《Pranking The Bad Boy》Bonus Chapter 3.
"Knock knock!" I heard a voice shout from the front door and then the door close.
I sent a questioning look to Nathan who was sitting across from me in the kitchen and eating a snack.
It's just been me and him in the house for quite a few times now. Everyone's always gone.
My gaze switched to the entrance where a relaxed looking Ryder walked into the kitchen.
"What are you doing here?" I asked him with a curious look as I walked over to him and gave him a quick kiss. "And how did you get in?"
"I just felt like coming over," he told me and shrugged. "By the way, you should really lock your door."
He walked over to where Nathan was sitting and ruffled his hair. "Hey, bud."
"Hey, Ry," Nathan replied, using the nickname he gave Ryder. "Do you wanna go to the skate park later? I'm gonna go over to a friend's house but when I'm back we can do something," he suggested with a hopeful look in his eyes.
"Nate, Ryder might have other things to do today," I reminded him as I put the dishes into the dishwasher.
"How about we see what we feel like doing when you get back," Ryder told him.
"Okay!" Nathan exclaimed with a big smile.
Just then, the doorbell rang.
"That's Tyler and his mom," Nathan informed us and walked to the front door.
I followed him to the front door and said goodbye to him before watching him leave with his friend and his friend's mom.
After shutting the door, I walked back to the kitchen where Ryder was leaning against the kitchen island, finishing eating some oreos I had gotten out for myself.
He watched me with a smile as I walked over to him.
"Happy birthday, baby," I told him and placed my lips gently on his.
As his lips moved with mine, his hand moved down my side, to my lower back stopping just short of my butt. My hand traveled up to his hair and I tangled my fingers in it.
"Thank you," he spoke when we slowly pulled away.
"Is there anything you wanna do today?" I asked him as I ran my hand through his hair.
Before replying, he shifted and picked me up, setting me on the kitchen island in front of him.
"I figured I'd just spend the day with you," he smirked and kissed my again.
His arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer to him while I wrapped my legs around his waist. He trailed kisses along my jaw and down my neck, making me sigh in content. Excruciatingly slowly, he worked his way up my neck again, not kissing my lips just yet.
I groaned in protest as he stayed away from my lips, to which I felt him smirk against my skin. Getting impatient, I softly pulled his face towards mine and crashed my lips onto his. He immediately responded and ran his tongue along my bottom lip.
Just as the kiss was about to deepen, Ryder's phone rang.
He pulled his lips off of mine and groaned in annoyance. I laughed softly and watched as he took his phone out of his pocket while moving the stray pieces of his hair that we falling over his forehead away.
Don't ask me why, but lately I've had a weird obsession with his hair.
"What do you want, fucker?" Ryder spoke as he answered the face time call and I immediately knew who it was.
"Be nice," I scolded teasingly and hit the back of his head.
"Wow, you know, I was going to wish my best friend happy birthday but now I don't even feel like it anymore," I heard Blake say.
"You couldn't have waited?" Ryder asked him, pretending to be mad even though he wasn't.
"Why? Wha....oh....Hi, Kens!" he called loudly, without even having seen me.
"Hi, Blake," I chuckled and came into the frame so that he could see me.
"Well, don't let me disturb you any longer," Blake teased and wiggled his eyebrows.
Ryder rolled his eyes. "Anything else? Cause if not, I'm going to hang up."
"Damn, aren't you in a good mood today," Blake sarcastically replied.
"Bye now," Ryder told him and was about to end the call.
"Wait! There's one more thing!"
"Yes?" Ryder asked him and raised an eyebrow.
I just smiled and watched Ryder because I already knew what Blake was going to say.
"Before I tell you what it is, I just want you to know that you have no say in the matter," Blake told him and smiled. "We're throwing you a party!"
"You are?" Ryder questioned.
"Blake, you idiot! You're not suppose to tell him!" I exclaimed, playing the part that we had all agreed on.
"You knew about this?" Ryder asked me.
I nodded. "It was suppose to be a surprise," I said and looked straight at Blake.
He smiled sheepishly, acting out his role just as good as I was
"Sorry! You know how I am with parties," he defended himself.
I rolled my eyes, trying very hard not to smile, not wanting to blow our cover.
"Just pretend like you're surprised when you get to the party! Happy birthday again!" Blake called before ending the call.
"You guys are throwing me a party?" Ryder asked while turning to face me.
"It was suppose to be a surprise," I told him, repeating what I had just said earlier.
"That's what you get for letting Blake plan it," he joked.
"I know," I said and dramatically sighed.
I looked into his eyes and saw a glint of sadness in them. I frowned, immediately knowing what was bothering him. I wanted to comfort him but I didn't know how.
