《Unchaining Alice》Chapter 23


Chapter Twenty – Three

“Are you sure you don’t need me for anything else?” Alice stressed as she placed the children’s lunch plates in the cupboard. “It is only one o’clock, I can’t leave!”

Eloise rolled her eyes. “Alice, please. All I have to do for the rest of the day is prepare dinner. Besides, I have it on good authority that your time is occupied for the rest of the day …” she said mysteriously.

Alice furrowed her brows. She and Eloise often shared everything. Eloise had become a mother figure to Alice, just like Emilia had, and Alice tended to confide in her, especially when it came to James. She’d feel bashful discussing him with Emilia, so Eloise was perfect. She had the marital experience after all. “I have no knowledge of any prior engagements, Eloise.”

“Just let some things be a surprise.” She smirked and went to tip the dirty dish water out the window. Peering outside, she spoke. “Your carriage awaits, my dear.”

Alice frowned. What was going on? Flitting over to the window, she saw the fine Ethridge carriage pulling up outside the orphanage. She saw James climb out of the carriage wearing what appeared to be his finest clothes. He said something to the driver which caused them both to laugh. He ran his fingers affectionately down the side of the chestnut horse that was one of the duo pulling the carriage before he made his way over to the front door.

Alice immediately left the kitchen and walked through the dining room to the front door. She heard Joseph taking the children for their afternoon lessons and smiled as she heard the children giggling. She loved being back and around them. Four children – two infants and two toddlers – had been adopted while she had been away and only one child had been surrendered into their care – a twelve month old little boy. Eloise appeared to be quite attached to him and Alice secretly hoped that she and her husband might choose to adopt him. She’d already named him ‘Edward’.

She arrived at the door just as James began lightly knocking. Swinging it open, she smiled. The butterflies in her stomach would never cease no matter how much time she spent around him. He made her nervous and excited. He smiled widely as he saw her which caused the light dimples in his cheeks to appear prominent. His dark blue eyes looked like sapphires. His coat was a fine navy colour and he’d matched it with an ivory waist jacket and cravat. She imagined that the material must feel glorious to wear. She wouldn’t allow them to buy her gowns now that she lived at Ethridge Manor. She knew that if James ever proposed she would have to get past her insecurities regarding money, but for now she preferred to make her own dresses out of the usual calico that the church provided for the orphanage to clothe the children.

“Hello,” he breathed.

“Hello,” she replied nervously.

“Whatever is the matter?” he asked, peering at her curiously. A lock of his dark hair fell across his forehead and it made Alice smile. No matter how perfect his clothes were or how handsome his face, his hair would always be the imperfection that made him human. It was, and always would be, untameable.

“Why is Eloise insisting that I leave so early?” she asked. She’d never left before six in the evening before now.

“We have plans,” he stated, giving her the impression that they were non-negotiable.


“What plans? I don’t know of any plans.” Alice didn’t like to be kept in the dark.

James grinned cockily and leaned in to place a kiss on her cheek. Alice felt a blush taking over her cheeks. “You look so adorable when you have been fooled.” He offered her his arm and she took it cautiously. “Come, I have a surprise for you.”

There was a chill in the air that hit her just as soon as she walked outside. Winter was coming. It would be a fierce one and she hoped that the children would be alright in her absence. She would have to remember to brief Eloise on the instructions regarding winter for the children. Fireplace hymns and warm, woollen blankets with hot cups of cocoa and tea was the usual evening routine.

In their three months of courting, Alice had gotten to know James very well, as he now knew her. If anything, she’d fallen more and more in love with him each day they spent together. It was frightening to know that her fate, heart and life was entirely in his hands and one drunken night with a woman could break it all but she had to trust him. She hadn’t seen him have a drink since she’d been released. She knew he was a good, decent man.

He helped her into the carriage and then proceeded to blindfold her. “Where are we going?” she demanded to know.

“It’s only just been finished. I’ve been planning this for a fortnight and I am so glad it’s been finished just before we travel to Yorkshire.”

What on earth was he talking about? She immediately got anxious at the mention of Yorkshire. James had a large extended family and they all met at his grandmother’s farm in Yorkshire each Christmas. She would be meeting all of them. All sorts of fear and apprehensions crossed her mind when she thought about them. ‘What if they don’t like me?’ ‘What if they don’t like French people?’ ‘What if they believe that I actually committed murder?’

Time would tell, she supposed. She would go in there with a smile on her face. She couldn’t do much else.

She didn’t know how long or how far they were travelling but it felt like an age when the carriage finally came to a stop. James didn’t remove her blindfold, instead he helped her from the carriage by placing his hands around her waist and lifting her down to the ground.

He held her hand and began to lead her. She didn’t recognise any sounds or smells, most likely because all places sounded and smelt the same.

“I don’t know if you will like this surprise or not. I’m taking a risk in giving this to you. I just knew that if such a horrible thing happened to me then I would appreciate somewhere to go …” James trailed off as she heard the sound of a small metal gate opening and closing. Underfoot she could feel soft grass.

Alice knew he had to be talking about the revolution, but what could the surprise be? She honestly didn’t want to remember that awful day. It was the day she had lost her beloved brother.

After a few minutes of walking across the grass, he stopped her. “Tell me if you hate it and I’ll have it removed, I promise.” He then removed her blindfold.

Her eyes adjusted to the light. As her vision focussed, she realised she was in the graveyard beside her church. Looking down to the grave in front of her, she saw the freshly chiselled headstone.



1814 – 1832


Alice gasped and cupped her hands over her mouth as she read and reread the words that were carved into the stone.

“You mentioned that he was eighteen so I guessed his birth year …” James mumbled.

It was correct. Jacques had been born in 1814.

