《•CreepyPasta X Reader Parody•》//Pasta for dinner.//


"There you are, Y/n, the last of the group."

I looked down to my plate of the little amount of

F/f, these bitches really took the whole ass meal and we only have this every two weeks.

"Thanks, boss." I muttered, turning away from him and walked into the dining room which I should've avoided like Puppeteer did every Sunday we have dinner together.

"You bitches don't know beauty, but me? I'm a whole ass master piece!" I heard a gruff voice announce, looking over at the table, Jeff stood on top with his butter knife in the air. Nina was slumped in her chair, on her phone, with an annoyed look on her face.

Jane sat on the other side of Nina, she clearly looked confused under her mask making me let out a snicker.

Walking in, I sat next to Laughing Jack who seemed to enjoy his "performance." I sat down into the cushion of the chair, watching as Jeff made other false statements about himself.

Someone was going to get a ass beating for setting him off.

"Who the fuck is you talking to? Literally no one gives a fuck." BEN glitched in his seat, even he was done with the days drama. "Yeah Jeffery, just sit down, Masky didn't mean it." Eyeless Jack spoke from the other side of the table, out of my vision due to Laughing Jack being leaned up against the table waiting for Jeff's words to come once again.

"Yes he did." Sally peeped besides me, scooping some of her mashed potatoes and plopped them in her mouth.

"Sally." Almost everyone growled, making her roll her eyes and continued with her meal. "Don't worry Sal, I believe 'ya." I whispered, her green eyes met with mine making her smile. "Good." She whispered back with a slight giggle, no one went along with her opinion for being a child.


Besides me of course.

"Anywho, I AM beautiful, so if someone wishes to go against me please speak now." Jeff hummed, personally, I would've just flipped the table by now making Jeff break his legs or some shit.

"Bro if you're going to ruin my dinner then you can give me the pistol I lent to you, like shut yo pale ass up and eat something for once so your skimpy stick self can actually go a day without having to be fueled up on alcohol, otherwise just get out of this bitch and pack you're bags for the night." I groaned, pushing myself out of my chair and glared up at Jeff.

"Hm, how about you just except that I'm a better killer than you? Or that I actually had a father figure in my life?" He smiled, a few groans escaped the others mouths at his uprising to a new argument.

"Had." BEN muttered, loud enough for others to hear making a few chuckles spread around the room.

"Fine, you suck dick better than me so be it, I guess that's why you be under the bosses desk 24-7? Trying to make that extra pay instead of running around with a tooth pick in your hands so called 'knife'?" I spoke, moving my hands back and forth while making gurgling noises.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD JUST SHUT THE HELL UP! NO BODY CARES!" All of our heads shot to the entrance of the dining room, Puppeteer took that spot as he set his plate into the sink.

"Damn, quiet kids really are the most aggressive." Nina spoke out loud, glancing up from her phone and realized she had said her words say to loud for comfort. "Whatever." The puppeteer muttered, walking away like nothing happened.


"So! That was a great show! My, I haven't seen anything like that since last week when Clockwork got a rock stuck in her clock eye!" Jack cheered, standing up from his seat and stretched his hands above his hands.

"Fuck you too, stripey." Clockwork growled, pushing herself up from her seat and walked out.

"I'm just going to go hang myself, later bitches." BEN spoke with a straight face, pixelating into thing air leaving an empty seat.

Everyone cleared out, with groans and growls on how they're food was shit to the point I brought up Jeff's little side Hussle.


Poking around at f/f I noticed that someone had taken BENs seat Infront of me, looking up, Tim sat there eating mashed potatoes.

"I wouldn't sit there, BENs known to piss his pants." I chuckled, pointing my fork Tim's direction.

He just grunted in reply and continued eating.


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