"Did you see your parents today?" I asked him, tracing his cheek softly with my finger.
Over the past few months, his relationship hasn't really changed with his parents. They still didn't treat him like they should and just went about their day, often ignoring him.
Ryder's mouth set into a grim line and he shook his head.
"They were already gone when I woke up this morning. All they did was set a card on the kitchen table."
"I'm sorry," I whispered, even though I knew it wasn't my fault.
He shook his head and grabbed my hand that was by his face, rubbing his thumb over it.
"It's fine," he told me, giving me reassuring smile.
"Okay," I said and nodded.
Today should be about him. Not how unfair he was being treated.
"Come on, I want to give you your present."
I jumped off the kitchen island and ran up the stairs, to my room, Ryder following closely behind.
Once I got to my room, I jumped on the bed, landing on my stomach. I crawled over to the edge of my bed and bent down to retrieve my present from where I had hid it under my bed.
"That's your hiding spot?" Ryder asked me as he sat down on my bed, leaning against the headboard with his back.
"Nobody goes under there. Do you know how dusty it is?" I explained as I wiped some dust off my hand.
"Here," I told him and handed him the small package.
He raised a sceptical eyebrow but had a smile on his face as he took the box out of my hand.
I sat next to his legs, so that I could watch him as he opened it.
He unwrapped the ribbon that was around it and opened the box.
Inside was a braided black leather bracelet. On it there was a small platinum bar with engravings. 'To my bad boy with a soft heart -Kennedy' it said.
He studied it, a small smile tugging at his lips.
"Here, let me help you put it on," I offered and straddled his lap so that I could help him put it on.
"Do you like it?" I asked hopefully, worried that he didn't.
"No," he simply replied.
My smiled dropped off my face. "You don't? I knew I should've gotten you something else but I just--"
My words were cut off when he placed his lips on mine, leaving a lingering kiss.
"I love it," he told me. "Thank you."
A wide grin broke out over my face. "You do?"
"Yes. Thank you, baby," he replied and pecked my lips once again.
I let out a huge sigh of relief.
You don't know how worried I was that he wasn't going to like it. For the past few days that I've had it, the thought that he wouldn't lie it had been nagging at me the whole time.
"That's good. Because.....hold my hand," I said and put out my hand.
Ryder grabbed my hand.
"Do not let go," I told him seriously.
He sent me a questioning look but I ignored it and leaned over the side of my bed once again, relying on the fact that he wouldn't let go because otherwise I would fall face first onto the floor.
I got out a similar package as before, blowing off the dust.
I really needed to vacuum.
I handed the box to Ryder and explained as he took it.
"This is from Blake. He wanted me to give it to you because he told me to make you wear it tonight."
Ryder unwrapped the package and opened the box, revealing another bracelet.
This on was also braided black leather, but there was a turquoise piece incorporated. All Blake told me as we had them made was that the color turquoise was a big part in their friendship. Just like by mine, there was a piece of platinum attached to the bracelet with engravings. 'To my delusional best friend' it said.
Ryder chuckled as he saw the bracelet, probably remembering whatever it had to do with the turquoise color.
"It's a set," I told him. "The bracelets actually go together so that you can wear both."
I helped him put it on and smiled when I saw his happy expression.
"I'm guessing you don't know why there's turquoise and he called me delusional?" Ryder spoke.
I shook my head. "He just told me the color plays a big part in your friendship."
Ryder chuckled to himself. "Back when we met in middle school, we were both in the principal's office and she had a couch there. And I guess since he was bored, he started a conversation with me buy telling me how ugly that teal couch was."
"And then?"
"And then I told him that he was colorblind and that the couch was actually turquoise," he chuckled. "Then he called me delusional and that's how it all got started," he finished.
I laughed when hearing the story because it sounded so much like them.
"Teal and turquoise are basically almost the same color," I chuckled.
"I know," Ryder agreed and laughed. "That's why it's so stupid.
"Please be careful," Ryder pleaded with big eyes as I put the keys into the ignition of his car.
"Relax," I told him and rolled my eyes while letting to engine roar to life.
"I'm serious," he dead panned. "This is my baby."
"I love how much trust you have in me," I sarcastically replied an started to drive down the street to Ryder's birthday party.
After my parents got back, Ryder and I left for the party. Since he had come here with his car I begged him to let me drive it to the party.
I've only driven his car once before and I loved it. It was so fun driving it, especially because Dylan's car was boring and wouldn't go as fast as Ryder's did.
Instead of replying, Ryder just worriedly looked out of the windows, as if he was putting a barrier between everything and his car as if it would protect it.
I accelerated and raced down the empty street.
"Slow down! Jeez, you drive like a madman," Ryder mumbled.
