《Cinched Darkness》Chapter 16


"Well, that didn't work," Mallory huffs as we stroll to my car, "we'll need something for this party tomorrow night. We have to step up our game with your outfit."

"Are you serious about this party?" I whine.

"That was just a show for Cassie's behalf. Bailey is vulnerable, so we want to throw it in his face. I know he wants you and we just have to make you irresistible. He won't be able to keep fighting his attraction."

"Get him caught cheating?"

Mallory laughs, "Bailey won't cheat on her no matter how close he gets to the line for you. He'll want to break up with her that much more. It's a tough balance we have to figure out."

"Ugh... This is getting so much more complicated."

"Don't tell me that wasn't fun," Mallory snickers, gesturing toward the school, "you'll come over to my place after school tomorrow and we'll get you ready for the party."

"Whose party is it?"

"Who else? Zane."

The place doesn't hold the greatest memories, but I'll have to pretend like it doesn't faze me. I am still figuring out if Mallory is really on my side, tricking me for Cassie, or if she is playing a whole other game all her own. It is nice to not be on my own.

Yet, when I am alone, my mind wanders and I feel even more alone because I don't know who to trust. I can't even trust myself to make the right choices and trust the right people. The only thing I know for sure, is when I don't have anyone my thoughts are too dark.

Mallory gets in her car and heads home. We spent so much time talking about the fight that I didn't even realize practice is over for a lot of the teams. Memphis comes strolling out of the doors first with his football team, shouting about the upcoming game next week. It's only a pre-season game and everyone is talking about it. Memphis nods at me across the parking lot, but doesn't come over to talk.

When I snap my attention back to the door, Bailey is standing there watching me. If he saw Memphis' and my interaction, he doesn't show it, and swaggers toward me. I hope he doesn't want to meet up at his house again. I really could use some time away from him, especially before tomorrow.

"It was you and Mallory, wasn't it?"

No point in pretending, I nudge my chin up and smile. Bailey shakes his head, running fingers through his hair and down the back of his neck. I can't read the scowl, but at least it's not blank with boredom. Either he is impressed or annoyed.

"She figured as much. She's going to have your ass tomorrow," Bailey growls, "you better watch out."

"Mallory just wanted to get under her skin," I shrug, "and I have to admit it was fun to be on the other side of this game for once."

"Do you even know what game you're playing?"

A tremble breaks loose of my body, revealing my anxiety. Bailey's eyes are dark and knowing. I really want to know what is going on and what Cassie has on him.

"What's she got on you that keeps you at her side like a love sick puppy?"

Bailey's jaw seesaws, "what do you know about my relationship with Cassie?"

"You hate talking about her, you don't spend any more time with her than you have to, and you only hit Zane to put on a show for her sake. Zane was too amused. He took that hit because he's your friend."


Now he knows I'm not blind and that I watch him. He can take that as me going after him as much as Cassie, or me using him to get to Cassie. He can take that another way if he really wants, which I hope he does. I am trying to help. I want him to think I am his friend, so he will let down his guard. I can weasel my way in and then crush his spirit like he did to me.

"If I told you anything about it then she doesn't have anything over me, does she?"

"Or I can help you get out from under her."

Bailey purses his lips and glances around, "help me break free of her and I will tell you what she has on me."

"I'm going to the party tomorrow," I divulge, "and I think Mallory is planning something. I don't know what, but be prepared."

"She doesn't tell you?"

"We're not really friends. It's complicated."

"Isn't that all high school relationships?"

"You have the Ghost Riders," I point out, opening my car door, "I don't have anyone."

Bailey's scowl returns, "you have me and I'm going to prove it."

"Then trust me and tell me what Cassie has on you," I challenge.

"We'll see what happens at the party," Bailey says after a long, thoughtful pause, "just watch your back with Mallory... Something tells me that whatever she is doing is only going to benefit her."

"I'm not stupid."


Friday evening, I don't even bother coming up with a lie for why I will not be home. I leave the house while Dad is watching TV, and slide into Mallory's passenger seat outside. She is already dressed for the party, but we have to get me ready. I am wearing a pair of black leggings and DC Chelsea shoes, hoping she won't make me wear heels or change my pants. I packed spandex shorts just in case she puts me in a dress or skirt again, though.

Mallory digs through her closet and pulls out a frilly plum cotton skirt. I go into her bathroom to change because I'm still a prude. Even though I change in front of everyone in the locker rooms, everyone is too busy changing hurriedly to notice anything wrong with my thighs. I come back out with my spandex shorts hidden under the skirt and my secrets safe.

"Damn girl you have some freaking legs," Mallory huffs jealously.

"Oh, please," I tug at the spandex underneath, but she doesn't seem annoyed about them, "just since I'll be drinking."

