《What A Clown...》13] Ding Dong Ditch
"I-ill pay you t-tomorrow I swear!" He weeped as the Ivy's vines tightened around him even more like a deadly bone constrictor.
"You said you would do that yesterday." I started walking towards me as Ivy tossed me the blade from her swing made of vines a few feet away from me.
I caught it and stopped in front of him. "You are destined to have a very very bad death..." I said and dragged the blade down his leg. He yelled so loud in rang in my ears. He started crying and I saw Ivy's eyes widen.
"You could continue on learning your lesson, ooorrr you could work for me till you make up what you owe me." I said spinning the blade between my two pointer fingers.
The tears streamed down and he opened his eyes. "Yes yes, I promise." He said and I smiled and stepped back. "Don't try to run away, I know way more stuff about you than your own mother. Even that the password on your phone is 0000." I said raising a eyebrow at him and smirking.
"Yes Sir I promise." He shook as the vines started loosing. "I go by Mr. V among the mob and the authorities, to you I'm your boss." I said and he shook.
"Y-yes Boss"
The vines let loose and I waved him away. He scrambled away as Ivy lowered her self and walked towards me. "You sure do like your sharps don't you?" She said staring at the red smudges of blood on the floor.
"Yeah I do..." I said wiping the red off my blade with my gloved hand. "So how are our babies doing?" I asked and she lightened up. "I finally got The tree growing its beautiful." She said as I walked to the edge of the alley.
"With that we can sell and get that garden you want, and its way easier to beat that Clown." I hissed and licked my lips. She stared at me a bit and I glared at her.
"Its just...you are so much like him...thats probably why you hate him." She said and I laughed. "Yeah a Clown and a Drug Dealer alike...practically Identical." I joked and walked to the abandoned apartment.
"Anyways how many guys did I get?" I said since she was the one keeping count of the guys that would work for me. "Like...23" she said and I nodded.
"Well It was nice working with you, never seen a plant lover like you before. I love plants too, I mean I only sell them for a living you know." I rasped out and she giggled.
"Yeah I hope you get the joker, it was kinda nice that you ended Harley's misery with that douche that nearly beat her to death. But I still don't like how you got rid of her and Batman." She said resting her head on her hand.
"Tell me when my baby is full of flowers yeah? So I can make the Devil's Breath" I said and she smiled and sighed. "Yeah ill tell you hun." She said and I left.
This girl is gold. She could grow so many types of plants. I fasinated her with my knowledge of weeds and plants. Yeah they were all drugs that I sold but it fascinated her. I got her to grow so much tobacco and weed that I had a full stock already.
Those dealers can kiss my ass good bye. I have a new supplier now and she loves me.
I walked to the alley and entered a maze entrance and walked to the place I told the guys to meet me. When I walked out I saw 20 of them there. All bleeding but they would live.
"Okay boys...you will work for me on the dealings, if after you finish what you ow me you want to stay I will pay you in crack or whatever you want. Till then you work for free." I said looking at them all.
"Every day you will meet inside there to get your comands...today, you go around and get 'orders' and costumers. Try to find dealers that need suppliers, and get 5 each or someone looses a body part got it?" I said and they sang a 'yes boss'.
"Get out of here and don't go to the doctors for your injuries or you will not even have time to regret it." I said and they nodded again and limped away.
"Very strict...never seen that in ah, girl before." I heard and froze at the sound of smacking lips. I reached for my gun and couldn't find it. I reached for my blade and cursed when it wasnt there.
I opened up my jacket and took out my hand gun and cocked it. "Oops must have missed one." I heard again and turned around.
"I always come prepared, Joker." I spat his name like if it were poisoned. "Got your gift...lovely flowers, killed one of my henchmen." He said still a few yards away.
"I was aiming for you but oh well, guess he got lucky." I said and he giggled. I saw his silhouette get closer. "We should start over...Wouldn't want someone like you in my bad books." He said and I scoffed.
"Do you even read books? Or held one?" I said and he laughed. "I like your sense of humor, doll" he said calmly. "Says the one dressed as a clown." I said and I snickered.
I could feel the irritation he had as he got closer. Something is up with him, when he doesn't like something he says it. "Well doll, I have a little game going on and I think it would benefit you greatly if you would work with me on it."
I blinked at him a few times and laughed. "Why would I do that?" I said and he rolled his eyes and smacked his lips really loud. I bit my lip as he got closer nearly eye to eye with me.
"Well I know you want to have Gotham under your territory, and want to see them burn to the ground." He sang moving his hands around in front of me.
I crossed my arms and looked at him. "Yes but...I intended to play in the ashes." I said and turned around walking away.
He grabbed me and turned me around so I looked straight at him. "Don't walk away I'm not done!" He said and I kneed him and kicked him away. "Your not my boss joker, you might have this city looking at you in fear but they soon will know what true terror is by me." I spat.
"Im also the only one that knows whats behind that mask of yours." He said and I stopped. I panicked when I remembered the night when my mask fell off. It was raining and it had slipped off when I got out of his hold.
