《Best Friends With The Bad Boy ✓》25 - Paranoid
I woke up the next day feeling a sense of foreboding. I wasn't sure where the sudden paranoia came from but I had weird feeling in my gut that something major would happen today.
I tried to ignore the weird feeling as I got ready. I decided to wake up earlier to put effort into my appearance, mainly because I was tired of looking homeless for the last couple days.
After completing my hygiene routine I decided to leave my hair down so the blonde curls cascaded down my back and a couple framed my face. I applied mascara to make my blue eyes pop and concealer to cover the bags under my eyes. A layer of clear lip-gloss made my lips shine. Lastly I applied highlight to make my face glow. Once I was finished I was happy with the end product, and then searched for an appealing outfit.
I decided on a body-hugging white cropped off-shoulder shirt with high waisted ripped blue jeans. I finished the outfit with my blue denim jacket and a pair of white Nike air forces.
I glanced at the time; I had fifteen minutes until I would need to leave. Just enough time to eat breakfast. On my way downstairs I texted Benji to see if he'd be willing to pick me up. My school was ten to fifteen minutes away on foot but I was feeling lazy and didn't want to crease my shoes.
I would asked John but the obsession he had with riding his motorbike put me off, I was not about to mess up my hair. Plus even though we'd had fun yesterday, I felt a bit uneasy around him.
Benji replied that he would be at my house in ten minutes, so I poured myself a bowl of cereal and watched two guys building things while I waited. Soon enough a car honked outside, which I assumed was Benji. I grabbed my handbag and put on my shoes. I couldn't wait for Amber to drop off Hugo, I was sick of being in an empty house most of the time.
Before I left I took a look in my mirror. My top was short but just barely covered my midriff. My jeans on the other hand hugged my hips and bum, showcasing my figure. I frowned nervously, the last time I'd worn something so tight my bum had got slapped. Would it happen again?
I pushed those thoughts out of my head, if I continued living in paranoia I'd never move on.
I left my house and walked over to Benji's car with a skip in my step, a smile on my face and butterflies in my stomach at the thought of seeing him. I opened the passenger door, sitting down and keeping my bag at my feet. I closed the door behind me and buckled my seatbelt; all the while a bit confused on why Benji hadn't started driving. When I turned to glance at him I saw him staring at me with wide eyes.
I cracked a smile, waving my hand in front of his face mockingly. "Anyone home?" I asked and he snapped out of it.
Benji cleared his throat, glancing away from me before looking back at me a second later. "Yeah, u-um you... You look gorgeous, Chloe." He finally got out. I felt surprised and flattered. My smile widened and I felt my ears grow hot, so they were probably red.
"Thanks, Benjamin." I answered, grinning like a fool. I glanced over his outfit as he started driving. I dramatically leaned back in my seat and gasped, causing him to look at me in alarm.
"And who said you could copy me, mister?" I exclaimed. He was wearing a plain white shirt and dark blue sweatpants, that brought out his skin tone and looked extremely good on him.
Benji let out a low chuckle, looking at me like I was the cutest thing in the world. "More like you copying me, we both know I woke up earlier." He replied. I was distracted by how good he looked when he was driving, but came back at that false statement.
"Nah, I definitely woke up earlier than you today, at 6:40 I was in the shower." I told him resolutely. Benji smirked.
"By 6:40 I was done with my daily workout routine, Chloe." He retorted smugly and I gaped at him.
"What kind of weirdo works out that early?"
"The kind that cares about the well being," Benji replied. "And has a perfect body like mine."
I wrinkled my nose. "Careful, you're starting to sound like Cory." I warned him. That boy was full of himself. He had every reason to be, but still.
Benji just laughed, and our conversation ceased, a comfortable silence taking over. I frowned slightly when he turned into a different direction.
"Oh yeah, I forgot to say Teresa asked if I could pick her up. She's just a couple minutes away from school." Benji informed me and I nodded, relaxing.
"I thought she would get a ride with Maya and Elijah?"
"Yeah, but she said she's tired of third wheeling." Benji replied and I giggled. A couple seconds later we pulled up at Teresa's house. Benji honked his car loudly, causing me to glare at him. He smiled in reply, and at the sight of those dimples I couldn't stay mad.
Teresa hurried out of her house and to the car. I smiled at her as she entered and she gave us a tired wave, flipping her black braids over her shoulder.
"Hey guys. Thanks for the ride, Ben." She greeted and Benji shot her an easy grin.
"Hey T, and no worries, yeah?" He replied and I turned back to her.
"Hi, Teresa," I greeted. "I like your hair, when did you get it done?"
Her smile lit up her face. "Thank you! And Maya did them that time she was sick and I missed school to look after her."
"So you made your cousin do your hair while she was ill?" Benji asked, amused. Teresa waved a hand.
