
blinked his eyes, unsure if it was his imagination. his eyelids opened and closed, however, nothing had changed about the room. she hadn't magically appeared.

"i have no fucking clue."

hoseok was still processing the scene in front of him. she could have gotten out of the rope, but there was no way she could have left the room. he swore he locked it shut.

"hoseok." namjoon turned towards hoseok, "i gave you one job."

namjoon held the door open with his hand. his temper was rising. he ran his hand through his hair, gripping the ends. he pursed his lips as he stared at hoseok with an icy coldness. his eyes flared red.

"how the hell do you fuck that up?"

hoseok shivered, this girl would be the end of him. he clenched his teeth, if he found her he was sure as hell going to murder her. he paced around the room, his face scrunched into thousands of miny wrinkled as he tried to process the situation at hand. he looked straight in front of him when a slither of black flashed his eye.

"namjoon get the doo-"

a gunshot ricocheted in the room, "you take too long baby."

she flashed her killer smile as she swept out the open door all in an instant.

namjoon clicked his head back, "fuck."

it took a few seconds before reality settled in and the excruciating pain shot up namjoon's shoulder. her bullet had stashed itself into namjoon's shoulder. crimson flowed down his arm.

hoseok's heart raced, "she's fucking insane."

they chased after her like a wild stampede of horses. the ground seemed to shake under their pulverizing footsteps.

"what the fuck!" a bellowing scream sounds from upstairs.

"don't let her leave!" namjoon shouts from below as he sprints up the stairs, cheetah speed.


he clutched his shoulder as it dripped blood. his heart rate rampant, as he breathed out his teeth eager to shoot her down right then and there.

"not on my white carpet you don't!" jin threatened, waving his finger at the bleeding man.

hoseok face twisted in anger as he saw her tiny figure.

"for a gang, you guys have shit security." she teased.

a wide smile engulfed her face, as she jumped out the window flashing a middle finger.

"i don't fucking think so." namjoon hissed as he rolled out the window right behind her.

she launched into the night sky full speed, only the white gleam of the moon lit up the barren streets.

namjoon ate away the distance in between them. she was fast, but he was faster. his legs vibrated as he drifted through the streets, leaving her little room for error.

he wiped the sweat trickling down his forehead. he glanced behind him to notice the rest of the boys trail him.

the fury grew inside him like a fire, "haru when i fucking catch you, you're gonna be better off dead."

"if you fucking catch me."

her ankle hurt like hell. she gasped for air, she couldn't go for much longer. there was no sign of namjoon giving up. she pulled out the gun that the orange-head had foolishly left in front of her. her fingers rested on the trigger as she pulled away. each shot missed them.

"haru just you fucking wait!" namjoon growled as he sprinted closer to her.

in an effort to dodge him, she served into the nearby forest. pitch black, she relied on her senses. for once her brain was working faster than her toes. twigs and branches crunched as she stepped on them. she nearly stumbled on multiple occasions, almost meeting face first with the grime.


her legs were dying out, any moment now. her speed slowed, while the black-haired man was inches away from her. the rustling of the bushes behind her neared.

"shit." she hissed, the thorns of the bushes grazed her legs into tiny cuts.

her legs would give out any second. she needed to hide.

"fuck it." she mumbled.

her hands gripped onto the branches, as she swung her leg upwards. the beating of her heart echoed between her ears.

"are you fucking stupid?" namjoon screamed from below, "you're going to kill yourself!"

he climbed up behind her, rustling the leaves of the tree. the cold gusts blew by him as he held branch to branch. he had concluded that she was stupid.

his throat burned, a slight taste of iron. sweat rolled down his back, she was testing his patience.

"it's over haru." he grabbed onto her arm.

she looked in front of her, it was just straight down from here, just an abyss of gray. she weighed her options. her sense of time slowed down. it was too high, it could be fatal.

"don't do it haru." he warned.

"what you gonna do about it." she chuckled.

anything was better than being with them. she hesitated before peeling away her fingers gripped onto the branch, one by one.

he wrapped around her, the second she let go of the branch.

she squirmed as she tried to escape from his hold, the wind blew into her face. it was like all the air was being sucked out of her.

time stopped for a moment, everything around them was a blur. the air pushed against their faces as they fell deeper into the black abyss.

he could feel nothing under him, just the air. his eyes shut as he braced for impact.

they crashed downwards with a booming thump. blood was seeping from the skin that was smooth just minutes ago. they groaned as every part of them throbbed. his head almost split apart.

she squirmed from his tight hold; he wasn't letting go.

"you're done haru." his voice was no more than a mere whisper, "you won't make it."

her world spun a mix of colors, everything was hazy amongst her pain.

"no i'm not." she croaked, attempting to push his hands off of her.

she stopped moving, his hold weakened. black washed over them as their eyes shut closed.

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