Alice was overwhelmed at the incredibly thoughtful gesture. She had no idea where his body, now bones, ended up. He was tossed into the water never to be seen again. She’d never had anywhere to go to talk to him or to lay flowers on the anniversary. To be given such a place was the most incredible things anyone had ever done for her.

Automatically she burst into a wave of uncontrollable tears.

“Oh, my Lord, I am so sorry. I’ll have it removed immediately!” James exclaimed. His face told Alice that he hated himself for making her cry.

Alice threw her arms around James’ neck which surprised him. “Merci!” she cried. “Merci beaucoup! Vous êtes très gentil!” Alice couldn’t think fast enough to find the English words. Such a kind deed meant so much to her.

“You like it?” James sounded completely bewildered, as if he’d just been contemplating pulling the gravestone from the ground with his bare hands.

“Of course I do,” Alice nodded, not letting go over her tight grip around his neck. “This is the most wonderful, thoughtful thing anyone ‘as ever done for me.” Alice pulled back so she could lightly press her lips to his. “Thank you,” she said sincerely once they were apart.

James beamed and kissed her again, this time deeply. By the time they had separated again, Alice was breathless. “I just thought that if someone I love passed on, I would want somewhere to go where I could be with them.”

Alice never thought Jacques would have a grave. Even though his body was elsewhere, his spirit would lie at his grave. “I could not have asked for a better gift. Thank you,” she said gratefully.

James placed her back down on the ground so that Alice could kneel before Jacques. She placed fingertips to her lips and kissed them. She then proceeded to place them on the gravestone.

“Je t’aime, mon frère,” she whispered. She traced his name with her index finger and smiled. This was the most dignified thing to come from the revolution. Many, she knew, would never have a grave.

James and Alice didn’t speak for a while as Alice sat before Jacques and collected her thoughts. She traced the words over and over and still she could not believe how incredibly lucky she was to have someone like James thinking of such wonderful things to do for her.

Finally, she stood up and smiled happily at James. “You truly are wonderful,” she remarked.

“You make me try to be,” he countered. “I won’t ever stop trying to impress you.” He chuckled. “I have one last surprise.”

Alice’s eyes widened. “Another?” she gasped. “You are spoiling me!” she exclaimed.

“I hope you’ll like this one even more,” he continued.

Alice didn’t see how it was possible for her to like anything more than the gift he had just given her.

They walked hand in hand back to the carriage and James subtly gave the driver directions to their next destination. James did not blindfold her this time so she watched carefully as the streets of London passed her by.

The carriage stopped outside the green sanctuary of Hyde Park. She’d been taken there a few times and she loved the serenity. She loved how still it was. When the world would not stop moving, one could always find peace in and amongst the safety of the cool trees.

Perhaps James had planned a romantic lunch for them.

The two walked together through the park and past many other couples and families who were out enjoying the last of the sunshine before it was fully covered by endless snow clouds. Alice was a little chilly herself but it was nothing she couldn’t handle.

They came to a small bench seat that sat on a small body of water. Oak trees with low hanging branches concealed the spot. It was beautiful … tranquil. There was no picnic set up so she wondered why he had brought her under the canopy of trees. It was quite inappropriate for them to be out of sight and unmarried. It might not be a good one, but she still had a reputation.

“What is this place?” Alice asked.

James led her to the bench and they both sat down. “This place holds great sentiment to my family – my parents in particular. It is where they got engaged, actually.”

Alice froze, her eyes widening. Her heart suddenly started hammering in her chest and she was sure James could hear it. Sweat beads began to appear on her forehead and her hands began to shake. She felt the sudden urge to be sick. Was this how it felt to be proposed to?

James laughed lightly. “Don’t be afraid,” he said calmly. “I am nervous as you are, believe me.”

‘Nervous’ was an understatement. She was terrified.

“I love you, Alice. I never thought I could have such feelings for another person until I met you. I never thought I would ever meet a person who saw past my title. But you are everything I want. You are all I need.” James pulled a small pocket book from the inside of his coat. He opened it to the middle page and inside was a pressed rose. “I pressed this when I was fifteen and you made me remember I had it. It’s a wild rose. Roses are peaceful and beautiful, but to defend itself and those around it, it will draw blood. Much like you. I don’t mean literally but I mean that you will do anything for those you love. I want you to have it to remember this day.”

Alice timidly accepted to book as she processed the incredible words he had just spoken. Somehow they’d calmed her and the thought of receiving a proposal of marriage. The rose pressed between the pages of a small bible was completely flat, yet the beauty was completely preserved.

“I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to have children with you and I want to have grandchildren with you. I want you by my side when I become Earl and I want you to correct the many mistakes I know I will make. I want to be your husband and I want to be the one you depend on. I promise I won’t ever let you down, not if you grant me my one wish. Alice, will you marry me?”

A thousand thoughts were running through her head as she processed the question she’d thought she would never hear mere months ago when she was condemned to die by the guillotine. But now everything could be alright, and she deserved happiness, finally.

“Yes,” she breathed.


So yay!!

Dedicated to mkcrum for getting closest to guessing my surprise :) Tell me what you think!!

I'd also like to dedicate this chapter to the suffragettes :) You may think me strange and weird (not the first time, I'm sure :P) but I voted for the first time yesterday in Australia's election so without the amazing dedication and fight the suffragettes showed I would not have been able to do that :) It felt amazing to know that as I filled out my ballot paper that I had a say in what happened to our great nation :) I AM A VOTERRRRR!!!! Hell yeah ladies!!

Only a couple of chapters to go until this story ends :(


Merci! Merci beaucoup! Vous êtes très gentil! - Thank you! Thank you so much! You are very kind!

Je t'aime, mon frere - I love you, my brother

Vote and comment - you know, like I did yesterday ;) hahaha

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