"She was well enough to stand, so she was well enough to do my hair. It's my payment for looking after her."
I shook my head, chuckling and turned forward in my seat.
"Oh, Chloe, you look hot today! Any special occasion?" Teresa asked.
"Nah, I just wanted to look like a human being for once." I joked and Teresa scoffed.
"Girl, stop, you know you're gorgeous."
"Thanks, Teresa." I replied genuinely. "You're beautiful as well."
She smiled bashfully at the compliment, and then an amused look overtook her face.
"So, is there a reason you and Benjamin are matching?" Teresa asked in a sing-song voice. I gave her a teasing smile.
"Benji here is practically obsessed with me so he decided to copy my outfit." I replied, and we both laughed while Benji rolled his eyes.
We finally arrived at school. Benji parked the car and the three of us left, walking towards the school entrance where the others were waiting. I didn't bother hiding my irritation when I saw Brock standing with them. I still hadn't forgiven him from our last encounter.
Teresa squealing brought me out of my thoughts and my gaze snapped to her. She had stopped walking and was grinning at me and Benji. Benji and I exchanged confused looks.
"I didn't realise how cute you both look- Maya stop kissing Elijah for a sec and come here! We need to take pictures of them!"
I laughed slightly in surprise but complied, walking closer to Benji who slid his arm around my waist, pulling me flush against him. I glanced up at him startled but he was already grinning at the camera. I composed myself quickly.
We took a couple of pictures together, some pulling goofy faces, some smiling at the camera but not one of them was serious because Benji kept making me laugh. My favourite was me frowning up at Benji for laughing directly in my ear and him grinning down at me.
Once we were finished we walked towards Cory, Elijah and Brock were waiting patiently. I weaved at all of them when we got close enough. I rolled my eyes when Elijah let out a low whistle and Cory's eyes trailed over me.
"Damn, chica! Who are you dressing up for?" Elijah exclaimed playfully. I sighed, but smiled.
"Myself. Do I look that bad usually that whenever I make a little bit of effort it's a big deal?"
"Yes." Everyone answered simultaneously and I let out an offended gasp, before leading the way inside.
Cory threw an arm around my shoulder, talking to Teresa as we walked. I brought out my phone and called John. He picked up after a couple of rings.
"Hey, Clo." He greeted amicably.
"Hi John, are you at school already?"
"No, mum," I rolled my eyes. "I was about to get on my motorcycle when you called. I'll make it before the late bell, okay?"
I sighed in relief. "Alright, see you later." I hung up and put my phone away, turning to Teresa.
"Could you airdrop me the photos?" I asked and she nodded, tapping on her phone. "Me as well!" Benji called from my right.
"You guys seriously make a cute couple." Maya commented cheekily and I shot her a look. Was she trying to make things awkward?
"I wish." Benji said, loud enough for me to hear. My eyes widened and my mouth dropped open.
"Um, I need to go to my locker..." I said quickly and hurriedly walked away, pulling Maya with me. I felt a hand on my shoulder, stopping me and turned to see Brock.
I immediately rolled my eyes, shaking him off and walking away. "Chloe, wait!" He called after me, and I could hear his footsteps. I sighed, turning to Maya, seeing Alyssa looking at me as she walked past out of the corner of my eye.
"Give me a sec." I told her and she nodded, waiting there. I turned to Brock with a glare on my face.
"What?" I asked rudely. He sighed, looking at me with puppy dog eyes.
"Can I talk to you, please?"
I scoffed, crossing my arms. "Why talk to me when you can talk to Taylor?"
Brock opened his mouth to reply but I was too irritated to speak to him, so I walked off with Maya.
At lunch time my anger towards Brock hadn't simmered, especially when I saw him causally laughing with Taylor throughout the day as if I wasn't angry at him because of her. I have to admit it but I was more hurt and upset then angry, and I could tell the others realised but they said nothing about it.
After paying for my lunch I went to sit with Benji, Maya, Melissa and Elijah, waiting for the others to get there. John, Teresa, Cory and unfortunately Brock joined us, and as he sat down on my left I rolled my eyes and got up, taking my tray to sit somewhere else and ignoring everyone's confused looks.
It was petty but I couldn't care less. I wanted nothing to with someone who clearly held no respect for me.
"Chloe, why are you sitting there?" Cory asked, stopping at my table.
"I don't want to sit near Brock." I replied bluntly. Cory made a 'yikes' face before shrugging and sitting with me. I glanced over at the other table to see Brock watching me with a hurt expression. I studiously ignored him and looked back at my food, not that hungry.
