《The Ex Best Friend》Chapter 20


Scarlet and I ended up in the Starbucks across the street. We both sat down without a word. I waited for her to start talking, because I have nothing to say to her.

“A few weeks ago Jake called me,” she began. “He said that he was sorry for breaking up with me. He said that he wanted to get back together.”

I stared at her in disbelief.

She continued, “Jake told me he made a mistake. He said he wanted to start over.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

“The thing is, I believed him,” Scarlet said with a tiny laugh. “He told me that he was ready to settle down and that he thought I was the one.”

The only thing I could manage was a nod, urging Scarlet to continue.

“He told me that we should pretend that we were married to see what it would feel like if we actually did get married. I didn’t know he was just using me, Jessica, I didn’t. And then you came along. Jake seemed happier with you and I was jealous. I thought you were going to ruin what we were beginning to have. That’s why I was so mean to you, I was so jealous.”

“What happened next?” I asked her, not sure if I really wanted to know.

“Later I put two and two together. Even though he said that we’d be a couple, we never even went out on a date! He never held my hand…he never even kissed me…”

I remembered when I walked into the office, seeing Scarlet all messed up coming out of Jake’s office.

“But remember when you came out of Jake’s office with your hair and stuff…” I said.

“Yeah. I tried to confront him! I said that if he really wanted to be a couple, he’d kiss me! So then I kissed him. He didn’t even do anything. After a few seconds, he pushed me away. That’s when I had enough,” she sobbed. “I was in love with him…and he used me.”

“Used you? What do you mean?”

“He used me to get to you! To make you jealous.”

“He did what?” I cried. A couple of people looked in our direction and I quickly ducked my head.

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry Jessica,” Scarlet said, wiping her eyes with a tissue.

“What made you change your mind?”

“After the fashion show…I knew. You’re in love with him too and I just don’t want you to go through what I had to go through. He’s been lying to the both of us. I bet he told you we were married, didn’t he?”


“Yeah, he did,” I replied. Anger boiled in me. Who did Jake think he is? I mean, Scarlet’s pretty bad but nobody, nobody deserves to be treated this way. Sure, I was lied to. But Scarlet was even worse. He played her. He used her and tossed her aside when he didn’t need her anymore just like he did to me all those years ago. I was right. He never changed. He’s still the same manipulating, conniving boy from all those years ago and someone needed to expose him for what he is.

“You know what Scarlet? I’ll be right back,” I said, standing up abruptly.

Scarlet nodded weakly and stared blankly at her cup of coffee.

I picked up my bag and stalked back to the office building. The more I thought about it, the angrier I got. By the time I stepped out of the elevator, I was practically shaking with anger.

Not noticing anything else, I marched to Jake’s door and knocked briskly.

The door flung open and Jake appeared with a big smile on his face. “Jessica! I was just looking for you.”

I didn’t return the smile.

“How dare you?!” I said, trying to contain my anger.

Jake’s eyebrows knitted in confusion. “How dare I what?”

“Don’t stand there and pretend like you don’t know anything!” I yelled.

“Jessica…what are you talking about?”

“You know perfectly well what I’m talking about! How can you just stand there and pretend like everything’s okay when what you’ve been doing is just disgusting?!”

“What have I been doing?”

“With Scarlet!”

Realization dawned on his face. “Jessica, everything with Scarlet was a—”

“A lie?!” I said. “Yeah, I know it’s a lie!”

“How did you find out?” he asked.

“Scarlet told me!”

“Listen Jessica, I don’t know what Scarlet told me but I’m pretty sure it was a totally different version from what actually happened. You know how she is, she probably just—”

I glared at him. “Don’t you dare start blaming Scarlet for any of this. She loved you! She loved you and you used her.”

“She didn’t love me,” Jake protested.

“That’s what you thought,” I snapped. “Obviously you wouldn’t have noticed because you’re always so wrapped up in your own tiny little world that revolves around you and you just don’t care about anybody else.”

“Jessica, if you just let me explain what happened, I’m sure the problem would be resolved.”

“The problem?! The problem is you, Jake. You’re manipulative, you’re selfish, you’re self centered, and you don’t can about anyone else. You prance around thinking everything’s about you. Everything just has to be about you,” I yelled.