I turned a sharp corner and gave him an 'are you serious' look.
"Eyes on the road!" he called. "Do you know how much this car is worth? I had to save years and beg my both of my grandparent to chip in."
"It'll be fine," I told him and raced down the interception just as the light turned red.
"Kennedy!" Ryder exclaimed.
I rolled my eyes but slowed down a little, driving down the lonely street in the darkness.
"I swear to god if I die it's going to be because of you," he muttered. "At least I made it to 18."
"You drive exactly like this," I informed him while turning right.
After driving a few minutes in silence, I reach into the glove department and pull out a blindfold.
"Put this on," I instructed and handed it to him.
"Oooh, kinky," he teased and smirked.
I raised an eyebrow, not saying anything else.
He smiled teasingly at me but put the blindfold on.
After driving for another several minutes, I stop the car at the destination where we were holding Ryder's party.
"Don't take off the blindfold," I told him before getting out of the car and walking over to the side he was sitting on.
I opened the car door and grabbed his hand to pull him outside. After shutting the door and locking the car, I saw Blake and Isla walking towards us. Isla was about to speak but Blake hastily clamped his hand down over her mouth to keep her quiet.
She gave him a confused look, as did I, but he just put a finger to his lips, telling us to be quiet. He walked up to an unsuspecting Ryder who still had the blindfold on and jumped on his back while yelling.
"Happy birthday!" he called into Ryder's ear.
Ryder yelled in fear and sighed in annoyance when he recognised the voice.
"Get off me, you ass," he said and threw Blake off his back.
"At least you didn't scream like a girl," Isla mentioned as she walked up to us.
"Hey, Isla," Ryder greeted and waved into the opposite direction that she was coming from. "Anyone else here I should know about?" he asked us.
"Nope, you're good," I reassured and grabbed his hand to lead him to where the party was taking place.
"Oh! Let me lead him!" Blake called and ran up to Ryder who had started walking with me.
"Please don't. If he does I'm going to end up walking into a pole," Ryder informed us, being completely serious.
As we got closer to the party, the music slowly started to get louder and louder. Pretty soon, we all stopped walking and Isla got out her phone to film Ryder's reaction.
"Okay, just remember to act surprised," I tell Ryder and smile towards the others. "Ready?"
Ryder nods and I take the blindfold off of him.
He blinks a couple of times, letting his eyes adjust to being able to see again. His eyes scan the area and his jaw drops to the ground.
Isla, Blake and I all smile happily at his reaction.
"How....you....I.....wow...," Ryder stutters as a big smile takes over his lips. "This is insane!"
He laughs quietly to himself and walks towards the yacht that was docked at the pier.
The party was already in full swing. Loud music was playing, colorful lights were flashing and you could see people on the top deck dancing.
"Let's go!" Isla exclaimed before running to the boat and getting on.
We all followed her and walked up to the deck where most of the people were. Blake walked up to the DJ that was playing music and grabbed a microphone. The DJ turned down the music and Blake spoke into the microphone.
"Excuse me!"
Everybody turned to face Blake and watched him.
"Everybody grab your drinks!" he called.
Some people grabbed their drinks or a new one and waited for what Blake was going to say next.
"The birthday kid had finally arrived," he called and winked at Ryder who rolled his eyes. "And I'd like to give a toast to my boy Ryder!"
Ryder chuckled and walked up to Blake to stand next to him. He waved at everyone while walking.
Everyone cheered and called out to him as he walked up.
"It's been a crazy couple of years," Blake said. "But I have a feeling their only going to get crazier. So enjoy this night while you can. But for now, let's party!"
Everybody cheered and clapped as the DJ started playing music again.
Ryder and Blake walked back to where Isla and I were standing, both with big smiles on their faces.
"This is crazy!" Ryder shouted over the music. "How did you manage to do this?"
"I have some connections," Isla shouted back, her eyes twinkling with excitement. "Look! We're about to leave the pier!"
We watched as the boat left the pier and slowly drove over the water.
"What are we waiting for! Let's party!" Blake yells and grabs a drink before running off to dance.
"I'm gonna make sure he doesn't do something stupid," Isla chuckles and jogs over to him.
"Come on, I wanna say hi to some people," Ryder tells me and takes my hands before walking over to some people here and there.
After saying hi to a bunch of friends and me forcing Ryder to dance, we walked down to one of the lower decks where the music was quieter and there were less people.
"And? Do you like it?" I asked Ryder as we cooled down from all the dancing and celebrating.
"This is amazing. Thank you so much," he replied and pressed his lips on mine.
I smiled into the kiss, happy that he was enjoying himself.
"I'm glad you like it," I told him.
We both smiled at each other before spending the rest of the night dancing and celebrating and just having fun.
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