《Cinched Darkness》Chapter 7


"What are you doing?" I snatch Bailey's wrist before he can punch Asher, "he's my friend... Why are you attacking him?"

Hit him.

No, shut up.

"He's the pill pusher," Bailey doesn't take his eyes off Asher, "he probably slipped you something in that shot to drug you."


Is that what that rumor means?

Bailey turns to me, draping an arm around my shoulders, "stay away from him, Max. He'll only fuck you and leave you."

"I don't want to screw him!"

"That's why he was drugging you," Bailey shakes his head, and glances behind us at Asher who is staring with wide eyes, "go away before I kill you, fucker!"

"I don't want to leave her with you!" Asher bristles.

Bailey turns to face him, "I dare you."

Zane suddenly appears and Riette works his way over. I haven't seen Connor since he gave me a ride up the driveway. Either he is really busy, or left a long time ago.

"That's a fair fight," Asher barks sarcastically, backing down.

"It's not fair of you to fucking drug a girl either," Zane snaps, matching Bailey's defensive stance.

Riette plunges between the two and plummets a fist into Asher's face. Asher stumbles back, collapsing. Riette jumps on top of him, ramming fists into Asher's body mercilessly. Zane laughs before moving in to tear Riette off him.

"You should get out of here," Zane tells him when Asher stands, "before Riette kills you."

Asher looks to me, "Max... Are you okay with these assholes?"

"I'm fine, Asher. You should go," I urge him before they start kicking his ass again.

Asher rubs his jaw, "that's two of my friends."

Without saying anything else, he heads for the front door. Riette and Zane follow closely behind to make sure he is gone. Bailey turns back to me, cupping my face and examining my eyes but I yank away.

"What was that? He's my friend. He's not a pill pusher."

"Are you sure about that?" He lets his hands drop, "how you can you be sure you even know the guy?"

"Taryn trusts him," I chide.

Bailey's jaw clenches, but he doesn't say anything. He drapes an arm around me again and his body heat encapsulates me with a strong leather scent. He must get it from his lacrosse gloves or something. I don't know why he smells like leather, but I am learning to love the aroma all the same.

"I can use some air," Bailey draws me through the kitchen and out the back door.

The pool is lit up, but there isn't anyone out here. The air is thick and moist, but it's cooler than I expected. I rub my arms with my hands as Bailey leads us toward the lounging chairs on the far side. The house is quieter out here and I can actually hear myself think.

When we reach the chairs, Bailey takes my hand and holds it until I am settled on one. He's always assisting me like I need the help. I'm used to doing this sort of stuff on my own, but selfishly I like that he wants to help. I relish feeling the warmth of his hand on mine or on my body in general. It's stupid to revel in his attention because I don't know what the fuck is going on. But I can't help it.

"Why are we out here?" A shiver races up my spine.

"It's not that cold," Bailey frowns at the ground, settling on the same lounge chair.


"Did you really have to slap the shot out of my hand?"

"You were about to drink it!"

"You don't have to yell," I hiss, covering my ears.

I'm tired of all the music and yelling that I've endured today.

"Was there drama before you got here?"

"Tell me why you couldn't have handled that situation a little bit nicer?" I shoot back, "Asher is a friend. Even if you don't trust him, you could have addressed him..."

"I don't care how you think I should have addressed him, Max. He's a piece of shit and you shouldn't hang around him."

I grimace, "who else do I have? I don't have any friends. Taryn doesn't even talk to me anymore."

"You've got me now. And that means you have my boys, too."

"Oh goody," sarcasm drips in my tone.

"Knock it off," he growls, scowling at me, "I took you out for food, I invited you to a party... What have I done that makes you think I want anything else from you?"

"Your fucking girlfriend hates me."

"That's her prerogative."

"Shouldn't you hate me just because she does?"

"I can have my own opinion," Bailey smirks and leans into the back of the lounge chair, "I don't have to do what she says."

"Can't you at least get her off my back?"

"What has she done since Tuesday?"

"I've been hiding... So, nothing."

"Stop being a coward and find out that she's not even on your tail anymore," Bailey snorts, staring out at the pool.

I sigh, "I guess I'll find out on Monday then."

"Good girl."

"Ew, don't talk to me like that."

"I'll talk to you however I want," he taps his foot in the air, smiling with amusement at my discomfort.

"You can't just tell me what to do or..."

"Fuck, Max. Just relax. We're at a party and you're spoiling the mood, you know that?"

"I really just want to understand what the fuck your problem is. Why do you even bother with me? It pisses off your girlfriend."

"Not my problem."

"No, it's mine..." I grind my teeth, flicking my eyes to the pool.