That feeling of paranoia from the morning still hadn't left me; it had me on edge and cautious throughout the day. I just wanted to go home, honestly. I looked up when I heard the sound of chairs scrapping, seeing Melissa sitting on my right and Maya sitting on my left, with Teresa opposite me. I shot them all a thankful smile, I hadn't told them what happened but they had a vague idea why I was mad at Brock.
We started conversing about random things, until Cory suddenly had a very scared expression on his face.
"Cory, what's wrong?" Melissa asked, looking backwards to follow his line of vision. I did the same, seeing an incredibly angry looking girl storming towards us with a drink in her hand-
I abruptly got out of my seat, as did the other girls, leaving Cory sitting by himself. We watched as the girl stopped in front of him, steam practically pouring out of her ears.
"Hey, Sophia..." Cory drawled out nervously. The girls face turned red and her grip on her drink tightened.
"My name is Ruth!" She screamed, gaining attention of most of the cafeteria. I winced, glancing at Teresa with a question in my eyes.
"Should we get involved?" I whispered to her and she shot me an incredulous look, scoffing.
"You can," She replied. "But I'm trying to keep my clothes free of any drink today."
I was still unconvinced so turned to Melissa and asked the same question. Melissa shook her head. "No way, I mean Cory's our friend but this is obviously on him. We'll intervene if it gets too intense." I nodded, turning back to the messy scene.
Cory was standing now, a slightly irritated expression on his face and his arms folded. The girl was up in his face screaming, seeming on the verge of tears.
"How could you say we were never together?" She shouted, her voice trembling. Cory shrugged.
"Cos we weren't. It was just a onetime thing, Amy. I made it clear so it's not my fault if you didn't understand that." He answered lazily and Ruth's face turned vicious.
"My name is Ruth." She ground out with gritted teeth. Cory sighed, looking incredibly fed up.
"Okay, Ruth, what more do you want then? I'm not apologising because we both agreed we would hook up causally. You're just making yourself look psycho right now-"
"Psycho?!" Ruth screamed shrilly and I winced, covering my ears.
"How dare you- I- ugh!" She spluttered, than poured her milkshake all over Cory. Everyone gasped and I watched with wide eyes as Cory simply wiped it away from his eyes.
When he looked back up he had a deadly expression that made me take a step back. Cory looked furious.
"The only reason you're not on the ground with a bloody nose is because you're a girl." He said slowly in a low voice. "You have five seconds to get out of my sight before I do something I'll regret."
Before he finished his sentence Ruth scurried off, her tail tucked between her legs. I shook my head watching her leave, she thought she made Cory look bad but she only succeeded in making herself look bad.
We all headed over to Cory hesitantly. Without a word he got his backpack and stormed out of the cafeteria, Benji and John followed immediately after telling the others not to worry.
"Yikes." I supplied as we sat at the edge of the table, avoiding the milkshake. Melissa nodded in agreement.
Maybe this was why I was feeling paranoid?
But if that's the case why hadn't the feeling left?
"I hate girls like that." Melissa said, popping a fry in her mouth. Teresa nodded in agreement.
"Ruth always seemed a bit loose in the head though, so I'm not surprised." Melissa carried on. I kept quiet, not seeing the need of discussing what happened. I wasn't a fan of gossiping, which Melissa did a lot.
"It reminds me of something my loco cousin would do." Melissa said, that familiar bitter look coming onto her face. "She's family but I swear I loathe that brat, she's so entitled, selfish and thinks she's God's gift to earth! Do you see the way she's always to rude to me in English, unprovoked? I have no clue how we're related, she's the ugliest person I know. Not only on the outside, but especially the inside. Crazy witch."
I exchanged glances with Maya who looked as unsettled as I felt. She really did not like her cousin.
"Damn, Melissa." Teresa mumbled. Melissa turned to her sharply.
"What do you mean 'damn'? I'm saying what everyone is thinking."
"Taylor isn't living in my head like that, Mel." Maya interjected. Melissa carried on as if she didn't hear her.
"Taylor just gets under my skin, God she's a disgrace to the Marisetta name! I don't know what spell she cast on our relatives and even my parents for them to love her so much and treat her like a queen, when she's the opposite. Whenever I see her I feel like slapping that smug expression off her face-"
Teresa's eyes widened and she started coughing loudly when she looked up, obviously trying to alert us. My heart dropped as I turned around to see Taylor herself standing a few feet behind us, with Alyssa, Tobi and a couple other volleyball girls, all holding their lunch.
I nudged Melissa who finally stopped talking and stared at me. "What?"
I sighed, turning around fully and preparing myself for the ugly confrontation that was about to take place.
Melissa turned around and I watched as her face paled and her mouth dropped slightly. Then she put a brave expression on her face, crossing her arms defiantly.
"What was that you said prima? You want to slap the smug expression off my face?" Taylor quoted, wearing that same expression.
Melissa nodded, standing up and taking a step towards her. "Yeah, I said that."