"Please, I know you've worn them all week with the skirts and dress I put you in," Mallory tosses a pearly white tank at me.

The neck swoops too low for my liking, but it's only for a few hours. My girls will definitely be noticed in this thing that even shows off my midriff. Hopefully, no one pays attention to that area.

Mallory nods at me with approval as I tug on the DC Chelsea shoes again. Thankfully, I won't end up breaking an ankle in heels while blending in and consuming beer. She is going to be DD tonight, so I can blend a little better than her and take off the edge. I'm supposed to get Bailey alone at some point and just talk. Bond, so to speak.

"It's still early, but let's head that way," Mallory checks her phone and I follow to her car, "we don't want to be there too long."


"What exactly do you have planned?"

"I'm not sure," Mallory shrugs playfully, "something will come to me, I am sure. Just stick with Bailey and be on his side, whatever goes down. You want him to trust you."

"I think he already does," I point out.

"Good, and tonight will prove it to him even more."


Zane's house is glowing with neon lights as the sun lowers in the sky and cars are already piling in the driveway. Mallory wedges herself between Bailey's Cheyenne and someone else's car. We aren't getting out of here at the drop of a hat as another person parks right behind her, blocking us in. Mallory doesn't even seem to notice, dragging me up to the house.

"Come on," Mallory doesn't have the patience for my slow hobble up the porch steps, "we aren't as early as I thought. We can get in without being seen."

Mallory leads the way through the clean, empty house and right to the kitchen. I observe closely as she mixes strong cocktails and pours two rum shots. I sling mine back and then she hands me the second. Oh crap. I toss it back already feeling the effects as she stuffs one of the cocktails in my hands.

"Slow down," I grumble as my stomach burns.

"I just want to get you tipsy," Mallory giggles, sipping a drink, "then you can relax around Bailey."

"It's not that hard to relax around Bailey," I grimace, though I don't think I would have admitted that if I was one hundred percent sober.

Mallory scoffs and pours another shot, passing it to me. I wait till she is distracted and dump it down the sink. I'm not sure if she even sees, and from what I can tell in this state, she didn't.

Loud shouting pulls our attention immediately, and we move through the sliding back door. Everyone is filtering out to find out what is going on. My legs wobble, but Mallory catches me. A few guys are fighting about something, and after a few drunken hits, Riette and Zane break up the fight.

"That's enough!" Riette towers over everyone at six-five and Zane comes in only an inch shorter.

"Any more of that and you won't get in to another one of my parties!" Zane hollers menacingly.

Mallory shivers theatrically, "he is so fine. I always had a thing for Zane. He's the power guy of the four. I swear, he is the leader."

"Do they h-have a l-leader?" I even sound drunk.

"You don't hold your liquor, do you, Max?" Mallory quirks an eyebrow, smirking.

"I d-don't drink," I snap, passing the cocktail to her, but realize I've been drinking it absent-mindedly and most of it is gone, "not since freshman y-year when I-I was still s-somewhat cool."

"Oh, I remember you back then," Mallory's eyes go wide, "you were actually considered cool and nice. You were friends with that Jamie girl, right? What was her last name? Jamie...? Something?" Mallory snaps her fingers like she can't remember the name.

I don't talk about Jamie, so keep my mouth shut. Jamie and I were glued at the hip since sixth grade and we hung out a lot in elementary before that. It wasn't till we were in middle school that she became my best friend. I was always at her house or she was at mine.

If Jamie was here now, I would probably be considered cool and have someone I can trust. Hell, I wouldn't be mixed up in this mess at all. She would have made sure of that.

"Hey, let's get you a soda or something," Mallory jerks me inside.

The world spins a little as I follow her through the flashing, pulsing lights and the music throbs the entire house. My head aches with every minute movement. I don't understand how I got so drunk so fast. Mallory grabs my face in both of her hands.

"Are you okay?"

"Hey!" Bailey thrusts into the kitchen, smiling, and then frowns when he sees how flushed my face is and my glazed eyes, "Jesus! What the fuck have you been drinking, Max?"

I don't know if he looks amused or impressed. Mallory shoves against him when he takes her place, but he doesn't budge. His eyes stroke over me and eyebrows knit together with a thought. He shakes his head, hooking my arm and draws me back out into the fresh air by the pool.

"How much have you had?" He mutters, lowering me into a pool chair and kneeling in front of me.

"Uh, l-like three shots a-and a drink," I rub my forehead, "M-Mallory kept shoving them at me. She w-wants me all relaxed around y-you."

Bailey purses his lips, "what does she care how you are around me? Do I make you nervous or something?"

"No..." I groan when my stomach bubbles, "I t-told her I'm r-relaxed around you already. I don't know w-what she was d-doing..."

