《Cinched Darkness》Prologue


The last one in the group to lose his damn virginity. We're only fucking fifteen and it shouldn't matter, but it does. We are the Ghost Riders, top dogs. Monsters in our souls, but everyone thinks we're the good guys. Knights in shining armor. That's a laugh. Anything but.

"Another shot!" Zane passes the glass to me, eyebrows raised.

The golden boy, the leader by default. He's the one with money in the group and doesn't mind paying the way for the rest of us.

"No," my head is already spinning, "I need something greasy."

"I brought burritos!" Connor charges into the kitchen and tosses a plastic bag onto the table, "eat up, brothers!"

The criminal. Blond, windswept hair that says California, which is where he is from, but he moved here in sixth grade. He is close with his dad, and brings a lot of trouble to the table. It's not bad trouble, the kind that's fun and probably stuff we should stay away from at our age. Or any age. Eh, oh well.

The bean and cheese burritos settle the squirming in my stomach. After three shots on an empty stomach, I can see straight again. I go for a fourth burrito, but halfway through give up. The four of us workout together every day to bulk up and play the part of popular at school. It's not easy eating enough calories, though.

"Where is Riette?" Connor checks his phone, "we need to get him a phone so we can get a hold of him."

"He can have my old one," Zane digs out an old iPhone from a junk drawer in the kitchen, and starts setting it up, "we should have thought of that last year. Maybe he wouldn't have ended up in the stupid foster home he is in now."

"How do you feel, Bay?" Connor guzzles a beer after gobbling up a third burrito.

"Better," I pick at the tortilla chips.

"Are you nervous?" He chuckles.

"Fuck no," but we both know that's a lie.

They were all nervous. Except Zane. If he was nervous, he hid it pretty damn well. He was the first to lose his V-card in eighth grade. Riette lost his that year, too. Connor lost his over the summer. It's already halfway through freshman year and I'm still holding onto mine like it means something.

It doesn't mean shit. Whatever I was thinking was going to happen is out of the question. The girl I want to be with isn't the kind to settle. One night with her won't be enough, so I'll find some other party girl to fuck for my first time.

"There you are!" Zane scolds as Riette finally appears, wearing baggy, ratty clothes, "dude go steal something of mine. You don't have to wear that shit tonight."

"Nah," Riette shakes out damp burgundy hair and snags two burritos, demolishing them in under a minute.

The hopeless knight. He's anything but hopeless, but life has a funny way of making him feel eclipsed, betrayed. Dragged from his parents and any real family. We are his family now and that's what counts.

None of us have siblings, and more baggage than any one of us can carry alone. Zane is the misunderstood rich boy, literally. Fucking smart as shit, the best basketball player, but his parents don't give two fucks about him, not really. Connor is bound to end up in prison after high school or maybe sooner, but we'll go see him anyway. Riette is abandoned and doesn't give a shit about life, but he shows up for us. Then there's me. My life doesn't seem so bad compared to theirs, but it's no fucking fairy tale.


"Ry, fucking change," Zane snarls at Riette when he's done eating, "those pants are dead and that shirt is a travesty. I don't give a shit what you take, just put something on that isn't shredded."

"Fick dich," Riette snarls in German, heading upstairs anyway.

"Is that fuck you in German?" I shake my head, "he says such weird shit sometimes."

"I think that's I love you in Riette," Connor chuckles.

"Another shot," Zane demands, slamming a shot glass in front of me, "it takes off the edge, brother. Trust me."

"Is that why you were so cool?" I toss it back, cringing at the burn.

"Shall we get things situated?" Connor suggests.

"Let's shall," Zane leads the way to the garage and we gather the kegs and bottles of whiskey, "this should last the whole weekend, really. It better not take a whole weekend for you to take care of your issue, Bay."

"Fick dich," I growl, crowding bottles onto the kitchen counter, "I'll probably last longer than you did your first time, fucker."

"No doubt," Connor snorts.

"Shut the fuck up," Zane whacks him upside the head, "you would have nutted that fast, too, if your girl had been a virgin. Not all of us want a fucking cougar, Con."

"She wasn't a cougar," Connor rolls his eyes, "she was seventeen and hot as fuck. You're just jealous."

"And here I thought the girl I bagged was the hottest," Riette returns wearing dark jeans and a gray T-shirt that clings to his frame.

He's the tallest in the group and already ripped. The fucker looks like he is eighteen. He'll end up in prison right next to Connor, no doubt.

Connor shrugs, unfazed, "Diana didn't even ask for a second round. She finished at the same time I did and then just ditched like nothing even happened."

"Are you sure she finished?" Zane grunts.

"I know what the fuck I am doing!"

"Now, but you didn't this summer," Zane can't stop laughing.

"I have no doubt the boy has skill," Riette shrugs, "Bay will be the one to worry about. He's too sensitive."

"Fuck you," I grip a beer bottle, ready to pound it into his skull, "I'm not a fucking pussy."

"You'll get pussy whipped by the first girl who jumps on your dick," Riette snorts.

