《What A Clown...》15]Dont Mistake Kindness For Weakness...
"Its blooming already? Thats amazing! When can I go see it?" I said to the phone as Joker leaned on my desk sharpening his knife.
He lifted up the blade to the light and blew at it.
"Yeah I have the papers here..." I said looking at the papers I have memorized all day. "Dont sleep under the tree, Ill be there tomor-"
The knife knocked the papers out of my hand and stabbed itself into the floor when it fell. I looked at the fallen papers and the blade he was sharpening stabbed into the floor.
I clutched my fist then glared at him. "Ill talk to you later"
I hung up the phone and picked up the blade. He started laughing as I stood up and tossed the blade in my hand. "I was on the Phone that was rude..." I growled as he chuckled to himself.
I threw the blade making it spin in the air and stab into the wall right next to his head. He raised a eyebrow at me and snickered as I picked up the papers.
"Haha ya missed..." He said and I scoffed And stood in front of him. "I never miss" I said and he rolled his eyes at me.
He stood up and got held back down because the knife pinned his collar to the wall. He growled a bit and tried to yank the knife out of the wall.
I smirked at him and yanked the knife out of the wall and flipped it between my fingers. I set it down on the desk and walked away as he straightened his coat up.
"Ill see you tonight 'kay doll?" He said and I growled at his nickname. "Don't call me doll, I'm not the blond wearing loads of makeup!" I yelled to him as I adjusted my mask in the mirror.
I saw him behind me in the mirror glaring at me as he got closer. "My hair is green..." He said and I rolled my eyes. "Well you have to touch up your roots...because I can tell your 'blond'." I said as he stood next to me.
We stared at ourself in the mirror and adjusted our ties and our coats. I turned to him and looked at his suit. "Why do you wear Purple and Green? You look like Willy Wonka." I said and he stared at me with annoyance.
"Why do you dress in red black and white? You look like harley" he said and I laughed. "Touché" I said and walked passed him and opened the door.
"I got a new toy for you...ill give it to you later." I said practicing my low voice. I smirked at him and leaned on the door frame waiting for him to leave.
"Have a nice day Mistah J" I said in a low husky voice. He licked his lips and smirked at me. He walked past me and leaned in. "I will...Mistah V"
I had gotten the Devils Breath from Ivy. I was currently in the restaurant with the three secretaries. The blonde kept on grabbing my arm when I would make them laugh.
She even laughed at things that werent funny...I think thats kind of stupid. Im not stupid she tried flirting with me a few times. I think the joker was right.
"So what are you planning to do?" The Girl asked and I shrugged her off. "Well I was planning to make a haunted house for the kids...But I need some help on it." I said and the girl touched my arm again.
"We would be more than glad to help you on it Mr. V" She purred and I pressed my lips in a straight line. "Uhm okay...ill get my friend to come right away." I said.
All of a sudden a crash is heard. Everybody ducks and winced at the noise. I didn't ,first of all, I am use to it and second, I expected.
"Oh my god!" A woman screamed as we look at the dead host at the ground of the entrance. The joker storms in with six henchmen holding big machine guns. He walks up to the bar and taps the counter with his gun loudly.
"Hello! Can I order!?!" He said and the bartender slowly stood up. "Um w-what would you l-like Sir?" He stuttered.
"Give me ah scotch." He said and walked towards our table passing others on his way. He walked with so much pride and confidence. I almost rolled my eyes as he smirked at me and walked closer.
"Why look at what we have here...three secs sucking up to another rich fella..." He said as he noticed the blonde scoot closer to me and sobbed lightly. He smacked his lips and looked at her directly.
"You might take it a bit literally wont ya doll?" He said turning to get the scotch and he drank it. When he was done he threw it back shattering against the wall.
"This place could use with something entertaining..." He said and looked around. "How about a story?" He cooed then grabbed a male secretary by the collar and pulled him out of his seat.
Screeches were given as I just stared at him with a plain face. "Oh my god not this again..." I heard the Blond sob into me. "Dont worry...im sure his stories aren't that bad."
