《Best Friends With The Bad Boy ✓》15 - Cockroaches Can Be Handsy
"Don't get it twisted? Am I a pretzel?" I huffed angrily. My sister laughed in response over the phone.
"It's slang, young grasshopper." She informed me. I went back on Face Time to see her with an amused expression. "It means don't get the wrong idea, or don't be mistaken."
I made a face. Weird.
"It's funny how I'm the older one," Amber continued on. "Yet I'm the one who knows slang more than you do." She finished smugly.
I rolled my eyes with a chuckle. "Don't forget I was in Australia for two years." I retorted. "The slang there is much simpler."
"Oh yeah, I keep on forgetting you and Mum moved away!" She exclaimed. "Shame it didn't work out, right?"
I forced a smile on to my face. "Yep. Sure."
After begging mum multiple times, she agreed to keep Amber in the dark about why we actually left Australia. It was silly, but I was scared she would see me differently, as more feeble, and therefore treat me as if I was a fragile ornament.
Amber was the only person I truly felt comfortable enough to be 100% myself. The day that comfortable feeling I had with her stopped, I knew I would be miserable.
Even Joe, her husband eventually figured it out. It happened when he was dropping off Hugo to be watched over a few days after we'd came back, but he caught my crying so hard in my room. Through my sobbing I managed to say why I was crying, but he simply held me and didn't say a word since. That's one of the reasons we were so close. He truly was a brother to me that day.
Joe knowing made it even more crucial that Amber wouldn't find out. Knowing how she is, she would feel betrayed that he didn't tell her because I'm her 'baby sister', and that would put a strain on their marriage. The last thing I'd want to do is cause problems for them through my own.
"-Chloe? Earth to Chloe?" I looked back at my phone to see Amber staring at me through the screen impatiently.
"Sorry, I just zoned out." I said with a forced laugh, and decided to quickly change the topic.
"Anyway, what would I be getting the wrong idea about?" I questioned.
"Maybe the fact that you think your friends again?" She offered.
"Or that you're even on speaking terms?"
Yep, twist the knife in deeper, thanks.
"Or possibly you're coming across-"
"Do you have a shovel?" I cut her off. She looked at me through the camera an in confusion.
"Uh, I'm not sure. Why?" Amber responded with raised eyebrows. I shot her a sarcastic smile.
"So I can dig up a hole to curl up in." I sighed. There was a moment of silence before she burst out laughing. All I could see was her mouth wide open, showcasing deep inside her mouth and her brown hair all over the place as she cackled.
"Ew." I remarked, accidentally out loud. She immediately stopped and glare at me, before flipping me off and hanging up. This time I was the one laughing.
I dropped my phone on the other side of my bed as I stared at the ceiling. What did John actually mean by that text? Was I simply misreading our interactions for more than they were?
I sighed again. Why did everything have to be so complicated? I just wanted to return back to my old, simple life before, where my biggest worries were if my pigeon had defrosted yet or if we'd ran out of chocolate milk!
This whole situation was a waste of my energy and time. I just needed to set things straight with John so I could focus on more important things...
...Such as your romantic feelings for him. A little voice in the back of my head said.
I let out a loud laugh at the thought. Yeah, right.
"Chloe, are you still on the phone?" My mum questioned from her room.
"Nope." I replied.
"Then who are you laughing with?" She said, concerned. I laughed even louder.
"Mum, you should know by now!" I said between chuckles. "Myself! I'm too funny."
She responded by turning the hallway light off, her way of saying she'd had enough and was going to bed.
I decided to do the same, as I had a big day tomorrow.
I was going to confront John.
I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed and ready for the day. It was the last week of October, which meant our mock exams were fast approaching. With all this drama that'd been happening, I barely had time to revise, so I needed to end it today.
After brushing my teeth and showering, I took the time to delicately define my curls, so they wouldn't look like their usually blonde mess, but more tamed. I decided to leave my hair flowing down my back.
I applied concealer under my eyes and on some rashes that had appeared last week (due to stress, as usual), and set it with powder.
Afterwards, I decided to put on false but very natural lashes which made my blue eyes pop. I finished off the look with a golden highlight in the corner of my eyes.
I barely wore makeup simply because I didn't know how to do it and didn't want to end up looking like a clown. But today I wanted to switch it up, plus my make up gave me slightly more confidence than usual.
