《Innocent or Dirty?》Hello? #14
"Jimin! Time to go to school wake up." His dad knocks on the door and tries to open it only for it to be locked.
"Jimin come on go get ready... Jimin? You brat answer me! You need to go to school."
Jimin still doesn't answer he ignores his dad.
"Fine! Don't go to school. Fail at life and become homeless. Let's see if that Yoongi guy will help you!"
At night Jimin silently went to take a shower and brush his teeth.
The next day the same thing happened.
"Jimin come on I made you breakfast! Come out of the room already. Stop being a child about this. Come out to eat Jimin.."
The same pattern repeated for a whole week. Jimin's dad is worried but Jimin won't come out of the room. Except for night when he showers while his dad isn't there.
The next day Mr Park makes a tough choice. He calls Jin.
"Umm. Hi Seokjin. I know we got off the wrong foot last time but I'm really worried about Jimin."
"That's the thing. I don't know if he's okay. He hasn't come out of his room in about a week. He hasn't eaten anything either. Last time he was like this was when-"
"Yes please do so. I'm really worried he hasn't been going to school either."
"Okay thanks."
Jin gets to the Park's house. He knocks on the door and a worried looking dad opens the door.
"He's in his room obviously. He hasn't come out."
Jin nods and heads to Jimin's room. He knocks on the door and no one responds.
"Jimin? It's Jin Hyung. Can you open the door for me."
Jin heard some rustling on the other side but the door doesn't open.
"Jimin. Can you open the door please?"
Jimin leans on the door and speaks back.
"I'm sorry Jin Hyung. But I can't."
"Why not?"
"I don't know. I don't really feel like seeing anyone right now. I'm sorry."
"Jimin you haven't eaten. You need to eat."
"No. I don't feel like eating either."
"Jimin... Okay fine I'll go now."
Jin sighs and walks to the kitchen again where his dad is.
"Jimin won't come out."
"Not even for you?!" Mr Park exclaimed.
Jin shakes his head but an idea pops into his head.
Mr Park raises an eyebrow.
"Yoongi. That's the only person Jimin would probably open the door for."
"I don't know. He seems like bad influence."
Jin sighs.
"He really isn't. I've met him multiple times. He isn't bad. Actually I've noticed that Jimin seemed to be more mature with him then before."
"Yeah. I can tell they both care for each other."
"I'm still not sure. But I'm really worried about Jimin. I can't have him dying on me like his mom did."
Jin nods and dials Yoongi.
"Yoongi? You there?"
"You okay? You sound dead."
"I see. Well I need a favor."
"I need you to come to Jimin's house."
"No not really. Jimin hasn't come out of his room nor eaten in around a week-"
Yoongi hangs up leaving Jin dumbfounded.
"Well that was easier than I expected." Jin exclaims.
Yoongi arrives at the Park's house. Jin opens the door for him gladly and Yoongi heads to Jimin's room.
"Wait! How do you know where his room is?" Jimin's dad ask before Yoongi can walk to Jimin's room. Yoongi grins and continues to go towards Jimin's room.
He knocks on the door and just like Jin, he doesn't get an answer."
"Baby? It's Yoongi."
He heard some weird sounds coming from the other side.
"Hyung? Is that really you?"
"Yeah, it feels so good to hear your voice again. Can you open the door for me?"
He hears some clicks before the door opens.
"Yoongi Hyung. You can come in."
Jimin steps back into his room leaving the door open.
"Baby... you look horrible."
"Gee thanks. You look so dashing yourself."
"Are you getting sassy with me now?" Yoongi grabs Jimin by the hands and pulls him in the bed.
Yoongi sniffs Jimin.
"Hey. You smell nice?"
"Obviously. At night I go out and shower. And I sneak out to wash my mouth."
"So you keep up with your hygiene but you starve yourself?" Yoongi scolds.
"I'm sorry Hyungie."
"It's okay baby. But look at yourself. You've gotten skinnier and your skin colour is pale."
Jimin hugs Yoongi.
"See. Even your waist and frame got thinner. You're eating today right?" Yoongi pulls back from the hug.
"Yes Hyung." Jimin looks down and sighs.
"Yes Minnie?"
"Are we still together?"
"What do you mean?"
"Are you still my boyfriend?"
"Of course Minnie~" He starts leaving little kisses all over Jimin's face.
"Hah! Stop Hyung. That really does tickle."
"Hmm really. How about this?" Yoongi kisses Jimin on the lips, Jimin gladly returning the kiss.
"I- missed- this-" Yoongi said between the kiss.
Jimin pushes Yoongi back a little causing them to stop kissing.
"Hyung. I want to do more than this. Like last time. You said you were going to make me feel even better? I don't know what you mean but... it's worth a try?"
Yoongi starts laughing his ass off.
"Hah! Oh my gosh, you're so cute! But are you sure? You know it's going to hurt a lot at first- well Nevermind you like pain."
"What do you mean "I like pain" no one should like pain. That means something's wrong."
