《Best Friends With The Bad Boy ✓》17 - Make Amends
It was around 10pm when I was preparing to go to bed that I remembered something. I picked up my phone and clicked on Elijah's contact. Even though we weren't in the same class, our classes still did the same English test.
: Hey, what poems were on the test?
After a couple of minutes he replied.
: Streetcar Named Desire or sum like that.
: That's the play, silly. What poems?
: Oh, the Gun and I forgot the other sorry :(.
: By the way, all the classes were mixed up.
: Omg yesssss no more Mrs Brockle. She's had it out for me since that time we caught her with that maths teacher. Do you know who's in my class?
: Dunno, I think Taylor Marisetta, Cory, Brock, Taylor's cousin and John.
My stomach fluttered with... excitement? Why would I be excited that John was in my class? Oh, actually because it was the perfect opportunity to apologise with him.
After a lot of thinking I realised I was the one who was in the wrong the whole time. I'd left without a trace, yet came back expecting us to be all buddy-buddy again. Plus I'd been pretty rude to him on some occasions, especially our last conversation I'd gone way out of line.
He was a really important person in my life, and I realised I didn't want us to lose that connection over a few petty mistakes. So I had to extend the olive branch.
With my mind made up, I decided to prepare for bed, completely at ease until I remembered one thing...
Taylor Marisetta was in my class!
We'd always had a slight tension between us during middle school. I was sure she saw me as completion for being one of the most popular girls, me with my typical blonde hair and blue eyes and her with the exotic look, as she was from Puerto Rico. I was never too interested in popularity back then so I let her have her reign.
We were fine until her boyfriend took interest in me during 8th grade. I was just minding my business when he decided to flirt with me every time we saw each other, and unfortunately we were caught once, not like I'd been doing anything.
Taylor blamed me, accusing me of purposely seducing him to gain more popularity, as he was deemed one of the hottest guys in our grade.
I'd honestly tried to defend myself, even Sylvester (her boyfriend) admitted he was the one making a move on me, but she was too delusional to believe either one of us.
"Honestly Taylor, no offence but he's not even that hot." I'd shrugged, ignoring the offended look Sylvester shot at me.
"Yet here you are, all over him! Caught white handed!" She exclaimed with a ferocious glare.
"You really need to chill. We're kind of friends, and I wouldn't do this to a friend."
Taylor scoffed and flipped her shiny brown hair over her shoulder. Sylvester took a hesitant step forward.
"Babe," He started in a soothing voice. "Don't blame Chloe; I was the one flirting with her." He admitted, ashamed.
I remembered nodding in approval. Although Sylvester was a cheater, at least he owned up to his actions instead of letting someone else take the blame.
Taylor's demeanour and expression did a full 180 when she focused on him. She immediately shot him a dazzling smile and gave him a pitiful pat on the shoulder.
"It sweet of you to try and take the blame, honey-poo, but I know what I saw. Plus, I know Chloe's always had her eye on you ever since we started going out. She's shallow like that, and a tad obsessed with me. It's sad, really." She'd told him reassuringly as if I wasn't there and my mouth dropped open.
Sylvester started to protest but I interrupted. "Whatever Taylor, believe what you want in that oddly shaped head of yours, but we all know the truth here." I stated angrily.
"He was pursuing me, not the other way around. I guess you're lacking something that I have to make him so interested in me. Adios, putas." I'd said with a smirk, leaving them both dumbfounded.
Not one of my finest moments, I know.
Anyway, it was no surprise that she still wasn't a fan of me, but I wasn't too bothered as the feeling was mutual. I just hoped there would be no further drama between us, as I'd had enough for a lifetime.
When I woke up the next morning, I felt equipped for the day. I'd done my usual morning routine with a spring in my step, and decided to put the extra effort in my hair, styling it into a sleek high ponytail and styling my baby hairs.
I applied mascara, highlight and lip gloss, not wanting to do too much. Soon I had to pick out an outfit, which is where I felt myself falter.
I had the perfect outfit in mind, my favourite pair of dark blue jeans with a cute, slightly cropped black sweater I'd found the other day. But was it too provocative? Would there be another guy tempted to touch me?
I pushed these thoughts aside and took the clothes out of my wardrobe and started putting them on. I refused to let another incident control my life, more particularly what I wore and how I saw myself. Even if I felt uncomfortable throughout the day, I would wear this outfit.
Once I was satisfied with my appearance, I set off, greeting my mum and taking a breakfast bar from the kitchen. If I'd sat down to eat breakfast I would be late, and I was starting to get sick of detentions.
I used the walking time to think about how I would approach John and what I would say to him. I couldn't help but think of the worst case scenarios, which would go like:
Me: Um, hey John. How are you doing?
