《My Dads Best Friend》Chapter 19


"Do you like it?"

"Of course. It's one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen." I wasn't lying either. The waterfall before my eyes was breath-taking. With the sun setting. It made everything perfect. It was a calm waterfall so the roaring wasn't as loud. Beneath us was a lake of water. Well, I would call it a lake since its huge.

"Edward thank you for bringing me here." I turned around and hugged him.He started to tetter on the edge. OH MY GOSH I FORGOT HE WAS ON THE EDGE. We stared at each other with wide eyes as we plummeted into the lake. I was still kinda of hugging Edward when we fell, but when I hit the lakes warm surface I was no longer holding him.

Man, this lake is deep. Hmm the waters pretty. Such a peaceful way to die.

That was until a strong arm grabbed my arm and yanked me up from underneath the water.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? DO YOU NOT KNOW HOW TO SWIM? WERE YOU DROWNING?" Edward questioned me shaking me violently back and forth.

"I'm sorry I worried you. Yes, I know how to swim but,I just wanted to feel like a person in those movies that die drowning." I blabbed.

Edward stopped shaking me when I started talking. He stared at me like I grew deer antlers. Did I say something weird?

I gave him a strange look when he started laughing like a maniac.

"You are the weirdest and stupidest person I've ever met!" Now it was my turn to stare at him. I gave him a cold glare.

"Exactly how I'm I stupid?"

"What idiot doesn't realize I'm standing at the edge?" He asked me.

"What idiot stands on the edge?!" I yelled at him. Ally calm down,I told myself. I wanted to drown him at the moment.

"You were standing on the edge too."

"NO I WASN'T YOU MORON." I flung myself at him. I grabbed his shoulders and pushed him underneath the water. I'm not planning on actually drowning him. I'm not an evil maniac.

Edward grabbed my hands and pushed me off of him.

"You wanna fight dirty eh?" What? He thinks I'm fighting him? Edward grabbed my hands and swam us over to the waterfall. I tried prying his hands of, but he had a very strong grip on them. Aha, I know what I'll do. I swung my leg and kicked him in his area. Since we were underwater it wasn't going to be a strong kick.


I-I just kicked something hard. I looked up to see if Edward noticed but instead I saw his face looking normal.

Other than the fact he had demons eyes at the moment. I couldn't stare at him any longer for that idiot shoved my face in the waterfall. I started violently thrashing. He wouldn't let go.

If he thinks he can drown me..I swung my hands back and grabbed his head and shoved it into the waterfall.

"HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT YOU BAS-." I was cut off when he grabbed me again and threw my whole body at the waterfall.

I have a brilliant idea! Since he is no longer holding me. I'll swim over to the side of the waterfall! I dove underwater and fought my way to the other side. It was kinda hard since water was falling down, but I made it. I wiped my hand over my face to remove the water in my eyes So I could see.

Wow. Its like a miniature cave!

I swam to the edge of the cave and climbed onto the ground.

I was soaking wet. My heels! I dropped them when we fell. My babies! I can always get new ones..

Right now I have other things to worry about.

"You thought you could hide." Like this.

"Hey, Edward you can calm down. Take deep breaths." I stood up. With my dress all soaked it was hard to stand up.

"You know its kinda bad when someone makes me angry." He said as he swam towards the edge of the cave. So I made him angry.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know you had anger issues."

"Did you just say I have ANGER ISSUES?" Snap, I made him more angry. Theres only one thing to do. Run and hide.

"Where do you think you're going." When I turned around to glance at him I slipped and fell. I think I broke my back..

"You're such an idiot you fe-." I squeezed my eyes shut when I saw him falling towards me. I opened them when I didn't feel any extra weight on me. Edwards face was right in front of mine.

"Looks like I'm not the only idiot here." I told him smirking.

"You made me trip!"

"Yeah, my beauty totally made you trip." I told him rolling my eyes.



I was excepecting him to say something completely opposite of this. "You're right. Your beauty made me trip."

He moved my hair behind my ear. He ran his thumb over my lip slowly and gently." What are you doing?" I asked him feeling really awkward. He was a mad men a minute ago. Now look at him.

"The question is what do you want me to do?" He asked. His eyes flickered to my lips.

"I'm sorry. I have a boy-." Wait. Alex isn't my boyfriend..

"No, I'm sorry. I should've known you had a boyfriend." Edward started getting up.

I grabbed his neck and brung him back down. "No, I-I don't have a boyfriend." It hurt to say this, but I don't why. Because the sick reality is me and Alex are nothing.

"So it's okay for me to do this." Edward grabbed my neck and brought my face close to his.

I froze when I heard a growl.

"Did you just growl?"

"No." He said uncertainly.

"Then who did?"

"Ally, are you on drugs?" Edward asked me.

"Drugs?" I'm not familiar with the word. I've heard it..

Edward could only look at me like I was a weirdo. He's looked turned serious when another growl came.

"THAT'S IT BYE." I stood up and ran back to the lake. I jumped through the waterfall. I swam as fast as I could through it and into the middle of the lake. I didn't want to get eaten by the growling animal.

"Ally you are such a wimp." Edward called from behind me.

I turned around so I could face him. "Hey, you came running also."

"I just wanted to make sure you didn't drown."

"I'll believe that when pigs fly." I'm sure he came running after me to make sure I didn't drown.

''One day you will see pigs fly."

"I bet you a-."

"You bet me a kiss." Edward said smirking.

"A kiss?" Why would he want a kiss from me.

"Yes, a kiss if we ever see a flying pig together you have to give me a kiss, deal??."

I don't know why I said,"Deal." I probably said because we will never see one, unless he counts throwing a pig flying. Also he didn't say were he wanted the kiss.

"Oh, and the growling noise was a tom cat.''

"A tom cat?" The wild cats that live in the forest that goes for days without showers and eat humans when no food is found?

"Awh, are you scared of a little tom cat?" Edward cooed.

I glared at him and said through clenched teeth."I'm not scared of a tom cat." Even though I was lying. So technically I really no right to snap at him.

"You know when people deny it really bad, it's because it's true."


"Fine if you're not scared let's go back to the cave." He had an evil smirk on his face. The tom cat probably left..

"Fine. Let's see who makes it to the cave first." Time to show him I can swim.

I dived underwater and swam as fast as I could. In no time I was on the caves surface waiting for Edward to arrive.

"You cheated!" Was the first thing he said.

"Don't be a sore loser." I don't see how I could've cheated.

Edward climbed up and stood beside me.

"Dang, I'm soaked to the bone." I turned around to face him and saw that he was removing his shirt.

"What are you doing!"

"What does it look like."

He threw his shirt to the ground. He had a nice body.

"Can't help but stare can you?" He said smirking at me.

I was about to respond but he was unbuckling his pants.

"WAIT! Why are you taking off your clothe?"

"I don't want to get sick. You're going to have to take your clothe off."

"Umm, I'm going to leave my dress on." I'm not walking around without any clothe on.

"It's not like I've never seen what you have."

"Eww, you're such a pervert!''

"Just letting you know the truth."

"I'm going to take my clothing somewhere far away from you." I started walking deeper into the cave.

"Don't get lost!" Edward called.

Don't worry I won't.

Question of the chapter

What was your new year resolution?

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