I twist off the cap and chug the beer, "we'll see about that."

"Careful. You don't want to get whiskey dick," Connor warns, stealing the last half of the beer, "that shit's real, and it happens to the best of us, brother."

"Oh, is that what happened to you last weekend, Con?" Zane almost falls down laughing.

"I'm letting him learn from my mistake. That girl was hot and I couldn't even get it up," Connor is ashamed, but not embarrassed, "fucking long black hair and some stripper name."

"Kitty?" Riette chortles.

"Nah, it was like Jade or Jem or something," Connor sighs, "and a great tongue. She knew what the fuck she was doing."

"Too bad," Riette looks a little weird about the information.

Connor squints, "do you know her?"

"I think I know who you mean. Hazel eyes, good tan?"

"Greenish eyes, but a little brown in them. And yeah, great tan."

"Yeah, she and I hooked up," Riette shrugs like it's no big deal.

"Making her rounds," Zane chuckles, "noted. Let's see if she can get us all. Maybe we'll share her."


"Ew," Connor shakes his head, "you two can have her. I don't want to dip in the same pool as either of you. You're man whores."

"You think you're any better?" I challenge.

"I've been with three girls, Bay. Just three... These two get a new girl every fucking weekend."

"Empfindlich," Riette pats my shoulder.

"End, fend... What?" I grind my jaw, "stop touching me."

"So sensitive, brother," Riette snorts and removes his hand.

"Come on, fucktards," Zane ends the toxic conversation, "the party isn't going to set up itself."


The house pounds with music and throbs with the sweating bodies. Everyone from school is here. Even seniors attend Zane's parties. He lives in the mansion on the hill. It isn't the biggest place in town, but it is the most affluent.

"Have you spotted a girl you like?" Riette scans the girls dancing in the living room, "or one who likes you?"

"I don't know," I'd rather not think about the girl I like.

"There are a few freshmen by the pool looking for a fun time, but they may not be the type to go all the way," Riette frowns, "and Mallory Schlichting is around here somewhere. She's been with Memphis and that Asher guy already, but no one talks shit about her. She is either an easy lay or crazy in the sheets."

"There's that Cassie girl, but she's a bit snippy," Connor joins, passing over a water bottle, "stay hydrated."

"Have you had a shot since the party started?"

"No," my head is still swirling.

"I'll get you a beer," Riette takes off.

"What's wrong, Bay?"

"Nothing," I guzzle the water bottle.

"Your girl is here tonight. She's drinking in the kitchen."


"Here you go," Riette already removed the cap.

I drown in the beer and ditch the guys. It shouldn't be hard to find a girl who wants to get naked with me. They're all willing at Zane's parties, but there is only one girl on my mind. I need to forget about her. Someone can replace her for one night. The girls know that none of us are settling down and only screw for the lay. They all think I lost my virginity last year anyway.

"Oh shit, ow," a petite body slams into me and rubs her forehead, "sorry... I can't s-see right in front of-of me... Oh," Eyes scan up my body and locate my gaze, "shit, how-how could I n-not see you?"

The corners of my mouth turn up, "I definitely see you, princess."

"I think you-you do, d-dark prince," her voice gets raspy when she sees the bulge growing in my jeans.

Christ, it doesn't take much. She's not wearing a lot of clothing and her nipples almost poke out of the top of the snug material. The alcohol stench is strong on her or it could easily be the whiskey in my own system.

"Are you okay to be alone, princess?"

Glossy eyes darken, "I can handle my-myself, besides I know what I want, and you, you're looking like a dream come true, dark prince. Per-perhaps, my dream come true."

I cup her face, inspecting her eyes. Stunning. The breath in my lungs depletes in seconds and I can't catch another lungful. If anyone is going to be my first, it should be this willing party girl. Unfortunately, she seems a little too drunk, definitely worse than me.

"Will you f-fuck me?" She gasps when I nibble on her bottom lip.

"W-what?" Fingers glide into her hair and clench at the base of her neck, drawing her face away, "what did you say?"

"Will you fuck me?" The plead in her voice is almost sad.

"I-I..." I should push her away, but there is something about the note of sadness that lures me in deeper. I release her head and step back to get a good look, "say it again."

She remains quiet, so I hook a finger in the cleavage and yank her into me. She giggles and loops arms around my waist, anchoring to me.

"Are you going to-to take me somewhere private first or are we going to f-fuck right here?"

"Goddamn," I can't believe this, "come with me."

I yank her upstairs and lead the way to Zane's room. I lock the door, so no one can interrupt. The dipshit has clothes lying all over the floor and the curtains are tied open. I'm not about to put on a show for anyone. I jerk the curtains over the windows even though it's pitch-black outside and set the beer bottle aside.

"Please tell me-me we're not going to-to do it missionary," she whines, eyeing the chair at the desk, "s-sit, dark prince."

"Uh... Yeah, there is good," no need to tell me twice.