He pulls out his knife and sticks it in the guys mouth. "Have I ever told you how I got these scars?" He said and I sighed. He glanced at my annoyance briefly and looked back at the man.
"What about how I ended up in gotham?" He said and sliced his mouth. As the guy fell in pain he took out his gun and aimed at the guy sitting across from me. "It was a foggy night...full of madness and laughter." He said and the goons threw gas bombs filling the restaurant with green gas as he laughed.
The gas was thick...I still couldn't believe how he could come up with plans like this without actually planning them. It annoyed the hell out of me...
I got my mask from my coat and put it on when the gas was thick enough to not see. I grabbed the secretary on my arm and pulled her away as the goons took the other guys.
We jumped into a electrician van and sped off. I left my mask on as the goons and the joker took off the gas masks. I reached inside my coat and took out a tube of white powder.
The Joker made a rough turn throwing us all to the left. "Be careful you clown! I could have dropped this!" I yelled at him and he giggled.
After a few glances at the tube curiosity got the better of him.
"What is that anyways?" He said and I smiled and cleared my throat. "This...is a powder we mobsters call The Devil's Breath" I said in a low smooth voice. I showed it to the goons and flipped it in my hand.
"With a blow into a victims face within minutes they loose the capacity to make memories and their act of free will." I said and i took a pinch of it and blew it into a goons face.
He blinked several times after inhaling it and rubbed his eyes. After a few minutes he sat there. "Tell him something" I nudge the joker.
"Shoot your self!" He said and the goons laughed. They probably thought it was a big joke...well Im not working for a clown like they are...
I didn't laugh and they all stopped when the goon shot his leg and winced in pain. "Holy shit!" I heard a goon curse out and I smiled.
Idiots...the guy looked at the one wincing in pain and scooted over to him.
"Clingy are you oka-" the goon tackled the other down and started beating him. That was a small side effect...That I just happened to not mention. The guy was getting really viscous.
All of the sudden a shot was heard and he fell to the ground dead with a hole in his head. "No fighting in the car kids." The Joker said.
The Henchman sat their shocked as the goon that got beat up sat up. They all turned to me and stared and I turned around.
"Oh yeah they can also get really violent...sometimes not all the time." I said and then he slammed on the breaks. He threw all of us to the front including the hostages that whinned at the dead body.
"Nock them out their getting on my nerves." The Joker said and the henchmen did as they were told.
We got out of the van and the goons unloaded the van. I got my stuff and slammed the door closed nearly making the window crack a bit and glared at that clown.
"Were in the devil's name did you learn how to drive!" I asked him and he laughed. "I didn't" he said and I held the bridge of my nose keeping in my temper. "That explains so much!" I yelled sarcastically.
"Hey don't yell at me!" He yelled back and I walked up to him. "You aren't my boss, clown. I am not below you. Your not above me." I stated and he walked over to me.
"In this city I am...don't forget that toots." He said grabbing my collar and I pushed him away.
"Don't you forget that You came to me, I am doing you a favor." I hissed at him. A see the blade he had already out. "Lets not forget that we both are use too being in charge." I said.
"Well basically were helping each other...so don't feel like your above me." He said in a husky raspy voice walking closer to me.
"Well I don't, considering your like a inch or two taller than me." I said mentally smiling to my self.
He stopped in front of me as I took my knife out putting to my side ready to strike if necessary.
We stared each other down for a few seconds before he cracked a grin. "I like you...you're serious but funny...not like that old bat that never laughed. Or harley that never stopped." He grunted and I smiled.
No one ever saw my smile because of my mask...Because my scars looked weird. "Is this a joke? Is Gotham's Scariest Criminal-The King of Bombs-The Clown Prince of Crime...Complimenting little Ol' me." I said to him in a sarcastic mocking tone.
"Why I wont say I was being kind...just stating something." He said walking away and I dropped my smile.
"Whats wrong with being kind? You think that being a criminal, automatically says you loose your manners?" I said following up the stairs talking a bit lower than usual.
He walked in his office and Nearly slammed the door in my face if I hadn't had kicked it open before it hit my face. "Rude...you should be more nice..." I said and slammed the door close making it shake a bit.