Jake put a hand on my shoulder. “Jessica, please…”

I shrugged his hand away. “Don’t touch me. Don’t ever touch me again. Don’t look at me. Don’t talk to me. Don’t talk about me. I don’t want to have anything to do with you.”

“Jessica,” he pleaded. “Let me have a chance to explain myself.”

“No,” I said. “I can’t even look at you without wanting to throw up. Just, get out of my life.”

Without waiting for a reply, I turned around and walked away. Jake called after me. I ignored him. I don’t need him anymore.

Everyone in the office stared at me as I walked past. Stacy pushed past everyone and hugged me tightly.

“Oh honey, are you okay?”

I shook my head slowly.

“Come on, let’s get out of here,” she said. “Jenna? You should come too.”

With both of them at my side, I walked numbly with them into the elevator, then out of the building, then into Stacy’s car.

The car ride was silent. I sat in the back, staring out the window and Stacy and Jenna sat in the front. A couple of times I would see them glancing worriedly at me through the rear view mirror but I was glad they didn’t say anything. After a while I realized that we were heading back to my apartment.

When we reached my floor, Stacy opened my door silently and the three of us filed into my apartment. I sat on the couch while Stacy looked through some DVDs and Jenna made popcorn.

That’s when I started to cry. It wasn’t like leaking a tear cry, it was more of an uncontrollable sob. The kind where you can’t breath and your nose gets all runny and your eyes puff up.

After I calmed down a bit, Stacy rubbed my back soothingly and Jenna handed me a bottle of water.

“Jessica…what happened?” Stacy asked cautiously. I knew she was hesitant because she was trying to be sensitive but I realized that I really wanted to talk about it.

I told both of them to sit down and started explaining what happened, starting from the very beginning—7 years ago when I walked out on Jake. When I finished my story, Stacy and Jenna were both gaping at me.

“And you’re just going to take Scarlet’s word for what happened?” Jenna asked.

“What? Of course!” I said. “You can’t be taking his side!?”

“No, no,” Stacy said quickly. “We’re just saying that maybe you should hear Jake out before you jump to rash decisions.”

I glared at Stacy and Jenna. “I can’t believe you two! You’re actually taking his side?”

Jenna looked guilty. “Well…”

“Listen,” I said. “I believe Scarlet, okay? I mean you guys don’t know Jake. I’ve known him for like forever, and this is exactly the type of thing he would do.”

“Alright, we believe you,” Jenna sighed. “I’ll go make some coffee.”

I nodded and sank into the couch.

Stacy sat there looking unconvinced. “I’ll be right back.”

“Where are you going?” I asked, watching her put on her jacket.

“There’s something I gotta do,” she said and closed the door behind her as she left.

Feeling extremely tired, I snuggled into the couch and stared at the TV. Entertainment Tonight was on and it was talking about some celebrity’s new devastating break up with her boyfriend. There were pictures of her leaving a hotel crying and not wearing the necklace that her boyfriend gave her.

I wondered if Jake ever gave Scarlet a necklace. Actually, she probably gave him a necklace. That was way more likely.

Jenna walked back into the living room with a cup of coffee in one hand and a tub of ice cream in the other.

“Ben & Jerry’s always helps me whenever I feel upset,” she said, handing me a spoon.

The ice cream reminded me of all the times I spent with Jake eating Ben & Jerry’s because of some stupid boy I encountered.

I smiled at Jenna sadly. “I don’t think it’ll work this time.”


aw poor Jess.

anyways, as you may or may not know, i've already started on the stories that i've been planning to right.

I just uploaded the one about the girl spy. it's called Can You Keep It? so, please check that out. i know a lot of you guys wanted to read that one :).

and also, i've uploaded the story about the girl and the guy having a competition about falling in love. that's called Oh, It's On :).

idk about the match maker one because even though i'm done writing it, the first part will be about 5 pages long and it'll have quite a few long paragraphs because it kind of explains everything that happened first. would you guys want to read something that long? idk.

so yeah, hopefully you get the chance to check out my new stories and give me feedback, good or bad. just don't be too mean, haha :)

and as always, vote/comment and lemme know what you think on this part! :)

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