My outfit was simple but cute, it was a black and white slightly cropped long sleeve shirt paired black tight jeans that thankfully didn't show my pant line. I paired it with a pair of white trainers and a simple necklace.
I was a bit apprehensive about wearing these jeans, as they were skin tight and pretty much made my bum pop out quite a bit. While I had barely any boobs I guess you could say my bum 'made up for it'. I usually wore baggy bottoms or tops that covered my bum so no-one had really seen it per se.
But I could just be overthinking and no one actually cared.
I sprayed perfume and grabbed my black leather jacket and bag then left for school.
I arrived late. No surprise there.
I was late because I'd decided to buy a pack of Smarties so I could eat during class. And to make matters worse, my clumsiness decided to show up when I was entering the classroom.
So I tripped into the door and it banged open against the door as I stumbled inside the classroom, causing everyone to go quiet.
I straightened up and shot my Biology teacher a sheepish smile, before walking to my seat at the back without looking at anyone.
Brock and Elijah who were opposite me were snickering and looking at me in amusement, but I didn't pay them any attention. Then I realised everyone was still looking at me like they were expecting something.
"Oh, proceed." I said as I waved my hand in a dismissive gesture. Everyone burst out laughing but I was confused.
My teacher just sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose with a slight smile.
"You were meant to apologise for being late." She informed me, and then carried on teaching. I gave a sheepish smile and shrugged. I liked this teacher, she was pretty chill.
After getting out my notebook and pencil case, I felt someone's gaze on me. Or more accurately, people's gaze on me.
I looked to my side to see Elijah staring at me with interest and Brock with a slight frown. I lifted an eyebrow in response.
"Who are you dressing up to impress?" Brock asked disapprovingly. I shot him a confused look and he gestured at me.
"It's me of course, isn't it, sweet cheeks." Elijah winked and I rolled my eyes, going back to my work. "Speaking of cheeks, those jeans are doing you wonders-"
He was cut off by Brock punching him hard in the arm.
"Damn!" Elijah exclaimed in pain, rubbing his arm, but his demeanour changed and he shot Brock a cheeky smile. "That's your best punch, big man?"
"Hey, hey no body shaming now." Maya interjected from in front of them. I didn't know she was in the class.
"Have you always been in this class?" I asked her, and she shook her head with a smile.
"I got moved up! So now you're stuck with me." She responded and Elijah let out a loud groan of irritation in response, which she laughed at. She turned back around but Elijah was still looking at her with a fond gaze.
"But seriously, why are you dressed up like that?" Brock pulled me from my thoughts. I frowned, irritated. Did I look that bad?
"I thought my lack of response earlier said enough, but I'll clarify for you. None of your business." I said in a light tone, trying to keep myself from getting annoyed.
"Fair enough, but it's just you've never come looking so..." Brock trailed off, looking uncomfortable. I just watched him.
"Looking so what?"
"Uh- good, I guess. I mean-"
I cut off his nervous stammering with giggles. I knew if he was a few shades lighter his face would be a deep red. How sweet.
"Am I that repulsive all the time that you struggle to give a compliment?" I teased, and his eyes widened.
"No Chloe, I didn't mean-"
"I'm just pulling your leg!" I interrupted once again, enjoying the glimpses of the nervous yet gentle Brock I knew before I'd moved.
He looked down at his leg in confusion, and I held up a hand to stop him, knowing what he was going to say.
"Figure of speech, silly bum. But thank you." I said, smiling. "And you look good as well, you always do." With that, I turned back to my seat, missing the glare someone sent my way due that comment.
I left third period with a mission. It was lunchtime now and I was determined to find John so I could end everything before the end of the day.
As I strutted into the cafeteria, I felt two presences next to me. I looked up on both sides of me to see Elijah and Cory smirking down at me. I ignored Elijah and nudged Cory.
"Felt like I haven't seen you in ages," I said. "Where have you been hiding?"
He shrugged sheepishly and Elijah responded for him. "He's been laying low to avoid all the raging and heartbroken girls after him." I looked at Cory in shock.
"You're a fuckboy?"
I saw how girls easily fell for Cory. With his curly dark hair and striking green eyes, golden skin and athlete's body he was easy on the eyes. Pair this with his flirty but charming nature and it was a set deal.
He winced slightly at the bluntness of my question. "Nah, I would say I'm promiscuous."