He glared at me and leaned on his desk. "Kindness is a form of weakness for me...if I was kind to my henchmen They wouldn't take me so serious." He said and I rolled my eyes.
"Am I the only one that doesn't take you seriously? You like literally ask everyone "Why so Serious?" And laugh all the time. Not to mention your basically a clown." I said and he raised a eyebrow at me.
"Either way...kindness is weakness for me." He said
I walked to him and crossed my arms and stood before him. "Don't Mistake Kindness for weakness...I am kind to everyone, but if someone is unkind to me in return...I assure you that weak is not what they are gonna remember me by." I growled at him.
He stared up at me and crossed his arms tapping his chin.
"Catchy and scary...also a bit threatening, may I quote you on that?" He said getting a note pad and his knife. He dabbed the end of the blade like if it were a pen and carved into the notebook.
"Kindness cant get you everything though...thats why we are criminals..." He said making a good point. I searched threw my brain and smiled as I took my gun out and motioned him to follow me. We walked to the top of the metal stair case and I looked down at his henchmen.
I shot at the celling and hit a light making it flicker. They all looked up at me and joker. "Can you goons please go get me some halloween costumes for the secretaries...and some rope. Thank you." They all looked at each other then nodded together and said in unison "Yes Mr. V" and walked away.
I blew the gun and leaned on the edge. "If they go calmly they get the job right the first time all the time. Yes we are criminals Joker, kindness cant get us everything...thats why we use weapons." I said showing the gun at him.
"Kindness will take you a far way, But kindness and a gun...will take you farther." I said smirking as I threw his own words back.
I could see the smile in his eyes, as I walked down the stairs. Joker followed me and I heard a phone ring. A goon with a laughing mask came up to me.
"Mr. V, sorry to bother you Sir but do you want any specific costumes?" He asked holding a phone down. I smirked at Joker that rolled his eyes and stepped forward.
"Just get any stupid costume Chuckles we are busy!" He yelled at him and he went from looking strong and confident to weak and timid. "S-sorry boss-" he said
"Chuckles get me a ballerina for the girl and super hero ones for the two men...when you get them make them change into it." I said and he nodded.
"Get them in the room with the hooks and my stuff ready when your will ya? Go!" He yelled at him and Chuckles stumbled away. I turned around and saw some flowers in a vase on the ground. I looked at joker that had started screaming at some men.
When he sent them away and cursed under his breathed I looked at him. "What?" He snapped and I motioned towards the flowers. "I see you still have the flowers I gave you...here is another gift." I said taking out my tube of devils breath.
"It could be useful incase you need a short cut to get out of trouble..." I said and turned around tossing it behind me. "Yeah like if I ever get in trouble." He said and giggled.
"I thought you never got in trouble?" I said driving him back to his warehouse. I just picked him up from the docks, he had some hostages their and played around with them. He got drunk and after his goons left he went for a 'swim' trying to get away from the cops.
"Well doll, taking a nice uh, evening swim wasn't really trouble." He said breathing out the vodka bottles he drank.
"Don't call me doll...don't you even think I am gonna do this again. Your lucky I was their and recognized your laughter." I huffed.
I was meeting with Ivy and when she left I heard a laughter that was to familiar for me.
I drove up to his warehouse and we went inside. He slammed the doors open and stomped inside yelling. "Were are the Secretaries...We have to get them ready for the fair." He said and laughed loudly. His laugh echoed and bounced off the walls as I followed him to were the hostages were.
I saw Chuckles walk by really fast and I stopped him. "Is everything ready? Don't disappoint me." I said and he shook his head.
"I wouldn't want to disappoint you two, Sir." He said nervously then sped off.
I caught up to the joker and walked in to the room to find him all ready at a guy. He had the blade in his mouth and was grabbing his cheeks.
"He walked towards me and said...Why so Serious?"
I walked closer and stopped as the blond started weeping and sniffing in her pink two-two.
"He put the blade in my mouth and said 'Why so Serious!?!"