Taylor nodded, feigning an interested expression and handing her tray to one of her teammates. "Funny how you say that now, with an audience, but you've had plenty opportunities to do so yet you decided not to?"
Melissa frowned slightly, stumbling over her words. "Yeah, b-but I..."
Alyssa snorted. "Get your words out, sweetie. You didn't have trouble doing it with your friends." She said with a patronising tone. "Taylor's in front of you, say what's on your flat chest."
My mouth dropped open and I stood up ready to defend her, along with Maya and Teresa. Even though she brought it on herself I would still back her. Melissa turned to glare at us.
"No, leave it guys. I can handle them myself." She told us resolutely. Teresa raised an eyebrow.
"You sure?"
"Yes!" Melissa exclaimed and I held up my hands, sitting down.
Taylor let out an amused giggle. "So you're a big girl now, huh?"
"Big enough to beat you up then walk you up and down this school like my perro." Melissa shot back and 'ooo's resounded throughout the cafeteria.
Instead of Taylor's smile to drop, it grew bigger and she nodded slowly, exchanging glances with Alyssa.
"Lyssa, did I hear correctly or did my prima say she would beat me up?"
"You heard correctly, Tay."
"Just as I thought," Taylor nodded and stepped forward, flipping her straight hair behind her shoulder. "Do you want to know why she won't though?"
"Tell us, Taylor."
Taylor smirked. "There are a number of reasons. One, she wouldn't dare touch me because she knows her ass would be on the floor before she could blink. Two, if she's so big and bad why's she discussing me to her friends instead of to my face? I'll let you know why."
Taylor's expression shifted to a fierce glare. "She's still the same little girl with big insecurities. Melissa here hates herself so much she projects that onto me, the perfect and better Marisetta. Her own parents would prefer me to be their daughter, it's very sad. She talks about me so much because no one gives a shit when she talks about herself. I'm really living in her empty head rent free, it's pathetic."
"You talk about me being a disgrace to the Marisetta name yet you're not even fluent in Spanish."
Taylor flawlessly switched to the said language. "tenemos que hablar inglés a tu alrededor porque no tienes ni idea de lo contrario." (We have to speak English around you because you're clueless otherwise.)
I glanced at Elijah who winced, meaning what she said must have hit deep. Melissa looked close to tears but Taylor carried on, uncaring.
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Su Xue, a woman in her mid 20s, is struggling both in paying rent and finding her path in life. Her latest stint has her trying to become a popular League of Legends streamer, though to poor results. One day, she is interrupted in the middle of a livestream by a surprise visit from her landlady. She is informed that she will be having a new roommate. The landlady’s nephew, Lin Feng, a 18 year old boy who has just transferred over to Shanghai for his last year of high school.Though initially opposed to it, Su Xue reluctantly agrees to the arrangement. She learns that the two share a common interest—League of Legends—and that he’s really amazing at the game. Lin Feng also reveals to her he wishes to become the best professional League of Legends player in the world.The next day. Lin Feng attends his first day of school as a transfer student at High School 13. He meets Ouyang and Yang Fan, and the trio find a common passion in League of Legends. Lin Feng is then introduced to Ren Rou, the president of the esports club with a fiery personality, and Tang Bingyao, a quiet bookworm with a love for money and a surprising talent for the game.A little about Lin Feng’s past is revealed. He was a once pro player, the youngest in history and a contender for the best player in the world. Until the finals of the Season 1 World Championship. There, he lost to his arch-rival, an equally brilliant Korean youth. That was the peak of his career, and also the turning point in his life. He stepped down from his team and disappeared from competitive play altogether. Now, after a four year long hiatus, he aims to make a comebackOver the next couple of weeks, Lin Feng learns about the upcoming Shanghai 16 School Tournament, and that his school’s esports club had performed especially poorly the previous year. He agrees to coach the club’s team and help them win the first place trophy this year. And so, he starts the members of the club out on an intense training bootcamp.Meanwhile, the Season 5 League of Legends World Championship is taking place at around the same time. Tian Tian, one of Lin Feng’s former teammates and best friend, is on one of the Chinese teams playing at Worlds. After a poor showing, he is on the verge of a mental breakdown. Lin Feng witnesses everything in a viewing party with the esports club members and becomes worried.On the day of the Shanghai 16 School tournament, Lin Feng reunites with Tian Tian on the phone. He tells Tian Tian he’s going to return to the professional scene, that he’s making a new team and plans to invite him. But Tian Tian has to vow not to give up at Worlds and keep winning. Tian Tian agrees, and Lin Feng promises he’ll fight alongside him. Lin Feng then heads into his match with renewed resolve, to climb from the bottom all the way back to the top, and overcome the rival that defeated him so many years ago.
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