John: *glares at me with deep anger* Why would you care, Woods? After all, you abandoned me to have the time of your life across the world, and cut me off when I wanted to make amends.
Me: *laughs awkwardly* Ha, yeah but couldn't we put that behind us? And maybe start again?
John: *stares at me unimpressed*
Me: Well, what do you say? *awkwardly does finger guns*
John: No, because I have someone better. Maisie, come here!
And then they would share a passionate kiss then ride on his motorbike into the sunset. I shuddered in disgust. That really was the worst case scenario. I hastened my footsteps and arrived at school just as the first bell rang.
I automatically started walking towards my English class when I realised the classrooms had probably changed. Luckily I caught sight of Melissa and jogged a bit to catch up with her.
"Hey, Melissa." I sad breathlessly. She turned to me in surprise and smiled.
"Hi, I feel like we haven't spoken in ages." Melissa replied and I nodded in agreement.
"So, we're in the same English class?" I confirmed and she nodded. "Along with Taylor?" I added bluntly.
As expected, Melissa's expression darkened and her jaw clenched. "Where'd you here that?"
I tapped my nose with a small smile as we turned the corner. "I ain't no snitch." I laughed, and she smiled slightly.
"Whatever. You're sitting next to me though." She informed me, her tone leaving no room for argument. I didn't reply, already used it.
After a couple more steps we reached the classroom, to see everyone standing in a line at the back and the teacher stood in front.
"Hey girls." She smiled, and when I got closer I realised it was Mrs. Valencia, the school's counsellor. I remembered her from that one time she came into class with John.
"Please stand at the back so I can assign your seats." She told us politely. We obeyed, walking to stand next to Cory and Elijah who looked bored out of their minds. I glanced to the far left and noticed Taylor by herself with the same expression. Guess her friends weren't in the class.
"Where's Brock?" I asked Cory once Mrs Valencia started allocating seats. Strangely enough, I saw Taylor stare at me in my peripheral vision.
Cory looked at me as if just realising I was there. "Oh, dunno I think he's running late." He said tiredly and yawned.
I was about to reply but was interrupted by the teacher. "Chloe, could you please sit in that back corner on the right." She asked softly.
The desks were large enough for only two people to sit at one, so I wondered who my partner would be. Possibly John?
"Sitting next to you will be... Brock?" Mrs Valencia called out, and I grinned in excitement.
"He's on his way Miss, he had to see another teacher." Cory lied flawlessly and Elijah nodded in agreement. I admired how they instantly had each other's back.
Mrs Valencia nodded, glancing at me. "When he comes, he'll sit next to you." She informed me, and I smiled in response. At least I was sitting next to one of my friends.
After a couple of minutes, all the seats had been filled out apart from Brock's and Johns, whose was somewhere at the front by itself. Hilariously, Taylor and Melissa had ended up sitting next to each other.
Melissa had immediately objected, whereas Taylor coolly took a seat and fixed her lip gloss, using a pocket mirror. After arguing with Mrs Valencia for a solid five minutes, she finally gave in, shooting Taylor a glare who simply ignored her.
Mrs Valencia finished the lesson with telling us to pick partners for an upcoming project. I knew Cory and Elijah would pair up so I would ask Brock if I saw him at lunch, since he never showed up to the lesson.
I left the classroom with Melissa, who was ranting about how much she hated her cousin. I kept quiet, letting her get out all her frustration.
"She acts like she's so cool, making me look immature because I didn't want to sit next to her but she felt the exact same way!"
Well, you did look immature. I thought to myself, and it was true. She held up the lesson because of seating arguments.
"And how dare she ignore me when Miss said we should talk about the poem..." She continued as we entered the cafeteria.
"Just chill out bit, it's not permanent anyway." I advised her.
"That's dumb advice." Melissa replied, but there was no malice in her words.
"If It bothers you so much, speak to Miss about it instead of holding up the lesson." I retorted, before waving my goodbye and heading over to Brock who was standing in the food queue.
"Hey, where were you in English?" I asked as I came to stand next to him.
He glanced at me, before pulling me closer to him. "Who am I seated next to?" Brock asked urgently. I gave him a weird look.
"Taylor." I joked, but was confused when his expression turned to horrified.
"No way! Don't tell anyone, but..." He leaned to whisper in my ear. "She's intimating as hell."
I pulled away, laughing loudly and he shushed me. "I'm joking, you're next to me, you baby." I teased. He sighed in relief, but pushed me, making me crash into a nearby dinner lady.
"Watch where you're going kid." She snapped before I had a chance to apologise.
I was about to retort with asking her to brush up on her cooking skills, but Brock pulled me away.
"Don't bother," He told me. "In case she spits in your food." I laughed and nodded in agreement.
Finally it was our turn to be served and I shot the dinner lady a sickly sweet smile.