"So, a fuckboy." I concluded for him and Elijah laughed as he and Cory set off to wait in the cue.
I stood where I was and looked around the crowded area for a second before I saw my target. John was at the back of the hall, chilling next to a guy, I presumed one of his friends. Not too far from me. He looked up and we made eye contact, so I started walking towards him.
Here goes nothing.
I stopped in front of him and his friend. They both looked up. I shot his friend a smile, I'd seen him around school a bit.
"Can I speak to you privately?" I asked bluntly. He looked a bit taken aback but nodded and followed me to the quieter area of the cafeteria.
"I just want whatever this mess between us is that started when I came back to end. It's cool if you don't want to be friends because you're not at the top of my priorities list, or even on it." I explained in the nicest way possible.
"I just wanted to let you know I harbour no negative feelings for you and hope we can be civil, without what's happened in the past affect us." I finished, putting it simply.
He just stared at me with those intense blue eyes and I became nervous. Why was he so good looking?
"Anything you want to add?" I asked after a minute of awkwardly staring at each other.
He stepped closer to me, increasing our proximity. My eyes widened at the distraught expression on his face.
"You're going to let years of friendship go just like that?" He questioned, the look on his face throwing me off. Why was he so upset?
"Not sure why you're crying as if you're not the one who caused this." I scoffed, the familiar anger I felt whenever we had talks like this.
"How the hell did I cause this? You're the one who-" He started, frowning but I cut him off.
"-Shh. Keep it quiet. I wasn't done." I interrupted and he immediately shut his mouth, surprised. Around me it had started to go quiet as people were starting to notice our 'conversation'.
"Look, I just wanted to have a nice civil chat, not play the blame game. Either play nice or stay away. Your choice." I finished and started to walk off.
"Clo, wait-" He reached out to gram by arm gently. I turned around, amused.
"If I had a dollar for every time you said that." I snickered and he smiled slightly.
"I'm pretty sure you'd be rich with just a few cents." He teased and I caught on to the inside joke he was making, laughing.
When we were younger I'd won a bet between us and won a few cents, it was the best day of my life. I felt like I'd won the lottery.
"I just wanted to say isn't there any way I can make everything up to you?" He asked, running a hand through his luscious hair in a frustrated manner.
I held up my hands. "No thanks, because that would just start this whole cycle again." I'm too emotionally drained to go through that again.
His hand slid down my arm until he was holding my hands. Butterflies erupted in my stomach and tingles all over my body.
John squeezed my hand gently, his eyes full of promise. "I will make it up to you. You'll get what you deserve, Chloe."
I awkwardly pulled my hand from his and patted his shoulder, a bit unnerved. "Uh, same to you pal." With that I left.
And tripped over my loose shoelaces.
I managed to catch my balance just in time and bent down to tie them.
My actions were cut off by the feeling of a sharp sting on my bum.
The sound of the connection was so loud that most of the cafeteria went silent so see what the cause was.
I slowly turned around to face the culprit, a tall, well-built jock who I'd maybe passed in the hallway. He has an unapologetic smirk on his face.
"Couldn't walk past you without touching it." He shrugged, grinning and my fists clenched. "And with you bending down..." He whistled appreciatively.
"Touch me again, you deformed-looking cockroach, and I'll-"
I was cut off by a whoosh of air behind me.
Then a solid fist connected with Cockroach's face.
Who did that fist belong to?
None other than John.
Before I could react, John and Cockroach were in a full out brawl, and everyone quickly reacted by cheering them on. I was pulled back and saw Benji staring at me with concern.
"You good?" He asked and I shook my head, my hands shaking slightly. I was very shaken and confused, and just wanted to leave.
Suddenly all the noise around me seemed to increase in volume, to the point where it felt like everyone was screaming in my ear. They probably were.
"Touch her again and I'll kill you!" A voice depended with range boomed around the area. I looked to see John held back by two- no three guys, preventing him from attacking a badly bruised Cockroach.
He kept on shouting threats and while it made my heart swell with appreciation it scared me more and caused more commotion.
Benji led me out of the cafeteria, and into the basically empty hallway. I immediately leaned against the wall, trying to calm down.
I felt tears well in my eyes as I got flashbacks to the event in Australia. I slid down the wall and kept my head in my knees.
Benji silently sat next to me, keeping his arm around me and pulling me close to him.
That was the most support anyone could have given me at the moment.
"Thank you," I whispered.
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