"Alright fine. I'll talk to her, but I don't think it will help you at all. It might make things worse."

"Why are you even dating her? She's a bitch."

"It turns me on," Bailey chuckles though it falls flat, "and she's only that way at school. She's different in the bedroom."


I don't want to know what he's like in the bedroom.

Yes, I do.

No, you don't!

"I like being in control," Bailey goes on like he doesn't notice the look of disgust twisted on my face.

"You can't control me."

Bailey sits up and presses his chest into my back, "you're here with me now, aren't you?"


"You want to be?" He's quiet.

"I guess..." I pick at the hem of my shirt for something to do.


"I don't fucking know," I confess, "and I hate that."

"Do I turn you on?"

"Jesus Christ... Is everything about sex to you?"

"Life is about sex, Max," Bailey's breath fans down my neck and then his forehead dips into the back of my head, "you're something different, though. You're special."

"That's just another way to call me stupid."

"You're not stupid," he mutters.


My entire body is warm with his weight leaning into me like this. I don't want him to move, but I shouldn't want him this close. I shouldn't like how it feels to have his hands on me. Something is seriously wrong with me. He pushed me down in the hallway on the first day of school. Well, I fell down, actually, and his girlfriend has been after me ever since.

"Why do you even bother talking to me?" I lean into him.

"Why shouldn't I?" He doesn't move away.

"I just don't understand. You act like you like me... But..."

"I have a girlfriend."

I can't tell if it's a statement or a question. What am I doing? I am not the kind of girl to go after another girl's guy. Not even the guy of my worst enemy. I might hate her with every fiber of my being, but doing that would only make me feel like shit.

Bailey's breath hitches as fingers find my thighs, "there's something about you..." He grumbles inaudibly and then whispers, "I don't know if I can control myself around you."

It has to be hormones. That's what's happening to me, and it must be happening to him, too. He has a girlfriend, though. He has to be getting enough action from the slutty Cassie. He can't be that hard up to slump down to my level for sex. Then what is it?

"I don't understand you," I murmur.

"I don't understand me either sometimes, baby, but I want you."


We both startle, twisting our heads up to discover Cassie charging toward us wearing her best party get up. A leather miniskirt, bright red heels, and a shimmery white halter top that shows off a perfect midriff. Legs are long and muscular as she closes in on us. Bailey flies back like I suddenly caught fire.

"Jesus," he mutters quietly before standing, "Cassie, you made it. Are you feeling better?"

"Delia said you were getting cozy with some bimbo and that I should come check it out!" Cassie glowers at me before turning her attention back to Bailey, "and it's none other than this bleeding whore! What the fuck do you think you are doing?"

"We're just hanging out. Talking," Bailey stuffs hands in his pockets like a scared boy.

Of course.

He can't even stand up for himself let alone me. I wasn't doing anything wrong. Not really. He is the one sending all the wrong signals and confusing the hell out of me. I can't believe I let him drag me down this dark tunnel. This is a nice slap of reality.

"It doesn't look that way. You looked like you were trying to get a good look down her shirt, Bailey! She doesn't even have big boobs! Why would you cheat on me? No, scratch that! Why would you even think of touching Maxi Pad! She's disgusting!"

"I wasn't... That's not what..." Bailey stammers, "Cassie, you don't know what you saw. We're just..."

"Just what Bailey! Don't tell me you are friends with her! That would make this ten times worse!"

He sucks in a sharp breath and says, "fuck no. We aren't anything. I was surprised she was here, that's all!"


"Prove it, Bailey."


"Prove to me that you aren't out here because you like her or want to be her friend. Prove to me you weren't getting cozy with her when I walked out here!"

"What the fuck, Cassie?" Bailey snarls, "I don't have to prove shit to you. I've never done anything to betray you. I'm as loyal as a dog."

"I want proof you aren't fucking around with Maxi Paid!"

That's enough for me. I stumble to my feet and try to get past her. Cassie wrenches on my arm, fastening me to her side.

Bailey's eyes jump to me briefly, "chill the fuck out, Cassie. We talked for like a second."

"Prove it to me, Bailey!" Cassie hisses furiously, "I want you to..."

Before she can finish her sentence, Bailey peels her fingers off me, lifts me into the air and thrusts me backward. Flying through the air, I barely have enough time to think about where I will land. The water is warm and swallows me up so fast, I choke on the burning chlorine.

It sears in my nostrils and flames lick at my throat until I touch the bottom. I struggle to get my good leg beneath me and heave myself up again. I'm not too deep in and can barely touch as I resurface, holding my head above water. I sputter and cough, wiping hair away.

