《My Boyfriend's Best Friend》Chapter 27
-Alexis Reed-
I woke up to the feeling of someone constantly shuffling beside me.
No, not just shuffling- I was pulling the blanket towards my side but it was constantly being taken away as well.
That's what I felt.
I opened my eyes, dizziness taking over me.
I scrunched up my hair in a bun and searched for my clothes-
Let's just say we almost did it last night but we didn't. We ended up sleeping in each other's arms. It was tiring to do all of Danny's shizz, alright?
I'm wearing only my underwear right now, taking in his beautiful body right beside me.
He has pants on, alright? Nothing serious here. His pants though, well, the zipper's open, God knows why.
I took my shirt and wore it as quickly as possible, finding my jeans- where the hell are my jeans?!?
"Mfft... Alexis? Where are you going...?" His deep but soft voice ringing to my ears as he tried to squint his eyes and look for me.
"Um... Good morning!!" I stammered, blushing bright like a tomato. I retreated to a corner as soon as I heard his voice.
I was shocked, alright?
Daym, he's sexy with his bedhair.
"Are you afraid of me?" He teasingly smirked trying to inch nearer to me on purpose.
As by default, the more he went nearer, the more I tried to back away.
"I'm not. Why would I be?..." My words sounded so weak at that time and I hated the fact that it seemed as if he has full control over me- over my feelings.
"Why are you in your underwear?" He cockily asked.
"I... I'm looking for my pants, okay?" I growled, trying to find it in the scattered mess from last night.
He watched me lustfully and smirked, taking my jeans from his side and waving it infront of him.
"M-My jeans!" I gasped.
"Yup, your jeans." He winked.
"Give it back!" I growled, pouncing on him.
"Nu-uh." He laughed and I realized we were rolling all over and fighting over a pair of jeans. "I like you better with just your underwear."
My whole face blushed and I slapped Darren's arm- not playfully but hard although it seems to him it doesn't affect him that much.
"Give me back my jeans!!!!"
"Make me." He spat, sticking out his tongue as I tried to get it from his grasp.
I'm right now on top of him, and no, I'm clutching his sexy six pack abs for support and not because I wanted to- or maybe I do, just a little.
"Give it back!!!" I demanded.
"Ah......." He moaned, catching me by surprise.
That's when I realized our not-so wholesome position. I realized I was straddling his hips when I was trying to get my jeans from him.
Oh god, memories of last night washed over me and I pulled away from him, growing insecure of my body.
"Fine.... Take it.... Do whatever you want." I sighed.
He ruffled his messy hair, a shade of pink tinting his cheeks and didn't speak.
Danny came crashing down the stairs in high spirits.
"HEY GUYS, I'M OFF TO EVE'S NOW AND--" He stopped when he saw us- half naked- "WOAH, What do we have here?"
"It's not what it looks like, okay?!" I cried out, blushing intensely.
"You do know that's what people say in cliché movies when they really did something but denied they didn't, right?" Danny chuckled.
"I.... I........" I stopped, and just blushed.
"Come on, go change already. We have a big day ahead of us." Danny clapped. "My heart is pounding. God, I'm so freaking nervous...."
I nodded my head and so did Darren, picking up my clothes- Darren shoved my jeans on my chest and left to wear his clothes.
I quickly went to the bathroom where I dabbed some quick make up and got changed.
I rushed downstairs where Danny smiled and showed his big pick up truck full loaded with people I don't even recognize piling by the trunk.
Darren and I felt freaking confused and glanced back at each other.
"Who the hell are these people?" I asked. It was a mixture of black and white and Asian people- some old some young.
"I told you last night I'd be bringing some... people." Danny shrugs casually.
"You said some. Not a hundred-"
"Relax, mama sita. This is not a hundred, just fifty. The rest are on my other pick up truck and they're-"
His cellphone rang and he flung it open, smiling.
"Oh, the first batch of them already arrived in Eve's house. Great!" Danny announced. "Come on now, don't be shy. They're really nice people." Danny smiled as a black kid shook my hand. "I'm Ian."
"Hi.... Ian...." I greeted back, still baffled.
+Eve Cadillac+
I sniffled, emptying another batch of tissue boxes and flicked open the television- nothing but soap operas on- just the way I like it.
Again, I opened another tub of mint chocolate flavored ice cream and shoved a spoonful of it inside my mouth.
I didn't care about the brain freeze I got- I was numb because of the excruciating pain I feel in my heart right now.
I seriously need a band aid for my heart. :'(
I heard honks from the outside and as I peeped through the window, a pick up truck filled with random people parked outside my front door.
Geez, our neighbors must've invited them or something but seriously? Can't they just find another parking space besides infront of my house? It's intimidating me.
I closed the curtains and flopped on my bed, turning up the volume of the tv.