"She was getting you drunk fast," Bailey runs a veiny hand over messy, black hair, "you said you can look out for yourself, but you can't do that if you're drunk."

"Y-you're right," I want to lie back, but I can't tell which way is up or down as the world whirls, "am I-I lying down?"

Bailey chuckles, helping me lie back, "shit, baby. You don't handle your alcohol well."

"Bay!" Zane draws Bailey's attention off me and he straightens suddenly, "Bailey!"

"Holy fuck..." Bailey's voice is demonic and ragged, "stay here, Max. I'll be right back."

Shoving myself upright, I track him the best I can with my eyes. There are three mirages of him moving around the pool toward what looks like Cassie and some other guy. She is pawing the guy, tongue down his throat. She's dry humping him unless my mind is playing tricks on me.

Wait! She is cheating on him!

Does that mean he can break up with her?

My stomach lurches and I twist toward the grass throwing up the hot liquor. It sticks on my tongue, but I can't miss anything. I wipe my mouth and whip back around.

Bailey peels Cassie off the guy and she screams when she sees what is going on. She pummels her palms into his chest and he pushes her back. It doesn't look violent, but she stumbles and almost falls over. The guy jumps to his feet, clearly terrified of Bailey. Bailey doesn't even go after the guy. I can't hear anything way over here with the music thrumming over their voices.

Staggering toward them, a warm arm curls around me and I twirl to find Zane trying to steady me. He shakes his head and pulls me back. I can hear them from here, though.

"It-it wasn't like that..." Cassie stammers, "I'm drunk Bailey... I-I... I thought he was you."

I peek over her shoulder and realize the guy does look a lot like Bailey, but he's disappearing into the dark quickly. He turns tail and runs around the side of the house. Bailey doesn't even care. His sole attention is on Cassie.

Can he break up with her for this or is that not part of the deal?

"Dragging me through the fucking dirt," Bailey growls, "that's not part of the agreement, Cassie."

Cassie glances around, but doesn't see me huddled next to Zane. She wraps arms around her middle, looking completely out of her element. This wasn't part of her plan whatever this is.

"F-fine... You can have the fucking pictures and video, Bailey. But this isn't over. I will find another way," Cassie shakes out her hair and storms into the house.

"Oh shit!" Zane releases me and darts over to Bailey.

The crowd disperses and I am brushed through the door. I fall onto the stairs and decide to find a bathroom. My stomach is still a wreck and I don't want to throw up on anything in Zane's house.

"Max? Hey, take it easy," Mallory's hands find my waist halfway up the stairs and hauls me into the first room, "You can rest here, Max." She settles me on a bed and pulls my legs into a comfortable position, "let me get you some water and aspirin, girl."

It feels like she is gone forever before the door opens, letting in the bright lights and annoying music. My eyes have cleared slightly, so I recognize the large frame is not her right away. I bolt upright, but it's not someone I recognize.

"Room is taken," I'm not sure if I am translating my words right.

"That's okay," the guy closes the door and saunters over to me, "I just need a place to crash and sleep this shit off."

"Who-who are you?"

"I don't think I know my own name right now," he mutters, laughing, "you don't look like you're in much better shape than me, sunshine."

The guy has dark hair with dark skin and beautiful, striking gray eyes. He is wearing a dark blue shirt with light jeans and black tennis shoes. He doesn't look like a rich kid, but in my state who the hell knows. I shift away from him when he sits on the edge of the bed.

"My friend is getting water and aspirin," I inform him, praying Mallory bursts through the door any minute.

The guy flops down next to me, moaning, "awesome. Hopefully she has enough for both of us."

"You sh-should go find your own room."

"I'm already here."

"You need to leave," I try to sound firm.

The guy rolls over and his hand lands on my stomach, flirting with the hem of the short shirt. He hums and runs his fingers underneath, exploring my ribs. As soon as his hand hits the bottom of my breasts, I writhe, but even drunk he is stronger than me.

Before I know what's happening, he is crawling over me, tearing the shirt off and yanking down the skirt and spandex shorts. I kick out and try to scream, but the music is so loud I can't hope anyone hears. My ears are ringing with adrenaline, but my efforts to shove him off are too easily thwarted.

"Get off me..." I mumble as my stomach churns with hot acid, "I don't w-want you on me!"

"Where is your friend?" He cackles, jamming three of his fingers into my desert dry slit.

I cry out and he smothers my mouth with his, drowning me in some nasty flavor of whiskey and sticky saliva. My muscles clamp around his fingers as he waggles them inside and continues to pump them in and out, bruising me. My body feels like it's shredding with every thrust and hard grip.

"Get off me..." I mutter around his hand.

"I'm just warming you up," he laughs, moving his mouth to my neck, "and then I'm going to fuck you."

"The hell you are!" Mallory slams the door behind her and flies toward us.

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