Yoongi smiles and caresses his face.
"Alright then. But I have one question. Do you have lotion or something like that? But like unscented lotion?"
"I actually have a lot of unscented lotion. I use a lot of it to maintain my hands smooth. I don't like smelling it." Jimin says as he went to his drawer to grab to grab a medium sized tube of lotion.
"But why do you need this?"
"It's just to make things easier."
"Okay then." Jimin smiles and sits on Yoongi's lap.
"A little eager aren't we?"
"Don't tease me~"
Yoongi starts necking Jimin. Kissing his neck and leaving hickeys all over. Jimin loving the strange and wet sensation moans quietly.
Yoongi's hand travels down Jimin's waist band and pulls it down revealing the semi hard younger.
"How are you already like that?" Yoongi says as he grasps Jimin's cock.
"Your hand is cold."
"I know." Yoongi says as he starts moving his hand up and down.
"Mm~ Hyung"
"You get that feeling yet?"
Jimin nods right before Yoongi takes his hand off causing Jimin to whine. He then takes off Jimin's shirt leaving him completely naked.
"Come on, get on four."
Jimin obeys and gets on four remembering to stick his ass up like last time.
"God you're so pretty." Yoongi exclaims as he takes off his clothes and stares at Jimin with loving eyes.
"Hyung~ I'm getting impatient."
"Calm down baby. You don't even know what I'm going to do. And by the way you already know what to call me."
Yoongi nods and grabs the lotion. He puts some on his fingers and slowly puts one in. Then the second one. Surprisingly it wasn't that tight...
"Baby? You okay? It doesn't hurt?"
"No Yoongi. Just put the other two in already."
"If you say so."
Yoongi puts in his other two fingers in causing Jimin to arch his back.
"Ah~ Hyung. Keep going please."
Yoongi keeps moving his fingers seeing the younger's reaction. "Wow, I'm surprised he isn't crying in pain. Most virgins would. Then again we...."
"I think you're ready for the actual thing."
Yoongi takes the rest of his clothes off leaving him completely naked. He grabbed some of the lotion and covered his dick with a good amount.
"Baby this is going to hurt. It's different from fingers. Do you trust me?"
"It's okay. I trust you." Jimin smiles even though Yoongi can't see it.
Yoongi slowly starts to put his dick in Jimin as to not hurt him. He can hear the groans coming out of the younger's mouth.
"Ah- it-it hurts! It hurts, Hyung." Jimin closes his eyes real tight, "H-Hyung! A-are you sure you're supposed to put something that big in m-my butt? It feels like you're tearing me inside out."
"D-Do you want me to take it out? I can do it if you want. There's no proble-"
Jimin puts his hand on Yoongi's waist and turns around.
"It's okay. J-Just keep going you said it'll feel good so."
Yoongi puts both his hands on Jimin's waist and slides the other half in groaning as the warmth soothes him.
"Fuck Jimin. You're so tight. Are you okay?"
Jimin nods slightly but doesn't move.
"Why aren't you speaking?"
"I-I'm trying n-not to make s-sounds."
Yoongi trails his hand down Jimin's back and then leans in to speak.
"But I want to hear you."
It seems like Jimin got use to Yoongi being inside him so Yoongi decides to move.
"I'm going to move."
Yoongi starts out with a slow pace but since he wasn't getting a reaction from the younger, he decides to fasten it up earning quick and short moans of pain from the younger.
"....it still hurts...." Jimin mumbles, Yoongi not hearing him.
In one quick thrust, Yoongi hits Jimin's prostate, causing Jimin to arch his back, while clutching a fistful of the bedsheets.
"Ah~ faster."
"Gladly." Yoongi says before taking himself out then forcefully thrusting himself back in.
His thrust are faster and sloppier until he gets an idea.
"I want to change the way we're doing things right now. Our position."
"Uh, I guess? I don't know?"
"It's okay I'll guide you." Yoongi chuckles and turns Jimin around while still inside him.
They're now both facing each other. Yoongi then lays back down while Jimin is still on top of him.
"Baby you're going to need to move up and down."
"What do you mean?"
"Here I'll help you." Yoongi puts his hands on Jimin's waist guiding him on how to move.
Once Yoongi helped Jimin find the right pace, the younger took things in his own hands. Yoongi kept his hands on the younger's waist, stabilizing his movements as he bounced up and down overwhelmed by the pleasure.
"Baby you're so beautiful."
"Ah thanks-ah Yoongi."
Jimin keeps riding Yoongi and as he goes down Yoongi decides to thrust up. A loud moan erupts from the younger causing him to cover his move with his hands in other to not let another sound come out.
"No. I want to hear you. Don't think about others right now." Yoongi takes Jimin's hand from off his mouth and places them on his chest, so he can hold himself up.
Jimin then starts picking up his pace throwing his head back when Yoongi joins along and continues to thrust up.
"Fuck Jimin. You feel so good. I'm close."
"What-hah what does th-that mean? What are you c-close t-to?"
