off the nightstand causing it to fall and shatter"
Carol: "tony said this is going to get worse and worse as the days go on"
Nat: "she has telekinesis what if wanda helps her with that. If she has one of her powers under control she is safer and so are we"
Carol: "maybe. Lets ask her"
Nat: "where is she?"
Carol: "she is upstairs"
Nat: "lets go ask. the sooner the better"
Carol and natasha walk upstairs
Carol: "Wanda. Where are you?"
Wanda: "I'm in here"
Carol and natasha walk into carol's room
Nat: "what are you doing in carol's room?"
Wanda: "we were going to watch a show, why."
Nat: "just wondering. Anyways i need your help"
Wanda: "with what?"
Nat: "can you help jordan with her powers"
Wanda: "and what powers are those?"
Carol: "shapeshifting phasing and telekinesis. Can you help her with controlling her telekinesis?"
Wanda: "of course i can. Where is she right now?"
Nat: "in her room. She might of fell back asleep once i left"
The three of them walk to jordan's room
Jordan was sitting on her bed. Her knees to her chest. She was panicking. Books and other objects in her room were floating
Nat: "I'm back sorry i took l-"
Jordan: "nat i dont know what is happening i-I"
A book is thrown across the room towards carol wanda and natasha
Carol: "jordan stop please!"
Jordan: "i can't i can't stop any of this!"
More things fly towards wanda carol and Natasha. Wanda uses her powers to deflect the flying objects
Wanda: "jordan look at me. I need you to calm down. If you dont this will get worse"
Jordan; "i cant i cant... AHHHHH"
She screams
The windows shatter and everything falls to the floor
Nat: "what do we do?"
Carol: "wanda you have mind manipulation. Do something. I will hurt my sister if i use my powers"
Wanda: "I'm sorry jordan. This is the only way"
Wanda uses her powers but it didn't work the way Wanda wanted
Jordan starts to cry
Carol: "i can't see her like this"
Natasha pulls out a gun
Carol: "NATASHA!"
Natasha shoots jordan
Natasha: "dont worry its an icer. She will wake up in twenty minutes"
wanda: "we need to move her to the isolation box. Her powers are still growing. They can cause destruction way worse than this"
Carol: "lets go then"
Carol picks up and carries Jordan to the isolation room. She places Jordan on the bed and holds one of jordan's hand
Carol: "im sorry sis...i love you"
She walks out of the isolation room and locks the box
Wanda walks in
Wanda: "Shell wake up soon... i promise"
Carol: "I wish they took me instead. If not she wouldnt be going through any of this pain. All of this is because of me. I escaped them so they took who I loved the most...I just need some spaceL
Wanda: "okay... i'm going to check on natasha"
Carol: "okay"
Wanda leaves the room and finds natasha outside
Wanda: "natasha... are you okay?"
Nat: "not really i just am worried about jordan... i cant bare to see her like this"
Wanda: "i will help her i promise"
Nat: "she looks like she is in pain. All the time. Sometimes shes fine but then just like that she can be in pain causing her powers to amplify and can hurt others"
Wanda: "bruce will be back in a couple of days. He can help find out what is going on with jordan"
Wanda: "I'm going to go check back on carol and jordan"
Nat: "can you call me when jordan wakes up... please"
Wanda: "of course"
Wanda walks back into the compound and in the room where the isolation box is. She walks into the room and sees jordan still asleep in the isolation box. Carol was asleep on a chair next to the isolation box
Wanda: "here you go carol... you're a good sister to her"
She places a blanket on carol and walks out
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