I plop down and jerk her into my chest, straddling my legs. She lowers onto my lap, leather skirt flittering around her thighs. The heat of her pussy makes my dick jump beneath the jeans. She giggles and leans in, kissing me sweetly. She's so small in my hands. It's not like I have a lot of muscle on me, but there isn't much to this girl at all. She makes me feel powerful.

"Do you like to be in control?"

"I-I...Uh," I clear my throat, unable to lie for some reason, "I don't know."

"Oh?" She cocks an eyebrow, rubbing her warm pussy across my lap drawing a groan from my throat, "perhaps, I can help you figure out what you like. Is that okay, dark prince?"

"Are you seriously asking me that?"

"I don't want to-to take advantage," those beautiful eyes are glassy from the alcohol, and her words smoosh together, but she seems as aware as me.

Or it's my imagination and I want this too fucking bad to think straight.

"Take advantage, princess," I flip the skirt up and grasp her ass, working her hips faster over my lap, "show me what you like."

"That I can do," she giggles and works at the belt, "I like it fast and hard. Can you handle that your first time?"

"I'll do whatever you want."

"Mm, you really are my dream come true," her lips whisper along my jaw and graze my ear, "is the dark prince willing to do whatever I want?"

"I want to make you happy, princess," I confess, heart stuttering as smooth hands liberate my cock of the boxers and jeans, "fuuuck..."

"Breathe. You have to breathe. You don't want to cum before we get to the good part."

"Not a chance," I curl a hand into silky hair and yank on it.

She yelps and gets quiet, "I-I've never been treated gentle."


I'll do whatever she wants.

"I can be slow and tender," I nuzzle into her long neck, retracting my hand from her hair. Breathing deeply, I drink in the faint, but distinct scent of roses, "whatever you want, princess."


The little body curled into me is skinny and bony. Skin softer than the petals of a flower. Hair feathers past her shoulders all to one length and gleams against the orange light from the lamp at the desk. After a short-lived moment in the chair, the princess and I moved to the bed. It was more fun the second time when I wasn't so nervous and lasted longer.

A soft sigh escapes her lips, and eyes blink open, "oh shit... Hey."

"You're beautiful," I skim her cheek with the back of my knuckles, admiring the smooth lines of her jaw.

She giggles and rolls away, remaining covered by the beige sheet. I watch as she gathers her clothes and slips into them. Then she peeks at me over a shoulder, lying in the bed, sprawled out and unabashed at my nakedness. Eyes linger at my pelvis then she shakes herself and leaves the room.

Heart pounds recklessly in my chest and I sit up, waiting for her to return. There is a bathroom in here, but maybe she didn't see it. I step into boxers and dig around for my clothes, blending in with the mix of laundry all over Zane's floor. The fucker couldn't even pick up the place. Not like he cares about impressing any of the girls.

As I find my clothes and get dressed, it's clear that she isn't coming back. This was a one-night stand after all. That's all it was meant to be and I let myself hope that maybe it could mean more. Of course, my gooey heart would yearn for more after one time. My first time.

The boys are fucking right. I am such a pussy.

"Fucker," Zane charges into the room as I lace up the shoes, "oh, are you just finishing up? Damn, you two were busy for a while..."

"Shut up," I grumble.

"Was she that bad?"

I won't let him talk like that, "she wasn't bad. What the fuck do you want, Z?"

"Something is going on," Zane nods out to the hallway that is oddly quiet even though it's only one in the morning, "Riette needs us. I can't find Connor."

"Did you text him?" I send a quick message after fishing out my phone, "he always replies."

The phone pings before Zane can respond and we all meet at the top of the stairs. Riette's voice is lulling from the first room and then he steps out, stricken. Eyes scan us and he shakes his head, pulling at red-wine hair, losing his mind.

"What the fuck is going on?" Connor demands.

"Some twat-waffle drugged the girl in there and... Hurt her," Riette's voice cracks.

Everyone sucks in a sharp breath, including Riette. We avoid making eye contact, and shift furiously on our feet. Connor curls a fist around the stair railing and it creaks in his hand. Zane cracks his neck, rolling his shoulders like he does before getting into a fight.

"Hurt her how?" Zane snarls.

"Raped her!" Riette plants a fist in the wall, busting through the plaster, "fucking hell..."

"Does she remember who?" I ask swallowing the ire curdling in my stomach and burning up my throat.

"You won't believe it," Riette yanks free of the wall, "the little fuck is going to pay for laying a hand on her."

"Who is she?" Connor peeks at the closed door.

Riette sidesteps, blocking, "she's humiliated enough. You don't need to know who she is."

"What do you want to do?" Zane glances down at the last of the party-goers, sucking on joints or swaying lazily without music, "we should shut down this party."

"I'm going to get her home and then I'll be back. Do you guys mind clearing out? I don't want her to think I am broadcasting her shit."

Zane nods and we clamber downstairs, throwing out the last of the guests. Connor shuts the front door and we all move to the kitchen. My chest is heavy after this long ass night and it's only getting started. Someone is going to burn for raping a girl at our party and making the toughest of us almost buckle.

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