He said raising his voice and licked his lips. He looked at the blonde staring at him with red swollen eyes. He took a quick glance at me and smiled then smacked his lips loudly.
I smiled and rolled my eyes at him, he is such a show off. "Lets put a smile on that face." He sang twisting his blade in the guys mouth,
He then looked at the other guy. The guy had a scared straight face...and The Joker As calm as could be simply asked...
"Why So Serious?"
The Devil King
This story is a Frame Story (story within a story), and as such will contain two summaries to denote both. A man was summoned from his home world to another to serve as a Hero for the desperate Human race. Where, in between the worlds, he is tortured whist obtaining specialised abilities and a Class. However, just as he enters this new world, he is slain by way of dragon fire. Afterwards, his soul is picked up by a Goddess called Azazel and strikes a bargain with her. For a new life upon her world, he will give her entertainment. Unbeknownst to himself, she has more plans for him than simple “entertainment”. Ah, but the Universe has its own plans for the man who was summoned. Be it for good or for ill, the worlds will note the rise of something more. ***** Sarah, the Goddess of Iridescent Colours, is the Goddess Queen of the Terran Pantheon after marrying a being called the Ageless who is the God King of said Pantheon. However, after many a century of being together, and giving birth to their only child, she has come to suspect her husband of breaking the oldest laws set aside within the Universe. Tampering or re-writing a being's Story. Of which contains a being's everything; from birth to death, everything is written within their Story. Tampering with such books would not only mark the being, but cause the Librarians who take care of such items to fly into a rage and slay the perpetrator. However, with the Ageless being the fifth strongest being within the Universe, she doubts if she could find a Librarian strong enough to slay her husband for the crimes he has committed. How did she come to suspect him? Her own story contains many pages which were re-written, and the one who has access to it is both herself and her husband. Therefore, she searches for answers, and has been given the story titled The Devil King in order to find that which she desires. Even if the cost is to read the whole book before she could act fully. Special thanks to Hot-Gothics/Agelyn Starr for the cover art. If you would like to view the full artwork, click here. This can also be found on a website run by a good friend and fan of my work. One that I've both bought and given my blessing to run. https://terranlibrary.com/
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Personal Agency
It is better to die knowing. Listen. The world as you know it is not as you know it. It is a construction, a facade, a mural painted over the world to hide the fact that it is very broken on some fundamental levels. That there exists an entire spiritual realm, one of cognition and perception and memory and that it teems with awful life. The world was not made for us. Jacob Irwing is a fairly normal 26 year old American man. He's an amateur photographer, unmarried and does not work in his chosen field. He is also dying, right now, in the first chapter of this story. Someone has put a bullet in him. Agent Z is a fairly abnormal woman of no nationality. Her age is classified. Her name is classified. Her background? You better believe it's classified. She works for the people who hide the truth. She is going to wake up with a hole in her head in the first chapter of this story, surrounded by corpses and also by a dying fairly normal 26 year old American man. Burned and seemingly abandoned by the Agency, Agent Z has lost her memory, her security clearance and her authorisation. All that she's gained is Jacob, who is thoroughly in this shit now. Together they must work to uncover the truth, if any such thing even exists, in this erratic urban fantasy weird-fic. Updates every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Australian time.
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Lost in the Shadows; Book 2 of the Blood Moon Series
Kierra finds herself nose deep in supernatural affairs while Faline delves into the underbelly of the underworld, both once more getting themselves into deep trouble. While Kierra tackles with commitments she probably shouldn't have made, Faline deals with problems that are dropped into her lap. They'd both made a choice though, they could have turned away, but they chose to go deeper into that rabbit hole. New perils find the sisters as they make their way through yet again more unknown territory as well as new people. Who is friend and who is foe? Who will leave and who will stay? A Blood Moon is rising, and those lost in the shadows will soon be revealed. Maturity Warning/Triggers: This story has within it language, violence & murder, blood & gore, themes of rape, child abuse, prostitution, mention/implied drug use, slavery, mental instability, sex, and other sensitive ideological scenes. If any of this offends you, please do not read this story
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