As I blink and rub my eyes, I find Bailey cradling Cassie to his body and kissing the shit out of her. My stomach rolls over threatening to spill the popcorn I had too long ago. I jolt away from them and prop myself on the opposite edge of the pool. The water slaps at the cement as I flail to haul myself out.

"What the fuck happened?" Riette races out, helping me up, but he's talking to Bailey.

"Just setting some clear boundaries," Cassie laughs, taking Bailey's hand and leading him toward the door, "get her out of here, Riette. She's a waste of space!"


"Just do it!" Bailey barks, disappearing inside with the bitch.

I knew better than to trust anyone, but my stupid heart wanted to trust him. There was something about him that keeps weaseling its way in. I can't believe I was so stupid to convince myself that anything he says to me is real.

What a fucking joke?

I don't know if he is intentionally screwing with me or not, or if he seriously thinks something is happening. If this is all on purpose, I can live with that. It's easier to accept, but if this is something he actually wants and is too afraid to let happen...

That fucking hurts!

"Do you need help? I can walk you out to your car," Riette offers.

"I'm fine."

"I was actually ready to go home, Sawyer, but I don't have a ride."

"Are you serious?"

"Could you please?" He's practically begging me, "I need to check on something."

"Fine," I snap, heading around the side of the house.

I'm not going back through the party.

"Where am I going?" I ask as we slide into the seats.

"Unfortunately, the shit part of town," Riette glance sideways at me, "is that okay? You can drop me off a few blocks away if you aren't comfortable driving that..."

I cut him off, "it's fine. Taryn lives that way. It doesn't freak me out or anything."

"Thank fuck," he lets out a heavy sigh.

"Is everything okay?" I pull away from the curb, searching the road for headlights, but we're alone.

"I hope so," Riette bounces a leg up and down, "what happened back there anyway?"

"I don't fucking know," I suddenly am very aware how wet I am as my teeth chatter, "Cassie was pissed we were alone and talking. Bailey made it sound like he wasn't just... I don't know. He just lied to her and threw me in the pool as if that proved he isn't screwing around on her."

"He wouldn't dare," Riette snickers, "he's a loyal son of a bitch. Even though, his eyes are elsewhere."

What? Who?

No, you don't care.

"That doesn't sound loyal."

"It's not really my place to say he's doing anything wrong," Riette shrugs, "he's so determined that he's in control of the situation."

"Does he even like her?" My interest is peaked.

Just stop...

"Nah... He was never really into her, but he's been a pussy about dumping her."

"Kind of an asshole move to stay with her if he doesn't care about her anymore."

"She's not the kind of girl you dump and get out unscathed," Riette points out as the scary part of town comes into view.

"Should I turn soon?"

"You know the trailer park?"

I nod in response, and flip a left at the next intersection. He doesn't need to say it. Everyone knows where the trailer park sits. It is a shady place and not safe at all, but if a high school kid calls it home, it would be Riette.

"Is this okay?" I slow down on the road and don't bother pulling into the dirt path that leads through.

His eyes narrow, "car isn't here. Shit." He runs fingers through his auburn locks, "fuck. Fooled me again."

"What's going on, Riette?"

"I've got some shit to do that's what," he opens the door and leans down, "Bailey said you got a call earlier. He said it sounded bad."

"Uh... It was a wrong number."

Riette's expression says he doesn't believe me, "do you have somewhere to go?"


"Are you sure?"

"Yes," I snap too harshly.

"Alright, just making sure."

"You guys make no fucking sense," I snarl, "you four act like you own the place and treat everyone like outsiders, but you get a little one on one time and you'd think you were the good guys."

Riette chuckles, "I'm definitely not a good guy. I'll see you around, Sawyer. Don't be mad at Bailey. He's in a fucked-up situation, but he'll sort it out. Give him some time."

"I just want to get through high school and move the hell out of this town," it's the first time I've said that out loud since I was fifteen.

"I'm sure you'll get what you want. You're a pain in the ass that way," Riette chuckles, shuts the door and races across the lot.

I drive around aimlessly for the next hour before pulling up to the house. Dad isn't home. I don't know if that's a good thing or not. I lock up my car and get into the house as quickly as possible. I flip the lock on my bedroom door and change for bed.

It's a relief to take off the soaked clothes and put on dry pajamas. With the brace off, I can relax comfortably on the mattress.

Unfortunately, my mind fills with all the conversations I've had with Bailey in the last week. It doesn't matter how much I go over every little comment or gesture he's made. I don't have a fucking clue why he is hanging around me. The only explanation is that it's all a ploy to embarrass me and let Cassie take the glory in the end. The way he treated me tonight makes it clear that's his end game. I hate the guy.

No, I don't.

You should!

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