I'm so blue right now.
Nothing can absolutely change my mood-
I jumped and fell on my bed when I recognized the voice.
Despite the fact my television is on full volume- His voice can still stand out.
God, I missed his voice.
Tears were streaming down my cheeks as I opened the curtains and saw him standing there infront of my house holding a bouquet of white lilies.
What the hell is he doing infront of my house carrying a bunch of flowers?--
I decided to close the curtains and then realized what I had just said.
He's outside my house holding a bunch of flowers?!
I raced to the window and opened it wide, seeing all the people, Danny, standing there.
"What the hell are you doing here?!" I angrily spat, although I was generally curious and confused at the same time.
"You don't remember? It's our monthsary today!" Danny shouted back.
"It doesn't matter anymore!! You broke up with me!" I bawled.
"Did I say something? Did I tell you I'd break up with you??" Danny asked back through gritted teeth.
He's right though.
I didn't listen to his side....
He didn't really break up with me but-
"But you acted like a big jerk! Who wouldn't think you wanted to break up with me?" I wailed.
"Look, you're being paranoid. I love you, Eve. And there's no reason for me to break up with you."
Tears flowed down my cheeks not because I'm sad but because of the opposite.
I can't believe I'm hearing him say he loves me and that is enough for me to hear.
"I'm sorry- *hiccups* for misunderstanding....." I said, through my window.
"It's okay, Eve. Um.... do you mind coming down?" He pleaded.
"But I'm in my jammies." I chuckled, wiping a stray tear with my finger.
"It doesn't matter what you wear, you're still the most beautiful girl I ever laid my eyes on." He says.
I blushed and cried because of joy and happiness.
"But- I haven't taken a bath yet and- Look at me! My nose is red, my eyes are red and I'm a mess."
"And I love you still." Danny says, flashing me a smile.
Then I spotted Darren and Alexis smiling at me- And I'm still baffled as ever.
I cried some more and it took me a while to recover.
"You can come down now, Eve. I've been blocking the driveway in your neighborhood." Danny says, uncomfortable.
"Fine." I smiled, racing down the stairs.
My heart is beating so fast as I opened the front door.
He smiled, giving me the flowers.
I received it happily and he cupped my cheeks, leaning his forehead on mine.
"I'm sorry, Eve. I was just disoriented the last time. I was troubled, wanting to give you a monthsary surprise you'd never forget but I don't know how. I know it's crazy but that just goes to show how much I love you." He smiled.
"You know whatever you do, even if you don't do anything and just be YOU, I'll still love you." I replied, a tear rolling across my cheek.
Danny kissed my tears and I kissed him gently on the lips.
He pulled away with a smile and suddenly, music started playing.
Party music.
Remember the random people in his truck?
One by one, the people in his pick up truck hopped out and started dancing.
At first, there's one-
And then two-
Three- Four-
Flash mob?
Then Alexis and Darren started dancing too- So they practiced the routine overnight? That's why Alexis stayed at his house.
It's so fun to watch!
How they twist their feet and shake their booties-
If you don't know me, I love dancing and dancing is my passion.
Danny knows that.
And then, everyone started dancing and swaying their hips except for Danny.
He's the last one, actually.
Knowing Danny- He doesn't dance. He said he sucks.
And honestly speaking- He is. He does suck.
He started twisting and dancing and he looks so funny.
I shed a tear not because of the beautiful sight infront of me, but because Danny danced. He danced for me. He danced even if he sucked and he's embarrassed to do so.
He did it for me.
He laid out his hand and I gratefully took it.
I danced and tried to copy the steps, him twirling me round and round. It's like a festival, to be honest. Not even me wearing my embarrassing Hello Kitty pajamas can stop me from dancing.
The music stopped and everyone did their ending pose.
I was panting for breath, I really felt good after dancing.
I turned to face Danny who was also tired from dancing. I laughed at his cute sight, putting my arms around his neck.
"Thanks Danny, you're the best boyfriend ever!" I smiled, planting a kiss on his lips.
"Do you forgive me for making you cry?" He asked, brushing my hair on the side.
I nodded my head in agreement.
I'm so glad....
I'm so glad to have Danny as my boyfriend.
"Aw! You guys are so cute!" Alexis cooed.
"Alexis!!" I smiled, hugging her and Darren. "Thanks guys."
"Oh my god, I danced." I squealed in delight.
The three of them just laughed at me.
The random people went back to Danny's pick up truck and I just stared at them as they waved their goodbyes at us.
Truly, it's an amazing experience. Dancing with everybody.
"Um... who are those people?" I asked, astonishingly.
"I'm curious about that too." Alexis laughed, shifting her gaze to Danny as well.