"Hey Doris, how are ya? Tell me if I'm overstepping any boundaries but that hairnet looks enchanting on you, it um, brings out your eyes!" I said amicably. Brock shot me a look and the dinner lady laughed.
"My name ain't Doris, darlin'." She replied, shocking me with her accent that had a southern twang to it. "If you wanted a bigger portion, just say so. Flattery gets you nowhere." She told me, and gave me one of the bigger burgers and more chips.
I squealed in delight. "Thank ya ever so much, darlin'!" I exclaimed in my best southern accent, causing her to laugh. We paid for our food and made our way to the table, with Brock grumbling about how I got extra food.
"This girl's such a brownnoser." Brock said as soon as our bums touched the seats. Elijah and Teresa looked up in interest.
"Wait, how'd you get so much food, Chloe?" Elijah gasped. I smiled and tapped my nose.
"By being an ass-kisser." Brock answered for me. "Oh dearest Doris, your eyes shine like emeralds-" he mimicked me dramatically before I shoved him.
"Don't start, Brock. I just want to enjoy my food." I warned him. He gave me a defiant stare.
"Yeah, well I don't think you should enjoy your food..." He trailed off when I brought a meter long ruler out of my bag.
"How does that even fit in there?" I heard Teresa ask Elijah.
"That's what she said!"
"Remember this, Brock?" I asked innocently, tapping I against my hand. "It's a bit rusty so you if you'd like to carry on annoying me, I can put it to use." He quietly started eating his food and I laughed victoriously.
"Ahem." Came a soft cough behind us. We turned to see Taylor Marisetta, looking perfect as ever with her highlighted brown hair in glossy curls down her back and faultless, natural make-up.
"Whassup, chica?" Elijah greeted with an easy going smile. "You need some water or something?"
Taylor giggled slightly, before dropping in the empty seat opposite Brock. "Nah, I was just coughing to get your attention. More specially, Brock." Her hazel eyes zeroed in on him.
If I wasn't sat close enough to him to feel him tense up slightly, I would have thought he wasn't nervous at all.
"What can I help you with, Taylor?" Brock asked smoothly. She gave him a seductive smile.
"A lot of things, but more specifically with the English project." Taylor stated, leaning forward slightly, exposing a hint of cleavage. Unimpressed, I glanced at Brock whose gaze was fixated on her and her only.
"Sure, if it's okay with Chloe." He replied, glancing at me for permission. Taylor frowned slightly.
"Why wouldn't it be okay with Chloe?" She asked, not maliciously. I gave her a polite smile.
"Because he was my partner since we sit next to each other. But it's cool; I'll pair up with someone else." I told her. She shot me a radiant smile.
"Thanks, Chloe. Could I please have you number, Brock, because of the project." Taylor asked sweetly. He nodded, looking the embodiment of calm and composed, but I knew he was freaking out on the inside.
After they'd exchanged numbers, Taylor waved goodbye to everyone, but a special one to Brock. She gave him another sultry smile, lightly trailing her hand down his bicep before sauntering off.
It was quiet for a moment before Elijah let out a low whistle. "She's so into you, man." He said, and I couldn't help but agree.
Brock nearly spat out his drink. "Taylor? No way!" He laughed.
Teresa, Elijah and I all exchanged glances.
We knew it was the laugh of denial.
Afterschool I walked towards the IEU part of the school building after being given directions. I had to hurry if I wanted to catch John before he was dismissed.
Just as I rounded a corner, I spotted a tall, familiar figure on their way to the exit at the end of the corridor. Squinting slightly, I could tell it was John.
"John!" I shouted, and jogged to catch up with him. He turned around, puzzlement clear on his face.
"Oh, hey Clo, I mean Chloe." He fumbled slightly, confusion lacing his words. I stopped when I was directly in front of him, and craned my neck to look at him.
"So I just wanted to apologise for how I spoke to you the other day about us just being civil, cos there was nothing civil about it." I started sheepishly, twisting my arms in front of me.
"Not only was I rude to you, but I realised that our past friendship still means a lot to me and it would be silly to let it go, cos you were actually my best friend." I finished.
"And you were mine." He replied in a low voice, his blue eyes scanning my features.
"So, besties again?" I asked jokingly, holding up my pinkie. He thought for a moment before leaning against a locker and crossing his arms, causing his biceps to bulge.
"I dunno, I mean you did hurt my feelings..." John started teasingly. I huffed and shoved him slightly, making him chuckle.
"John!" I whined and he laughed, wrapping his pinkie around mine and pulling me into a hug.
"Sure, besties again." He said softly as I subtly breathed in his delicious cologne. John slowly pulled away, looking at me in amusement.
"Were you sniffing me?"
"Like a dog." I replied with a cheeky grin. He shook his head in amusement.
"You really haven't changed one bit."
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