《My Boyfriend's Best Friend》Chapter 18
It was two in the morning and my head is pounding.
I couldn't sleep, and I don't know why... Something is really bothering me.. but I don't know what.
I decided to go downstairs to the kitchen and drink a glass of water to calm me down.
As I reached the last step of the staircase leading to the living room, a quick, bright light suddenly emerged out of nowhere.
My head started pounding as I tried to recollect my thoughts.
Two bright lights, in the midst of a rainy evening is all I can remember. I shook my head and decided to just get my glass of water and go straight back to bed.
"Alexiiiiiiiiissssss!!!!" Eve screeched in a sing-song voice.
"What?" I groaned in frustration. I checked the clock-- 4 in the morning.
"What the hell, Eve?! School starts at nine." I said, hiding from the covers.
"But we should do something together since you're at my house!" Eve retorted, her lips pursed, as she pulled the blankets from my grasp.
"We can do something later after school." I sighed.
"But Danny and I have a date after school." She pouts.
"Well, that's not my problem now, isn't it?" I replied, rolling my eyes.
"No buts, you know I--"
And then she pulls off the puppy dog face. Oh no, it's not working on me but when it's Eve doing it-- She looks so helpless and vulnerable. No, Alexis! Don't fall for that look. THAT look always give you troubles.
"Please, Alexis..." (puppy dog face)
"Oh fine!" I hissed, hastily throwing the blanket off of me.
"Yay! I've got cookie dough ice cream in the refrigerator! We should have movie nights done every morning!" She claps.
"You've got to be kidding me! Ice cream in the morning?? Movie nights in the morning??"
"That's your crazy best friend." She winks then off she goes.
I laughed inside, Really, this is what I like about Eve. She's spontaneous, fun and well, my best friend.
I followed her downstairs and made my way in the kitchen.
She took the tub of ice cream and put hefty servings in two bowls before proceeding to the living room.
"Let's go! What do you want to watch? I've got Letters to Juliet, the whole Gossip Girl series and if you want action, I've got Spiderman." She says, the bowls sitting on the coffee table and her browsing their enormous shelves filled with CDs and DVDs.
I joined her and browsed through the movies as well.
"How about 'Just Go with It'? Do you have that movie?" I asked.
"The one with Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler? Yeah, let me check..."
She made her way to the last shelf and quickly searched through the CDs. It's like she's a searching machine! In a few seconds, she's got what you want. And I meant her shelves contain like hundreds of CDs and DVDs! Not just a few. Oh well, it could be because she already knew the places where each movie could have been but come on, let's be realistic, there's too many of them to remember.
"Got it!" She squealed happily.
"Let's watch it then!"
I plopped myself on the couch and she propped the CD inside the player.
The intro song started playing and everything is just so perf.
Movie nights in the morning? Couldn't be any better.
"This is so touching!!" I sniffed.
"Yeah! It brought me to tears! And oh, I absolutely loved the part where they were paired in a game and was asked to bring the coconut up their lips! It was just perf!!" Eve sniffled with me.
We started sobbing and that's why the ice cream plays a really good role when it comes to movie nights.
It's like.... "THE" Comfort food of all time!
We heard footsteps and turned to look at the direction where it's coming from.
"Girls, I know it's a beautiful movie but I think you should already start changing to get ready for school. You still have to take turns in the shower." Cathy says.
"Yes, mom." Eve replied, standing up from the couch and putting our bowls in the kitchen sink.
"I'll shower first." I offered.
Cathy smiled sweetly and I made my way upstairs.
After my shower, I dried myself up and changed into my comfy pair of jeans and tee. I didn't really bother dressing up. I tied my hair up in a messy bun and took out my cell phone.
From: Carson
Message: Good morning! I love you!
I sighed, feeling a bit guilty but it's his fault, right? I shouldn't be feeling guilty.
I scrolled down more of my messages, all from Carson when one message caught my eye. It was dated an hour ago when I was with Eve downstairs having a movie session. I left my phone upstairs,(Eve requested for it since she knew I wouldn't pay attention to the movie when my phone's around).
From: Darren
Message: Good Morning
That simple message made my stomach flutter, butterflies were swarming excitedly in my stomach.
I decided to keep my text dry and simple, I didn't want to act too clingy or too smiley for the occasion.