"Well, I saw them dancing on the street last night and told them about my plan. They happily agreed to it since dancing is their passion. They dance for free." Danny snickered.
All of us laughed and I smiled.
"Thanks Danny. I'm really glad."
"Anything for my girlfriend." Danny says, kissing the top of my forehead.
"You guys hungry? I'll make breakfast!" I offered.
They just stared at each other and scratched their heads.
"About that...."
They smiled at me and I thought the surprise is finished.
Danny went back to his other truck revealing a rather white velvety box-Yes, I don't know how many trucks he own. He seems to have quite a number of them.
I'll never understand his love for pick up trucks.
"What's this?" I asked, as he gave me the white box.
"Open it." He whispered in my ear.
I turned to look at Alexis and Darren and both of them just laughed, nodding their heads.
I opened the box and gasped.
Oh my gosh, this is the most beautiful cocktail dress I ever saw in my whole entire life.
It is a sweet heart cut, with sequins filling in the whole dress, making it jingle when you move.
"I'm speechless. This is so awesome." I happily chirped.
"Oh, you're going to be more speechless when you figure out where you're taking that with." Alexis winked at me.
"Where?" I smiled excitedly at Danny.
"Oh, you know, just dancing the whole night away-"
"Danny!!!!" I squealed, hugging him tight. "You're the best boyfriend ever!"
"You already said that twice this day." He laughed.
"And I don't plan on stopping." I winked.
"I'm just going to wash up and wear this baby, okay? Wait for me! Toodles!" I winked again, disappearing to the door.
-Alexis Reed-
It was really sweet.
I'm happy to see Eve really glad about this.
Danny's such a sweet guy.
Despite his phobia for dancing- Don't you know he's like really allergic to it?
When prom strikes, he'll just sit there and feast on the food. Nothing more.
Dancing intimidates him because according to him, he sucks.
And yes, he really sucks.
It's really sweet for him to do this for Eve.
A few minutes later, Eve appeared on the front door looking sexy as ever.
"I'm ready to dance the night away, Danny." She purred.
She took hold of Danny's arm and suddenly, there's this red carpet rolling down his pick up truck and I was like- What?
What else comes out of his pick up truck-
I spoke too soon.
Three girls dressed in pastel colored gowns, like the ones in weddings- What the hell are these kids doing in his pick up truck? Where did he pick up these kids anyway?
The kids started piling down the red carpet and making way for Eve and Danny, continuously throwing rose petals at them.
Yup, they really were flower girls.
I wonder if Danny kidnapped them from a wedding!?
"Oh Danny!" Eve squealed. "This is all so romantic."
"I couldn't have done it without Alexis and Darren's help though." Danny shrugged.
Oh, the modesty.
Darren and I didn't really do anything except for staying up all night doing his crap because he needs beauty rest but nonetheless, it's for my beautiful best friend.
"Thanks guys." Eve smiled at Darren and I.
"Anytime!" I waved back at them as they entered Danny's rusty pick up truck and waved their goodbyes.
The three kids- flower girls, stopped throwing petals when the truck disappeared down the road.
One of the girls whistled to the others and Darren and I just watched them cross the other side of the road and continue on walking.
I burst out laughing and so did Darren.
"Really now, what other treasures does Danny keep in his pick up truck?" I said, bursting to a fit of giggles.
"You mean- truckS with an S." Darren laughed again.
"True." I chuckled.
We stopped laughing and regained composure because it finally felt really awkward.
"Wanna grab a cup of coffee?" Darren asked.
"Are you asking me out on a date?" I retorted, grinning at him.
"Probably." He shrugs.
"Okay then." I laughed.
We continued walking- just like a couple when suddenly, we came across a flower shop.
"Hey, those blue flowers are cute." I say to Darren.
"You mean the blue daisies?"
I nodded my head in response.
He smiled at me, and asked me to wait as he entered the flower shop.
I stood outside, giggling like a little girl who got her first kiss when suddenly--
* PLONK! *
Something hit my head-
Really hard.....
I looked down and saw broken pieces of hardened clay- and there's soil too.
A flower pot? I guess.
I touched my head and panted heavily as I saw red liquid from my hands.
I gasped in fright, turning to the front door of the flower shop where I saw two Darrens holding two bouquets of blue daisies.
Then the two Darrens drop the daisies and runs to me, shouting my name.
That's when I blacked out.
Sorry for the slow update!
Oh no! A flower pot hit Alexis?! Is it framed? Or is it an accident?
What do you think about Danny's surprise for Eve?:)
Pretty cool, huh? Flash mob. :>
Speaking of which, on the side is Eve's dress given by Danny worn by Ashley Tisdale who plays Eve in the story herself.
Vomments everyone!
Send some love.❤
Oh, and I so love my new Wattpad picture- I mean, I have orange lips. :**
Love lots,
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