"Nevermind. Just keep going." Jimin nods and quickens his pace as he bounces up even quicker.
Jimin unconsciously begins to roll his hips in a circle movement making Yoongi's dick dig deeper inside him.
"Ah! The fe-feeling it's back b-but it feels different."
"Oh really?" Yoongi says as he gets on top of Jimin pushing his back down on the bed pressing their bodies together.
He crashes his lips on Jimin's as he thrust harder and deeper. Jimin cums on his and Yoongi's stomach. Yoongi decides to ride out his orgasm while making out with the now sensitive younger.
Yoongi then pulls out of the younger and lays down next to him. Nothing was heard except for the heavy pants and breathing between the two.
"Let's go take a bath."
Yoongi gets up and Jimin follows after him only to fall back on the bed.
"Hyung~ can you carry me to the bathtub?"
"Of course." Yoongi kisses Jimin's forehead and goes off to prepare the bath in the bathroom.
He comes back to the room and sees Jimin laying down on his stomach.
"Baby~ come on it's ready. I used the strawberry bubbles."
"Yay~ now carry me please." Jimin did grabby hands.
Yoongi picks Jimin up and carries him to the bathroom. He gently placed Jimin the bath and then gets in himself behind the other.
"Baby is the water too hot?"
"No hyung. It's perfect."
"Good." He hugs Jimin and places kisses down the others neck.
Jimin starts giggling. They both stay in there together cleaning each other.
They both dry themselves and put their clothes on. They both head to the living room with Jimin hiding behind him. They look in the kitchen and see Jin but no trace of Mr Park.
"Jin where's Jimin's dad?"
"I told him to buy some ingredients so that I can cook... and so that he didn't have to hear you two making love."
"Ha! I could care less. Jimin's moans are the best let me tell ya'." Yoongi exclaims as he hugs Jimin.
"Jin Hyung?..."
"I'm sorry. I didn't open the door."
"It's okay Jimin. I understand. You didn't want to see anyone."
"I'm sorry." Jimin said. He hugged Jin.
"Awe~ it's okay sweetie."
Yoongi coughs gaining the attention of Jin and Jimin.
"Jimin, I feel unloved."
Jimin immediately stopped hugging Jin and ran towards Yoongi to hug him.
"I see how things are Jimin." Jin said playfully.
"Sorry Hyung~" Jimin says sweetly hugging Yoongi tighter.
Just then the door opens revealing Jimin's dad with two bags in hand one filled with ingredients and the other filled with chocolate dipped strawberries and a small plushie.
"Jimin! You're out! Jin was right Yoongi is a miracle maker." Mr Park was obviously happy and relieved to see his son out of his room and smiling.
He places the bags down on the counter putting the chocolate covered strawberries in the refrigerator. Coming out of the kitchen, he looks at Jimin and sees that his face is more defined and a he has bags under his eyes. Mr Park felt guilty and horrible.
"Jimin come here." Jimin's dad said sternly.
He then engulfs Jimin in a big hug.
"Son, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you this sad. I was just mad at gay people. I had a talk with Seokjin before going out to buy stuff. I'm really sorry. I can't lose you along with your mother."
"It's okay dad. I'm feeling just fine." Jimin pats His dad's back in order to say it's okay.
His dad pulls away from the hug and gives him the plushie.
"I also bought you some chocolate covered strawberries. Do you like it? It's an apology gift."
Jimin starts laughing his eyes becoming a crescent form.
"It's okay dad I love it. It's adorable just like me~ I'm naming it Chimmy."
"Now the real question is, will you try to accept Yoongi?" Jimin says with a serious smile.
"Oh um, I don't know. I would have to talk to him first. How about he stays over for dinner. Seokjin is going to help me cook a nutritious dinner for you because of your little diet you had the past week."
"Sorry." Jimin smiles weakly.
"Okay now. Come on Seokjin. Lets cook!"
"Of course." Jin says.
"So Jimin want to go back up to your room?"
Jimin grins and nods.
The two head back up the room and cuddle waiting for Jin and Mr Park to finish cooking.
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Many years ago, magic, magical races, and creatures left the world humans called Earth, and restricting access to the planet from all who would wish to enter. These magical races and creatures faded into myth and legend becoming tales humans would tell each other for entertainment. Little did the inhabitants of this vast world know, the magical races and creatures would one day return. Brought back to earth, these magical beings can choose their own way. Humans must once again learn how to craft and survive facing constant attacks without their previous technological weapons and advances. Will they be able to make alliances with magical races that are only myth and legend? Defend what they call home and the people they love from the monsters that emerge from the dark? One hope humanity has for survival, is the one who brought magic back upon the land. The mage who can claim territories as a Contender, Lord Shea. UPDATE 17 Jan 21: I am working on writing more of the book and intend to post more as often as I can. I will try and post new chapters weekly. I am writing in my spare time with a full time job, and four kids. Fortunately, I have a wonderful wife who helps me a lot or I would never get anything written.
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