To: Darren
Message: Morning
I smiled sheepishly on my phone. Since when does Darren greet me a good morning message?
"What are you grinning at?" Eve asked, eyeing on me.
"Nothing." I chirped.
"It's Darren, isn't it?" She laughs, raising her brows playfully at me.
"Oh, Shut up." I smiled.
"Girl, you.are.absolutely.inlove.with.him." Eve says in her sassy tone, emphasizing every word.
"I am not." I snorted, although it sounded wrong.
"Let me correct that then. You.are.absolutely.head.over.heels.inlove.with.Darren.Christopher!!" She squealed.
"Shhhhhhhhhh!!! Eve! Don't make up stories." I sighed.
"I'm not, honey. I just know you too well." She winks before making her way in the shower.
I rolled my eyes, grinning like an idiot.
I was pacing back and forth in Eve's room, waiting for her reply.
Now I'm wondering if I sounded too dry, sounded too rude or sounded too uninterested.
I'm acting like a clingy girlfriend right now, much to my distaste.
Finally, my agony is officially over when my cell phone rang and the name 'Darren' appeared in my lock screen.
From: Darren
Message: Dinner l8er? 7pm. IHop, the one near the school.
I smiled once again, like a complete idiot.
Is he asking me out??
I should go, right? Or should I not budge?
I lied on Eve's bed, pondering on the question, 'Should I go?' Wouldn't I look too desparate for a guy if I go out with him instantly after breaking up with Carson?
I sighed heavily, not knowing what to do when suddenly, my phone's out of my grasp.
I sat up on the bed swiftly and saw Eve typing on my phone.
"HEYY!" I shouted, chasing after her.
She giggled and ran. Forgot that she's a member of the Track and Field team while I'm physically unfit.
"EVEEEE!!!" I ran, huffing, although I knew I wasn't getting anywhere with my running. She's too fast for my own liking.
She stopped running and then happily gave my phone back.
I was huffing and she was... chilled.
"You're welcome." She winked, before changing into her clothes, haven't I mentioned she ran only with her towel on since she just came out from the shower?
I checked my phone's sent items and saw this:
To: Darren
Message: Of course, sweet pea. ♥
Oh god, sweet pea????
School was normal, I didn't bother showing my face to Darren after the message Eve sent him.
I was actually thinking if I would really go to dinner with him.
The thought of going on a date with Darren sent another batch of butterflies to raid my stomach. My chest was pounding hard and I can feel the blood rush to my face and ears.
That simple word made my whole body shiver.
The way he said it, the sound of his voice..
"Carson." I managed to say, as he made my way towards me.
"Please forgive me.." He says, his eyes watering.
"Look, I...."
"I don't want to lose you.. I can't live without you! You're the reason I breathe everyday. Please don't take away my reason to live." He pleads.
"Carson, you tried to rape me," I managed to reply back in a snarl.
"It was a huge mistake and you know that! I promise I'd change. I swear that I would.."
"It's too late..." I bit my lip to prevent myself from breaking down also.
"I know it is but I want you to know I won't give up and that I love you."
I finally had the courage to walk away from him as he called my name,
Hot tears were falling on my cheeks, I didn't know what to do infront of a vulnerable Carson.
But for sure, I convinced myself that he is still eligible to hurt me and repeat the same mistake again.
"You shouldn't forgive him!!!!" Eve cried out, throwing her hands frantically.
"I know.. I shouldn't. It's just that... I can't see him like this." I replied softly.
Eve took hold of my shoulders, looking at me in the eye.
"Listen. Carson doesn't deserve you. You shouldn't forgive him and enter that relationship again just because you feel guilty!!! Alexis, you deserve to be happy!"
"But I... I've hurt Carson. I promised him that we'd be together forever." I said, finally letting out the tears of frustration.
"Girl, if you only knew who you promised forever then I would tell you to not go back to that disgusting bastard, Carson."
"Huh?" I asked, baffled.
"Nevermind that. Let's go fix YOU and get ready for your date with Darren." Eve squealed, this girl is definitely bipolar.
And in an instant, Eve laid out my clothes for tonight on the bed.
It was a nice peach blouse, a frilly white skirt that is an inch above the knees and brown ankle boots.
"Let's style you up for tonight." Eve winked.
And so, the hourly sessions of hair and make up proceeded.
"Done! Voila! Magnifique!!!" Eve cheered.