"You would want them to know that Mistah V isn't a mistah at all, now would you?" He said and I clenched my fist up and turned around.
"Are you threatening me, Clown!?!" I yelled at him and he snickered as he took a big step towards me with his hands behind his back. "Well DollFace if you must know, yes I am Threatening you." He said smiling at me with that BloodRed grin of his.
I stared at that brilliant color a bit to long then back at him. "You got guts...I could kill you If I wanted to." I said and he laughed lightly.
"But you haven't...I just happen to want to play in the ashes too. Imagine all the chaos we could bring if you worked with me." He said in a raspy voice. For a second I thought he was mocking me but then I considered his offer.
"How do I know you wont kill me when we are done?" I said and he chuckled. "I think we both know that would be very uhm-"
"Impossible?" I said smirking at him and he raised a eyebrow at me and shook his head. "Not Probable"
I thought for a minute about it. "How do I know Im not being tricked? You are a 'Joker' after all." I said then he burst out laughing then straightened up.
"Well starting from today I'm a man of my word." He said raising his right hand. "Didn't you say that a year or two ago?" I said and he smiled again. Stretching those bloody scars out.
"Then you can trust me that I will keep my word on the fact that I will keep my word to you." He said and I just stared at him. "What exactly type of game are you playing, Joker?" I said and he looked up in wonder.
"Currently I'm playing Ding Dong Ditch"
Deep Space Combat School: Nexus
In the deep of space, a fully automated battle school instructs students and prepares them for leadership in the military, politics, and business. But the station holds secrets that none on board suspect, and when things go wrong the students must find answers for themselves.
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The War of our Stars (SWTOR Fan fiction)
YAH, PICTURE! Also, I used "The Old Republic", as I couldn't fit in "Star Wars"....... Yes, the title does mean something. I guess this is a SWTOR Alternate Universe Fanfiction? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I used glowtxt, Microsoft word, and paint to make that. I DO NOT OWN THE PICTURE, I got it when I searched up "copyright free". Also, I just used glowtxt, but if whoever made glowtxt wants me to stop, I'll get rid of it. Whilst this is a fanfiction of SWTOR, the setting is VERY different, you will not see any SWTOR characters within this Novel, there will be places both made up and already existing in SWTOR. Take for example, whilst the Dark Council still exists, it will have completely different members. Also, there are minor changes to the history before and during the Old Republic, but there is little overall change, with the main character starting out at a similar time to a starting character. Star Wars the Old Republic Fanfiction. You'll understand the title, not in the first chapter, but as Frederick goes to outer space. Before the Rule of Two, there were multitudes of Sith and Jedi. Numbering thousands of both Sith and Jedi, a great war between the Empire and Republic has existed since time immemorial. From our World, a young boy named Frederick is born into the Galaxy of Star Wars, born into an Imperial Family, he lives up to the expectations of becoming a powerful Sith. But all he wants to do is to survive.... But by surviving, he does more so than simply surviving. Many have made star wars fanfictions, and this one will probably...... (I have read, watched and played Star Wars, so here you go) NOTES: Action and Adventure are a bit light for the first few Planetary Arcs. I'm terrible at comedy and romance will come will really late. Absolutely terrible until Corellia.
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Henry Cavill imagines
I feel we don't have enough of Henry Cavill and I've decided share some of my favourite tumblr imagines!(Disclaimer: I do not write these imagines I'm just sharing them on here) ENJOY!!
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💍 BJYX 💍Wangအိမ္ေတာ္က ဝမ္က်ားေအာ္ရဲ႕တစ္ဦးတည္းေသာသားျဖစ္သူ အေခ်မင္းသား ဝမ္ရိေပၚ နဲ႔Xiaoအိမ္ေတာ္က မိဘမဲ့ျဖစ္တဲ့ မိေထြးနဲ႔မိေထြးပါ သားသမီး၂ေယာက္ရဲ႕ အႏွိပ္စက္ခံသနားစရာေကာင္ငယ္ေလး ေ႐ွာင္က်န္႔ တို႔၂ေယာက္ရဲ႕အခ်စ္ဇာတ္လမ္း...💍 BJYX 💍Wangအိမ်တော်က ဝမ်ကျားအော်ရဲ့တစ်ဦးတည်းသောသားဖြစ်သူ အချေမင်းသား ဝမ်ရိပေါ် နဲ့Xiaoအိမ်တော်က မိဘမဲ့ဖြစ်တဲ့ မိထွေးနဲ့မိထွေးပါ သားသမီး၂ယောက်ရဲ့ အနှိပ်စက်ခံသနားစရာကောင်ငယ်လေး ရှောင်ကျန့် တို့၂ယောက်ရဲ့အချစ်ဇာတ်လမ်း...
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Me, Myself & Bad Romance •||• JINKOOK
" For me , all i need is me, myself and Jungkook. "- Kim Seok Jin • This is a Jinkook Story •
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