I stared at my reflection in the mirror. I wasn't a fan of make up since my cheeks are already rosy and putting make up on wouldn't look good on me but... Eve did really well! She made my look natural and it looks like I don't have any make up on. Mascara, eye liner, lip gloss, a bit of foundation but not so much.
"You're so awesome, Eve!" I cooed, loving the way she styled my hair.
My hair is braided on one side, pins keeping them in place.
(picture of Alexis in a side braid on the side) >>
"I look girly." I smiled.
"You should. You wouldn't want to look more macho than Darren, would you?" She winked.
I just laughed and said my 'Thank You's.
"You should go change and go now! You wouldn't want to keep your date waiting."
"Thanks, Eve." I smiled.
We went downstairs as she shooed me away in a friendly manner.
"It's seven thirty. You should go! Thirty minutes late isn't something guys are happy about. Especially on an official first date." Eve says.
"I know. I should get going now." I smiled, hugging her.
"Be safe."
"Thanks." I gave one last smile.
"Hey Eve, where's Alexis going?" I heard Cathy shout from the kitchen.
"Oh, she's going on a date with Mr. Right." Eve shouted back, closing the front door.
I chuckled as I made my way to IHop. Yes, I walked.
When I arrived, Darren wasn't there yet.
The nice server led me to a couch at the back and I waited.
I waited and waited, I was already growing impatient,
The clock striked eight and he isn't here yet..
I watched the people come and go like flies, the server kept frowning at me asking me if I want anything but I just shook my head in response.
The clock striked eight thirty, hot tears were already forming on my eyes and I couldn't help but feel a bit stupid.
Why didn't I just ask him to pick me up? This is so embarrassing! People keep looking at me.
Then, it was nine o' clock. I ordered a stack of their famous buttermilk pancakes, I didn't want to starve myself, you know.
After eating, I took my stuff with me and came to the conclusion that he stood me up.
Rain was already pouring, how lucky of me.
I didn't even bother bringing an umbrella, *hoping* that he'd drive me home afterwards.
So much for that, I have to walk home now in the pouring rain, with a broken heart.
Eve's POV
"Honey..." Cathy sadly cooed.
"Isn't it right to tell Alexis the truth?" She sadly says.
I frowned at this thought.
I guess two years is already too long for her to know the truth.
"I don't know, mom. I can't tell her just yet.." I softly replied.
"It's been like this for almost two years." She said, her eyes full of concern.
"I don't know when's the right time, mom. I don't know if she can handle the truth..."
"But she has to, and she will, eventually."
"I know." I sighed heavily.
"The weather's pretty nice when it rains. I like it." My mom said, loving the way the rain soothes her ears as its as if it's gently knocking on our windows.
My mom and I are peacefully having dinner together.
Danny caught a cold and so we couldn't hang out today.
It was an awkward conversation between my mom and I when the doorbell rang.
"I'll get it." I smiled, standing up from my seat and exiting the dining hall.
When I opened the front door, I couldn't believe my eyes.
It was Darren and he's wet from the rain.
"What are you doing here....?" I asked, stunned.
I checked my watch, it was eight in the evening and he should be on a date with Alexis.
"I can't take it anymore." He says.
I can see the hurt in his eyes, I couldn't distinguish his tears from the raindrops but I know myself the tears are present.
"I have to tell her. She has to know everything.."
"You do know that after standing her up, she would 't want to talk to you anymore, do you?" I eyed on him as if he is the stupidest person in the whole world.
"But I can't face her! I can't face her knowing that she doesn't... know." He sighs.
"I understand. We'll tell her when she gets back. Okay..?"
I welcomed Darren inside the living room, giving him towels for him to dry himself,
I'm worried, he's worried, Cathy's worried.
Will Alexis believe us?
More importantly, Darren stood her up.
Would she understand?
Hola! Sorry for the late upload!!
So what's going to happen next?
What's the whole truth behind the controversial Carson-Alexis-Darren.
The saga continues!;)
Oh, and sorry for cliffhanging. No, don't throw your tomatoes! Save them for National Salsa Day!;)
Okay, is there such a thing??
Nevermind, I'm babbling nonsense!
What to expect on the next chap: SOME of the secrets will be revealed, I assume that I wouldn't be revealing everything just yet.
Don't forget to vomment, alright?;)
Love lots, xx
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